Royal Road

Chapter 381: Rivers and Mountains (6)


Although he conquered Jianye, he destroyed the Sima's Sheikh. But the South is still unsettled.

Hearing that his younger brother was pushed out by the ministers to surrender, Sima Shao, who was far away in Jiaozhou, was furious and led an army to counterattack. Wang Dun's adopted son, Wang Ying, took over most of Jingzhou's troops and fought stubbornly. There are also unknown numbers of gentry, for fear that the temperament of Zhao State's severe cold warriors will destroy their own foundation and cause chaos in the castle. For a time, Jiang Dong was a little more chaotic than before.

However, no matter how violent these people were, the navy still quickly loaded the surrendered Young Emperor onto a ship and transported it to Luoyang. Only the Son of Heaven can decide how the ruler of a subjugated country should be placed.

This is the last battle of Zhao State to destroy the country, and it is also a symbol of the unification of the world. However, the young emperor of Jin did not become a tool to declare his surrender to the world. Instead, it was changed to go to the Taiji Hall, worship Zhao Tianzi, and present the national seal.

Since the first emperor Yikuang Jiuhe, Qin Guoxi has become a treasure handed down from generation to generation. The eight characters "Ordered by heaven, longevity and prosperous" are the only symbol of imperial authority.

If there is no national seal, how dare you call it orthodox? Even if Emperor Zhao ascended the throne, the keel and the Shang Ding that appeared would not be able to replace the status of Baoxi. However, the seal is on Jiang Zuo. When Jin Huai Emperor Sima Tan moved the capital, he brought this treasure to Shouchun. Later, Sima Rui usurped the throne and became the master of Chuan Guoxi. It is this Fang Baoxi that makes many people still regard the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty as Zhengshuo.

Therefore, the destruction of Jin is not finished, and taking over this Fang Xi from the emperor of Jin is the clear proof of the unification of the world.

Sitting on the high platform, Liang Feng looked down the steps through the crown hanging in front of him.

The thin and frightened child is now holding the treasure box and kneeling on the ground. More than ten years ago, he knelt in the court hall and paid respects to the also young Jin Huai Emperor. Time flies, as if it were yesterday.

Xi Jian, the servant, stepped forward, took the treasure box with his own hands, and gave it to the emperor on his knees: "Your Majesty, the King of Jin presents a jade seal."

When the emperor ascends the throne, he must be enshrined by the important ministers. The missing link has finally been filled.

Liang Feng took it with both hands, opened the treasure box, and saw a boxy jade seal lying on the brocade. It is four inches in diameter, and it is handed over to five dragons in Shanghai. Below the jade seal, there is also a corner of the supplement. This is when Wang Mang usurped the throne, the queen mother threw the seal and fell. A seal, passed down through the hands of many generations of emperors, is pure and jade-like in color, and weighs more than a thousand catties.

Taking a deep look, Liang Feng put Yuxi on the case. He looked up at the shivering child.

"Sima Rui sinned against Emperor Ai, and he was not in the right position. After entering the dynasty, Wang Dun revolted the government, making life difficult for the people of Jiangdong. Change his posthumous name to 'You', and remove the temple name."

This is the foundation of Zhao's establishment of the country, Sima Rui is a usurper, and cannot be regarded as orthodox. The young emperor Jin Ai, who was established and assassinated by him, should be the last emperor of Jin.

"But why is the youngest son Gu? Sima Xi was named Marquis of Shunde, and he gave clothes and carriages, Tian Baiqing, and a thousand households."

Since Sima Rui cannot be regarded as a real emperor, then Sima Rui's children and grandchildren can only be named marquis. Da Zhao did not gain the position of Zen, so he did not need to treat the Sima clan favorably, and he would not give the former emperor the right to not be a minister or accept an imperial edict. According to the standard that Emperor Wu of Jin used to seal Liu Chan and Sun Hao, it is enough to give them fiefs.

How do small children understand this? Hearing that he would not be killed, and that there were Tianmu Yi households, he hurriedly followed the instructions of others and bowed down: "Thank you, Your Majesty, Long En!"

This thank you has also become a signal.

"Your Majesty, the world is good, the heart of the world, it will be a thousand years!"

