Royal Road

Chapter 61: First snow


These days, the temperature has dropped even more. Zhu Er carried a basket of square bricks and walked towards the ridge out of breath. Behind him, there were also several recruits, all carrying on their shoulders, carrying all kinds of wood and bricks, and strode to the construction site.

In the valley leading to Liangfu, a village gate is slowly being built. This will be the first barrier for Liang Mansion to defend against foreign enemies. On the top of the mountain farther away, there is a wooden house, and sentries are stationed every day to observe the surrounding movements. Because of the cold weather, these days, the troupe has not carried out much daily drills, but has built new fortifications together with the slack farmers and those newly attached refugees.

The main part of the outer wall of the Liang Mansion has already been raised by 10 feet, and the Sifang Ye Grange is also included in the defensive range, and several turrets have been built inside the wall, which can be used in wartime. The walls of the inner house were even higher and thicker, and they were completely built into the appearance of Wubao. Not to mention bandits, even if the imperial army came, I am afraid that they would not be able to attack this fortified wall for a while.

The fences and village gates on the periphery are more of a protective function. The newly built barracks is between Zhuangzi and the village gate. As soon as there is any change, troops can be sent to battle immediately.

All these defensive measures are the basis for protecting the Liang Mansion. In this piece of paradise, everyone regards Liang Mansion as their home, so no one complains even if they are recruited as a reluctant husband. What's more, there is the careful arrangement of the master.

Walking to the ground, a strong fragrance floated over. Zhu Er took a deep breath, walked to the construction site, handed in the bricks, and then turned to the shed beside him. Not only is it sheltered from the wind, but two large pots are also burning, and many people have gathered around the pot, drinking steaming hot fish soup. Zhu Er also walked over and received a meal.

Working in the Liang Mansion is not like being detained by the government and sent to corvée. Here, the fortifications are divided into pieces, and there is some "task progress" every day. Those who have exceeded the progress are also rewarded, usually some food, which can be brought back to their mother-in-law. Therefore, the refugees and those Jie people are the most motivated, and they can endure hardships more than their soldiers.

That's not to mention, as long as you go to work every day and work for two months, you can get a winter coat. This thing is reluctant to wear when working, but in a few days, the weather will be completely cold, but it will be a life-saving treasure. Not to mention that there are two hot meals a day on the construction site, working in the cold wind for a few hours, drinking a bowl of hot fish soup, it is almost a fairy!

But these are nothing to Zhu Er. Under the envious gazes of the refugees, he walked to the side of his fellow robe and sat down quite contentedly: "Wang Wu, you guys are about to lose."

Wang Wu snorted: "It's just a few bricks! Humph! When the brothers have finished eating, they will be back in the afternoon!"

"You said the same yesterday, let's honestly let us get the reward this time." Zhu Er sucked the hot soup and laughed.

"I don't believe it!" Wang Wu gushed all the soup into his stomach, "Go, then go to work!"

"Secretary, I just had dinner..." The few recruits beside him immediately wailed.

However, Wang Wuzheng was so angry that he picked them up one by one and rushed out. Zhu Er couldn't sit still anymore, and hurriedly said to his subordinates: "Hurry up, go to work after dinner! As long as you can catch up with Wang Wu's team, you will have an extra day off, and you can go home and hug your mother-in-law. go!"

"Secretary, you are the only one of us who has married a wife." A person said with a bitter face.

"Bullshit! After a few more days as a soldier, you can also get married!" Zhu Er cursed, not caring about the nonsense, and started eating.

However, the following few recruits were convinced. There are military fields, full meals, and winter clothes. As long as it is a part of the Liang family, who does not want to marry a girl? So what if the training is hard and tiring, what if you fight for your life to kill a thief? Being able to serve as a soldier in Liang Mansion is their greatest blessing!

"Hey! It's snowing!" Someone shouted, and everyone quickly looked out. I saw little snowflakes falling from the sky.

"No wonder it's so cold today." "What about the construction site?" "I'm afraid the progress will be delayed..."

Ignoring the gossip in his ears, Wang Wu glanced at the little snowflakes outside and snorted, "This little Xueer, I'll stop in a while, so I won't delay my work. Hurry up and I'll be back when I'm done. Camp is closed!"

The following group of people didn't dare to delay, and hurried to eat.

"Lang master. These days, the sales of scriptures are gradually decreasing, and the amount on the tenth day is not as good as the previous day. And the weather is getting colder, and I am afraid that it will be easy to damage the board again." Chaoyu said.

