Royal Road

Chapter 68: ambush


In the sky, a red-gold light pierced the night sky and slowly rose from the depths of the distant mountains. The scorching sun in winter is rare, and this scene should make people feel relaxed and happy. However, Wu Ling's face was pale, and he looked down at the city, holding the arrow stack in his hand.

Under the city, there were dozens of corpses lying all over the place. This was the chaos of soldiers who started to attack the city last night. For the whole night, they rushed for an unknown number of times, and each time there were twenty or thirty people, calling the array to climb the wall, and even carrying soil they had obtained from somewhere, trying to pad under the foot of the city. The city wall of Gaodu is only one zhang, six or seven, and a few people can climb up to the top of the wall. It wasn't until half an hour ago that the group of foot soldiers stopped.

But Wu Ling did not dare to relax his vigilance at all. It was not only the infantry who came to attack the city, but also the cavalry! The team of Xiongnu iron cavalry that defeated his reinforcements, set up camp less than two miles away from the city, with four or five hundred people, like hungry wolves staring at the city of Gaodu. Because of this, Wu Ling didn't dare to organize people to rush out of the city to kill the enemy, so he could only hold on and resist repeated harassment.

And now, this group of cavalry began to regroup.

His mouth was full of bitterness, and Wu Ling knew that this was the Huns preparing to formally attack the city. They rested all night, and it was time for the soldiers to be strong. But his subordinates were disturbed all night. I'm tired of the enemy, how long can this city last

"Go and report to the county magistrate Guo and ask him to bring some young men! The enemy army is about to attack the city!" Wu Ling said in a hoarse voice to his side.

The pro stumbled downstairs. Wu Ling pressed his sword and shouted: "The enemy is about to attack! Give me a boost! As long as you hold on for three days, you will be able to wait for reinforcements! For all those who desperately killed the enemy, I will give you credit and reward!"

After all, most of the city was his personal follower, and the soldiers sparsely shouted for a while, but it was a little imposing. Wu Ling didn't say anything, he took out the sword on his waist and stood by the wall. With those bloodshot eyes, he stared fiercely at the chaos in the city.

If you can't keep it, let's die together in this city!

"Boss, everything is ready!" Lulong exclaimed in high spirits.

After a solid night of sleep, full meals, and horses, the soldiers now regained their strength and rode on their horses, all eager to try.

Lu Ge nodded slightly, raised the machete in his hand, and shouted loudly, "The one who climbs to the top of the city first will be rewarded with ten taels of gold!"

Hearing this, everyone's breathing became heavier. The machete swiped down: "Give me a charge!"

The horses stomped and rushed down the city.

"The team is right, why don't you do it yet?" In the grass, Sun Jiao quietly approached Yi Yan and asked softly.

Below them, is a small valley. More than ten carts were piled up in the valley, and more than thirty horsemen stood guard around. Taniguchi is narrow, making it easy to defend and difficult to attack.

Last night, Yiyan personally led a small team to the ridge behind and hid for half the night, waiting for dawn to raid. However, now that the sky is bright, he still has not issued an order. Sun Jiao couldn't help but feel a little anxious even though he had taken turns to rest at night. The group of lazy Huns have all started to cook rice, haven't they done it yet

"Wait." Yiyan didn't move, half kneeling in the grass, watching the situation below.

After another half an hour, the rice was fragrant, with roasted mutton and rolled wheat porridge. The guards gathered around the fire in twos and threes and began to eat. Sun Jiao swallowed his saliva involuntarily, and was about to say something when Yi Yan suddenly pulled out the rocket he had prepared in advance and shouted, "Ignite!"

Sun Jiao dared to neglect, and quickly ignited the moxa, and a cluster of flames ignited. Yiyan drew a bow and an arrow, and shot out with a swoosh!

This arrow shot extremely accurately. The grain cart on the innermost side of the center was dry and dry, and there was a north wind supporting the combustion.

"What's going on?!" "Enemy attack! It's an enemy attack!"

