Royal Road

Chapter 58: New article


"Lord, this is the re-bound book." Kneeling in front of the case, Chao Yu handed the brand-new book up with both hands, his eyes full of joy.

Liang Mansion officially set up a bookstore half a month ago, and started trial production of new books. Different from the common scriptures in the world, the book printed in the bookstore is not a scroll, but a square one, which is made of wood lettering and ink-covered paper. The first time I saw the engraving, Chaoyu was really surprised. Who would have thought that words could be engraved on wood and transferred into books

This method is simply brilliant! Chaoyu grew up in a poor family, and immediately became interested in the art of printing. Coincidentally, because of her literacy, the master gave her the task of checking the new book and binding it into a book.

A new type of paper book that no one has ever seen before, it is not easy to get a good binding. Chaoyu spent a lot of thought, but in the end it was only after being enlightened by the master that he had immediate results. Although it is new, Chaoyu is confident that this is the best binding method, and I am afraid that even the master can't make a mistake.

Liang Feng opened the book in front of him. The engraving of the Diamond Sutra has not yet been finished. This book is just a sample publication made of drafts. Different from before, this time it is hinge binding, that is, the printed pages are folded in half, the non-worded side is sandwiched in the middle, the worded side is facing out, the back is sewn with a thin thread, and then wrapped in paper. Yan, as an outer seal. Although it is a sample issue, Chaoyu has not neglected it. However, Liang Feng had long been accustomed to books printed on both sides of the front and back in later generations. This kind of hinge, no matter how you look at it, looks like a pirated book that has not been cut well, which makes people have the urge to cut the middle page.

But even Liang Feng had to admit that there was no better choice now. In fact, it takes a lot of time for engraving, and the paper and ink are not ideal. If the characters are printed on both sides, the wrong version is still a small problem, and the ink penetration is a headache. This kind of hinge binding takes into account the needs of both aesthetics and practicality, and it can make a thin Diamond Sutra look slightly thicker, and it can be seen that Chaoyu has put all his efforts into it.

Putting down the book, Liang Feng nodded and said, "That's fine. How long does it take to bind a book?"

"It only takes two days." Chao Yu happily replied.

The most troublesome thing about woodblock printing is the time it takes to carve the wood. It is time-consuming and laborious, and you have to be careful not to make typos, otherwise a board will be destroyed and remade. But once the engraving was made, the printing and binding was simple. Just dry the ink, carefully fold it in half, glue the outer cover, and you'll have a beautiful book. Thinking that he could bring a few illiterate maids to make such a beautiful new book, Chaoyu felt extremely excited. Lord Lang is really a gift from heaven, and he can come up with such a wonderful method!

This production cycle is not bad, if five female workers adopt assembly line binding, I am afraid it will be more efficient. After thinking about it, Liang Feng took a white page, folded it a few times from left to right like a lyric book, and handed it to Chaoyu: "The Diamond Sutra can be carefully bound, but the Treatise on Febrile Diseases is not necessary. This way you can glue the pages together and fold them.”

The Diamond Sutra is the main selling item, no matter how detailed it is. "Treatise on Febrile Diseases" is a free supplement, so the cost must be controlled. It is refreshing and simple to use ordinary hemp paper and folded paper, which can be regarded as a method.

"By the way, the "New Treatise on Febrile Diseases" must be carefully revised, not a single word is written wrong, and a single character cannot be missed. This is the foundation of saving people and should not be ignored." Liang Feng ordered again.

Because it is a medical book, Liang Feng spent a lot of time on the "New Treatise on Febrile Febrile Diseases". For the first time, "sentence break" was introduced in stereotypes. There is no punctuation in ancient books, and it is only through the guidance of teachers that one can discern the meaning of the text and read the scriptures. In private annotations, the two types of "." and "," are used, which is the ancient term for sentence break. This is of course a means for the ruling class to control the dissemination of knowledge and make it noble. But in medical books, it is likely to become a trap to mislead others. Even if he will be criticized, Liang Feng can't look at the wrong medical book. Anyway, it doesn't cost money to send it, just follow his heart.

Although this was illegal, Chao Yu also knew the impact of sentence break on reading, so after nodding, he backed out.

The bookstore, like the weaving room, is now in the main house. Chaoyu quickly walked around the corridor, covered his nose with his hands, and stepped into the courtyard. The yard was still full of sawdust, which was very choking. Several craftsmen are carving the wooden boards in their hands. They have their own divisions of labor, some flatten the wood, and some are carved and decorated. Only the four with the best craftsmanship carefully carve the words on the board.

This is a task that requires concentration, so Chaoyu didn't dare to disturb him and moved to the corner of the courtyard. I saw Wei Fonu sitting alone in front of the wooden desk, carefully engraving a pattern.

This is the picture of Gion's lectures that the master specially invited the painter to paint. I saw in the painting, the Buddha sits under the Bodhi tree with one hand crossed, with a smile on his lips. The shadows of the trees swirled, and they couldn't hide the golden wheel behind him. Below, the disciples were sitting or kneeling, looking up and staring, or nodded and lowered their eyes, listening intently to what the Buddha said. The houses in the distance are dimly visible, not like Middle-earth.

This brushwork is mediocre, but it is superior in that there are many characters and a clear structure. Even more striking is the Buddha in the middle. With just a few strokes, the Buddha's face showed an elegant and beautiful appearance. Between those drooping eyebrows, there is compassion and compassion, and there is a faint shadow of the head of the Liang family.

Did the Buddha in the previous painting look like this? Chao Yu glanced at Wei Funu, who was concentrating on carving, but did not speak. No one knows the true appearance of the Buddha, but among the servants of Liangfu, the Lord Lang is their god and Buddha. Such a portrait is worthy of this exquisite engraving!

