Royal Road

Chapter 42: Add wings


In the open space outside the main house, there was a hissing sound. Several strong horses are carrying horse riders, galloping back and forth in the small empty field, and there are shouts from time to time.

"Clamp your legs and lean forward! Don't sit too dead, move, and move your waist up and down with the horse's pace! The reins on my hands are all held by me, don't be too loose, and don't hold too tightly. !"

With these words, the dust was flying, and the hoofs were intertwined, and it was a bit more chaotic than the school grounds next to it.

Standing outside the courtyard gate, Liang Feng saw such a scene. Ten cavalrymen just selected are learning equestrianism under the command of Yiyan. These people are all veterans, most of them are Jie people, and there are a few farmers. However, except for Yi Yan's movements, which are considered to be complacent, the others all look like they are lying on the horse's back, which is somewhat ridiculous.

As if seeing his figure, Yiyan pulled the reins and urged the horse to gallop toward him. The speed of the horse was faster than expected, but it just ran to the side in an instant, but the fast horse did not hit anyone, Yiyan held the reins of the horse in his hand, and the horse took two steps, and changed from galloping to slow walking. The dust didn't sway much, and stopped steadily on the side of the road.

Yi Yan got off his horse and led the radiant white horse to Liang Feng: "My lord!"

"What kind of horse is this? So obedient!" Liang Feng stood aside, looking at the horse in front of him with interest.

When he went out with his best friends in his previous life, he rode a few times, but they were all the kind of gelding horses in the club that were so obedient that they had no temper. Don't talk about the posthumous child, even the call is rarely called. This is the first time I have seen such a spirited horse.

"They are all Xiongnu horses. They are resistant to cold, eat less, and although the speed of rushing is not fast, their legs are very strong."

Hun horse? Is it a kind of Mongolian horse

"I said that this horse looks a little short." Liang Feng endured it for a long time, and finally couldn't help reaching out and touched the horse's neck.

The horse that was brushed by Yi Yan was white and bright, the mane was like satin, the muscles of the neck were tight and strong, and it was slightly sweaty, like steel wrapped in silk. Being touched by a stranger like this, it wasn't frightened. It casually sniffed Liangfeng's broad cuff, as if he was choked, turned his head and gave a loud snort.

"Haha, this horse looks very good, can I ride it?" Liang Feng suddenly regained his energy and asked enthusiastically.

"No." Yi Yan replied very succinctly, "Riding a horse requires waist strength and leg strength. The lord is weak, so it is not suitable to ride a horse."

Gee! Being poured cold water on his head, Liang Feng also lost his temper. I know my own situation. Although after a long period of recuperation, I finally have no withdrawal reaction, but my body is still weak. After walking on the level for a while, my head is full of sweat, not to mention riding a horse.

Angrily withdrew his hand, he looked at the saddle and bridle on the horse's back, and frowned: "Is it easy to control the horse with these?"

Because the cavalry was formed temporarily, there was no time to match a suitable saddle. Some of the existing ones were seized from mountain bandits. They were dilapidated and seemed to be quite different from the saddles of later generations. The stirrup is also not iron, but a piece of hardwood. No wonder Yiyan would say that riding a horse requires waist strength and leg strength. With this thing, I am afraid that riding skills are quite superb to be able to control a war horse, right

"Okay. I used to be able to ride without a saddle at home." Yi Yan replied relaxedly, "Others have been trained for ten days and a half months, and they will get used to it."

Just as he was talking, there was an exclamation from the field, and someone fell off the horse. Liang Feng took a step forward: "Someone has fallen!"

"If the horse's speed is not fast, you will have a long memory if you fall." Yi Yan said lightly without turning his head.

Seeing the man crawling up from the ground in a state of embarrassment, Liang Feng was relieved, and he couldn't help expressing his sympathy for these reserve cavalrymen. There is such an instructor, but they suffer. However, I am also poor now, and I am afraid that I have more than enough power to get a full set of equipment.

The new arms added in this episode are not only the ten cavalrymen in front of you, but also ten sword and shield soldiers, five archers, and the weapons are also ready to fight. Iron armor is definitely gone, but leather armor still needs to be done. In addition to the thirty spearmen still in training, just thinking about Liang Feng makes his liver hurt. The surplus from selling rough porcelain is a drop in the bucket.

Sighing lightly, Liang Feng said, "Let them practice first, the horseshoes are estimated to take some time to be laid well. First, try the effect with the horses in the house, and then consider equipping the war horses if they work well. However, the ground for these cavalrymen Don’t neglect the drills, let them get on the horses and be able to rush into the formation and meet the enemy below.”

"Well, they were all carefully selected by me, so don't worry, lord." As if thinking of something, Yi Yan said again, "My lord, on the way back this time, we encountered two spies."

"Oh?" Liang Feng immediately cheered up, "Is it a nearby bandit?"

"It should be." Yi Yan's eyes burst out with murderous intent, "When the recruits are trained, they will be brought out to practice. Let the group of dog thieves know the name of the 'Brave Camp'!"

Looking at Yiyan's murderous appearance, Liang Feng smiled: "Yes, it's time to clear up the bandits."

Letting the recruits see blood is one thing, and on the other hand, it is the most important thing now. Inquire about the nearby forces and clear out a safe enough business route. Now Liangfu's grain storage is still stretched, and it may not be able to last until the autumn harvest. I am afraid that we will have to purchase another batch of grain before the price of wheat rises. If the recruits can be used, they can go to Jinyang to buy grain, but it can save a lot of money.

Just look at Jinyang, whether the epidemic can be brought under control as soon as possible.

"No no! You can't wear the towel upside down! It can only be one side up! Everyone should put on your sackcloth, and you can't take it off when it's hot! Wash your hands with hot water at least three times a day... This is, this is the will of the Buddha!"

