Royal Road

Chapter 45: Pathfinder


"My lord, are you going to Jinyang?" With sweat all over his body, Yi Yan strode into the room. Apparently, he came after hearing the news, and he didn't even wipe off the sweat on his body.

Liang Feng sat at the desk in good time and played the Yaoqin on the dial. The sound of the violin is "clanging", but it is not a song, but it seems to be answering Yiyan's question.

"My lord!" Yi Yan couldn't help but take a step forward, "You are not recovering from a serious illness, so it is not suitable for you to travel!"

"It's just a few days of ox carts, it won't get in the way." Liang Feng smiled.

"But Jinyang just had an epidemic. If it's the lord..." Yi Yan closed his mouth abruptly, fearing that he would be outspoken and accidentally bring bad luck.

"It is precisely because the Jinyang epidemic has receded that I have to go there." He could hear Yiyan's anxiety, Liang Feng finally said earnestly, "The prevention and treatment of the epidemic is inseparable from the Buddha's dream. Whether it's Wang Zhongzheng or Huai'en Temple, both have the intention of adding fuel to the flames. It would be a pity to miss the dharma meeting. "

These days, I don't know if the defeat of Qingyang Village triggered a chain reaction, and some refugees poured into Liang Mansion one after another. For these poor people who are about to lose their shape from hunger, Liang Feng naturally sees that one of them will be taken away, and a lot of isolation sheds have been added. There is a serious shortage of people in the mansion, and the department's army is not yet over half, and Sifang is expanding. If more farmers are not added, I am afraid it will not be able to survive.

However, absorbing refugees has also brought greater food pressure. Zhou Kan has been in a dreadful situation these days. He comes to find someone every day with a budget book in hand. How can he calculate the current grain storage and not last until the autumn harvest. Although Jiang Ni worked hard to sell rough porcelain for money, the price of food soared day by day, which still made Liang Feng feel stretched. It is imperative to go to Jinyang to buy grain, but the biggest problem still cannot be solved, the Liang Mansion is too poor!

With the remaining 100,000 yuan on hand, if you buy grain at the current market price, you are simply throwing money into the water. Even if Liang Feng had no economic savvy, he would not have done such a stupid thing. The new paper from Zhifang and the new porcelain from Taofang are not well-known now. If you sell them casually, the food you can get is quite limited. For this matter, Liang Feng has been thinking about it for quite some time. Before, he was still thinking about how to take the Wang Wen route. Now he suddenly heard the news of the Fa conference, how could he not let him move!

This Fa conference is well used, it is simply a natural large advertising conference! If you don't take this opportunity to promote the products in your house, you will miss such a good opportunity. Liang Feng has never studied economics, but he has indeed seen many MLM cases, and he knows that the psychology of conformity requires more money than serious business. Anyway, the people who participated in the dharma meeting were those wealthy wealthy families in Jinyang. Who wouldn't they knock on

Go back to the Fa conference to show your face and brush up on the force, so that you can ask for a price. However, Liang Feng wouldn't tell anyone about these secret thoughts, just muffled and made a fortune.

Unexpectedly, the lord's mind was so resolute, and Yi Yan was at a loss for words. Liang Feng said with a smile: "Speaking of which, this trip to Jinyang is also indispensable for you. You have to practice the part in the past few days, and then go on the road with me. On the return journey, it is estimated that a lot of food and grass will be transported. If you are robbed, you will lose a lot..."

"Whoever dares to robbery, I will definitely keep the pieces they killed!" Yi Yan replied immediately.

"Yeah, but you still have to be careful. After all, traveling far is better than staying at home." Liang Feng reached out and fiddled with the strings again, and suddenly said, "Let me take a look."

Yi Yan: "?"

Although it felt a little baffling, Yi Yan still turned around obediently. During the summer drills, the soldiers all wore two-piece suits modified by Liang Feng. The upper body was a short shirt and the lower body was trousers, which was cool and showed their figure. Looking at the long, straight and strong legs, Liang Feng couldn't help but snorted and asked, "How old did you learn to ride horses?"

"Seven years old..." Yi Yan still didn't know why, but the lord's eyes on him still made his throat tighten.

"It seems to be okay." Liang Feng muttered in a low voice and changed the subject, "Okay, it's still light, you go to practice calligraphy first, and I'll play the piano for a while."

Now this sick young man can't do anything with his body, and his days are terribly idle. Therefore, after his spirits improved, Liang Feng found himself some hobbies that fit his identity. Such as playing the piano and playing chess. He never learned to play the guitar in his last life, and only played the guitar for a while to pick up girls. Fortunately, he has a good sense of sound, and with the memory left by this shell, he can barely play a shot. Playing chess is more distressing. First, the rules of Go at this time are different from those of later generations, and second, there is no suitable player by his side. The way of chess can quite reflect the nature of people. As a son of a sick and weak family, it is not easy to show murderous intent on the chessboard and eat other people's dragons.

