Royal Road

Chapter 380: Rivers and Mountains (5)


"Should we start crossing the river?" In the Hanging Arch Hall, Liang Feng stood in front of the sand table and looked at Cai Shiji with a small flag.

The battle report was kept day and night, and it came from Jiangdong. First, the navy entered the sea directly to Jingkou, and then moved by land and water, pressing Ruxukou. Both sides fought vigorously, but everyone knew that the war could only be ended by crossing the Yangtze River on foot and horse.

It's a pity, Wang Dun is afraid of breaking his head, but he can't guess how they will cross the river.

"If the pontoon bridge is successful in this campaign, there will be no natural moat in front of Master Wang in the future!" On the side, Liang Rong also stared at the sand table, looking excited.

What a feat it is to build a boat as a bridge to transport troops. If this battle is successful, Zhao Jun will no longer have to worry about the dangers of rivers and rivers.

Liang Feng smiled: "Pontoon bridges have existed since ancient times, but they must be adapted to local conditions."

Yes, the real secret weapon of this southern expedition is to build the Yangtze River pontoon bridge. Historically, when the Song Dynasty destroyed the Southern Tang Dynasty, it was to build a pontoon bridge to cross the river from Quishiji. However, the Song Dynasty is more than a thousand years later, and Liang Feng was worried about whether the technology could be realized. Who knows if he turned over the historical data, only to find that using a pontoon bridge to cross the river is really nothing new.

As early as the "Book of Songs", the story of "Welcome to Wei, build boats as beams" was recorded. Not far away, but near. Isn't the Heyang pontoon bridge prefabricated by Du in the Western Jin Dynasty still standing on the Yellow River? There is really no technical difficulty in building a pontoon bridge. The difficulty lies in how to draw the enemy's attention away, allow the first batch of landing craft to dock and build a bridgehead.

It is precisely because of this that there are two large-scale battles to lure the enemy between Jingkou and Ruxukou.

Now that the layout has been completed, it only depends on whether this landing battle can be successfully completed.

"An enemy army is sailing across the river!"

Of course, the Caishiji defenders would not overlook such a big movement on the other side. However, now that the garrison is either going east or west, how can there be any troops to stop it? The guard gritted his teeth and sent five hundred people to intercept it. The enemy's sampans are not many, and they may really be able to stop them if they are half-passing.

Hundreds of warriors went out of the camp in armor, trying to catch the enemy by surprise. However, on the bamboo raft coming from the waves, there were already more than 200 Zhao troops, raising their bows and crossbows.

The bowstring vibrated "Om", and the arrows flew like locusts, penetrating the flesh and blood, pinning the enemy to the ground. Several bamboo rafts dropped heavy anchors, stabilized the hull, and set up a crossbow array. The rest of the soldiers, armed with iron knives, jumped down in the rain of arrows, and rushed towards the shore on the water.

Halfway across the shoal is the most dangerous. Just the arrow crossbow can make countless people die in the river. However, nowadays, wearing iron armor and holding a sword and shield, what if you are within range? These are all "Flying Leopards" athletes one on top of the other, and there is a crossbow cover behind them, and they rush to the shore in an instant!

The Jin army was shot indiscriminately by the enemy, and it was almost in disarray. Now there are more than a hundred ferocious enemies rushing to the beach, and they are even more tired of dealing with them. The long knife slashed horizontally and the crossbow arrow stabbed vertically. In the blink of an eye, the small battle was disrupted. How can there be any idea of perseverance, the rest of the Jin army retreated and fled back to the camp in embarrassment.

Zhao Jun, who was rushing to the beach, did not chase after him. He removed horses and crossbows from the bamboo rafts and built fortifications by the river. The rest of the boxers began to dig deep pits to build piers that could hold the pontoon.

The general guarding the camp was sweating with anxiety: "Even if the enemy wants to cross the river from here, it will take a few days. Go and report to the Prime Minister and ask him to send troops to stop it..."

