Royal Road

Chapter 46: people's hearts


Today, Huai'en Temple can be regarded as the most prosperous temple in Jinyang City. From the moment the morning bell rings, there are believers waiting outside the temple, wanting to worship the Buddha and light candles to pray for peace. The shadow of the epidemic has not yet completely dissipated. At this time, it is always right to crawl.

Jiang Ni also mixed in with the group of devout believers and slowly moved forward with the team. Along the way, there are many pedestrians wearing face towel on their faces, regardless of gender, age, and style. When passing by the monk's room that used to be a medical residence, these people wearing scarves will put their hands together and bow to the monk's room.

Of course, Jiang Ni knew that the cloth towels on these people's faces were called "beam towels", and they were things that the street walkers used to stay with all day long. He also knew that there are nine out of ten people who still wear the "beam scarf" because someone in the family has been in the medical room and received medical treatment, and has also heard the strange story of the Buddha's dream.

As if carelessly, Jiang Ni paced to an old man wearing a towel, and asked curiously, "Dare to ask old man, the weather is so hot, why do you still put a towel on your face?"

"This is the method guided by the Buddha." The old man was obviously kind-hearted and explained patiently, "As long as you bring this 'beam scarf', you will be safe from disease."

"Why call it Liangjin?" Jiang Ni asked again.

"This… "

The old man was at a loss for words, but there was a woman wearing a scarf beside him, who helped to answer: "It is because a Liang Langjun received the guidance of the Buddha, and he passed down this method. The epidemic in Jinyang was resolved because of this. "

"That Liang Langjun is so magical?" Jiang Ni didn't seem to believe it.

This remark immediately attracted the refutation of many people around.

"Of course it works!" "How else can we eliminate the disease?" "The monks in the temple have said that Liang Langjun was guided by the Buddha in his dreams..."

This rambunctious answer immediately overwhelmed Jiang Ni's voice and made many people look here. Jiang Ni himself did not expect that the master Lang would be so famous in Jinyang, so he shrank his head and whispered: "Can Liang Langjun come to the dharma meeting in that month?"

Now that the news of the upcoming Fa conference has spread, how could these believers who came to worship this early in the morning not know? However, most people have never thought about this issue. When they heard Jiang Ni's words, someone immediately said: "Yes, Liang Langjun should also be invited to the Fa conference!"

"Liang Langjun has been instructed by the Buddha, so of course the mages will invite him."

"You must ask the mage later..."

"Who is Liang Langjun?"

The crowd gradually became chaotic, and began to talk a lot. There are still many people who have never heard of Liang Feng's name, and only think that the prevention and control of the epidemic is all the credit of the monks of Huai'en Temple. Now listening to the explanation of the people around him, they naturally know the strange story of the Buddha's dream. There is nothing in the world more legendary than the dream, let alone the story of the Buddha's dream to save the people. Not a lot of kung fu, the believers guarding in front of the temple all believed in this story seven or eight points, and they were full of heart.

At this time, the morning class in Huai'en Temple just ended, the temple door opened, and the devout and longing believers immediately handed the questions in their minds to the monks.

"Master, will Liang Langjun participate in this Yulan Pen ceremony?"

"Master, Liang Langjun is the person guided by the Buddha, and he must be invited to the dharma meeting..."

"Only if Liang Langjun blesses those dead souls..."

How could ordinary monks know what Liang Langjun was, and they were almost overwhelmed. In the end, Zen Master Nianfa came forward and replied with a smile: "This epidemic, thanks to the guidance of the Buddha, Liang Shizhu can restrain the epidemic ghost. The host has invited him to come to participate. Fa Conference, all benefactors, please rest assured."

Yesterday, there was news from the palace that Liang Zixi had accepted the invitation and would go to Jinyang. Therefore, the confidence of reading the law is also very sufficient, Kankan said. Seeing that the believers were so looking forward to Liang Feng's arrival, he couldn't help sighing in his heart, Master's move was brilliant.

