Royal Road

Chapter 38: Bath orchid


As soon as it was dawn, Liang Feng smelled a familiar smell of wormwood. However, unlike the previous grinded mugwort with accessories, this is more like the smoky flavor emitted by directly igniting mugwort.

He coughed twice, rolled over and sat up.

"My lord, did you smoke it?" As usual, Yi Yan came over with a cup of warm tea soup and handed it to Liang Feng.

After drinking a mouthful of warm water to moisten his throat, Liang Feng asked, "What's going on? Someone is burning wormwood?"

"Well, today is the Orchid Bathing Festival. Green Bamboo said to smoke the corners of the house to get rid of the five poisons."

"Bath orchid Festival"? Liang Feng was stunned for a moment, and then he reacted. By the way, today is May 5th. In this era, May was regarded as an evil month, and the fifth day was an evil day, so the usual name for this day was not "Dragon Boat Festival", but "Yu Lan Festival" or "Chongwu". It is necessary to bathe with orchid soup, smoke wormwood, and remove the five poisons.

As if hearing the movement in the room, Luzhu walked in quickly and said, "Lang Jun, but you are about to get up? I just came to Sister Chao Yu and said that Xiao Lang Jun has woken up and is waiting in the main hall."

It is natural to eat seasonal food with the whole family during the festival, so the little guy also stayed in the main hall early in the morning. Liang Feng had no reason to refuse. This was the first time he had a leisurely holiday since he came to this world.

Looking at the time outside, Liang Feng smiled and said to Yi Yan: "Today we only need to practice for half a day. Let's give the soldiers a holiday in the afternoon, so that they can also reunite with their relatives and take a bath."

The zongzi for the festival cannot be distributed. Now millet and glutinous rice are rare, even he can't afford the whole village to eat zongzi. Maybe it's time to speak to the kitchen and send a few boxers to the butlers

Yiyan's lips moved slightly, but he hesitated. In the end, he didn't say anything, and after saluting, he went out to practice. Liang Feng took a good shower, got up and went to the main hall. Liang Rong has been waiting there obediently, wearing a pink and tender clothes, looking particularly cute.

"Father." Seeing his father, Liang Rong immediately came up.

Liang Feng took his little hand in a good mood and walked into the hall: "Does Rong'er know what to do today?"

"I know! I want to bathe in orchid soup, eat horned millet, and bring along a bridle." Liang Rongwu's eyes twinkled, full of anticipation.

"Would it be good for Rong'er to accompany his father to eat corn millet?" Liang Feng asked with a smile.

"it is good!"

The horned millet is naturally a zongzi. However, the dumplings of this era were not all made of glutinous rice, but the rice dumplings made of yellow and orange. The fillings were not white sugar candied dates, but venison and chestnuts. There was also a traditional Chinese medicine fruit called Yizhiren. The meat dumplings are somewhat similar and have a unique flavor.

However, Liang Rong was young, Liang Feng was weak, and the millet and glutinous rice were difficult to digest. Neither of them dared to eat more, but after a few mouthfuls, they put down their chopsticks together. There are still a lot of Jiao Millet left, and Liang Feng directly sent them to A Liang, Zhou Kan and a few craftsmen. After eating, Chao Yu came over with a plate, leaned over and saluted, "Lord Lang, this is this year's military sling. I also asked the lord and Xiao Lang to wear them to ward off evil spirits."

I saw two five-color silk threads on the plate, and there were silk cloths dyed in the shape of the sun, moon and stars, which were worn by everyone during the Yulan Festival, specially used to avoid soldiers and plagues, and beg for good luck.

Seeing this, Liang Feng beckoned and asked Lvzhu to take the silk thread, and turned to Liang Rong and said, "Rong'er, would it be nice to bring you a bridle for your father?"

Liang Rong's face turned red and he hurriedly reached out his hand. Liang Feng used silk thread to wrap two threads around his short arm, carefully tying it up.

Liang Rong cherished the five-color silk thread on his hand, and suddenly raised his head: "Rong'er will also tie it to my father!"

"Rong'er is really good." Liang Feng didn't agree, he stretched out his arm with a smile.

Liang Rongren's small hands are short, but they are tied with great care. He carefully tied the ribbon, and he touched it with his hand, and whispered: "Rong'er, I hope that my father will not be sick again this year, and will not encounter any bad people again. "

The little guy is almost catching up with the intimate little padded jacket. Liang Feng stroked the top of his hair: "Rong'er also needs to be healthy and grow up sooner."