This sounded right, but before the words were finished, dozens of bamboo rafts entered the water on the other side of the river. This time, the bamboo raft did not cross the river, but broke down in the middle of the river every other section. Someone jumped into the water and strung the bamboo rafts with long iron cables, and then a large number of wooden boxes were fixed on the iron cables.

In the blink of an eye, a simple rope bridge was erected in the heart of the river. Among the enemy troops, thousands of soldiers came out, stepped on the bridge deck, and laid it with wide wooden planks. One after another, sandbags were thrown into the turbulent river to stabilize the bridge so that the wooden box would not sway.

The city guard's eyes were about to split, and his teeth rattled: "Get out, get out of the city! Destroy this bridge!"

This bridge must be destroyed! If this bridge is built, tens of thousands of troops will cross the Yangtze River in an instant, and it will be too late to send troops back to help!

Unfortunately, it's too late.

The beachhead has now established a position, and five hundred soldiers are guarding the trenches and resisting horses. Farther away, the pioneers had already boarded the rope bridge and strode toward the south bank.

Any temptation has become a moth to the flame. The Jin army defending the city sent troops twice in a row, but both were repelled. Even deceitful defeats could not let this group of Zhao troops leave the camp. When twilight fell, camps had already been set up by the river, and three thousand forwards were guarding the bridge, making all night raids in vain.

"I can't fight any more." The guard was covered in cold sweat. If he leaves the city again at this moment, maybe the bridge is not captured, but his fortress will be captured by the enemy. "Has the news spread out? Let the Prime Minister transfer the boat! Only by attacking the boat with fire can the bridge be destroyed!"

I sent messengers ten times a day, but I don't know when will the ship be transferred to Ru Xukou? Whether it is a fire ship or a shooting ship, only two ships can destroy the pontoon!

However, without sleep, the Jin army did not wait for reinforcements. When the sun climbed to the zenith again, Yiyan gave an order from the central army: "Cross the bridge!"

This pontoon bridge, which was built in one day, is now more than ten feet wide. Not to mention the soldiers, the carriages that transport the grain can pass unhindered. The army, which had been prepared for a long time, quickly boarded the opposite bank along the pontoon, and expanded the camp step by step. When the white-colored Wusun horse also set foot on the solid ground on the south bank, Yi Yan waved his whip: "Capture the front camp!"

On that day, Caishiji changed hands.

Wang Dun naturally received a letter from Cai Shiji. However, no matter how anxious he was, he couldn't draw any troops! Just yesterday, the enemy ship was smashed, destroyed the navy, and began to transport troops to the south bank. I don't know how many ships are galloping towards the direction of Caishiji.

Send the navy to destroy the bridge? Sending cavalry to attack? He can't get the same! When he heard that tens of thousands of enemy troops crossed the river along Caishiji and captured the fort, Wang Dun slumped back two steps and sat down at the table.

How far is Caishiji from Jianye? How to defend the royal city? Is Da Jin going to die

"... Withdraw troops. Return to Jingzhou!" Wang Dun hissed.

He doesn't want to admit defeat! Jingzhou is still in hand, Jiangling and Wuchang are covered by Yunmeng Lake, the lake is connected to the sky, and the terrain is complicated. If he sticks to it, he will surely make Zhao Jun return without success! As long as you hold the half wall of Jingzhou, why can't you find a chance to recover? He can't throw all his troops on Sima's... As for Director Wang, this son has repeatedly ruined his major affairs, even if he doesn't save him!

Quickly making up his mind, Wang Dun ordered the troops to withdraw. This came as a surprise to many. However, the Jingzhou army under Wang Dun's command was in the majority, and the enemy army had already crossed the river and was bound to go to Jianye. Saving the car at this moment, isn't it a sheep into the tiger's mouth? Zhao Jun's offensive in the past two days has scared many people's courage. So I ordered, but no one resisted, the army turned around and fled towards Jingzhou.