These words are more effective than the imperial decree, and the remaining doubts in many people's minds immediately vanished. Is it true that the Buddha fell into a dream, did the masters of Huai'en Temple admit it? Those onlookers who were just curious at first also began to look forward to the puja. If the Buddha's son could come in person, wouldn't the Buddha also pay special attention to the people of Jinyang

In this noisy voice, Jiang Ni's figure flashed and disappeared into the crowd.

City Xihu City.

The epidemic has just passed, and today's Hu City is not as prosperous as before. Half of the shops opened, and the rest of the merchants are also worried, and they are cautiously soliciting customers, hoping to make a few more coins.

In a cloth shop with a booming business, a young man with a cloth towel walked into it. Hu Shi's staff was used to seeing guests wearing beam scarves, and asked, "I don't know what fabrics Zunjia wants to buy?"

The guest shook his head: "No fabric, I don't know if you have a lotus patterned shirt in your house, and a show bag is fine."

The store also sells clothing, but no one has ever directly named a certain pattern regardless of the fabric color. The guy was stunned for a moment, and quickly replied: "It seems that there is no lotus pattern, but there are a few hibiscus patterns..."

"Just the lotus pattern!" The man seemed rather anxious, "Liang Langjun is coming to Jinyang, isn't the Buddhist family happy lotus? It must have the lotus pattern."

This immediately aroused the curiosity of other guests. A woman who also wore a beam towel asked, "Which Liang Langjun? Is it the Liang Langjun that the Buddha dreamed of?"

"Which Liang Langjun could it be? I just came back from Huai'en Temple, and it was spread all over the temple that he was coming to Jinyang to participate in the dharma meeting!" The man replied immediately.

"Ah!" The old woman standing beside the girl also said, "If Liang Langjun really came to Jinyang, he would definitely go to see him. That is our family's benefactor!"

"Mum, do we want to buy some lotus-patterned clothes too?" the girl hurriedly asked.

"Well, go to another house to see!" The old woman made a decisive decision, and the two walked out of the store together.

The guy was still a little stunned, but the man had already said, "If there is no lotus pattern, I will go to other places."

After all, he turned around and walked out the door. The guy didn't respond slowly, and hurried to the backyard. It would be better to inform the master of this matter as soon as possible, but the master has managed to survive the pandemic. If Liang Langjun comes, why should he go to see him!

After walking through several shops in a row and buying a bunch of wooden boxes, sachets, and robes carved with lotus patterns, the man left Hu City. Although he didn't buy many things, many shopkeepers knew the news of Liang Langjun's upcoming arrival, and some even sent domestic servants to the Huai'en Temple to inquire carefully. If that Liang Langjun can really come to Jinyang, how about more clothes and accessories with lotus patterns? That is the Buddhist son who saved Jinyang. This humility is not an exaggeration!

Like a pool of chaotic spring water, news spread like wildfire in Jinyangfang City.

When he came to a secluded street corner, Jiang Ni took off the cloth covering his face and took a breath. In one day, I went around the city twice, and I was a little tired, but I did not live up to the master's entrustment. He is not those fools and fools, but a businessman who is used to doing business. No one knows better than him, if the master's reputation becomes famous, how it will affect the new porcelain and new paper in the house.

It's just that he didn't even think that the master's reputation in Jinyang was so loud. Not only in front of the temple, but also in the Hu market! He thought that the difficult task was completed lightly, which made him feel uncertain. Is it really enough to just spread rumors in the market? Whether it's porcelain or paper, these people can't afford it...

The master's mind is really not something that ordinary people can guess. Jiang Ni shook his head, who cares, just get things done! I don't know when the master will set off...

"Reporting to the lord, all the Tibetan scripture papers picked up by the paper workshop are here." Liu Lin stood nervously beside the long paper rack, but he did not expect that the lord would come to the paper workshop in person. Look at the paper. However, in addition to being nervous, Liu Lin couldn't help being a little excited. This batch of Tibetan scripture papers was indeed the hard work of the paper workshop.

