Royal Road

Chapter 69: confrontation


Speeding from Gaoducheng to Xicheng Valley where the rear army is located, going straight through the canyon in the middle can save most of the time. Although the canyon road is narrow and not conducive to the cavalry, Lu Ge resolutely chose this road. No matter who hijacks the baggage, they can't transport the food and money away quickly, and if they can save a moment of time, they will have a chance.

However, when the fast horse galloped into the canyon, Lu Ge's heart suddenly tightened, and he seemed to have neglected something. Before he could think clearly, several rockets fell like stars and landed on the exit of the canyon in front of him. With a bang, the fire broke out!

Oops! What that group of people wanted was not the baggage at all, but to induce them to come back and lie in ambush! He's hit!

However, it was too late to wake up, and the war horses neighed one after another, daring not to approach the mouth of the gorge. It is natural for a horse to be afraid of fire, and even a seasoned knight cannot control it.

"Back off! Quickly get out of the valley!" Lulong also sensed something wrong and shouted loudly. But how easy is it to withdraw from the narrow valley? The knights in the back had not yet reined in their horses and turned when they saw a group of infantrymen with spears pouring out from the woods on both sides of the Taniguchi and gathered in the middle of the road.

Lulong's eyes almost burst into flames, and he shouted angrily, "A group of foot soldiers dare to stop me and let me scatter them!"

Even these hundreds of people dare to set up an ambush? Let's see if he doesn't kill this group of daring guys!

Several horses had already turned their way, wanting to rush towards the pawns. But Lu Ge shouted loudly: "Get off my horse! Get off the horse and fight!"

"What?" Lulong was taken aback, "Why don't you rush into the formation?"

"The road is too narrow to rush through. A dead horse will block the road." Lu Ge had already jumped off his horse, pulled out his machete, and strode forward, "They are few, dismount for me, and kill me!"

Looking at the dense array of guns in front of him, Lu Ge's chest surged with murderous intent. It was the first time he had encountered such an opponent since the uprising. What about Zhongfu? What if there is no horse? He wants to show these guys what exactly Lu Ge is relying on!

Hearing the order of the leader, the Huns turned over and dismounted, or picked up their bows, or held their knives, and strode towards Taniguchi.

They didn't use their horses to dash. Standing in the middle of the team, Yi Yan watched the group of cavalry dismount with cold eyes. It's okay not to rush, he chose this canyon specifically, so that the group of cavalry would dismount and fight on foot. As long as the position is stable, the belly and back will not be attacked, and the brave camp will not be afraid of any enemy!

Like a group of solid stone statues, the spear formation is like a forest, motionless. The enemy howled and approached, three hundred steps, two hundred steps, one hundred steps... Yi Yan shouted, "Raise your shield!"

This time, it was not the spearmen who were at the head of the team, but a row of sword and shield fighters. Hearing the order, the strong soldiers holding wooden shields raised their shields high. In the next instant, the arrows were like rain, and Indol was nailed into the wooden shield. Even if they were wearing light armor, they couldn't stop their bows and arrows, and the Huns were the best at archery. Even in foot combat, they would not give up a salvo.

The wooden shield blocked most of the arrows, but some fish slipped through the net and stabbed into the crowd. After a rain of arrows, there were two or three vacancies in the array, which were immediately filled by the follower. Just like a barley wave blown by the strong wind, after falling down, it will stand up again. The two armies were getting closer, so close that there were no more arrows, only hideous faces and flickering blades.


There were no more slogans such as guns, assassinations, etc. All the orders were condensed into a violent shout. The wooden shield hung down, and the spearmen who were hiding behind jumped out!

At a distance of ten feet, no matter how sharp the machete is, it cannot cut flesh and blood. But guns can! The spear whistled, piercing the cold air, piercing the dull killing cry, and piercing the enemy in front! From the chest, from the belly, from the throat, the point of the gun pierced, the blood spurted out!

The screams echoed in the valley, ten enemies fell, and more enemies rushed up. They are not mountain bandits, not rogues, they are Xiongnu warriors who have seen blood and carry knives, and they will not be frightened by the mere ten lives. However, what greeted them was another row of spears, another row, another row... One row after another row of spears stabbed one after another, accompanied by shouts of killing after another, like a wave of rage that could not see the end, surging forward rush.

