Royal Road

Chapter 65: mess up


All the way from the county seat to the Liang Mansion, in just two days, the number of refugees who followed the convoy turned from two to sixty. Seeing these refugees, Ah Liang complained with a headache: "Lord Lang, now that we have missed the winter wheat sowing, how should these people be resettled?"

"If you miss the winter wheat and spring wheat, let's put them in Xiahuai Village first. Mix more bran in the rations, so that people don't starve to death. There are also shacks that you need to build yourself, so you can't let people idle all of a sudden. The surrounding land is also Take advantage of the cold weather to plough, and wait until the spring to plant wheat and the harvest will be better." Liang Feng didn't care, and ordered.

No matter how much food is stored, it is not a problem to accommodate refugees in such an unlimited number. However, A Liang just opened his mouth, but still responded. The human heart is full of flesh. Seeing these poor people who are obviously about to starve to death, who would have the heart to drive them to a dead end

After arranging the refugees, Liang Feng was dragged by Luzhu to take a medicinal bath. The previous horse galloping, the effect of relaxing the mind was good, but there were also many side effects. Sudden by the wind, this incomparably weak body had no luck at all, and it became hot that night. Coupled with the excessive force when the horse was frightened, the entire back and thighs were also sore. The hatchback is superimposed, and a hot bath is obviously a good idea.

Sitting in the steaming hot tub, and sending out the green bamboo like the mother chicken, Liang Feng let out a long sigh of relief and rested his head on the tub. After lying down comfortably for a while, he suddenly asked, "Yiyan, how many people are in the camp?"

Yi Yan didn't follow the bathroom, but stayed at the door like a competent guard. Hearing the question, he didn't turn around, so he replied: "There are thirty-five spearmen, fifteen sword and shield soldiers, ten cavalrymen, and ten archers. There are seventy soldiers in total. There are also auxiliary soldiers. There are one hundred and twenty soldiers, all of whom have practiced spear formation, and have never seen blood."

There are almost 1,000 people in the Liang Mansion, and only 70 soldiers have been selected. These are real professional soldiers. Although the arms are slightly differentiated, their physical conditions and training foundation are very solid, and each of them has seen blood, so they can be regarded as veterans. And the 120-man auxiliary soldiers are farmers who have been training since the slack of farming.

Liang Feng nodded slightly: "The main soldiers should control the number of soldiers first, and the auxiliary soldiers can be increased. The slack season has arrived, and those young and strong laborers can be trained, so as to prevent the defense of the village from being empty when the main soldiers go out. There are also refugees, choose appropriately If some conditions are good, they can be selected as regular soldiers."

Anyway, there is no farm work now, and it is all about raising people. It is better to choose some with good physical conditions as arms.

"I understand," Yiyan replied.

"Choose some of the auxiliary soldiers, arrange sentries, and inspect the farms. Now that there are many refugees, we must pay attention to discipline and prevent troubles." Liang Feng said again.

"My subordinate understands."

"The drill about fire fighting should also be organized, and the knowledge of fire prevention should be popularized for them. In case of danger, the battalion must take the lead."

"My subordinate understands."

The three "understanders understand" made Liang Feng frown slightly. Half-sitting up from the bathtub, he leaned on the edge of the basin and looked at the tall young man at the door. After a while, he said, "Why, are you still angry with me?"

For the past two days, Yi Yan hardly spoke much, but a shadow seemed to stick to his side. Whether it's in charge of the car outside or returning home today, it's quiet as hell. Is this mad at him for riding a horse rashly and almost causing trouble

"My subordinates dare not." Yi Yan replied, but still did not look back.

Liang Feng couldn't help laughing bitterly and slowed down his voice: "I was reckless that day, and I won't be like this again in the future."

It was frightened by the horse and fever again, and Lu Bamboo cried to him, and it was not incomprehensible that Yi Yan, who rescued himself by himself, lost his temper. However, Liang Feng was good at coaxing little girls, and he was really not very good at coaxing such a big guy.

This time, Yi Yan was silent for a moment before answering: "The subordinates only hate themselves and cannot share their worries for the lord."

