Royal Road

Chapter 49: Empty alley


As soon as the sky was bright, people appeared in the streets and alleys around the palace. The high walls nearby are full of wealthy mansions, which are not allowed to be approached by ordinary people. Therefore, the location of the alley is gradually filled with people, who stop to look out and want to spy on the movement in the alley.

This is naturally the Jinyang people who came to wait for the "Buddha" to travel.

In the past few days, Jiang Ni has not been idle for a moment. The news that Liang Langjun came to Jinyang and lived in the palace had already quietly spread all over the streets and alleys of the city.

During the three days from entering the city to the ceremony, Liang Feng had never left the palace, and only a few high-ranking celebrities invited by Wang Wen had a relationship with him. With the help of Pei Chu and others, Liang Feng's reputation has risen to a higher level. Those shops and stores controlled by wealthy families knew the news early on, and they used the rumors of "Buddha's son" to fuel the flames to sell clothes and jewelry with lotus patterns. No matter how well-informed the people were, they gradually became aware of this "Godman".

Where is the palace, and who do you know from Jinyang? Those patients who were lucky enough to survive the epidemic naturally couldn't hold back, for fear of missing the opportunity to see the benefactor in person, they packed their bags early and stayed outside the palace. In the medical residence alone, more than 300 people survived. These people had friends and relatives who were old and gathered together, but it was not a small number.

As the sun rose and the puja approached, more and more people gathered around the alley, almost blocking the entrance of the alley.

In such a situation, someone would naturally take it up. Wang Wen was about to go out with Liang Feng, and when he heard the news, he couldn't help but be stunned: "There are so many people looking forward to it? Zixi, do you think you are avoiding the crowd..."

That is hundreds of thousands of Qianshou Li Shu, if it is good or bad, how can it be good

Liang Feng pondered for a moment, then shook his head and said, "They waited for a long time, just to see me, so as to reassure their hearts. Wouldn't it be sad if they avoided it? But Zhongzheng's frame will inevitably be implicated."

Wang Wen smiled bitterly: "Then please trouble Zixi to clear the way for me, and go out of the way."

Travel has always been the honorable person first, but Wang Wen did not hesitate to let Liang Feng go ahead, and the goodwill cannot be wrongly argued. Liang Feng hesitated for a while, then nodded: "Thank you for being considerate."

"But in such a battle, do you need the palace to send some people to clear the way for you?" Wang Wen was still a little worried. Liang Feng did not bring many servants, so how could they separate the crowd

Liang Feng smiled: "Zhongzheng doesn't need to worry, it's enough to have Liangfu's part."

An ox cart slowly drove out of the palace, and the sound of hoofs echoed in the alley. The ox is the ox, and the car is the light car. It is not surprising that it is placed in any street in Jinyang, but in front of the palace gate, it seems too simple and clumsy. However, the owner of the bullock cart didn't seem to care. Surrounded by eight healthy servants, he drove out of the palace and headed out of the alley.

Seeing a car driving out of the house, the crowd suddenly rioted: "There's a car coming! Whose car?"

Any high-door car will not be so simple. Immediately someone shouted: "It's not the Wang family's carriage!"

"Is Liang Langjun here?"

"How could Liang Langjun take such a car!"

"How do you know he doesn't?!"

Amid the noise, the bullock cart stepped out of the alley without rushing. The man leaning on the front suddenly gave a startled cry and took a half step back. In front of the ox cart, there were four barbarians with tall noses and deep eyes, each of them burly and ferocious. One of them also has gray-blue eyes, which looks terrifying!

The four of them did not scold or drive away the crowd, but stood in front of the car with wooden guns in hand. Like a mainstay, it separated the crowd and made these onlookers back a few steps. Jinyang has countless ministers who drove Hu Pu, but no one has ever seen such a murderous Jian Hu, like an unsheathed sword, with a powerful momentum.

Just as the anxiety surged up, a voice came from the light car: "Green Bamboo, lift the curtain."

Following the order, the bamboo curtains on the three sides of the oil wall green car were pulled open one by one, and the panicked people immediately stopped their steps. Not only the footsteps, but also the sound and even the breathing stopped at the same time.

The sky was already bright, and the dazzling morning light reflected on the blue car. Inside the extremely simple frame, was sitting a jade man. His appearance is extremely beautiful, his face is like a creamy face, his eyebrows are like ink paintings, his color is like the dawn of spring, and his eyes are like stars. If he stared at him and smiled lightly, he would surely attract countless girls to him.