Therefore, Liang Feng is more inclined to practice against the lyre, and Go, just occasionally showing the chess score.

After being fiddled with like this, Yi Yan had completely forgotten the original intention of coming in, so he obediently sat down on his knees, and dragged a wooden box out of the case. The box is filled with a layer of fine sand, and there is a twig next to it, which is used to draw sand and learn Chinese characters. He was reluctant to use those white and expensive papers, so the lord thought of a way to get him a sand table.

Carefully taking out a piece of writing paper from the box lid, Yi Yan copied the graceful handwriting on it. The brushwork was a little skewed, but he was more serious than practicing during the day. After a while, the melodious sound of the piano came from his ears again, and Yiyan's hand holding the branch paused, but didn't stop. He doesn't know the rhythm, but no matter what the protagonist plays, it can make him heartily happy. If one day, he can also understand the sound of the piano and read the tablet, will the lord look at him with more joy

This thought flashed in his mind and was wiped out by Yi Yanqiang. Once settled, he continued to hold the branch and trace it stroke by stroke.

"Has Zixi replied? Let me see it!" Unexpectedly, the messenger came back so quickly, Wang Wen immediately waved his hand and asked the maid to present the letter.

However, when he got the letter paper, he couldn't help but let out a sigh. This is not the Zuo Bo paper that the aristocratic family is used to, but a slightly reddish paper with a dark pattern of lotus flowers on the footer. Wang Wen is a real disciple of the school. He has used countless famous papers, but he has never seen such elegant papers. Coupled with Liang Zixi's good calligraphy, it is simply admirable!

After playing carefully for a while, Wang Wen calmed down and looked at the content inside. This letter is still Liang Feng's consistent style, which is simple and straightforward, and it is refreshing to read. Liang Zixi did not accept Wang Wen's praise and Jinyang's contribution to epidemic prevention, but greatly praised the efforts of Jiang Da and others, as well as Wang Zhongzheng's kindness. When he heard that Huai'en Temple was about to hold a dharma meeting, he had no intention of rejecting it. He bluntly said that he would go to Jinyang in person to pray for the people who died in the epidemic. contribute.

In a short letter, there was no words to claim credit for himself, but instead he put the credit on others everywhere. Wang Wen was even more deeply moved when he thought of the relationship he had met a few months ago. However, when he saw the last line of the letter, he couldn't help but whimper. The letter said that in order to write the scriptures, the Liang residence had specially produced a new type of paper in the past few months, and asked the servants to bring some and send them to the palace.

"Is there a servant in the Liang residence this time?" Wang Wen raised his head and asked.

"There is one person."

"Quickly recruit him!" Wang Wen said immediately.

Since entering the palace, Jiang Ni has been in a state of anxiety. This is the first time he has met such a high-level disciple, let alone shouldering the orders of the master, for fear that something is wrong and the master's affairs will be ruined.

Unexpectedly, there was a communication inside. Following behind a servant, Jiang Ni trembled and walked to the inner courtyard. This mansion is much bigger than Liang's mansion. I don't know how long I walked before I came to the main hall. I saw a beautifully dressed Langjun with long beards and asked, "Are you the messenger from Liang's mansion? Zixi said something new. What about paper?"

"Xiao is right! The master asked Xiao to send the Tibetan scripture paper here." Jiang Ni quickly unfastened the large wooden box he was carrying, and put his hands up.

The wooden box was very heavy, and the two maids carefully placed the box in front of Wang Wen. Wang Wen opened the lid of the box, took out one, just touched it, and sighed: "It's really good paper! The paper is warm and soft, the tentacles are soft, and the paper is slightly thicker than ordinary paper. It is used for copying scriptures. It's good. I didn't expect Zixi to be so careful, and he could even make Tibetan scripture paper... Hey, there is also a lotus imprint here!"

In the lower right corner of the paper, there really is a lotus flower pattern. I have only heard of embroidery patterns on clothes. How are the patterns printed on paper? Wang Wen really didn't understand. However, such an imprint adds a Buddhist rhythm to the Tibetan scripture paper, making it even more addictive. With such a large box, I am afraid there are more than a thousand pieces. It is difficult for Liang Zixi to be so thoughtful.

"By the way, what about these papers? Are they also new papers from Liang's house?" Wang Wen couldn't help but wonder again.

