Royal Road

Chapter 48: Elegant banquet


Wang Wen has an elegant temperament, so the dust-cleaning banquet held will not be polite and rigid. I chose a waterfront pavilion, incense sticks and hanging curtains. At this time, the lotus flowers in the pond are just in bloom. Looking from a distance, the tower seems to be floating in the sea of flowers, which is quite the meaning of being out of the world.

Before the hour, someone rode an ox cart and came happily.

Seeing the person coming, Wang Wen was also a little surprised and greeted him: "Why is Zhongpu here?"

"This time I can finally see the Liang Langjun that Maoshen mentioned, how could I not come?" This person's name is Pei Chu, he was born in the Pei family in Hedong, and is a noble family name that is not inferior to the king's family in Jinyang. Both the two families and the family are good, so unsolicited, it can only be said to be happy, and cannot be criticized.

Wang Wen didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He knew very well that Pei Zhongpu was keen on his uncle's theory of "respecting you", and he was quite disdainful of his love of Buddhism. The incident in Jinyang this time may have already made this person brooding, and the saying of "Chongyou" is even more incompatible with the true meaning of the Diamond Sutra. Come to the banquet now, is it not a bad guest

However, everyone came, and it was easy to drive them away. Wang Wen had to smile and invite Pei Chu to walk into the pavilion.

Following Pei Chu's arrival, other guests also arrived one after another. The Sun Clan in Zhongdu, the Guo Clan in Yangqu, and the Huang Yu Clan in Wai were all well-known families in Taiyuan, and they were very friendly with Wang Wen. In a short while, the room was full of friends.

"That Liang Zixi, why isn't there yet?" Pei Chu couldn't help asking when he saw that people were arriving.

Wang Wen explained with a smile: "Zixi is frail, I'm afraid he can't walk too fast... Hey, it's not here."

Following Wang Wen's gaze, everyone looked out of the pavilion in unison, and saw a figure walking through the bamboo forest on the shore, each and every one.

At first glance, you will think that the man is extremely thin. Thin and tall, the wide robe and large sleeves did not show the slightest excess, which only made him slender, elegant and free, like a lonely crane.

At second glance, you will find that the man is extremely beautiful. Without Fendai, her face is still white, and her eyes are like paint. A pair of eyes shone like stars, which made the beauty of her face even more prosperous.

And the third eye, will be shocked to realize that the person is ill. Although he is tall and straight, and his eyes are bright and sharp, there is always a hint of blue in his eyes. Under that graceful appearance, it is haggard and sickly, which makes people feel pity. And this pity cannot be expressed in words, for fear of belittling the man's Qiongshu deity.

Pei Chu was taken aback and tilted his head: "Maoshen, you never said that this child has such a handsome face!"

Wang Wen chuckled: "When you get along with Zixi, you will forget his appearance and only remember his aeolian appearance."

Between the words, Liang Feng has already stepped on the curved corridor, walked slowly into the pavilion, and bowed his hands: "I have seen Wang Zhongzheng."

"Come on, Zixi." Wang Wen smiled and waved, "This is Pei Zhongpu, a doctor from the Central Sanitation Department. Zhongpu, this is the Liang Zixi I said."

"I have seen Pei Zhongsan."

Under the recommendation of Wang Wen, Liang Feng met the guests who came to the banquet one by one. Although he has no official title, he still has the title of Tinghou, and in the eyes of these people, he is also a standard nobleman. Several people salute and then take their seats.

Wang Wen stroked his palm lightly: "This banquet, named He Zixi, came from a long way, is really a joy to celebrate Jinyang's escape from the epidemic.

With his applause, the maid was dressed elegantly, and the jade plate was placed on the table. Since it was a banquet for relatives and friends, there was naturally not much emphasis on it, and several people moved the chopsticks and tasted the delicious food. Although the food in the palace is not as luxurious as Shi Chong's, it is also exquisite and delicious. If you come from a poor family, you will definitely swallow your tongue.

Pei Chu watched today's guest of honor coldly, only to see that Liang Zixi had an elegant demeanor and a calm expression. Can Liangfu eat such delicacies? Probably not. Just by looking at the man's clothes and crown, he knew that there was no extravagance in his family. However, a person with such a face can endure the bustling world and delicious sound? I'm afraid that together with the dream of falling into a dream, it's just a posturing.

