Royal Road

Chapter 382: A Millennium at a Glance (Part 1)


Going home from get off work, before even taking off her makeup, Ye Xian threw herself in front of the TV, just in time for the title of "The Spring and Autumn of EMI".

Fortunately, fortunately~ She patted her chest, leaned on the imperial concubine's couch, and took out her mobile phone. While listening to the opening song, I opened a chat group. At this moment, there is no one in the group, and it is estimated that they are all standing in front of the TV. "Spring and Autumn of the Century" is about Zhao Taizu today. Although Professor Song is a die-hard "monarch and minister" party, his academic level is not bad, and he should be able to listen to some gossip.

After logging in to the account, Ye Xian first sent a message.

Yimeng Huangliang: EMI has started, don't forget to watch it! ! ! !

Meatless Makes You Thin: Has It Started? Shit, I remembered it wrong!

Unspeakable: Isn't Song Teng the keynote speaker today? Scumbag, don't even recognize my status, don't look at it!

The lackey of the general: Don't say that, Mr. Song is still good, and I still have to buy his "Sixteen Years of Enlightenment"...

Unspeakable: "Zhao Shu" has written "The Great General is fortunate to go", is he blind? ! What do you mean by "lucky"

Meatless makes people thin: straight man~ We see Princess Anyang and Xie Daoyun's texts smack

Unspeakable: That's the text! "Book of Zhao" is not a novel. I don't see it anyway!

The lackeys under the general's door: ... weak weak shaking

A few people in the group just started to pinch, Ye Xian ignored the talk of the old three, and focused on watching TV.

"Mr. Song, did Zhao Taizu really travel through time? The era name is 'enlightened', and the style of painting is really different from the previous dynasty." An audience member stood up and asked.

"Haha, this is also a widely circulated topic on the Internet. In fact, the development process of Da Zhao is in line with historical laws. Just like the word 'enlightened', do you think it is trendy or modern? It appeared in the "Ben Ji", Yao said: 'Who can follow this matter?', Fang Qi said: 'The heir Danzhu Kaiming'. The 'enlightenment' here means wise. Dao said, "How can I be enlightened? Only sages can be enlightened, and it is Ling." It can be seen that this word has existed since ancient times. Zhao Taizu chose it as the title of his reign, precisely because he hoped that his country would be accessible, wise, and him. It is very consistent with the actual political means. This is also the characteristic of Zhao Taizu different from other emperors."

"What about the development of science and technology and the recovery of hundreds of schools of thought?" The audience asked persistently.

"The revival of a hundred schools of thought is only an appearance. Zhao Taizu went to the Confucian House in Shandong only once in his life. This is also a sign that he attaches great importance to Confucianism. Liang Feng was born at the end of the Jin Dynasty. What era was that? In the chaos of the country, all rituals and laws have been destroyed, and the oppression of ordinary people has also reached its peak. Born in such an era, Liang Feng must have longed for peace, and even more eager for moral reconstruction. Therefore, after Zhao established the country, he first implemented the imperial examinations, The only way is to do it. Then rebuild Confucianism and establish rules that conform to the moral system of the new dynasty. It is this choice that makes the great Zhao enjoy the four hundred years of statehood and become an unparalleled prosperity."

Song Teng pushed on his glasses and continued: "The emphasis on technology has a lot to do with the foundation of his dynasty. What did Liang Feng rely on to build the country? One is gunpowder, and the other is porcelain."

There was a burst of laughter from below.

Song Teng also smiled and pressed his hand: "This is not a joke~ As long as you carefully look at the historical materials before the founding of the Great Zhao Dynasty, you can find that Zhao Taizu mastered the formula of gunpowder a long time ago. Of course, this may be related to Dan Dao. The master Ge Hong is related to his account. Because of this advanced weapon, Liang Feng was able to win the battle with less and gain the initiative in the battlefield. Porcelain, and the derived glazed wares and other precious commodities brought Liang Feng plenty of money. Money and grain support. When Da Zhao established his country, there were still strong enemies around him. The easiest way is to increase production and use the money and grain of the Jiangdong family and the tyrants of the North to feed their own people. When gunpowder is used on the frontal battlefield, it has already been It was the 12th year of enlightenment, when Zhao State formed an absolute advantage over the Jin State in the south, and gunpowder was no longer kept secret and became something that ordinary people could see."