But the man didn't smile, Hongying was tied under his chin, his clothes were hidden between his neck, his posture was straight, his face was neat, and he sat upright in the middle of the carriage. Not only did that slender figure not appear frivolous, but instead had a bit of solemnity and sacredness that should not be underestimated.

The frame did not stop, and squeaked and moved forward. I don't know who woke up first and shouted loudly: "Liang... Liang Langjun!"

This shout suddenly shattered the silence, and a thought flashed in everyone's heart: Yes, this is Liang Langjun, the Buddha's dream!

No one has ever said what Liang Langjun looks like. But seeing the people in the car, everyone has an answer in their hearts. Only this kind of appearance, this kind of demeanor, is worthy of being pitied by the Buddha! That simple frame, vicious Hu people, isn't it just like the bare feet of Buddha, with Yaksha accompanying him? ! Only in this way is it worthy to save all peoples!

"Liang Langjun..." "Liang Langjun!"

The voice suddenly started, and it was louder than a sound, like a tsunami and thunder resounding through the sky. These people are all patients who survived by chance. They escaped the mortal disease and were reborn. Deep down in their hearts, they have extraordinary feelings, piety and faith, and fears that have been suppressed for a long time. Yet someone can save them, and someone is willing to give them new life! That person is like ice and jade, clean and clean. That person is the substitute of Buddha in the world!

Thousands of people lost their composure and shouted loudly.

In the frantic cries, the wheels rolled, unmoved. The man sitting in the car did not show any other expressions, but lowered his phoenix eyes and kept his body still.

However, this gesture made the onlookers more and more mad, many old women and girls burst into tears, and there were also devout people who worshipped along the street, such as worshipping Buddha. Jin people have a tradition of throwing fruit into carts and watching handsome and famous people, but no one will throw melon and fruit sachets at this ox cart. It is too frivolous and too blasphemous.

But fortunately, today is the day of the Fa conference. Everyone has flowers in their hands, and only flowers of various colors are worthy of the person in front of them!

Peony, white orchid, hosta, dandan... The flowers are like rain, swaying down. However, most of them are lotus flowers. Blossoming white lotuses are falling like snow, cars are rolling, flowers are mud, and incense is paving the way!

Yi Yan nervously held the wooden gun in his hand. He never thought that the scene of going to the puja would be so crazy! The screams were deafening, the rain covered their eyes, and the pedestrians on both sides of the alley were maddened. If these people rushed forward, would he be able to protect the Lord and leave peacefully

Suddenly, there was a commotion in the crowd, and a girl rushed out of the siege and fell in front of the ox cart: "Liang Langjun! Thanks to Langjun, my father can save his life! The slaves are willing to be cows and horses, and weeds for Langjun. Ring!"

This sound suddenly awakened many people, like the wind blowing grass stems, all the people in front of the road knelt down, thanks for the prostration, and the road was suddenly congested.

Yi Yan only felt that the hair all over his body exploded, and the wooden gun was already raised, trying to drive away the crowd. However, in the car, a faint voice stopped him: "Yiyan, no need."

Liang Feng bent over, picked up a white lotus that had fallen on the hood of the car, held it out of the car, and handed it to the woman: "Jinyang's epidemic prevention has the power of doctors and monks, and it also has the power to save yourself. The girl doesn't have to thank me, but thank the countless people in Jinyang."

The woman took the lotus in a daze and looked at the handsome man in front of her.

Liang Feng retracted his arms, sat proudly, and said to the people who were still kneeling in front of the road: "Today, Huai'en Temple has set up a compassionate dojo, and monks have set up fasting and chanting sutras. Please worship the gods and Buddhas, and save the dead. I hope everyone will make way. Come with me to the puja."

His voice is not too high, but his voice is clear, like a pearl falling on a jade plate. With this sound, those who worshipped became excited again, and the Buddha said that the epidemic had their own power to save them! The Buddha would like to lead them to the dharma meeting to save the souls of the dead!

As if dividing the water, the crowd slammed out of the way, like the maids and servants who were on the side, guarding both sides of this simple ox cart.

Liang Feng sighed softly and said, "Keep going."

Yi Yan clenched the wooden spear tightly in his hand, looking at the crowd that was like a sea of mountains and maddened, suddenly felt that his heart was empty. Is the person sitting in the car still your own lord

The frame did not stop for a while, and slowly moved forward in the crowd of more and more people.