Jiang Da's throat was almost hoarse, and he couldn't help but move the Buddha out again. No, these precautions still have to be taught by the monks. A word they say is more effective than saying it a hundred times by themselves.

The hospital is ready to be built, but there are still many problems. The people who came to serve the sick did not understand the importance of epidemic prevention at all. If these people are infected with the disease and run around in the hospital, that will be fatal! It seems that I have to talk to the host again and ask him to send more monks. With the monks' words and deeds, these foolish men and women will not cause any trouble.

There are also those doctors assigned by the governor's office, who are not so easy to use. Either it's perfunctory, or the medical skills are worrying, the Jiang family is still the mainstay in the medical dormitory. But there are so many patients, and grandfather is already tired and sick. If it goes on like this, what should I do

Zhengchou was devastated, and the servant outside suddenly said, "Jiang Langjun, the Liang residence has sent a letter!"

"Give it to me quickly!" Liang's letter was always delivered to the hospital at the first time. Jiang Da couldn't wait for the messenger to enter the door, so he grabbed the letter and opened it for a closer look.

After a while, he suddenly gritted his teeth and strode towards the backyard.

A large number of medicinal materials are stacked in the backyard, and many doctors gather here to prepare and boil medicines. Imperial Physician Jiang was leaning on the side of the desk looking at the prescription at hand, and from time to time he drew a pen to draw something.

"Grandfather!" Jiang Da's eyes became hot when he saw his grandfather, whose beard and hair were all white, came here to test the prescription. He walked up quickly.

"Da'er, did something happen in the front yard?" Jiang Taiyi hurriedly asked. He also knows how busy the hospital is now, and it must be a major event that Jiang Da can come over in person.

"It's Zixi's letter has arrived." Jiang Da handed the letter to Imperial Physician Jiang without saying a word.

Now Imperial Physician Jiang has come to his senses, Zhan Xin looked at it carefully, and his brows furrowed in just a moment: "Let the doctor write down the cases he has handled and compile them into a book?"

This is simply not possible. How could these medical workers assigned by the Governor's Office obediently write down their experience of seeing a doctor? Each family has their own secrets that are not shared, who would like to reveal their roots in front of their peers!

Jiang Da said: "I think this is a feasible method! Most of the people sent to the hospital today are mediocre doctors. The genius doctor Zhang from Qi County, the Zhong family father and son from Yangyi, and the Gu family from Leping, which one? Not a famous doctor from generations? If they are willing to send people to Jinyang to exchange medical skills together, it will not be more useful than these medical workers?! I just want to invite them, I am afraid they will need to pay some money... "

Imperial Physician Jiang immediately understood what Jiang Da meant. This is to let their Jiang family set an example and disclose some good recipes and secrets first, so as to attract more famous doctors. However, this matter is related to the lifeline of the Jiang family, and it is not Jiang Da's decision at all.

Seeing the solemn expression on his grandfather's face, Jiang Da's lips moved: "Maybe if you tell them about the epidemic prevention, you can..."

Imperial Physician Jiang shook his head: "These things will spread out sooner or later. If you want to invite Zhong and Gu several families to come to Jinyang, only the typhoid experience left by the master."

The Jiang family followed the school of Wang Xi. Wang Xi was a famous doctor, and he was ordered by the imperial physician, and he re-edited the book "Treatise on Febrile Diseases". His understanding of typhoid fever is naturally not comparable to ordinary people. If there is this as a reference, those famous doctors will come to Jinyang to see what they say!

"But these involve the fundamentals of the Jiang family..." Jiang Da was also conflicted. He has heard Liang Zixi mention the discussion more than once, but is it so easy to give up the difference between doors? If one is not good, I am afraid that even the Jiang family will get in.

However, Imperial Physician Jiang slowly shook his head: "Typhoid fever is not a disease of the family, it is about everyone's life. When Zhang Zhongjing wrote "Treatise on Febrile Diseases and Miscellaneous Diseases", he just wanted to make it famous for centuries. My teacher re-edited "Treatise on Febrile Diseases", also The same reason. If it is because of the difference between the gates and the broom is precious, it is to ignore the wishes of the master! Da'er, medical skills can be refined from generation to generation, but the heart of saving people is the root of the doctor!"

Jiang Da had heard this countless times from his grandfather's mouth, but never once was it so shocking. He nodded heavily: "My child knows!"

"Yeah. Zixi's method is a good strategy. I'm going to write to a few old friends. If they can come to Jinyang, they will be more confident in the prevention and control of the epidemic. You have to pay attention to the matter of the hospital, those monks. Talent is the key. We must let them know the essentials of epidemic prevention and teach them to the people. For the helpers and chores, don't talk about medical theory, just mention the Buddha!"

This is exactly what Jiang Da thought, he immediately said: "I will explain clearly to the steward below, in addition to the Buddha, let more people know Liang Zixi's name taboo!"

Whether it is the Buddha's dream or the foundation of epidemic prevention, Liang Feng's hard work is indispensable. How can those monks take all the credit

"So good!"

After just a short chat, Jiang Da felt that his whole body was full of energy again, and after hurriedly saluting, he strode towards the front yard. Looking at the straight figure, Imperial Physician Jiang couldn't help nodding slightly. The one who can inherit the Jiang family's mantle is probably this son. This time, it was a blessing in disguise.

Looking back, Imperial Physician Jiang took out a few pieces of paper and started writing a letter. Soon, several letters were delivered from Jinyang to surrounding counties, and more letters were sent back. Seeing the sincerity of the Jiang family, how many doctors can be indifferent? More and more frames are galloping towards Jinyang Medical Liao.