Seeing that the father and son were wearing the military slings, Chaoyu hesitated for a while, then bowed again and said, "Langjun, the maid also sewed a five-poison sachet, if Langjun doesn't dislike it..."

Before she could finish her words, the green bamboo behind her made an "ah" sound. Liang Feng couldn't help turning his head: "Lvzhu, what's wrong?"

Green Bamboo had already lowered his head, and said weakly, "My servant also sewed sachets, but my servant's needlework is not as good as that of Sister Chaoyu..."

There was frustration in her voice, as if she had been robbed of some treasure. Liang Feng couldn't help laughing and said, "It turns out that this is what you sewed these days. As for sachets, the more the better, the better. With such a pure heart, how can I refuse?"

The green Bamboo Mushroom's face turned red all of a sudden when he said this, so he had to bite the bullet and hand over the prepared sachet. Both of them embroidered the pattern of the five poisons, but Chaoyu's exquisite and dexterous, five poisons are vivid. And green bamboo obviously hasn't learned needle and thread, snakes are like long worms, centipedes are like caterpillars, toads are embroidered into a pile, not to mention the difficult poisonous insects such as geckos and scorpions. However, Liang Feng was not the kind of guy who would tear down a girl's desk, so he hung the two sachets directly on his waist.

This is much more considerate than those aristocratic family members who take the sachets in front of them and dislike throwing them away behind their backs. Not to mention the little girl Lvzhu, even a woman of Chaoyu's age couldn't help but redden her cheeks.

Without work in the morning, Liang Feng just teased his son and passed the time by reading the military book. Just after noon, Yi Yan returned to the main house, and even brought back several horned millets.

"Why, someone else gave you jiao millet?" Liang Feng couldn't help joking. Wouldn't it be some girl in the farm that fell in love with this kid

"It was sent by the soldiers." Yi Yan looked a little ill, and stared straight at the sachet hanging on Liang Feng's waist. More than the horned millet, he also collected a lot of sachets, and some soldiers bluntly said that it was made by the Hun family for the master, praying for safety, and asking him to help transfer it. Who knows what herbs which maids would put in their sachets? Yi Yan was rude, and all of them were pushed and rejected.

When he got home, the man had two sachets hanging from his waist. How can you not make Yiyan angry? Unable to suppress the impulse in his heart, he took out something from his arms and handed it in front of Liang Feng: "My lord, I carved this to ward off evil spirits!"

On the thin red rope, there is a wooden wheel with five poisons. Five-color poisons surround the circular disk, end to end. Although the shape is simple, the lines are smooth and vivid, and it can be seen that a lot of thought has been spent.

Liang Feng couldn't help but wonder, "You carved it?"

"Father is a Buddhist sculptor, and I can also do some carving skills." Yi Yan's face was expressionless, but he couldn't help clenching his hands, for fear that this thing was vulgar and would be disliked by the lord. In fact, he began to regret it in the morning. There were never wooden ornaments around the lord, only gold and jade jewelry could match this person's flawless appearance. His wood carving thing is really out of hand.

However, after hesitating for a while, the other party had two sachets hanging from his waist. If he couldn't give them out, he might not be able to sleep tonight!

Aware of Yi Yan's silent nervousness, Liang Feng smiled, stretched out his hand to take it, and put it on his hand naturally: "Is it agarwood? You've thought about it, I like it very much."

The texture of the wood is extremely delicate, and there is not even a single burr. I don't know how long it took to rub it in my hand before it became so smooth and moist. For such a gift of blessing, Liang Feng really has no reason to refuse.

Yi Yan's ears turned slightly red, and nodded awkwardly. This is the green bamboo walking in from the outside: "Langjun, the orchid soup is done, it's time to take a bath to clear the darkness!"

Liang Feng stood up with a smile: "Is it already noon? Wait a moment, let's taste the horned millet you brought back together."

After that, he walked towards the bathroom, Yi Yan just hesitated for a moment, then followed. The bathroom was already full of steam at this moment, and the large bathtub was placed behind the screen. Under the waiting of Lvzhu, Liang Feng took off his shirt and stepped into the bathtub. The faint bluegrass fragrance blows on the face, and the water waves are warm and drowsy. Seeing Yiyan also following, Liang Feng smiled lazily: "Lvzhu, do you still have orchid soup? Prepare some for Yiyan too..."

Yiyan immediately said, "No!"

Lvzhu also whispered: "Langjun don't worry, we will burn some mugwort soup to clean our hands and feet."