The guards below immediately became chaotic, and many people left their jobs and rushed towards the grain cart. It was the ration for their survival, and there was no room for loss. Others drew their bows and arrows and shot them in the direction of Yiyan and the others. All the Huns were good at archery, but Yiyan chose the position quite cleverly. The ten archers all used one-stone and half-strong bows. The feathered arrows flew down the wind and the range far exceeded the enemy's.

The screams came one after another, and many people were shot by arrows. The Huns quickly noticed the position and number of the enemy, and a few brave ones had drawn their swords: "Rush up! There are not many of them!"

Seeing that the group of Huns turned around and rushed towards this side, Yi Yan said loudly, "Blow the trumpet!"

The soldier with the horn sounded the horn without hesitation. A low whining sound came out, and with the sound of the horn, a burst of hoofs sounded like a torrential rain.

"Oops! Enemies, and enemies!"

However, it was too late to mount a horse to meet the enemy at this moment. The cavalry that rushed into the valley didn't give them time to react at all, their horses galloped fast, and the light of their swords flickered. How could the group of guards be able to resist, and immediately became chaotic.

Yiyan threw down the bow and arrow, also drew out the long knife, and said loudly, "Fight!"

In Liangfu's drills, the spear was the foundation of the foundation, followed by the sword and shield, archers, and cavalry. A good bowman has superior arm strength, accurate eyes and steady hands, and is not bad with a knife, and a cavalryman must be proficient in everything. Several archers did not hesitate to draw their swords to meet them.

The surprise attack was unexpected, and it was another attack from the front and back. Only a few brave ones who were not afraid of death desperately grabbed the horse and escaped. Yi Yan did not order the pursuit, but ordered his subordinates to simply isolate the burning frame and gather other baggage.

There are indeed a lot of things that the chaotic soldiers grabbed, but he did not intend to count them. After getting on his horse, Yi Yan said: "Leave a few auxiliary soldiers, transfer the baggage, and the rest come with me!"

These food and property are just bait, and the important thing is the enemy army. How could Yi Yan not be able to distinguish the seriousness from the seriousness? Just look at the weight of these things in the hearts of the chaotic soldiers!

"Quick! Quickly kill! The enemy is here again!" Wu Ling hissed and swung his spear, stabbing a figure emerging from the wall.

"Where's the water? Bring boiling water!"

Following the shouting, four or five soldiers with wooden barrels rushed up and poured all the boiling water in the barrels with a bang. The screams sounded, and the bandit soldiers who were piling up to climb the wall all fell down. Such a bucket of hot water is enough to make people's skin rip, and the weather is cold. After the water is cold, it can stick to the rotten meat, which makes people feel unbearable. As long as the city is defended, this is the easiest tool for defending the city.

However, killing one side, there is another side. Taking advantage of the chaos, a Huns scurried up the wall and slashed at the young man in front of him with a knife. Before he could even let out a scream, the man grabbed his throat and fell head-on. Wu Ling shouted loudly and waved his sword to meet him.

With a bang, the sword collided in one place. The force was too fierce, Wu Ling couldn't help but take a half step back, and the Huns roared and slashed again with a knife! Can't hide! Wu Ling desperately slanted his arm, the long sword turned back, and the sword opened the opponent's belly.

"Ah!" The Huns screamed and fell down, and several spears stabbed him in no particular order. In a blink of an eye, the big living person became a blood gourd!

"Lieutenant! Your injury!" a soldier shouted.

"What do you shout, come with me!" Wu Ling gritted his teeth, and regardless of the burning pain in his arm, he threw himself down in front of the arrow stack again, and slashed at the enemy that appeared. However, after a while, he suddenly shouted: "Hide!"

With the shouting, more than a dozen arrow feathers shot down from the city. Because he couldn't dodge in time, the personal soldier beside him was shot in the face by random arrows. This arrow was unfortunate and did not take his life. The hysterical scream overflowed from his throat and spread to the ears of everyone in the city, sending chills down the spine. Wu Ling gritted his teeth and waved his sword backhand, giving the man a break. The blood dripped down the edge of the sword, like hot oil splashed in the heart.