For the past two days, Yiyan had a hard time distinguishing her emotions. When that innocence and fearlessness receded, he found that he was not able to open his arms and completely protect the person beside him as he originally thought. On the contrary, he knew too little, he could neither make money nor know poetry and books, let alone guess what the lord was worried about.

He was just like a bird with undried wings, protected by the lord under his wings. As far as I know, they are all taught by the Lord. What he has is also given by the Lord. From the inside to the outside, he actually had already engraved the mark of the lord, but he was ignorant and thought he was protecting this person.

This sudden awareness made him a little at a loss and a little unwilling. But even so, he still wanted to stay by his side.

Unexpectedly, this is what Yiyan feels awkward. Did his anxiety affect him? Liang Feng smiled: "A ruler is short, an inch is long. Just like I won't let Ah Liang manage the accounts, let Zhou Kan do business, and let Jiang Ni lead the army. Everyone must have their own position, you have already Well done. Without you, the Valiant Camp would not be here."

The man's voice was as gentle as ever. Yi Yan closed his eyes slightly: "Subordinates should do better."

"You will." Liang Feng said firmly without any hesitation in his voice, "You have never let me down."

My heart jumped again, but it wasn't the throbbing throbbing of the past, it was as if the whole body was soaked in warm water, sour and astringent. At this time, Lvzhu led the servant back: "Langjun, it's time to add hot soup."

"I'm coming." Yi extended his hand and took the wooden barrel that the servant was carrying and walked into the room.

The man was unprepared, laying lazily in the wooden basin, his fair arms resting on the side of the basin, and a few strands of black hair slipped out and scattered in the water. However, Yiyan didn't raise her head, she just stood aside with her head lowered, letting the green bamboo take out the hot water one by one and adjust the water temperature. The sound of water rushing and the fragrance of medicine lingering in the nose also brought out a reassuring tranquility.

After tossing in the bathtub for almost half an hour, Liang Feng returned to the room. The charcoal fire was lit long ago, and the green bamboo dried the wet hair on his head, and said softly, "Lang Jun, you are tired from the journey, you should rest earlier."

Liang Feng did not agree, he thought about it, and said, "Bring Rong'er here."

I didn't expect to call Xiao Langjun over at this time. It seems that there is something wrong. Lu Zhu immediately went out and ordered the servants. After a while, the little guy hurried over.

"Father, you came back from the county town. How are you?" Liang Rong asked as he entered the door.

Liang Feng smiled and said, "I have nothing to do with my father, but there are some things I want to ask you. Come, sit here."

Liang Rong was a little unclear, but he still sat beside Liang Feng obediently. After hesitating for a moment, Liang Feng said, "Rong'er, do you want to go to the county seat to study?"

I didn't expect to ask this, Liang Rong was stunned for a moment: "Father wants to send me to the county town?"

Seeing the little guy's frightened expression, Liang Feng reached out and touched his face: "I'm asking you, do you want to go?"

It seemed that he had just reacted, and Liang Rong immediately grabbed Liang Feng's sleeve firmly: "I want to be with my father!"

"Of course you will be with me. But in another year, you will be old enough to go to school. It's time to go to school." This is what Liang Feng has been thinking about in recent days.

Liang Rong is almost six years old. Children of this age should go to primary school. No matter what to study, always get in touch with other children and lay the foundation for some reading. Literacy, arithmetic, Zhaoyu or Zhou Kan can still be dealt with, but what about the classics? After all, Liang Rong is not him, but a child of this era. If there is no foundation in the study of the classics at all, I am afraid that it will be a little worrying.

Not to mention, this big house with no peers at all will have an impact on him. It's not that Liang Rong is not well behaved, but he is too well behaved. Would it be better if I went to school

Don't be a parent, don't know the parent's heart. Liang Feng now also has some experience. Facing children, some things are really nerve-racking. Therefore, after overcoming the initial surprise and making it clear in the scriptures, he also began to hesitate whether it would be more beneficial for him to let Liang Rong go to Cui Mansion to study. After all, Cui You is a great scholar!

Hearing what Liang Feng said, Liang Rong's expression softened. The little hand held Liang Feng's long sleeve for a moment, and he whispered: "Can't you go to school at home? The county town is too far..."

Looking at the little guy's timid expression, Liang Feng couldn't help but smile and said, "Is Rong'er afraid of leaving home?"