Lulong opened his mouth wide and looked at the forest of guns standing in front of him in disbelief. What is this? Why is there such a battle? !

However, Lu Ge did not hesitate, and shouted loudly, "Release the arrow!"

"Brother! And my own people..." Lulong was startled, why did he shoot arrows at this time? The forwards are all mixed up with the enemy!

However, Lu Ge had already bent his bow and set up an arrow, the tip of the arrow was slightly raised, and he shot out. Under his call, other Xiongnu warriors also gritted their teeth and fired arrows. The distance is too close, and can only be used by projectiles. The random arrows are like a wave of rain, falling from the air and hitting the border between the two armies.

Several of the Xiongnu forwards who were fighting were also hit by the arrow rain and fell down, and the remaining more people found that the gun formation in front of them was in chaos! Originally neat and seamless, the formation could not find an opportunity, and a large area collapsed, and those terrifying enemies with long spears were screaming in pain.

Chance! This is the perfect time to cross that ten-foot distance! Without anyone to remind, the experienced Xiongnu warriors rushed up. The spear can attack from a distance, but it can never defend against melee attacks!

A line of guns was washed away. At this moment, the people who are fighting with guns are all auxiliary soldiers. Most of them are seeing the battlefield for the first time, and they don't know how to respond, so they can only attack clumsily according to the drill. Such a sudden attack completely disrupted their rhythm. With a long spear firmly in their hands, they were unable to fight the enemy who rushed in front of them. The screams became louder, and the entire gun formation began to fall far away.

Yi Yan clenched the long sword and shouted: "Knife and shield hand, face the enemy in front of the formation! The main soldiers resume the spear formation! Others come with me!"

With the shouting, the ten people closely followed behind Yiyan, crossed the human wall in front of them, and rushed towards the front of the formation. Each of them carried an oval shield in their hands, and the hardwood was covered with iron sheets. This is a special shield for the cavalry of Liangfu, which can not only guard against the enemy's arrow feathers, but also resist the front blade. However, at this moment, these shields became the best barriers. With their footsteps, they moved forward quickly and crashed into the enemy's front army!

Just one hit! The ferocious Huns immediately stopped moving forward, as if they had hit a towering mountain. However, what they collided with was not the mountain peak, but the elite of the Liang residence holding a sword! After the shield, the sword light flashed!

Like the Xiongnu cavalry, the Liangfu cavalry was battle-hardened and brave. However, the difference is that they eat full meals, wear leather armor, and have nothing to do except fight and practice on weekdays. Moreover, among these cavalry, there are many tall and big Jie Ren Hu race!

Just like a tiger descending from the mountain broke into the wolves, the team led by Yiyan effortlessly tore apart the former Xiongnu army. Like a sharp knife, piercing the Xiongnu formation! Under such a ferocious attack, who can spare the time to shoot arrows with a bow

In the rear, Zhu Er gasped and shouted loudly: "Line up! Line up for me! Don't treat them as living people, that's our food and salaries, and tax-free fields! Stand up for me!"

His body was still trembling slightly, just like the first battle, it was excitement, fear, and involuntary nervousness. However, his legs did not tremble, his hands did not tremble, and his eyes and brain did not tremble at all! Under the scolding of the veterans, the group of auxiliary soldiers who almost dispersed stood up again and lined up.

Their team was right, and their battalion officer rushed into the enemy camp. How to do

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Following a neat pace, the spear formation began to move, killing the chaotic enemy army!

The Huns' line collapsed. From the inside out, the chaos became a pot of porridge. The team led by Yi Yan caused everyone's attention to deviate from the direction. If you want to kill this group of people, you must turn around and surround the elite soldiers like tigers with flesh and blood. However, once they turned around, the guns came one after another, which could also make them die without a burial.

No matter how elite soldiers are, they can't face such a situation! The formation has collapsed, but the enemy is still harvesting their lives efficiently and effectively! How to resist? Where are you going to escape to? What should I do? ! What collapsed before the formation was the courage and determination to fight!