"Well, after the completion of "Mourning Clothes", the bookstore will be closed until the spring of next year." Liang Feng sighed. In this era, the influence of seasons is still very important. Not to mention the bookstore, the paper workshop has gradually stopped production, and the pottery workshop will last for at most half a month. After the snow starts, every family will close their doors and start the winter to avoid the long and harsh winter.

"By the way, how are the winter clothes made?" Liang Feng asked.

The work of the weaving room is also under the control of Chaoyu. She replied calmly: "The winter clothes in the camp have been distributed, and each person has a sheepskin hood. The bedding is also thick enough to keep out the cold. Refugees pay for work, and everyone should be able to wear winter clothes.”

This is also the place where Chaoyu admires the master the most. Let those refugee female relatives concentrate on weaving linen. On the Jieren side, there are many women and children who will use wool and linen to blend felt. These linen felts are spun and handed to the house, and then cut into winter clothes by the weaving room and distributed. This will not only let the newly attached refugees eat for free, but also give them enough clothes to keep out the cold so that they won't freeze their lives. The four words "relief for work" show the benevolence of the master.

"That's good. It's cold this year, don't let anyone die."

Having worked so hard to raise a group of refugees, some people look like they will freeze to death for another winter. That is a big loss. It is a pity that in this era, the Central Plains still does not produce cotton. It would be great if we could get cotton seeds from Xinjiang and try to cultivate them. There are also fire prevention drills in winter. Anyway, those soldiers are idle, so it is better to learn firefighting knowledge part-time.

Liang Feng was thinking about various matters for the winter in secret, Chaoyu hesitated for a while, and suddenly said: "Lord, can you let Xiao Lang come over to share lunch today?"

"Huh?" Liang Feng raised his head in confusion.

Finding that Langjun really didn't remember it, Chaoyu didn't know whether to be relieved or sad, and whispered: "Today is Xiao Langjun's birthday, he will be sad if he stays alone."

Only then did Liang Feng realize that today was Liang Rong's birthday. In this era, there is no habit for children to celebrate their birthdays, and they are afraid that they will not live long. But Liang Rong is different from others. His birthday is also the anniversary of his mother's death. Just relying on the virtue of the original owner, the little guy may have been immersed in deep self-blame since he was sensible. In a society where filial piety comes first, killing a mother is itself the greatest unfilial piety. Too bad no one told him it wasn't his fault.

Liang Feng immediately said, "You're going to bring Rong'er here. By the way, let the kitchen make some steamed cakes, wrap the cakes with caramel, and use rouge to dot red dots on the tops. Bring them to you when you eat."

Now the north doesn't eat much pasta, and there are more porridge and rice. It is definitely too late to learn longevity noodles now. However, there are steamed buns, which are called "steamed cakes". Make a candy bag for the little guy's birthday, it should make him a little happier.

Chao Yu understood the meaning of Liang Feng's words, her eyes reddened, and she fell down. Although she is now working on both sides of the weaving room and the bookstore, Liang Rong is the child she grew up with, and the meaning is naturally different. The master is so caring, how can she not be overjoyed.

After a while, Liang Rong, who was wrapped up like a small dumpling, was taken to the study. Seeing Liang Feng, the little guy was not as happy as he used to be, instead he shrank slightly and knelt before the desk: "My father is busy these days, so I don't dare to disturb you..."

Before Liang Feng could finish speaking, he got up and walked to Liang Rong's side, pulling up the other party's little hand: "Go, let's go out for a walk."

These days, Liang Rong has actually been frightened. It was coming to his mother's death day soon, and he was afraid that if his father thought about it accidentally, the love he had won with great difficulty would disappear. It was he who killed his mother. How could Liang Rong dare to go to Liang Feng on such a day. But he didn't expect that Chaoyu actually said that his father asked him to come over, which made the little guy feel uncomfortable. Zhengqiang was trying to get through this, but his father didn't mean to punish him at all, but dragged him to the side courtyard as before.

I don't know when it was snowing in the courtyard. The father and son were not wearing thin clothes, but they were not afraid of the cold. They walked through the corridor and boarded the watchtower in the side courtyard. Now that the sentry has been moved to the new observation deck outside, this pavilion has become a place for Liang Feng to climb high and look into the distance.

Pulling the little guy to the stage, he held onto the railing and pointed into the distance: "Did you see it? That is the future Zhaimen of Liang Mansion. Inside and outside the Zhaimen are the places that Liang Mansion will guard."

Liang Rong opened his eyes wide to look over and opened his mouth slightly: "It's so far!"