Liang Rong shook his head: "Rong'er is not afraid. But my father's health is not good, so Rong'er has to stay by my father's side."

These words touched Liang Feng's heart. He lightly touched Liang Rong's head: "Then try hard to recover for the father, and Rong'er must also work hard to study. Is this okay?"

Biting his lip, Liang Rong whispered, "Okay."

Looking at Liang Rong's small appearance, Liang Feng sighed: "Rong'er, don't be afraid, no matter where he is as a father, he will never leave Rong'er behind."

These words seemed to finally appease Liang Rong, he nodded, his strength was very light, like a kitten rubbing against the palm of a person's hand.

It seems that things about the Cui Mansion should wait for the time being. Anyway, there is still one year, let's see what Liang Rong will think next year when he grows up.

After coaxing the little guy and letting Chao Yu lead him out, Liang Feng lay on the soft bed and closed his eyes.

"Ah... dead! All dead!"

Outside the shed, there was a hoarse cry, and a scrawny woman fell to the ground crying, looking like she was crazy. Behind her, a Xiongnu man stared at the dead horse in the shed, his face ashen. This is the third horse that his family starved to death. How many horses can one family raise? The sheep are gone, and the horses are gone. How will you survive next year

After staring at it for a while, the man turned his head and strode towards the distant hill. In winter, the vegetation withered, the mountains were bare, only desolate gray and brown, and the northwest wind howled, scratching the old leather jacket on his body. However, the man kept his eyes fixed, looking at a house somewhere down the mountain. A few generations ago, they stopped living in tents and lived in Han people's houses, but who would have thought that such houses could be so luxurious!

It was the mansion of the thousand knights. Qianqichang said that the price of food has risen this year, and the rice for sheepskin is not half as much as in previous years. But the price of food has gone up, so why doesn't the price of leather go up? Qianqiang said that this year, there is an order in the big account, which is not allowed to sell furs privately, only to be sold to the account. But why did the caravans come and go, transporting one truck after another of leather? The Thousand Knights also said... He said the same thing after another, but the lights in his house never went out!

The grass on the mountain was long enough for the horse to eat. His mother-in-law took out the food from her own mouth and fed the horse, but it still died. Without horses and sheep, how will his family survive next year

As if he had grown up on the top of the mountain, the man stared at the mansion at the foot of the mountain, his eyes almost bleeding. After an unknown time, a voice sounded in his ear: "Age, go back. Hurry up and kill the horse, you can still have some meat for the winter..."

The man didn't answer, but said quietly, "Aaron, do you know Hao San?"

The man behind him was startled: "Age, don't think about it! Hao San and the others were killed!"

A few years ago, there was trouble on Gu Yuan's side. A Huns named Hao San, unable to bear starvation and poverty, rebelled. After raising his troops, he surrounded the Qiang people and Lu Shuihu, and there were tens of thousands of troops. These people broke through Shangdang County, and then transferred to Yongzhou, where there was nothing but wolf smoke. It took the Jin people four years to finally wipe them all out.

They all know this, they know it well.

However, the man did not stop, and still whispered in a chilling voice: "They died, but before they died, they must have had enough to eat, wore warm clothes, and lived in the kind of house below, Happy. I'm going to die, I've never been happy."

It was like a ghost whispering in a low voice. The person behind him suddenly closed his mouth and stopped talking. The wind whistled past the ears of the two of them, like a ghost crying and a wolf howling, but also like a wild laughter. In the end, the man also laughed: "Aaron, do you want to have a full meal before you die?"

That night, the house at the foot of the mountain burned, and the fire lit up the sky. A Xiongnu man came out of the sea of fire with a bloody machete in one hand and a human head in the other.

"Qianqiqiang is dead! Divided his property!"

After a dead silence, some people screamed, some screamed, and more people rushed into the mansion without fear of the fire.

"Lu Ge, you killed the thousand cavalry captains, those nobles in the big tent will not let us go!"

"I know. We can go east. I heard people say that the high capital city in the east has a trade route. There must be a lot of money and food in the city. Let's grab it and go west! Just like Hao San. , eat a full meal, and put on warm clothes!"

In his hoarse roar, countless people also roared. The red light was blazing, illuminating their hideous and excited faces.