Outside the Huai'en Temple, the incense carts are all over the ground, and the treasure canopy covers the sky. The monks lit incense candles early, wore cassocks, and opened the temple gates to welcome guests. Today is the first time to hold a puja in the name of the Ullambana, and it is also to save the souls of the dead.

As an acquaintance, Nianhui naturally stood outside the temple gate and greeted the guests with a smile. With a handsome face, a genial smile, and a modest and reasonable manner, he was deeply loved by those noble ladies and literati. Just as he was inviting all the guests to take a rest, suddenly, a commotion came into his ears. Nianhui looked up and froze in place.

I saw a crowd of people coming towards Huai'en Temple in Wuyang. There were men and women, old and young, but their clothes were not very luxurious, and they all seemed to be civilians. The people who came to see the ceremony outside the temple today were much less than expected, and Nianhui was still skeptical. How could they have come at the same time!

Taking a closer look, he realized that there was an ox cart wrapped in the crowd. The light car is simple and simple. He seemed to have thought of something, ah, and quickly sent someone into the temple to report.

At this moment, the host is sitting in the meditation room, talking with several distinguished guests who have come before. These people are the biggest benefactors of Huai'en Temple, and even this old monk dare not be slighted. As he said the authentic tea, a monk hurried over to him and whispered something. The host raised his eyebrows and got up slowly: "Please forgive me, all benefactors, there are distinguished guests coming, and the old monk will go out to welcome them."

Who can make the host leave the distinguished guests and welcome them out? Several people present were a little surprised. One of the old women wearing a hood said, "I don't know who the distinguished guest is?"

"Today's dharma meeting, people of karma." The old monk smiled and saluted, and walked towards the door.

There are not so many rules in the temple. After hearing what the old monk said, those distinguished guests couldn't help being curious and followed.

The monastery is not big, and after a while, a few people came to the door. When they saw the scene in front of them, someone couldn't help but exclaimed, "Why are there so many people?"

Even if the prince travels, there may not be so many people around him. But among the crowd, there was clearly only an extremely ordinary bullock cart

Some people's eyes were better, and when they saw the other team behind the crowd, they couldn't help shouting, "Isn't that the Wangfu chariot?"

Sure enough, after the mighty crowd, there was also a luxury motorcade, which looked like a royal chariot. But those maddened people had no intention of paying attention to the chariot of the palace, and only followed around the ox cart.

There were very few stupid people present, and many people suddenly realized, could it be that Liang Langjun, who lived in the palace, went outside the temple? When did he have such a reputation to drive so many people away

The bullock cart stopped in front of the temple gate, Liang Feng glanced at the green bamboo shivering with excitement, his face flushed red, and said softly, "Stay in the car, don't leave."

Green Bamboo bit his lip and nodded vigorously. The fact that so many people paid homage to Lang Jun made her both excited and frightened, with tears in her eyes, and she couldn't calm down for a long time. Now let alone getting out of the car, the cartilage in the legs is so tender that it is impossible to move.

Seeing the appearance of Lvzhu, Liang Feng smiled slightly and raised his voice: "Yiyan, help me get out of the car."

Yiyan immediately stepped forward and stretched out his arm. The slender and precious white fingers, just like in the past, were placed on his arm. Yiyan has helped the lord to get off the ladder and walk slowly. However, there has never been a time when he could be as shocked as he is today.

There was no smile on the man's face, instead he pursed his lips and lowered his eyes, with a solemn expression on his face. The group of azure robes tightly wrapped around his slender body, and it also made him show a different kind of appearance, awe-inspiring and unapproachable. Just like the real immortal Buddha, it makes people feel heartbroken.

With just one glance, Yi Yan lowered his head in a hurry, and with a 12-point respect, helped the man to step off the frame.

When he got out of the car, Liang Feng did not move, but stood there, waiting for Wang Zhongzheng's carriage. After a while, the carriages and horses of the palace also bypassed the crowd and came to the front of the temple. Wang Wen got out of the car and said with a smile, "I never imagined that Zixi's demeanor is far superior to Anren."

"Zhongzheng is too famous." Liang Feng chuckled and shook his head.

"It's also a joy in life to be able to walk through the streets like this. Come and walk with me." Wang Wen's magnanimity is indeed extraordinary after being robbed of the limelight.

Faced with such a kind invitation, how could Liang Feng refuse? The two of them supported each other like this and went up the steps.

Behind him, Yi Yan glanced at the empty arm, gritted his teeth, followed the figure silently, and walked towards the temple.