"And the improvement of people's lives through science and technology is also obvious. It may be influenced by religion - as we all know, Zhao Taizu believed in Buddhism - Liang Feng's own 'people-oriented' thinking is very strong, and this kind of goodwill also prompted him to use scientific and technological means. Work hard. But its essence is still the ancient people's exploration of the real world, not some light 'traveling'." Song Teng made a conclusion.

There was applause from the audience, and another little girl wearing glasses stood up: "What do you think of Professor Song's thinking about Zhao's expansion? The Zhao Dynasty's territory expanded nearly twice that of the Han Dynasty, and even sailed far to occupy the Yan Dynasty. Continent. How many wars have occurred during this period? In the last years of the dynasty, it was also because the central government lost control of the territory, causing another great chaos. I think the roots are still in the two generations of Taizu and Taizong?"

Song Teng's face became serious: "This classmate's point of view is a bit one-sided. As far as territory is concerned, Da Zhao's territory is indeed very large, but its foundation is still above Anmin. Expansion of borders is nothing more than the surrounding countries' attitude towards Zhao. It should be noted that the era of the Zhao Dynasty was the Little Ice Age. The temperature dropped sharply and natural disasters were frequent. In order to survive, the peoples of high latitudes were bound to launch a war of southern invasion. Liao people reduced the area of Yunmeng Lake by one-third, and increased hundreds of thousands of fertile fields. It restored Annan and solved the problem of planting economic crops in the south. The recovery of Koguryo has brought Liaodong into the era of farming in advance... Every game The war has allowed more people to survive. Whether from the perspective of anthropology or Chinese civilization, these are credits, not faults."

The girl looked extremely resentful: "When the dynasty collapsed, what about the people who died in vain? After all, foreign wars are still the feudal king's desire for fame!"

"Hungry for fame?" Song Teng smiled slightly mockingly, "Maybe this classmate hasn't read history books, right? In China's thousands of years of history, Zhao Taizu is the most restrained monarch. He didn't build a palace or seal Mount Tai in his lifetime. The emperor's mausoleum was not repaired. With his martial arts skills, would anyone stop him from doing this? Impossible. On the contrary, there are seven times in the "Book of Zhao" that the ministers asked the emperor to change the Yuan and Feng Chan's dialogue, but Liang Feng did not agree to it. . Morally, he is more like a saint who can cut off his own flesh and feed the people. This is not something that can be achieved by 'thirst for fame'. It is more like a noble sentiment of experiencing suffering and transcending the world. "

Song Teng paused: "What is even more rare is that Liang Feng is extremely restrained in his only preference. There is no doubt that he believes in Buddhism, and even tried his best to make Buddhism blossom and bear fruit in China. In the past six years, he has never established a Buddhist temple, and recruited monks widely. On the contrary, he has set up the 'five precepts' and formulated the ultimatum. His personal preferences are not above the responsibility of the king. And this idea also runs through the whole Zhao History of the country. In addition to Zhao Taizu, there are seven good emperors in the Zhao country who are famous in history! And everyone ruled the country for about 20 years. What kind of concept is this? Can other dynasties do it? This root lies in Liang Feng, the founding emperor!"

Ah~ It's really refreshing to see other people praise their male gods~

Ye Xian's heart swayed with wavy lines, not to mention that cool. He looked down at his phone again.

Unspeakable: Victory all depends on gunpowder? This person likes to use "common sense" as a trick! Don't you know that the first few years before the founding of Da Zhao was the time when Zu's Comet toured the earth? "Falling stars in the sky" couldn't be more normal! All emperors need luck, so what's the use of having bad luck? This kind of person loves to beep with "Zhao Shu"...

Damn it, Xiao dirt is too extreme, isn't it? She is preparing to write a gunpowder crushing article. Wait, Ye Xian suddenly reacted and quickly sent a message.

Yimeng Huangliang: Xiaowu, did you go to the opposite house to lurk again


Yimeng Huangliang: You don't know what the other's brain circuit is? Do you need to be angry? Don't read their text.

Unspeakable: ... Who made Liu Xufei send a new article? I can't help QAQ

Meatless Makes You Thin:…

The lackey under the general's door:...