Must kill him, must kill him! Different from the others, Lu Ge roared and rushed towards the center of the battle group, towards the tall Jieren youth. He has already seen that this person is the leader in charge of this strange army! As long as you kill him, everything will turn around!

The machete that had killed countless people slashed heavily, but was held back by a solid shield. The sneak attack failed, and a pair of gray-blue eyes turned around and locked his figure. The color of the eyes is extremely strange, and it is also sharp and terrifying, just like the eyes of a wolf in a moonlit night. Lu Ge only felt that the cold hair on his back stood upright, but he did not flinch, shouting: "Lulong!"

On the other side, Lulong also waved the machete in his hand. Like his cousin, he understood that this was the only way to turn the tide of the battle. There are four hundred of them! Four hundred people! How could you just be defeated in a canyon for nothing

Being bitten by the two, Yi Yan did not panic at all, on the contrary, his heart was as clear as water, and everything in his mind was calm. This is the leader of the enemy, kill them and you can defeat the enemy! Just kill them!

The shield hit the face, Lu Ge dodged, the blade slashed again, but the blade fell into the air. The shield in front of him disappeared, and it turned into another short knife, shining with cold light, like a ghost. This is a backhand knife! It will never be too fast, just as the idea surfaced, the blade followed him like a shadow, stabbing him in the face. Lu Ge broke out in a cold sweat, his body suddenly fell back, and he rolled out on the spot. He is not afraid of the enemy catching up, because Aaron is blocking him.

However, when he jumped up again, a human head rolled under his feet. It was Lulong's head, his eyes wide open, and he couldn't rest his eyes.

"Ahhh!!!" Lu Ge just felt like he was going crazy! how is this possible? ! How could he have killed Aron in one hit? !

The tragic howl did not affect the person in front of him, the long knife broke through the wind, slashed down, and the momentum was like shaking a mountain! Lu Ge held a knife in both hands and fiercely greeted him! The blade slammed out of the gap, but he blocked it! However, another shadow cut through the breeze, gently lifted up, and kissed his throat.

The short knife in his left hand cut into his throat with great precision.

At that moment, Lu Ge could only see the blue sky, the gray mountain ridge, and the strange pair of gray and blue eyes. With two ho-ho sounds in his throat, the machete came out of his hand and fell to the ground with a clang. He grabbed the blood at the throat with both hands, as if to stop the surging heat. But with only one hand, how can you stop the footsteps of the god of death

The sky darkened, the wind was terribly cold, and there was the heavy blood that accompanied him every day. He actually only lived for a few days, only a few days...

The figure disappeared, and Lu Ge fell face to face in a pool of blood that he shed.

"Enemy chieftains the head!" Yi Yan leaned over to pick up the shield and shouted loudly, "Knife and shield player, charge forward!"

The Huns were already in complete chaos. Some people jumped on their horses and tried to rush out of the canyon. Some people seemed to be crazy, screaming and rushing towards the forest of guns. Such a formation has no vitality, only a dead end. Or die in the sea of fire, or die by the sword! They want to live, they want to live!

However, Yi Yan did not stop, the sword, shield, and spear were as sharp as before, completely swept away the valley. The horse screamed, and the screams gradually subsided, leaving only the thick scorched stench that reverberated in the valley.

"The team is right, there are no more enemy soldiers." One of the chiefs walked up to Yi Yan and whispered.

"How many people died?" Yi Yan swung the knife, shaking off the sticky blood on it.

"It's eleven auxiliary soldiers, six main soldiers. There are more than 20 serious injuries." Na Shi Chang's voice was heavy. Although he defeated multiple enemies of his own in this battle, it also caused heavy losses to the soldiers in the house. In addition to the serious casualties, there are also countless minor injuries.

Yi Yan put the knife into the sheath, and said coldly, "Gather the horses and carry the baggage. The whole team, go home!"

The battle is over, and the rest will be handed over to the lord intact.

In the sky, the setting sun is like blood, reflected in the red valley. A team of soldiers covered in blood, leading horses and driving carts, went into the distance.