After looking at it for a long while, Chao Yu pulled away and walked towards the engraving plate made on the side.

Returning from Wuxiang, Yiyan spent more than ten days on the road. Even if the master had prepared enough dry food and silver money for him, the journey was exhausting.

So many miscellaneous Hu, too easy to provoke right and wrong. Thanks to the five extraordinary horses and the token Liang Feng had prepared in advance, this group of people escaped the inspection of the soldiers. Along the way, they traveled day and night, and they were frightened. When they came to the outside of Liangfu, they saw the fields that had been harvested and the refugees walking through the shantytowns. Many people cried. They have been farming for a living for generations, how could they not know that this is a happy land where people can live.

Knowing that Yiyan was back, Liang Feng specially greeted him. Seeing Zhang's still pale and handsome face, Yi Yan's eyes warmed and he knelt on the ground.

"My lord, I brought my clan back. Too many people went out to flee the famine, and only the old and weak are left. I also ask the lord to punish..."

Among these people, less than one-third of the labor force is in the prime of life, and more are women, children and the elderly. Looking at the heads of people kneeling under the black pressure, Liang Feng walked up to Yi Yan and stretched out his hand: "What's the crime? It's all human life, and it should be saved."

This is not the same as what he thought, but the elderly and children can also do some chores that are not so physically demanding. Every life is precious in a chaotic world. What's more, with these relatives, those men who are away from home will always return one day.

No one knows better than Yiyan the money Liangfu spends every day, and the wasted spending to raise these people. He didn't get up, so he knelt upright in front of Liang Feng: "The lord wants to save more people, whether they are Jie people or refugees."

During these days of returning home, it was the first time that Yi Yan had voluntarily left Liang Feng's side. There is no daily practice, no vicious enemy, and no man who can always attract his attention. Yi Yan started to open his eyes and looked beside him.

He saw countless miserable people. Those peasants who, like his clan, were unable to eat enough, did not wear warm clothes, and were dying on the barren land; those scrawny soldiers with swords and guns, who were like hungry tigers and wolves; those who left their homes to avoid swordsmen , but the refugees on the side of the road died.

This world, just like when he left his hometown, never got better, but became more and more frightening. The Liang Mansion was like a barrier, blocking his eyes and letting him indulge in tiny happiness. However, the lord has never been fooled by this illusion. The words he once said echoed in his ears like thunder.

"A big ship has fallen into the water and is about to sink. Everyone is crying, can we save it or not?"

"It doesn't matter tomorrow? Who knows what will happen tomorrow?"

Words, seemingly odd actions, all point in one direction. He wanted to save people, tried his best, and tried every means to save more lives.

Before, Yiyan didn't understand why the people in Jinyang City were so crazy. However, these days and nights, the prayers that echoed in his ears made Yiyan understand. Those who are in hell need such a savior. Maybe the lord was originally the incarnation of gods and Buddhas, so he would be so compassionate and compassionate towards them and the common people.

So this time, Yiyan knelt down and got down on both knees.

Looking at the young face, Liang Feng nodded slightly: "Yes, do my best."

His voice was light, without much ups and downs. However, Yiyan bowed her head and bowed in front of him as if she had been whipped.

"I would like to be the pawn of the stallion."

All the Jie people kneeling behind him also lowered their heads. Just like the devout believers who want to worship the Buddha.

Liang Feng stretched out his hand and gently stroked the top of the drooping hair: "I'm very happy with your words."

He no longer said "effective death", and no longer only considered his own safety. This long journey has put a little more weight on Yiyan's shoulders. Like a sharp sword, it finally has a scabbard and gathers an unparalleled edge. This little guy has grown up.

Then, Liang Feng raised his head and said to the Jieren who were kneeling on the ground: "From now on, this is your home. I will distribute livestock and farm tools to you, and you will build houses and open up wasteland to build canals. , build fortifications. If you want to survive, you have to work hard and earn rations for yourself."

He didn't even say slaves or tenants, just told them that this was the new home. Those Jie people who could understand Chinese all sobbed. And those who don't understand can also hear the kindness in his tone.

Kneeling on the ground, the old man with cloudy eyes raised his head with difficulty. I saw a handsome and flawless gentleman standing in front of everyone in the dazzling sunshine. The man's demeanor is extraordinary, but his smile is gentle and amiable, just like the Buddha's eyes.

As if his eyes were burned by the light, he hurriedly lowered his head and recited the scriptures again. Infected by his voice, the Buddha's voice sounded incessantly, both Chinese and Jieyu, blended in one place.

Liang Feng smiled and didn't take it seriously. He said to Yi Yan, "Okay, let's go back to the manor. It will take a lot of work to settle them."

Yiyan stood up from the ground, but did not take a step, but took his own Karasuma horse: "My lord, ride it back."

Liang Feng raised his eyebrows, this kid actually dares to let himself ride a big horse? But it's better. With luck, Liang Feng stepped on the stirrup, and just as he was about to get on the horse, he put a hand on his calf and gently supported it. Without much effort, he straddled his horse steadily.

Yi Yan retracted his hand, took the reins of the horse, and walked towards the village.

The author has something to say: The Diamond Sutra uses a backpack, which probably appeared in the Song Dynasty. Medical books use folded classics, which existed in the Tang Dynasty. If you don't make a lyric book, just think about the memorials and you will know. As for sentence break, it is actually the sentence reading (dòu) of later generations, which is mentioned in "Shuowen Jiezi". These symbols were used to break sentences in private, but until the Song Dynasty, only a few books were marked with punctuation marks. In ancient times, they tried every means to prevent people from learning to read.