Gently putting down the ivory chopstick in his hand, Pei Chu smiled and said, "I have heard about Zixi's name, Jinyang epidemic, and it is fortunate that there is a doctor's house to avoid the disaster. If this method can be spread all over the world, it will be a blessing for all people."

Since others asked, Liang Zixi just didn't need to eat those delicacies from the mountains and seas that lacked oil, salt and no seasoning, put down his chopsticks and replied, "What Pei Zhongsan said is very true."

Pei Chu couldn't help but choked. He didn't expect that this person was not at all annoyed that he skipped the Buddha's dream, but he didn't stop, but said: "It's just this good method, which is very similar to the "Diamond Sutra" written by Zixi. There are differences. I see that the scriptures say that 'all appearances are illusory', and it also says that 'everything is a dharma, like a dream bubble, like dew and like electricity'. If this is the case, why does the famous teaching survive? How does the ritual continue? Why do you need to be kind to others?"


Knowing that Pei Chu was starting to find fault, Wang Wen couldn't help but feel a headache and wanted to persuade. Unexpectedly, Sun Tai, who was sitting beside him, opened his mouth and said, "All things are born from existence, and existence arises from non-existence. If there is no non-existence, how can there be existence? Famous teachings come from nature, originate from the original heart, and go back to nothing."

Now Wang Wen is not easy to speak. Sun Tai highly valued He Wangzhi's theory, and he was not used to Pei Ding's "Chongyou Theory". He naturally wanted to win a lot of competition against Pei Chu, who was often famous for teaching etiquette. This is a mysterious talk, and no one should interfere.

I never thought that someone would slap the bar horizontally, and it was my uncle who directly reprimanded him. Pei Chu also suddenly came to the spirit: "Husband creator, there is no one? No? Can Hu create things? Yes? It's not enough for all forms! "

As soon as these words came out, Sun Tai couldn't help but be taken aback for a moment. This seems to contradict the original meaning of "Chongyou Lun", but it is in the same line, and it is not easy to distinguish. After thinking about it, he said: "Water on the ground is called river, steam is called rain, and congealed is called ice. It is the same property, but it is impermanent. Nameless, the beginning of heaven and earth; famous, the mother of all things. Success begins with nothing and comes after birth, this is the Way."

"Nothing, how can a spirit be born? Dao cannot make existence, but existence is always natural. Things move as they come, so it is called Dao." Pei Chu waved his feather fan and sneered.

Whether the famous religion comes from nature or is higher than nature is the most frequently debated topic among celebrities in the Wei and Jin Dynasties, and it is also the battle between Confucianism and Taoism. Whether it is King He or the Seven Sages of the Bamboo Forest, they place more emphasis on nature and cherish the ignorance of seeing the truth. But the Chongyou faction headed by Pei Di and Guo Xiang paid more attention to famous religions, believing that these devotees had destroyed the foundation of society.

Therefore, after reading the "Diamond Sutra", the two schools will naturally have completely different reactions. It's a pity that Sun Taiqing's talking skills are obviously inferior to Pei Chu's, and he was caught in a few words. "The Tao can be called Tao, but it is very Tao; the name can be named, but it is very famous." It is written in the first chapter of "Lao Zi". Pei Chu's blow was extremely ruthless.

Seeing that Sun Tai was at a loss for words, he Shi Shiran turned his head and smiled at Liang Feng: "Zixi, what should be the interpretation of the theory of the Diamond Sutra?"

Liang Feng smiled slightly: "The 'false' in the scriptures refers to emptiness, not 'there' or 'nothing'."

What does it mean? Not only Pei Chu, everyone cheered up. After all, according to legend, the "Diamond Sutra" came from the Buddha's dream, and Liang Feng was the only recorder of it. Then his interpretation is naturally an important basis for interpreting the Diamond Sutra.

"There is a moon in the sky, a thousand rivers and a moon, dare to ask whether there is a moon in the river or no moon?" Liang Feng asked.

"This..." Pei Chu hesitated before saying, "There is no moon in the river, only the shadow of the moon remains."