Yimeng Emperor Liang:…

I understand! Ye Xian couldn't help covering his face. I am not afraid that my opponent will be brain-dead, but I am afraid that my opponent will have a big hand. "Liu Xufei" is one of the best writers in the history circle, with first-class writing and sophisticated use of classics, and is especially good at writing emotional dramas. Every time the people watching it burst into tears and couldn't stop. But, this big-handed General Meng Yi accepts it! How can the imperial party endure this? !

Look at how Taizu is described in "Zhao Shu"! What is "colored as bright as pearls and jade", what is "clear skin and jade bones", what is "sublime in appearance", and what is "like a fairy". Such a beauty! Sick! The romantic character of , how can he attack? !

As a result, as soon as Liu Xufei, a lover of beauty and power, came out, the emperor who originally ruled the country, turned away countless times. It's just so annoying!

It's alright, it's alright, at least it's reversal, not dismantling... Ye Xian couldn't help comforting herself.

Just as his chest was tight, he saw Professor Song raise his voice on the TV: "General Yi and Zhao Taizu are naturally monarchs and ministers. If they really attribute all of this to love, what would Zhang Bin and Xie Kun say? Zhang Bin is "Zhao Shu" The first in the biography, not to mention that he married the emperor before his death, and he was the first to enjoy the Taimiao after his death! Not to mention Xie Kun, he had a festival with the emperor in his early years, and later a dignitary, Xie An returned to the princess. In ancient times, monarchs and ministers used husbands and wives to compare themselves with each other, calling themselves ministers and concubines. You can’t take it seriously…”

Day yo! Ye Xian shivered and almost smashed the phone on the TV. "Imperial Prime Minister" evil way, she has seen enough on weekdays! Can't people who love this mouth go to Meng Sanguo? !

Angered, she turned off the TV, suppressed her anger, and opened the social software again. As soon as I logged in, I found that I had been stabbed more than 30 times. When I opened it, I saw that it was another person from the same family. Or the father and son of Taizu Taizong. It is said that Queen Zhang is a cover, and the prince is the true love of Emperor Liang. Damn, Empress Zhang has been favored all her life, is it not enough to give birth to five babies? Can this be lewd? !

Blocking all the prompts, Ye Xian was struggling with the phone. Do you want to go to the trumpet to see Liu Xufei's new article? The last time the emperor collapsed and the general was out in battle, she cried out two packs of tissues. However, big hands are good for everything, just love to write meat. I really can't eat the meat of my family...

Just as he was struggling with this, the small window suddenly bounced wildly.

What's wrong? Ye Xian hurriedly opened it. I saw a row of huge red letters in the dialog box.

Unspeakable: Mom! ! Found Taizu Mausoleum! ! !

What? ! Ye Xianso jumped up and stabbed her fingers hard on the connection. I saw a web page jumped out.

"... The tomb of Zhao Dynasty recently discovered in Songshan, Henan Province is confirmed to be the imperial mausoleum of Zhao Taizu Liangfeng. Zhao Taizu ordered that the tree should not be sealed, so the location of the tomb has always been a mystery. This protective excavation may further improve the historical data and restore this The original appearance of the "Eternal Emperor"..."

Ye Xian groaned. It's really Taizu Mausoleum! It is Taizu Mausoleum!

General's lackey: look at the forum! Check out the forum!

Another person in the group threw out the connection, Ye Xian shivered and opened it, and found that more than 300 floors had been built inside, and there were countless news.

###119###: I have a senior brother at the scene! I heard that it is really the Mausoleum of the Great Ancestor, and it was not stolen!

###120###: What's the inside story upstairs? ! Say it now!

###137###: What #119 said is true, the Mausoleum of the Great Ancestor is intact. And the underground palace has two juxtaposed queen tombs!

###140###: Damn, is the unofficial history real! The general and the ancestor were buried together

###141###: I'm crying!

###142###: The official history is true! real!

There was a mess of mourning below, but Ye Xian couldn't stand it any longer. Woohoo crying, she squatted on the ground. What she firmly believed was not false, those two people really lived in the same life and died in the same hole!

no! She's going to see for herself!

With a tear, Ye Xian rushed to the computer and quickly checked the itinerary.