Hearing this, Liang Feng didn't ask any more questions. He gently leaned his head against the tub and let Lvzhu brush his long hair. Yiyan stood outside the door, watching the scene inside. The clothes have been removed long ago, and the sachet was naturally thrown aside, but it was lightly placed on the thin wrist beside the barrel, and he also carried the wooden ornaments he had just given away. But strangely, Yiyan's heart did not calm down because of this, but became more and more anxious, as if something was scratching his chest. Endured and endured, and finally he turned his eyes away, so that he would no longer look at the figure half-relying in the bathtub.

Liang Feng was still frail after all, but after soaking for a while, he got up and got out of the tub, wrapping himself in a robe. Lying on the soft couch outside, the green bamboo wiped his hair. Yi Yan quietly walked to the tub, stretched out his hand and swiped across the water, a faint fragrance wafted out, lingering on his nose. His throat rolled a bit, clasping his wet fingers in the palm of his hand, and exiting the door.

"Doctor Jiang, my leg is completely healed?" A soldier stretched out his hand and rubbed his calf, with an overjoyed expression on his face. He was a bit unlucky before, and was accidentally attacked by an undead enemy soldier during the war, injuring a leg. The incision was so deep that he thought the leg was useless. Unexpectedly, after the doctor's diagnosis and treatment, it turned out to be a stable scab and healed up. This makes him overjoyed!

"Well, the new flesh inside has grown. Don't touch the scab outside these two days to avoid pus." Jiang Da replied with a smile.

"Thanks to Dr. Jiang!" The soldier couldn't help but thank him again.

In the past two days, Jiang Da has gradually become accustomed to the title of "doctor". In fact, there are no "doctors" in Shaofu, but only "medical workers". This was first called by Liang Feng inadvertently. It seems to have taken the meaning of "the doctor gives birth to life", and was later learned by the servants. Jiang Da didn't really dislike this name. Although it took him a lot of effort to treat these people, the gains were definitely not cheap.

The first is the so-called "disinfection". I don't know if it was the influence of the epidemic, but Liang Feng was very concerned about dirt such as soil and rust. The wounded soldiers at that time carefully cleaned the wounds, and then smeared the affected areas with concentrated salt water. It is self-evident what it is like to smear a wound with open skin and open flesh with salt water. But the strange thing is that this small measure actually reduces the chance of festering. Although salt is expensive, exchanging salt for human life is still a good deal.

The second is the "isolation" of refugees. Refugees have always been the scourge of all kinds of epidemics, and wherever they pass, they have caused many disasters. However, Liang Feng used only such a small measure to effectively control the spread of the epidemic. Isolate those with symptoms of the disease, eat and drink alone, under the care of a doctor. If symptoms disappear, let the person go back. If it is really sick, it can be saved if it can be saved, but if it cannot be saved, the body should be disposed of quickly.

Such a seemingly ruthless method has allowed all eighty refugees to survive, which is really rare! If this is also done when there is a major epidemic in the city, wouldn’t it be possible to control the epidemic quickly

Jiang Da kept these things firmly in his heart. Liang Zixi may just have no intention of doing it, but for those county officials and county officials, it is a solid strategy. I just don't know how many people are still concerned about such trivial civil affairs

In addition to these two items, Jiang Da also gained a lot of experience and knowledge. There are so many people in the village, and there are so many refugees, but he is the only one who diagnoses diseases. After all, it was a generational doctor from Jiang's house. In the past, the only people who could seek medical treatment from him were dignitaries who were generous with money, but the cause of the disease was not very surprising. But these villagers were different. In just half a month, Jiang Da recognized all the symptoms.

It was only now that he understood why Zhang Changsha took the free clinic. Only by contacting the common people as much as possible can we see more cases and try more methods of diagnosis. During this period of time, his medical skills have advanced by leaps and bounds, and he seems to have seen the door. If there were more free clinics, wouldn't he be able to write a medical book like "The Treatise on Miscellaneous Diseases"

Coming out of the refugee's shack, Jiang Da thought about his income today as he walked, but as soon as he walked to the courtyard where he lived, a man walked out to greet him and shouted loudly, "Master Da Xiaolang!"

Jiang Da was taken aback, isn't this the servant who was sent out to deliver the letter before? Why are you coming back now!

The servant didn't stop, so he threw himself at Jiang Da's feet: "Da Xiaolang, the big thing is bad! There is an epidemic in Jinyang City!"