All the civil and military in the court knelt down: "Long live my emperor! Long live!"

The sound of the mountain cries, do not go around the beam.

"Does Your Majesty really want to spare the Prince of Langya?" Zhang Bin did not leave after retreating from the court, but confronted the king again and asked this crucial question.

The power of the Wang family in Jiangdong is no less than that of the Sima family. Not to mention that Wang Dun committed chaos, even that Director Wang could cover the sky with only one hand. Although the two of them are dead now, there are still many children left by the Wang family. If they all stay in Jiangdong, they might cause some trouble.

"Those who are stubbornly resisted can't stay. However, if Wang Dao can be loyal to the country, there are still some merits." Liang Feng replied.

In fact, Director Wang's last battle was rather strange. It's more like bringing all Jin ministers who will not surrender to come to die. Without that battle, it might take some time to invade Jianye. But he went to battle, and died cleanly, leaving no beginning or end.

Whether Wang Dao was a loyal or a traitor, Liang Feng was not interested in asking. However, such a "name vote" is still worthy of praise. Besides, there is another person in the Wang family, so he has to worry about it. Now that person is over 20, and has a small success in calligraphy. Although there is no Eastern Jin Dynasty, I don't know if I can still reach the height of "calligraphy saint". But it is better to stay with such a person after all.

"Except for Wang Dun's cronies, all the other Wang's children have moved to the north. If the family is downgraded, they can participate in the regular examination." After thinking about it, Liang Feng came to a conclusion.

Downgrading was originally a very terrifying thing for the family. However, the rank of Zhao State is no longer as strict as the previous dynasty. The nine-rank official law exists in name only, if you evade the scientific examination, you will not be able to get a real official position. How about the clear flow? What about fame? Without high-ranking officials and wealth, the family has become a duckweed in the water.

Downgrading sounds scary, but as long as you can participate in the regular division, after a few decades, you may be able to regain your popularity.

The Langya Wang family is still like this, what about other Jiangdong families? Perhaps this grace is more popular with southern scholars than the nine-rank system of the past.

However, it will take time to truly restore the South...

Winter goes to spring, and winter solstice again.

When the spring breeze blew the green willows on both sides of Yangqu again, a dragon boat docked on the shore of Luoshui.

This boat is nine feet long, five stories high, with oars on both sides, and complete with golden drums, like a fortress in the water. The golden dragon with its teeth and claws, coiled in the bow of the boat, stares in all directions. A big flag was hunting in the wind, and the word "Zhao" in the letter seemed to pop out of the sky.


A long horn sounded, and then thunder exploded in the air. This is a salute. Even if the people in Luoyang City have become accustomed to the new-style firecrackers, they will be taken aback by this movement. Today, however, no one is afraid. Up and down the river, flags fluttered, crowds of people moved.

The Son of Heaven is going on a cruise with the shipowner!

Thirteen years after ascending the throne, this is the first time the emperor has left Gyeonggi. However, such major events as the tour did not make the people complain. Just because the emperor issued an edict, the states and counties along the way were not allowed to build palaces, and they were not allowed to disturb the people. All the way to the east, the dragon boats go along the river.

What a noble act this is! It's a pity that the emperor's trip did not mean to enshrine Zen. If he were to enshrine Mount Tai, would he be able to set up stones to praise virtue and show merit, just like Emperor Qin and Han Wu

However, in those days, Emperor Qin repaired the house and the road, and sent millions of people; How can today's sages be so benevolent, diligent and thrifty? Not to mention the palace, even the imperial mausoleum did not use much manpower. Building canals, paving roads, and even more for the people of the world. Haven't seen this dragon boat, is it a little smaller than an ordinary building boat

Such a sage should be supported by all the people, because even with Yulin Longxiang by his side, some people spontaneously walked to the river bank, wanting to see the beauty of the sky. Of course, few people could see the true face of the emperor, only to see the dragon boat raising its sails and slowly sailing out of the port under the guard of the front and rear warships.

"I didn't expect there would be so many people..." Standing on the observation deck at the top of the heavy building, Liang Feng chuckled lightly.

