Royal Road

Chapter 70: Take precautions


"What did you say?! Someone in Xixian rebelled? When did they rebel?!" Liu Xuan asked at the beginning of his sleep, but was shocked by the news brought by his confidant.

"About five days ago..."

"Five days! Why are you reporting now?!" So angry that he stood up suddenly, Liu Xuan asked without even bothering to wear a robe.

"The one who was killed was the Thousand Knights of the Huyan family..." The confidant replied cautiously.

"These idiots!" Upon hearing this, Liu Xuan immediately understood the whole story.

The Huyan family is Liu Yuan's in-laws, who have been in command of the left all the year round, and have long been domineering. In order to plan a major event this year, several bans were issued in the account, which cut off many people's fortunes. These arrogant clan relatives may not be reconciled, and continue to secretly enrich their own pockets, which makes the poor herdsmen unbearable and come out. Now that there is trouble, they are afraid of the big account, and they want to hide it in private. But these idiots don't even think about it, Liu Yuan is still in Yecheng! Aren't they afraid that the chaos of the army will make a big noise and cause the court to blame it? !

"Where are the rebels now?"

"It is said that they are going to attack Gaodu..."

"Give me the order, and let the Huyan family send troops immediately to destroy that group of rebels!" Liu Xuan said sharply.

This is no joke! Gaodu is the exit of Taixing, if the rebels seize Taihang Pass, run to Sizhou, and run into the army besieging Luoyang, no matter how good-tempered Sima Ying is, I am afraid that Liu Yuan will do the same! Not to mention that when Hao San was in chaos in Bingzhou a few years earlier, the court had already aroused the vigilance of the imperial court. If the left-handed Xiongnu went into trouble again, Liu Yuan might never have the chance to return to Bingzhou in his life!

It is obviously a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, but it has to be broken in the hands of a few idiots, how can Liu Xuan endure it? These rioters must be wiped out! Just give the court an explanation.

I just hope that the weak Jin army can hold on for two days, and don't let the rebels take Gaodu so quickly!

"Lang Jun, it's getting late at night, it's time to sleep." In the study, Lu Zhu softly persuaded. It's already half past the hour, and the rest time has long passed. If you continue to endure it, you will hurt your body.

"Wait." Liang Feng frowned as he looked at the night outside the window.

This is the second day of Buqu's departure from the residence. Whether it is a victory or a defeat, there should be news. Until the news, he is really struggling to sleep and eat. Strictly speaking, this is the first battle of the Brave Battalion, and it is against the Xiongnu cavalry. If something goes wrong, it will cost everyone a life!

Seeing the worried look on Lang Jun's face, Lu Zhu pursed his lips and did not dare to persuade him any more. This trilogy expedition is really a big event in Liang's house. Although he didn't understand why he sent troops to save Gaodu, Lu Zhu knew better than anyone what the part meant to Lang Jun. If there is any good or bad, Lang Jun may be angry and sick. God bless you, I only hope that Yiyan can come back victorious.

The two were sitting quietly when suddenly there was a rush of footsteps outside the door. In the dead of night, the movement seemed unusually loud. Liang Feng stood up suddenly, and quickly walked up to him: "Is there any news?"

The scout was sweating profusely, and knelt down with a thud: "Lord Master! The trilogy has won! The enemy army has been completely wiped out! It's a great victory!"

Really won! Liang Feng hurriedly asked, "What about the casualties? How about the casualties?!"

"Seventeen people died, and more than 20 people were seriously injured..."

Hearing this number, Liang Feng's heart sank immediately. There are only 200 people in the trilogy, so the casualty rate is not low. Taking a deep breath, he said, "When will they be back?"

"A lot of horses have been seized, and they should be back in less than half an hour..."

"Green Bamboo, let the kitchen prepare hot water, gauze, and the wound medicine left by Dr. Jiang before, go and fetch them! The ward next to the barracks will be cleaned up as soon as possible, and a few healthy women will be found to help treat the wounded. !" Liang Feng immediately ordered.

