Royal Road

Chapter 66: Approach


The wind is a bit stronger today, and there is hoarfrost on the ground outside. However, sitting in the room, Guo Jiao felt warm all over his body. He was wearing a brocade robe with silk wool on his body, and his legs were covered with thick wool felt. In the charcoal basin beside his feet, fine charcoal was still burned, with little smoke and long-lasting. Under this heavy protection, how can you still feel cold? In previous years, it was finally his turn to enjoy this kind of day that he didn't even dare to think about. This is all hard earned!

Taking a sip of the steaming buttermilk, he turned over another page of the account book, looking at the number of rows on it, feeling relaxed and happy. These days, he got a lot of cheap scriptures from Liang Mansion, and let his servants sell them to Sizhou through Taixing. He was not like Liang Zixi, who only asked for food, but sold the book for 20,000 yuan a book.

This trip, there are almost 100,000 money in the account. So there are winter clothes, fine charcoal, and even two more maids to serve, how can it not make people feel comfortable

This Liang Zixi is really a good person.

After slowly turning over the account book, Guo Jiao closed his eyes and thought about his business for the next year. As long as the Liang Mansion starts printing books after the spring, he will take more, and this time he will take the white path and go to Yecheng. Business there shouldn't be too bad. A few trips back and forth, I'm afraid there are hundreds of thousands of dollars, right

Thinking of Zhengmei in my heart, the closed door was suddenly knocked open with a bang, and a little official rushed in in a panic: "Xianzun! It's noisy, it's noisy, it's noisy!"

So frightened that the pottery bowl in his hand almost fell to the ground, Guo Jiao said angrily, "Presumptuous! Are there any rules?! What the hell is going on?"

"Crazy soldiers!" The little official knelt down with a thud, "There are chaos soldiers on the Xiongnu side again!"

"Ah!" The pottery bowl fell on the table, and the white soup was scattered all over the table, but Guo Jiao couldn't care about it, and suddenly got up, "Where did the chaos come from? How many people? Where did it hit? "

"Xixian! It should be Xixian! There are as many as four or five hundred people, and they swept several villages along the way, and they looked at the county government!" Confess.

"Damn it! Go and invite Captain Wu over here!" Guo Jiao shouted.

Next to Gaodu City is Taihang Pass, which is naturally guarded by garrisoned troops. The one who leads the troops is Wu Ling, the superintendent of thousands of people. However, the weather was cold, and Captain Wu spent most of the time in the city, which was a coincidence. The little official knew that the matter was very important and did not dare to delay, so he ran out immediately.

Guo Jiao walked around the room anxiously. Hun rebels! You must know that a few years ago, the Shangdang was in chaos once. The Huns Hao San led an army to attack the county town. Not only did they break the city of Luzhou, but they also killed the chief officials and swept most of the county town! Tens of thousands of Malan Qiang and Lu Shuihu were surrounded by them, and they fought and joined the three states of Yong and Qin, causing the world to be restless. The chaos lasted for six years before being suppressed.

If you do this again, can you hold this little high capital

After shivering, Guo Jiao suddenly remembered another thing and shouted loudly, "Someone!"

The relatives who were waiting on the side hurried forward. Guo Jiao instructed with a solemn expression: "You quickly bring the letter to Liang's house, and you say that the rebels are coming and want to attack the city, let him be careful!"

Although the Liangfu fortifications are well built, they are not as good as Fucheng after all. It would be bad if this gang of chaotic soldiers turned around and attacked the Liang Mansion. Guo Jiao has received great benefits from others no matter what. At this time, Liang Feng must not be forgotten.

Followed quickly and rushed out. After a while, a man with a full beard strode in and said, "A random army is coming?!"

"Xiaowei Wu, you are here! There is a wave of rebels attacking Gaodu. It is said that the troops from Xixian County turned back for some reason! There are four or five hundred people!" Guo Jiao hurriedly greeted him. said quickly.

"Xianxian? Wasn't that under the rule of the Zuo Xiongnu?! These damned hustlers!" Wu Ling said angrily, "It doesn't matter, I will send troops here immediately and stick to the county government. As long as I can hold it for a few days, the Xiongnu side will They should send troops to crusade against this chaotic army!"

"But what if the Xiongnu on the left also rebelled?" Guo Jiao's voice trembled a little. This was not a mere rebellion. What if it was the vanguard of the Huns' rebellion

"Isn't Liu Yuan still in Yecheng? How dare the left Xiongnu rebel!" Wu Ling said aggressively.

"Ah!" Only then did Guo Jiao react. Yes, Liu Yuan, the commander of the left Huns, was still by the side of the King of Chengdu. Forgive those Huns who did not dare to act rashly. With a slight sigh of relief in his heart, Guo Jiao hurriedly said, "Then the city will have to ask Captain Wu!"

Wu Ling nodded and strode out.

In the distance, there was a woman's shrill cry. The smell of blood filled his nostrils, and Lu Ge swung out his machete and chopped off another head. Standing in the pool of blood, he wiped the viscous liquid dripping from his face and walked towards the warehouse.