"It's not too far. There are 400 households in the house, 300 refugees, and there are two other villages outside, and 200 people. These are the children under our control. Let them be fed and clothed. Nuan, live well, only the fields in Liang Mansion will be cultivated, and the mulberry garden will be taken care of, so that we can live like this."

Liang Rong nodded in understanding, and asked again, "But aren't these all servants of Liang's house, Yin households?"

Isn't it the father who feeds so many people? He had also heard A Liang and Chao Yu talk about how much money the government spent on these refugees. How could it be that they supported the grandfather

"You and I can't lift my shoulders or my hands. If no one grows and spins, where will the food and clothing come from?" Liang Feng asked rhetorically.

"It was given to us by the imperial court?" Liang Rong thought for a while and answered hesitantly.

"Where does the money for the imperial court come from?" Liang Feng asked back.

Liang Rong immediately got stuck, which was obviously not within his scope of study.

Liang Feng smiled: "Naturally, it comes from taxes. Every reward you and I get is also due to the hard work of these people."

Unexpectedly, his father would suddenly tell him this. Liang Rong's attention was completely drawn to him. He looked curiously at the crowd of ants who were struggling to build the gate, and asked, "That's why my father has to work for them?"

"Well. If you don't care about the herdsmen, how can you be worthy of these hard gifts? These will become your responsibility in the future, just like the entire Liang Mansion." Liang Feng said lightly.

However, Liang Rong seemed shocked, and immediately said: "Father is healthy! It won't be like this!"

Reaching out his arms and wrapping Liang Rong's shoulders, Liang Feng said softly: "Life, old age, sickness and death are always like this. Just like your grandfather and grandmother. But the blood of Liang's house has been passed down from generation to generation. Rong Er, you are your mother. As long as you are here, the blood of your life will not be cut off. As long as you are here, the blood of your mother and Liang's residence will not be cut off. This Zhuangzi and these people will live in peace and stability."

Looking at the figures under the stage, Liang Rong bit his lips: "My mother died because of me..."

"That's not your fault. Pregnant with you and giving birth to you are her choice and wish. Only if you live well and grow up healthily will you live up to your mother's affection."

Tears fell, and Liang Rong grabbed the hem of Liang Feng's clothes: "What about my father? Will my father blame me?"

If his own son killed his wife in childbirth, would he hate the child? Liang Feng sighed softly, bent down, and touched Liang Rong's head: "You are the treasure your mother bought with her life. If you hate you, won't you betray her deep love?"

Liang Rong couldn't bear it any longer and started crying. Liang Feng didn't coax him this time, just took the little guy in his arms and let him vent his emotions. This is like an old thorn, if it is not pulled out, it will probably kill Liang Rong for life. This little guy is the most well-behaved child he has ever seen, and he is also the flesh and blood under his knees. If he doesn't teach him and love him, who else will come

After a long while, Liang Rong stopped sobbing. Liang Feng wiped the still-dry tears on his face with his sleeve: "I'm hungry for my father. Would you like to have lunch with me?"

Liang Ronghong frowned and nodded vigorously.

With a chuckle, Liang Feng took the little guy's hand and walked back slowly. Lunch is ready. There are not many vegetables in winter in this era. It seems that Chinese cabbage has not appeared yet. Therefore, these days, the kitchen is always changing ways to make some sauerkraut. Thanks to Liang Feng, the people below learn to cook, otherwise the stew will hurt people sooner or later.

Liang Rong was not a picky eater, so he obediently washed his hands and face, and sat down to eat. Unexpectedly, Chao Yu brought another plate of food and placed it in front of him. It was a plate of steamed pancakes. The pancakes were not big, and each had a small red dot on it. It looked red, red and white, and it was really cute. Liang Rong blinked and looked up at the main seat.

Liang Feng smiled and said, "Today is Rong'er's birthday. I asked the chef to make some sugar cakes. Would you like to try it?"

"Father..." Liang Rong's eyes immediately turned red again.

"Eat this kind of sugar cake, you should be happy, laugh more." Liang Feng reached out and rubbed the little guy's head, "Eat it while it's hot, but don't eat too much, be careful to break your teeth."

Liang Rong sniffed, held the sugar packet in both hands, and took a big bite. The sugar wrapped in it dripped down the corner of his mouth. This action was not etiquette at all, but Liang Feng didn't mind, chuckled lightly, picked up his chopsticks, and started to eat.

Looking at the appearance of the father and son, Chao Yu secretly wiped the corners of his eyes with his sleeves and backed out.

Outside the courtyard, Xiaoxue has stopped. Although the snow came too early, it does not seem to be a bad thing for the land of Bingzhou after two years of severe drought.