Treating the injured is the most important thing. It's a pity that Jiang Da was trapped in Luoyang. If he were there, he might have saved a few more lives. After turning around the house two more times, Liang Feng put on his robe and walked out: "Call Ah Liang and lead people to wait in front of the village gate!"

"Lang Jun!" Lvzhu exclaimed in surprise, "It's even more serious, you are not in good health, you can't work so hard!"

"They are fighting for the Liang Mansion, so of course I should go meet them!" Leaving these words, Liang Feng strode out of the door. Lvzhu dared to neglect, grabbed a cloak and chased after him.

Although a lot of horses were seized, it was getting late, and there were injuries and baggage, and the speed was really slow. After a hard day of fighting, I was covered in pain, and no matter how much joy I had, it was gradually replaced by exhaustion, and the groaning robes on the cart were even more heartbreaking. This battle, they won, but the price paid was not small.

However, when they went around the last ridge and saw the newly built Gao Dazhai Gate, many people were stunned. I saw inside and outside the Zhaimen, a bright light, like day. More than a dozen people held torches and stood guard in front of the door, looking over here from a distance. Standing in the forefront was the handsome young man who looked like a jade. Dressed in fox fur, his face was pale, but he still stood there upright, waiting for their return.

That is the lord, and the lord is here to welcome them!

Just stunned for a second, Yiyan urged the horse to rush over. The cold wind whistled, causing the wound on his face to ache, but there was a fire in his chest! The lord is waiting for him! Waiting for his return!

"Master!" Before the horse could stop, Yi Yan jumped down, clasped his fists with both hands, and wanted to kneel down and salute.

However, Liang Feng took a step forward and supported his arm with both hands: "Get up, it should be me thanking you! Yiyan, thanks to you!"

With these two words, Yi Yan's eyes became hot, and his ears turned red. The lord did not blame him for the loss of troops and generals, but personally welcomed him out of the village gate. The lord needed him, and he guarded the Liang Mansion for the lord!

Behind, a large number of soldiers also caught up. Seeing this scene, many people's eyes were red, and they rolled over and dismounted. Liang Feng didn't let go of Yi Yan's arm, on the contrary, he held him like this, took two steps forward, came to the crowd, and said loudly: "In this battle, you defended Liang's residence and this homeland. Brave and brave. Everyone in the camp has made merit! Those who are seriously injured should be treated like a martyr! Everyone should go back to the barracks first to heal their wounds and rest, and then they will be rewarded for their merits and deeds in the future!"

These words are like hot coals in winter, which instantly warms everyone's hearts. All the pain and exhaustion were left behind, only the excitement was left. A Liang hurriedly brought people up to meet him, the gate of the village opened wide, and he led everyone to the barracks. Liang Feng was always pulling Yiyan, standing behind the gate of the village, watching these proud and tired soldiers lined up. It wasn't until the last big car passed by that he breathed a sigh of relief, turned his head and asked, "Are you injured?"

Yiyan shook his head vigorously, at this moment, he seemed to be dumb, unable to speak.

"That's great." Liang Feng breathed a sigh of relief, "Go back to the manor and tell me how this battle was fought!"

Only then did Yiyan remember what time it is now, and quickly said: "My lord! It's too late, why don't we talk about it tomorrow..."

Looking at Yi Yan's nervous look, Liang Feng laughed dumbly: "It's okay, when can I sleep? Let's go back to the house on horseback."

Without waiting for Yiyan to back down, he took the man to the horse's side. Just watching Yi Yan get on the horse, Liang Feng got on the horse. Two equally tall Wusun horses, one after the other, stepped into the village gate.

In the bedroom, Green Bamboo has prepared ginger soup and buttermilk to quench the cold and quench their thirst. Liang Feng took a sip and listened intently to Yi Yan's retelling of the battle. When he heard that the Huns were shooting arrows in front of the formation, and he personally led the elites into the formation, Liang Feng's expression changed slightly: "There are still loopholes in the formation."