This is a small Zhuangzi with only over a hundred private soldiers. After half an hour, they conquered the gate and rushed in. All the men must be killed, and the women can enjoy it as they please. If a servant is willing to follow them, they can escape death. Just give them meat and wine, and give them women, and those stupid and cowardly men will pick up guns and follow his army. In this way, his team will only fight more and more until, like Hao San, he gathers tens of thousands and gallops across the three states!

With a bang, the door to the warehouse was kicked open. Looking at the grain and brocade piled up inside, Lu Ge breathed a sigh of relief: "Come on, bring these to the car!"

This is what keeps them going. These grains, these silver coins. Several soldiers rushed in, picked up rice sacks, and happily loaded onto the cart. There are also hundreds of arrows and more than ten knives and guns piled up in the warehouse, which also fell into their hands.

After finishing the most important thing, Lu Ge walked out of the warehouse and walked along the corridor to the main hall. Along the way, some people were stripping the thick brocade clothes from the corpses, some were disheveled, laughing with knives in their hands, and some people carefully inspected the naked corpses on the ground, took off the gold and silver jewelry on their wrists and necks, and stuffed them into small bags. inside.

Without looking at them, Lu Ge strode into the main hall.

"Aaron, when will the dry food be ready?" Lu Ge asked.

"Another hour." Lulong replied loudly with a blushing face, "Boss, this time, I stole a lot of food!"

"Well, it's enough for ten days. I can't delay here, and continue on the road after eating." Lu Ge replied coldly, showing no joy on his face.

"Do you have to hit Gaodu? Why don't you go to a few more villages. I didn't expect these people to have so much rice in their hands!"

"We killed the thousand cavalry captains, and the big tent will not let us go."

The happy look on Lulong's face immediately retreated: "Then what should we do?"

"Grab Gaodu, hide in the mountains, spend the winter, and then take a detour to Yongzhou. The Han people are still fighting, so they don't care about us." Lu Ge understood, now that Sima Teng is not in Bingzhou, and it is winter again, deploying troops will definitely cost a lot of time. less time. As long as they escaped the pursuit of the big tent, they would have a chance to survive. However, in this way, the winter food that was grabbed was far from enough. Only by capturing Gaodu can we loot enough food and grass.

"I listen to you!" Now Lulong is also convinced. His cousin was no worse than that Hao San. The Shangdang has already been in chaos once, how can they draw more troops

"Send scouts to keep an eye on the guards of Taixingxing. If anyone comes to rescue, kill the reinforcements first!"

"What about the grain?"

"Send some reliable ones to guard the food and grass, and others to attack with light cavalry. Those Jin troops can't be stopped." A fierce smile appeared on Lu Ge's face, "As long as the reinforcements are killed, there will be no guards in the city, and it will be easy to break the city! "

"Haha, that's it! The Jin army is not as good as these private soldiers!" Lulong also laughed, laughing happily.

Two hours later, full of food and drink, the blood-stained chaos soldiers once again mounted the war horse and galloped towards Gaodu. Another convoy with gold, silver, brocade and grains followed in the distance.

"What did you say? There are rebels going to attack Gaoducheng! How many people are there in total?!" Liang Feng asked sharply with a solemn expression.

"It is said that there are four or five hundred people, all of which are Xiongnu cavalry. The county magistrate instructed that Lianghou be careful." The messenger replied quickly.

"Go down first. Luzhu, ask Yiyan to meet me in the study!"

Without hesitation, Liang Feng walked quickly to the study. The sand table in the war room has roughly taken shape. Liang Feng looked at it carefully. On the sand table, Gao Du was so close to Liang's residence that it could be said that the lips and teeth depended on each other. Now that the Liang Mansion has built the gate and built the high wall, if there is an enemy army, it should be able to defend it. But can he let the rebels cross the border, Gaodu falls, and the people of the whole city are placed under the front of the army? Let the important pass of Taixing fall into the hands of the chaotic army

"My lord!" Yi Yan strode into the room, "Are the chaotic soldiers coming? The Xinzhai gate is so strong that even if the Huns come, they will never be able to attack Liangfu!"

"They are going to attack Gaodu." Liang Feng said solemnly, "If Gaodu falls, Liang's residence will be in danger."

"There are defenders in Gao! They should be able to defend!" Yi Yan heard what Liang Feng meant and replied with a frown.

"Assemble as soon as possible and start preparing for the battle. Send out scouts to monitor the situation of the enemy!" Liang Feng shook his head and commanded decisively, "The situation is changing rapidly, you can't wait for the enemy to attack, you must grasp the situation of the enemy as much as possible!"

Yi Yan just frowned, then nodded simply: "I understand what the lord means. I'll send a sentry to investigate the enemy's situation."

"Very good." Liang Feng nodded and looked at the sand table again. Can this Gaodu be saved or not? Four or five hundred Xiongnu cavalry, not those mountain bandits like turkeys and dogs, can the hundreds of people in his hands play any role in this small war

In anxiety and restlessness, a day and night passed quickly. On the second day, the dispatched scout galloped back, and the scout landed at the foot of Liang Feng and said anxiously: "Lord, the chaotic troops quickly intercepted the troops who came to help, and the reinforcements were defeated, and Gao is in a hurry!"