"The world is at peace, and all people return to their hearts. Li Shu is thirsty for the face of the sky." The person beside him replied with a smile.

"Have you also learned the tone of those courtiers?" Liang Feng glanced at him, half a smile.

The war in the South has come to an end, and if we want to stabilize the situation and truly "peace", I am afraid it will take several years. However, these are all insignificant, and there is really nothing that can stop him from the east tour. Anyway, I didn't want to go to Youzhou, I just went around Jizhou and Qingzhou, and I didn't need to recruit teachers and move the crowd.

"If you are really a minister of words, you should persuade the lord to enshrine Zen." The man raised his eyebrows and replied.

Liang Feng couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth: "It's just Mount Tai, but you can go to the Confucius Mansion for a while."

Feng Chan Taishan, is not the emperor to run alone on the line. It is necessary to bring the important ministers of Wenwu and Wu, not to mention moving the public along the way, just to build the road and open the mountain, I don't know how much it will cost. As for Liang Feng's eastern tour, the number of people around him decreased and decreased, only a few officials from the Ministry of Rites, the Ministry of Works, and the Censor's Office. The prince supervises the country, and the important ministers also stay in the auxiliary government. This is unimaginable for most emperors. But he did so, without the slightest burden in his heart.

Confucius Mansion is a new route, Yi Yan was a little surprised: "Is the lord going to pursue the title of Marquis of Baocheng?"

At the time of Emperor Ping of the Han Dynasty, Confucius was first named "Baocheng Xuanni Gong", and the descendants of Confucius were awarded "Baocheng Hou", and there were 800 households in the food town. Later, Cao Wei promoted the Fa, the Western Jin Dynasty promoted Taoism, and the status of Confucianism gradually declined.

The problem is that Da Zhao is not like a Confucianist? On the other hand, when the Buddha Shah was greatly prosperous, and the hundred works resumed, he was quite similar to the hundreds of schools of thought in those days. Why not seal the mountain and seal the hole first

"Confucianism is still useful." With no one around, Liang Feng didn't care to say a few more words, "Just imitating the three generations, it is not enough to respect the masters of all ages. We must reproduce the original appearance of Confucianism and give birth to 'new Confucianism'."

Is Confucianism immutable? Not so. On the contrary, in its inception, it has undergone numerous debates and changes. It was only after the hard work of generation after generation that the shape was created. In every change, in addition to the efforts of Confucian scholars, there is no lack of conscious choices made by the rulers.

Since the next generation can have Neo-Confucianism and Mind-learning, why can't there be a more pioneering and inclusive Confucianism? To put it bluntly, Confucianism is nothing more than ideology and superstructure, which can of course be fine-tuned according to the economic base. But when the observatory appeared, when the microscope came out, when the seeds of science began to sprout, how could this "changeable" Confucianism remain unchanged

Using the experience of a thousand years ago to set the society of a thousand years later is bound to be a closed dead end. Therefore, Liang Feng wanted to give it a try. Although I don't know if it will be successful in my lifetime, I don't know what kind of weird product this change will create. But "trying" itself is a thought worthy of promotion. It is also the core of the contention of a hundred schools of thought.

Seeing the lofty expression of the lord, a soft color flashed in Yi Yan's eyes: "I'm afraid those officials from the Ministry of Rites will have severe headaches."

Get out and walk, it's really right. How long has it been since the lord showed such an expression

"What are you afraid of? It's a fortune-telling tour anyway, who else dares to stop the imperial car?" Liang Feng smiled and supported the wooden fence, "It would be better if you were to visit in private..."

As if recalling his early years, Yi Yan's lips also curled into a smile: "Unfortunately, this is not in the palace, nor is it the festival of the Yuan Dynasty. I'm afraid the lord will not be able to escape."

"It's not enough to have an internal response?" Liang Feng turned his head and asked.

"And the internal response? That minister has to fulfill his duties and catch those who are ill-intentioned." Yi Yan answered righteously, showing the style of a general.

Liang Feng smiled: "Go, go fishing with me!"

No matter how bad Yiyan is, he knows that he can't catch fish while sailing. However, Jinkou Yuyan, how dare to refute. With a faint smile, he followed behind the emperor and walked to the lower floor.