In the past few months, Liu Lin had not slept well, spending all day in the paper workshop studying new paper. From rough paper, which is slightly inferior to Zuo Bo's paper, to this kind of yellowish and tough Tibetan scripture paper, I don't know how many barrels of pulp have been destroyed, and how much effort has been spent. brain juice. Now that it has finally paid off, how can it not make people happy

Now the largest output in the workshop is the Tibetan scripture paper in front of us. The paper is made of narrow and long paper. A single piece of paper can just write a volume of scriptures. In terms of paper quality, Liu Lin can pack a ticket, and the Tibetan scripture paper is a bit better than the prestigious Zuo Bo paper. However, the manpower of the paper workshop is limited, and the master is very picky. In the end, he only got 6,000 good papers.

As for the two kinds of colored paper, it is even more rare. After several attempts at matching, he made two slightly stable flower notes. The red flower notes with hibiscus and rouge added are called peach notes, which are elegant and light in color and soft and moving. The one with mint and borneol added is called jasper paper, which is slightly greenish and has a cool fragrance, which makes people smell refreshing. The cost of these two kinds of paper is even more astonishing. In the end, there are only 500 pieces of paper cut into small notes, which are barely enough for my own use.

With such a small amount of paper, tens of thousands of dollars were spent on research and development, and the price of rouge borneol was even more unthinkable. Liu Lin was frightened every day, for fear that the master would be annoyed that he would only spend money and not produce finished products, and abolish the paper workshop. It wasn't until he made new paper that the rope around his neck slowly loosened, allowing him to take a breath.

But this kind of output is not enough to sell on the market, right

"Lang lord, the trial production of new paper is really too time-consuming. The paper workshop has now figured out a way to stabilize the paper product, and it will not be so laborious when the next batch of paper is ready." Liu Lin said cautiously.

"Does it take at least two or three months to make a batch of paper?" Liang Feng asked.

"It will take more than two months. But if the weather is sunny in summer, the paper will be dried faster, and the pulping work on the workshop has not stopped. It only takes about a month to produce a batch of new paper." Liu Lin quickly replied. .

This construction period cannot be any shorter. Liang Feng nodded slightly: "How much paper can you produce at one time?"

"The Tibetan scripture paper is too wasteful to make. There can be five or six thousand sheets at a time. The paper depends on the seasonal selection of materials, and three hundred sheets should be no problem." This amount is probably only enough to sell two or three times a year, right

Liang Feng calculated in his heart, and nodded slightly: "There is no need to increase the amount of Tibetan scripture paper and paper, but more paper for daily use is needed for the government's books."

Just writing at ordinary times, you don't need to be so precise, you can do it with a movable curtain bed. Liu Lin breathed a sigh of relief.

Liang Feng said again: "A few days ago, I asked Liu Jiangtou to make several exquisite long boxes. Please sort the paper carefully, and put a thousand pieces of Tibetan scripture paper in each box. It can't be more or less, and it can't be mixed. Put the waste paper. The rest of the paper is put in the small box, and I have other uses."

"Little understand!" Liu Lin replied quickly.

"You did a good job with the new paper this time, go back to the account to collect the reward."

"This..." Liu Lin couldn't help but get nervous, "The young man has already received the reward twice. The number of these new papers is really not enough. I'm afraid they won't be able to sell for much money. Master, don't fold the small ones..."

This is also what his father Liu Mutou taught him. Mufang and Zhifang have already received a lot of rewards. What if the master finds he can't make ends meet and gets angry

"Who said it couldn't be sold at a price?" Liang Feng raised his eyebrows and smiled, "Do it well, and you will receive the reward you deserve."

Bewildered by the laugh, Liu Lin didn't dare to say more, and hurriedly knelt down to thank him. Liang Feng reached out and touched the new papers again, and heaved a sigh of relief. With these complete arrangements, he can finally go on the road with confidence.

Two days later, five strong horses, thirty servants, and four bullock carts slowly drove out of the gate of Liangfu and headed for Jinyang.