"The flower in the mirror, the moon in the water, everyone can see. They are all false." Liang Feng replied, "This is emptiness. You only know that the shadow of the moon is false, how do you know that the moon in the sky is real? Has anyone ever touched it? Over the moon in the sky? There is something that comes from nothing, and nothing is virtual or real? If nothing is chaos, how can there be a difference between the virtual and the real?"

This is simple dialectics. Pei Chu pondered for a moment, then shook his head: "In life, you can taste the five flavors, recognize the five colors, and distinguish the five sounds. Naturally, it is true."

"Blind eyes can't distinguish colors, deaf can't distinguish sounds, and some people can't taste the five flavors. What you see and know is only in your heart."

This is to doubt "nature" itself. Faced with this purely idealistic argument, Sun Tai couldn't help but say: "Blind people can't see the rain, but they can stand in the rain. Rain is natural, not false."

"I also heard that some people lost their legs due to fighting. Every day they wake up with leg pains. The legs have been lost, where does the pain come from?"

This statement involves neurological principles, and by extension is the relationship between consciousness and the body in the future. The paradox of robot ethics in science fiction is still unsolved in future generations, and Liang Feng does not believe that people in this world can give the answer.

Indeed, everyone was silent.

Liang Feng sighed lightly: "Therefore, when exposing a sentence in the scriptures, the last five words should not be missing: one should look at it like this."

The difference between the five characters is the difference between the heavens and the abyss.

Regardless of whether it is cultivating the existence or cultivating the non-existence, they all follow the unity of the Tao and the mind. However, Liang Feng's explanation in this way is to put the foundation of the Diamond Sutra above his own spirituality. That is to say, everything is changing in an instant, only the truth is the same. This has turned the dispute over Taoism into a code of conduct, and when a person acts according to the true nature, does it matter whether it is the "respect for the name and the teaching" of the one, or the "natural nature" of the non-existent

But Pei Chu still couldn't agree: "If the Buddha said that there are no signs, why do you need to treat the epidemic? Why don't you have signs?"

"All sentient beings and the like, if they are born from eggs, if they are born in a womb, if they are born from moisture, if they are born through transformation, if they have form, if they have no form, if they have thoughts, if they don't have thoughts, if they don't have thoughts, they don't have no thoughts. And annihilate it." Liang Feng recited a passage of scripture, "The Buddha wishes to save all sentient beings."

At this time, Buddhism is still dominated by Theravada, and the Mahayana is also closer to metaphysics, aiming at cultivating the mind and self-cultivation, and has nothing to do with the world. The Diamond Sutra is also the ancestor of many sects where all methods are empty. However, Liang Feng's solution led it to another direction, namely compassion. Everyone in the later generations has heard the story of "If the hell is not empty, you will not become a Buddha", which is also the foundation of Ksitigarbha's widespread respect. Buddha is compassion, and it is the compassion that solves all people's hanging upside down, which makes Buddhism and Confucianism have similarities, and also allows Buddhism to truly take root in China. And this explanation is exactly echoing the Buddha's saying of entering a dream and avoiding epidemics, the beginning and the end are corresponding.

This is the answer Liang Feng came up with recently. Read the book a hundred times, and its meaning is self-evident. In such a classic work as the Diamond Sutra, it is not difficult to find a suitable direction for your own exposition. If it is necessary to rely on Buddhism at present, then he does not mind making this Mahayana thinking public in advance. As long as it is good to the people, what does it matter whether it is Buddha, Tao or Confucianism? In troubled times, any shelter can save more people.

I didn't expect that a long volume of scriptures would end up with such a solution, but everyone can see how serious the person in front of them is! Does he really believe in Buddhism? Probably not quite. If there is no mind to teach, how can this solution be made

Pei Chu finally sighed and raised his glass: "If you say this, it will be a big blunder."

Liang Feng smiled and picked up the tea cup on the table: "I am too weak to drink, so I use tea instead of wine."

When the sanctuary doctor in the court toasted, he could even say that he used tea instead of wine. Pei Chu laughed and drank the wine in his hand: "Mao Shen's eyes, you should also drink it!"

Wang Wen's heart was agitated at this time, how could he refuse. Everyone in the audience drank and cheered again.

At this moment, Pei Chu still had doubts at the beginning, and said with great interest: "There are good wines, wonderful people, and a pool full of Bihe, why don't you take this as an order! Would Zixi be willing to take the lead?"