Although it is a ship, the dragon ship is magnificently built, and the entire two floors are dedicated to the emperor's living, which is not much worse than the palace. In addition, the hull of the ship is huge, and it can walk without feeling dizzy at all. Liang Feng spends a few hours every day watching the scenery on the shore with a telescopic mirror.

There are acres of fields, towering waterwheels, four-wheeled carts running on official roads, and ships that have to avoid the holy drive from time to time. Every scene made Liang Feng unable to look away. On the contrary, from time to time, Yi Yan helped him put on a cloak, served cakes, and persuaded him to rest for a while. After nightfall, the ship will stop on the bank, and the breeze will drift into the dream with the earthy smell of the river bank.

Not in a hurry, it took a whole month to start from Luoyang to the coast of Jizhou. When he got off the dragon boat, changed into the carriage, and drove into the city, Liang Feng couldn't help but straighten up slightly.

This is Haixing! The city is very high, and the ground is full of high-rise buildings with three or four stories. The flat and wide roads allow the smooth passage of four-wheeled carts with cargo. At the port, there are four towering gantry cranes, which can save countless manpower by only lifting goods from the ship.

When he boarded the pier and looked at the boundless blue sea, Liang Feng couldn't help taking a long breath. The sea breeze is salty, and the sea birds are singing softly. There is a clearer and whiter beach than I remembered.

and the great ship that was moored in the harbor.

This is the latest ship of the East China Sea Fleet. It is fifteen feet long and can accommodate three thousand soldiers. Named "Yingzhou". One day, it will be able to ride the wind and waves, cross the deep sea, and reach the other side of the ocean.

An invincible battleship that can discover new worlds!

"There will be times when the wind and waves break, and the sails will hang on the clouds to help the sea." The poem jumped into his heart, and Liang Feng opened his mouth and chanted.

"Good poetry!" Even if he made up countless scriptures and history, Yiyan would not be able to write poetry. But this did not prevent him from understanding the arrogance and determination in the poem.

"It's not what I did, it's..." Liang Feng was stuck, and after a while, he showed a very complicated smile, "...It was made by the exiled immortal."

The gold bottle of sake is worth 10,000, and the jade plate is worth 10,000.

Stop the cup and throw the chopsticks and can't eat, draw the sword and look around in a daze.

If you want to cross the Yellow River Bingsaichuan, you will climb the Taihang Mountains full of snow.

I came to fish on the Bixi River in my spare time, and suddenly I dreamed of taking a boat to the horizon.

Difficulty walking! Difficulty walking! Many divergent paths, where are you today

There will be times when the wind and waves break, and the sails will be hung straight to the sea.

This is a poem that Liang Feng likes very much, and he recited it over and over again in his dreams. Isn't this a portrait of his life? It is his testimony that he has overcome all obstacles and has come to this moment.

However, the poet who wrote poetry has not yet come into the world. Maybe it will cease to exist because of its own appearance. Of course he couldn't name the man.

"Master?" Yi Yan noticed that Liang Feng was in a wrong mood, and immediately took a step forward.

Unexpectedly, the other party turned his head and said to him, "Bo Yuan, can you believe that I really came from Wonderland?"

Feeling nervous, Yi Yan ignored others and grabbed Liang Feng's hand: "Do you want to go back, lord?"

He believed, more deeply than others. Yiyan is not stupid. After reading and literacy, he can naturally find the difference between the lord and others after entering the officialdom. Those words that transcend the ordinary, and the behaviors of those very unusual people, if there is no gift from God and Buddha, where would they come from

But what about coming from Wonderland? As long as the lord stays in this world, he will hold him firmly and won't let him leave!

"Do you want to go back?" No doubt, no suspicion, just pulled him and asked in fear.

The dark cloud drifted away.

Liang Fenghui held the other's hand, chuckled and shook his head: "I won't go back. This is my hometown."

A whole new world created by him. How can you give up? This Shenzhou is also the homeland.

Besides, there are people around.

That smile fell into Yi Yan's eyes. Let him choked abruptly, holding back tears.

The sea breeze blew, and the sleeves swayed. The two hands were held together like no one else, and never separated again.