Wu Ling gritted his teeth, to endure, to endure this wave. This group of Huns was more terrifying than they thought. The four hundred cavalry were divided into several groups and used arrow rain to suppress the guards on the tower, and then sent looted slaves to climb up the tower. With the bow and arrow cover, most of the defense weapons in the city could not be used, and they could only passively face the waves of enemy soldiers who climbed up the tower. It's also thanks to the fact that there are few people on the other side. If there are a few hundred more infantry, I am afraid that the city head will have changed hands long ago!

From the dawn of the day until now, the young men on the top of the city have changed, and his personal soldiers have also begun to lose their strength. If someone harassed him early tonight, would he be able to hold it

The arrow rain stopped, and Wu Ling shouted again: "Quick! Fight!"

This time, however, he flinched. There was no figure emerging from the wall, and the group of Huns cavalry even left the city on horseback and gathered in one place. What is this for? Wu Ling looked out regardless of the danger.

"What did you say? The food and grass were robbed?!" Lu Long was so angry that he threw the short whip in his hand, "How could it be robbed? Can't more than 30 of you keep it?!"

"That doesn't look like a bandit, it's coming too fast, it can't be stopped at all!" The Hun man who escaped from the disaster was already covered in dust, his lips were cracked, and he hissed.

"Did they burn the baggage?" Lu Ge asked coldly.

"Only one truckload of grain was burned!"

"how many people?"

"There should be no more than thirty..."

"The whole team gathers, let's go back!" Lu Ge said immediately.

"What? Go back now, wasn't it all in vain?" Lulong asked in disbelief. At the end of the day, most of the slaves who belonged to him died and more than 50 cavalrymen were injured. If you give up now, won't you give up all your previous achievements? !

"What they are doing is those grains! There are few people and many cars, so it's impossible to go too fast. If you go back now, you can still get the baggage back!" Lu Ge said sharply.

If there is no property, they can be robbed again, but if there is no food, their cavalry will lose the most fundamental support. Which is more important and which is less, Lu Ge can see clearly.

"Take the short cut and go through the canyon!" With a wave of horses, Lu Ge urged the horse to gallop toward the road.

"Damn." Lulong cursed, no longer hesitated, and whistled. The brigade of cavalry began to gather and followed closely behind the leader horse, like a dark cloud, rolling back into the distance.

"They evacuated? Why did they evacuated?" Standing at the head of the city, Wu Ling looked at the figures of the cavalry in disbelief. With such a good opportunity, why did the rebels retreat? Don't they want high capital? Have the left Huns sent troops

After staring blankly for a long time, the pain in his shoulder awakened Wu Ling's sanity: "Go to the magistrate of Guo and find a medical worker to save the life!"

No longer caring about the chaos of soldiers, Wu Ling strode down the city.

Crouching behind a boulder, Sun Jiao half-held his longbow, staring intently at the canyon beneath his feet. This is the "close way" the team is talking about. All the horses in Liang Mansion were ambushed on both sides of the mountain stream, and the archers he led were responsible for igniting the vegetation that accumulated at the exit of the canyon. As long as the enemy enters the canyon, they can be blocked in the canyon.

As long as they take this "shortcut"!

The heartbeat was getting faster and faster, and Sun Jiao took two deep breaths. Why haven't the enemy troops come yet? Will they really go this route? !

Just as he was hesitating, a rush of hooves suddenly sounded, from far to near, like a roar of thunder.


Sun Jiao didn't dare to be negligent, and immediately lit the arrow on the fire cloth, and drew the arrow with a bow. The scorching heat licked the back of his hand, but he didn't let go, but just pulled the bow and watched the cavalry gallop into the canyon. Closer, closer... Now!

"Shoot me!" With a loud roar, Sun Jiao let go of the bowstring in his hand, and the burning rocket flew away like a meteor. With the shouting, the nine archers beside him fired rockets at the same time, one arrow after another, landing on the gorge full of firewood with great precision.

Those withered trees and grass stems have long been covered with kerosene, and with a bang, the fire soared into the sky. The horses neighed, the flames stopped the iron cavalry, and the chaotic soldiers were intercepted in the long canyon!