But no one would have thought that Zhao Jun, who had crossed the river, did not send troops to build Ye, but chased after Wang Dun's army.

The Jin army was short of horses, and the Zhao army had 20,000 cavalry alone. This chase immediately put the army in a tight siege.

Seeing that he couldn't escape, Wang Dun was also hard-hearted. Ordered to camp and wanted to fight the enemy to the death. After all, this is also the hinterland of Jin. As a famous general who dared to fight, how could he be willing to escape

However, this time, it was another slap in the face.

"Prime Minister! The right army has been defeated!"

In just two days, the main force of the Zhao army caught up with the cavalry. It took another day to set up camp. On the third day, the two armies lined up and began to confront each other. In less than two hours, the Jin army collapsed!

There is no courage, no faith, and even the emperor is left behind. What do they use to stop the enemy's advance

Wang Dun's eyes were red, and he roared at his confidant: "Hegu to block the enemy soldiers!"

The right army is just some ordinary soldiers, if he is not his own army, even if they are broken, they will not feel bad. The most important thing now is for the Chinese army to retreat, it is best to board the warship and go straight to Jingzhou.

This time, however, he was answered by dead silence.

Stay to defend the enemy, is there still life

"Why, you want to disobey?" In a fit of rage, Wang Dun also felt something was wrong and put his hand on the sword.

The several confidants who had encouraged him to usurp the throne and seize power before glanced at each other. Someone came out and clasped Wang Dun: "Prime Minister, it's useless to escape. Why don't you surrender Zhao Jun?"

"Jian Zhao, is Gu still alive?" As the prime minister of a country, even if he didn't usurp power, he still had too many things in his hands. Others can descend, but he can't!

"How many days can I escape back to Jingzhou?" The man sneered, "Since the prime minister insists on doing his own thing, don't blame me for waiting to be offended..."

"Dare you..."

In the tent of the central army, there was the sound of swords colliding, and after a while, one person was soaked in blood and walked out of the camp with a head: "The thief slave gives the head, follow me to welcome the king!"

The Chinese army defected before the battle, and the coach was killed violently, which became the last straw that crushed the Jin army. The army fled, and more than 5,000 soldiers surrendered and knelt in front of the Zhao army.

"The prime minister abandons the emperor and leaves, this is to kill my great Jin!"

In Jianye City, it has long since become a mess. When they learned that the Zhao army had crossed the river and Wang Dun fled to Jingzhou, many ministers in the court cried.

Wang Dun led the Sixth Army of the Son of Heaven. If he all escaped, would it be possible to rely on the guards in the city to defend against the army

"Master! Let's go down. The destiny is in Zhao!" Someone shouted.

"Presumptuous! The chaotic army has just crossed the river, and the two states of Jiaoguang are still in their hands. It is better to escort the emperor to move south, and then try to restore the country..." Someone shouted loudly.

Seeing the chaos in the hall, Director Wang reached out and pressed lightly: "Even if you move the capital, you must first block Zhao Jun's navy. There are more than 30 warships near Jianye. I would like to lead the navy and defend the capital."

Unexpectedly, Director Wang actually meant to go into battle in person, and someone immediately shouted: "Teacher can't be!"

Wang Dao's expression was incomparably awe-inspiring: "The kingdom is about to fall, and it is time to be loyal. Who wants to go with me?"

A "loyalty" made people cry, and some people came forward.

"Xiaguan is willing to go!", "The last general is also willing to go!"

A slight smile appeared on Wang Dao's lips: "With the help of all the monarchs, we will be able to retreat from the enemy. At that time, we can escort the emperor to hunt in the south."

Is this the best option? no one knows. However, Director Wang stepped forward and did restore some order to the chaotic court. One truck after another of weapons was transported onto the ship. Prepare for the final battle. Jianye had no city at all, and the palace walls were low and pitiful. Once the enemy has passed the Eguchi line of defense, no one can escape. In this desperate battle, there was even some bleakness.