"Yes. This paper is called peach blossom paper, and there is also a kind of jasper paper, which are both used for letters. However, it is still in trial production, and the master said that it is not easy to take it out and give it to others." Before coming, the master explained about the paper. , I didn't expect this Wang Zhongzheng to really ask, Jiang Ni suddenly felt that there was a spectrum in his heart.

"It's hard to work hard for Zixi." Wang Wen sighed, "By the way, Zixi never mentioned in the letter, how is his health now?"

"Master Lang is still in poor health, but he said that the Fa conference is important, and Wang Zhongzheng's painstaking efforts cannot be let down."

"Zixi is really affectionate." Wang Wen had no doubts, and sighed repeatedly, "When Zixi arrives in Jinyang, you must report to me in advance. You must also take care of your family master, don't Let him hurt his body."

"Small understand." Jiang Ni replied obediently.

After just a few words, the uneasiness in his heart had already vanished. He was used to seeing Lord Lang's celestial and human appearance, and was severely rectified twice. Jiang Ni was indeed a little afraid of these high school children, but Wang Zhongzheng in front of him didn't have that kind of arrogance, and what he said was even more so. As expected by the master.

With support in his heart, Jiang Ni's performance became more calm. Wang Wen has encountered too many vulgar people who are at a loss when they meet nobles, and he is so easy to advance and retreat, which makes him look up. As expected of a servant from the Liang residence. After asking a few more questions, he asked Jiang Ni to retreat.

After leaving the main hall, Jiang Ni was thinking about his actions in secret, but the servant who had been leading the way suddenly asked in a low voice, "Is this from Liang Langjun's mansion?"

This is a bit rude. Jiang Ni was stunned for a moment before answering, "Exactly."

The servant whispered: "Blessed by the Buddha, thanks to Liang Langjun, the mansion was able to avoid the great epidemic. If Liang Langjun came to the mansion, the younger ones must also serve well."

Jiang Ni blinked and coughed lightly, "Thank you."

This kind of special treatment is really more than one case. The servants I saw later, as long as they heard that Jiang Ni was from the Liang residence, would be pleasant and take good care of him. Many people also asked privately, wondering if they could give them some objects commonly used in Liang's residence to protect their bodies and pray for blessings. Jiang Ni never knew that ordinary objects had this effect! However, with the performance of the servants of the palace, he gradually gained confidence in his heart. It seems that this task is not too difficult.

The author has something to say:

Taoism is different from what most people think, its original ecology is quite sturdy. Everyone should have heard of the Yellow Turban Uprising, right? This is basically caused by Taiping Dao, the original prototype of Taoism. The great teacher Zhang Jiao led the believers to carry out the revolution. All the famous forces in the Three Kingdoms were fought with the Yellow Turbans. Later, the Yellow Turbans were suppressed, but they did not perish. Even Boss Cao was thinking about the reorganization of the Qingzhou Yellow Turbans under his command all day long.

In the Jin Dynasty, the upper class liked Taoism and advocated clear talk. But Taoism is still not a vegetarian, and the Tao of Taiping has declined, and there are still five buckets of rice, which is the Tao of Tianshi later. In the Wuhu Sixteen Kingdoms, Chenghan in Sichuan is said to have the support of the Wudou Mijiao. Not to mention the north, the five buckets of rice in the south were even more rampant. At the end of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Sun En, the leader of Tianshi Dao, once again caused a peasant uprising, and hundreds of thousands of believers sounded the death knell for the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

It is precisely because Taoism is too powerful that the imperial courts of successive dynasties strictly controlled him and introduced the Buddhist chamber to resist. It has been domesticated from generation to generation, and there is Taoism in the religious sense today.

And the most terrifying thing about Taoism in this era is that all Taoist classics other than Lao and Zhuang were written by later generations. What if you could memorize a great sense of the story? People can write several books in minutes. If you want to pull down your face and hug Taoist thighs, people are also divided into factions and inheritances. If you don't have wealth, you can't use it. All the levels of passing through the levels have been completed, and it is also the rhythm of leading the peasant uprising... What everyone is worried about is worshipping Buddhism and suppressing Taoism, I really think too far. Any sensible feudal dynasty should suppress religion, no matter what kind of religion it is, because religion itself is the biggest challenge to the power of the king.

This book is YY is good, but I hope he has a little realistic foundation, so I will try to find various materials, and make the story more cool on a logical basis. But in the final analysis, these things all happened to Liang Shao, he did not load Baidu, did not read the history of Jin, but stumbled, and even went with the flow in that era. He will make mistakes, there will be many unexpected and false, but he lives in this story. All the authors have something to say, but it's just the remnants of my research. If I don't read these, the story will not be affected. I still hope you can find more fun in the article itself.