This is the order of drinking wine and writing poetry. How can a celebrity banquet be without poetry as a companion

Liang Feng shook his head: "I'm not good at poetry, I hope Pei Zhongsan will forgive me."

Substituting tea for wine is considered rude, and now he claims to be not good at poetry, which is a bit of a disappointment. It will be like this at the elegant banquet, either incompetent or boring. But what he said just now did not sound like an incompetent person.

Pei Chu frowned: "Did Zixi never write poetry?"

"After waking up from a serious illness, I stopped reciting poems and composing poems." Liang Feng replied lightly, "The poem is the voice of my heart. At this moment, my heart only hears: Can I live?"

Pei Chu opened his mouth, and finally closed it again. Pei Lian, who wrote "Chongyou Lun", was a rare capable minister in the Western Jin Dynasty. Since he is keen on "Chongyou", Pei Chu will not be a person who only cares about himself. And the sentence "Can you live?" is better than thousands of poems!

Pei Chu let out a long sigh: "Everyone said, the Wei family's child is like a handsome man. Now when he sees Zixi, he will know what is ice muscle and jade bone! It's no wonder that the Buddha chose people to fall into his dreams."

If Buddhism is based on compassion, then choosing the Liang Zixi in front of him is really correct. In the years of great chaos in the world, how many Confucian scholars could not display the splendid beauty in their chests, or died in depression, but died prematurely. When everyone is crazy, how can you not let people wake up like a dream when they meet a sober person. And dare to express the diameter of the chest like this, and it is quite a bit of a hero to feed the tiger, how can it not be admired

Wang Wen also looked at Liang Feng in surprise. After not seeing him for a few months, the fluttering figure seemed to have gained a firm footing, like a dying tree, sending out new branches. Is it because of Dharma, or is it a secular choice? Wang Wen doesn't know, but the young man in front of him does have a different kind of spirit, which makes people more and more fascinated!

Seeing the reactions of the people around him, Liang Feng also breathed a sigh of relief. As a thoroughly modern person, he can handle materialistic and idealistic discussions using some dialectics, but poetry and fu are absolutely impossible. This is not a problem that can be solved by knowing a few famous poems. Not to mention that most of the quatrains that have been passed down in later generations are mainly quatrains. The literati's habit of reciting poetry is not something that people with little literary accomplishment can handle.

Whether it is traveling or drinking, any literati's recitation of poetry when making music is "proposition composition", which is an out-and-out word game. He is not from the literature department. Are the poems in his memory enough to deal with the propositions of this banquet? While the poem is good, the text cannot be bad. Can a splendid essay be written casually

Relying on the memory of later generations to drop the bookbag, the light ones have the stigma of Jiang Lang's talents; the heavy ones, I am afraid that there is no ghostwriting, or whether there is a suspicion of plagiarism. Bumping into this, it would be ruined in minutes, Liang Feng would not have done such a stupid thing.

Taking Buddhism as a foothold can subtly avoid these things. Buddha talks about sudden enlightenment and speaks the language of all living beings, not seeking hardships, but seeking wisdom. With compassion in mind, why do you need to use words and names? Anyway, Wei and Jin are not short of unconventional, as long as you have Gao Yi's style, you will be a celebrity!

The elegant banquet could not go on, but everyone felt that the trip was worthwhile. That Liang Langjun, who had a lot of talk, was even more outstanding than he imagined, and perfectly met the expectations of the children of the aristocratic family. Coupled with the praise of Pei Chu, a person who did not believe in Buddhism at all, Liang Feng was covered with a halo, which made the already glittering name of the Buddha even more dazzling.

Perhaps seeing Liang Feng's frailty and Pei Chu's lessons learned from the past, Wang Wen did not hold another banquet for the next two days, but personally accompanied him. Or discuss the Buddhist principles in the Diamond Sutra, or play the qin and learn Chinese characters to kill time.

Wang Wen's piano skills were indeed superb, and Liang Feng couldn't help but calm down and learn some real piano techniques. And he occasionally showed some later music theory, which also made Wang Wen feel like a bosom friend.

Two days passed in a blink of an eye, and on the fifteenth day of the seventh month, the dharma meeting arrived as scheduled.