Dressed in battle armor, Director Wang came to bid farewell to the emperor. With tears in his eyes, the six-year-old Young Emperor held onto Director Wang's sleeve: "Teacher can't go. I want Taifu to accompany you..."

Wang Dao also had tears in his eyes, and gently held the little hand of the emperor: "Your Majesty, don't worry. I would like to clear the obstacles for Your Majesty, and give Your Majesty a peaceful life."

Taking a step back, he knelt down in front of the Son of Heaven and bowed his head. Afterwards, Director Wang got up and straightened his robes and walked out of the palace without looking back.

However, just as Wang Dao boarded the commanding ship and the navy was about to set sail, an urgent report was sent before the case. Wang Dun was murdered by his subordinates and offered his head to the Zhao army. The whole army collapsed.

How far is Ruxukou from Jianye? Even if they win this match, can they still escape the pursuit of the Zhao army

Wang Dao folded up the military newspaper without looking, and ordered the messenger to be imprisoned and the news to be blocked. The ship sailed out of the water village according to the original plan.

Standing on the watchtower on the bow, the wind blowing from the river in winter makes people feel cold all over. A subordinate asked in a low voice: "Why did the Taifu go to war? As long as you surrender, you will have your own way of survival..."

"The pseudo-Han Liu Yi has saved a way to survive. What about the other Huns and nobles?" With his hands on the fence, Wang Dao looked far into the distance, looking at the densely packed water formation in front of him. Another ship from the Zhao army passed through Hangou, so it is no wonder that the defenses at Jingkou were completely overwhelmed.

"That's a fake Han! Taifu is the top of the hundred officials of the Great Jin Dynasty! He is the number one of Jiang Zuo!" The subordinate couldn't help but argue.

"The same." Director Wang chuckled lightly.

When Da Zhao established his country, he never recognized Sima Rui's orthodox identity. The idea of murdering the young emperor is actually not a rumor. Because of this throne, did they not only harm another emperor

Now, it's time to run out of water. If you surrender, everyone else will have a way out. Only himself and Wang Dun, who pushed Sima Rui to the top, were bound to die. And the death of the two will bring the Langya Wang Clan into a place of doom and gloom. For the sake of ambition and for the family business, his hands were already stained with blood just like his brother. Now, it's time to wash off the stains with this warm blood.

He will not return to Jianye alive. Similarly, those who are unwilling to surrender to Zhao and are stubbornly resisting will also die in this defensive battle. When Zhao Jun entered the city, no one would think about escaping, but would only hand over to the emperor. Would a six-year-old doll make the Sage Monarch of Zhao country jealous? I'm afraid not. Sima Xi will spend the rest of his life in Luoyang City, safe and sound.

This is what he owes the late emperor and what he owes the Wang family. A loyal minister who is devoted to death is enough to be respected by the enemy. The Langya Wang Clan may lose its former glory, but it will not be destroyed. The death of him and his cousin was the life-saving talisman for other Wang's children.

He once really believed that he could, together with his brother, help the late emperor to restore the Kyushu and relieve the people from hanging upside down...

A trace of regret flashed in his eyes, but Director Wang still stood up straight, as proud as snow and green pine. Shuofeng hunted and pulled the cloak tied around his shoulders.

The drums were beating.

The Jiangdong navy fought again to compete with Zhao Jun. However, the spirit of the army is scattered, and the enemy and us are disparate. After two days of fighting, the handsome ship was sunk by the enemy. Wang Dao died, and the navy collapsed.

Five days later, Jian Ye opened the city gates to welcome the Zhao army. When the emperor of Jin descends, the country is destroyed.

The author has something to say: Historically, Wang Dun died of illness, and his adopted son kept his mourning secret. After the rebellion was pacified, his body was beheaded.

Wang Dao assisted three emperors, ending with the prime minister.