The biggest function of the spear formation is to defend against the enemy infantry. In the event of a large-scale war, the enemy uses fast horses to rush into the formation, or equips a large number of bowmen, and the power of the spear formation will be weakened a lot.

"The spear formation can't be used as the main force, there should be more sword and shield players and archers." Yi Yan said, "There are also cavalry, if you can match one or two hundred cavalry, even if the Xiongnu elite soldiers come, your subordinates will have the strength to fight! "

This battle also made Yiyan gain a lot. The leader of the chaotic army is not a mediocre person. Fighting against it is the real life and death struggle. With this battle, the Liangfu tribe finally has the appearance of a strong soldier. If you add an equally elite cavalry, it will be even more powerful!

"Cavalry..." Liang Feng couldn't help but smile bitterly. The cavalry is good, but it's also very expensive. He really can't afford it now...

After thinking for a while, Liang Feng said again: "How many war horses of the Huns have been captured this time?"

"More than 200 horses, the rest died in the chaos. Those who were injured and broke their legs, we never brought back." Yiyan replied.

"What about the enemy's head?" Liang Feng asked again.

Yi Yan blinked, isn't the lord disgusting that human heads are easy to spread the disease? Why did you mention the head again

"Also stay in the valley."

"Very good." Liang Feng nodded slightly, "You go to wash and bandage first, and have a good rest. Tomorrow morning, we will go to Gaodu."

After the war is over, what remains is the distribution of benefits. This battle, Liang Mansion can not fight in vain!

For a whole night, Guo Jiao never slept soundly. I woke up from a few dreams, all of which were terrifying scenes of rioting soldiers attacking the wall, burning, killing and looting in the palace city. Yesterday's offensive and defensive battle really frightened him. Who would have thought that the enemy was so terrifying that even a veteran like Wu Ling was helpless!

Now Wu Ling's personal soldiers have lost more than half, and the young men who were sent to the wall to help in the battle also suffered heavy losses. If the enemy comes again like this, can they still hold the county seat? And why did the Huns turn around and leave? A day has passed, and the Xiongnu from the left have not seen any troops to help. Could it be that they are secretly planning something

All kinds of thoughts made Guo Jiao's head hurt. I was drooling when I couldn't be a county magistrate, but now that I am, I realize that this kind of county magistrate who wants to rush into the area is really not a good job!

"Come on, bring me a cup of tea..." Guo Jiao ordered while rubbing his forehead, no longer interested in drinking the buttermilk.

Unexpectedly, before the tea arrived, a very familiar figure rushed in: "Ming Gong! Ming Gong is overjoyed!"

Guo Jiao was stunned for a moment: "You, didn't you go to Liang's house to deliver the letter? Why are you back now?!"

The messenger took two steps on his knees and said excitedly: "Ming Gong, you don't know, the youngest came from the Liang residence! Hearing that Gaodu was besieged, Lianghou actually dispatched a troupe to lure the rebels away and relieved them. The danger of Gaodu has wiped out those bandits in one fell swoop!"

"What?!" Guo Jiao stood up in shock, "Liang Feng sent troops to exterminate the bandits? He, how can there be so many episodes in his house!"

"I don't know about this little guy, but Lianghou personally went to Gaodu and wanted to see Duke Ming..." The messenger said quickly.

"Why didn't you say it earlier?! Where are you?!" Guo Jiao said loudly.

"Just, right under the city. I was stopped by Wu Xiaowei's people..."

"Oops! Hurry up, go get the car ready... No, take the horse! I'll go see it myself!" Guo Jiao fluttered his robe and strode out.

When he arrived at the city gate, he personally confirmed that Liang Mansion's frame and entourage, and that there were no enemies within a radius of several miles, Guo Jiao let the city guards open the city gate. A light car squeaked into the city, as if seeing Guo Jiao's figure, the curtain of the car was lifted, Liang Feng got out of the car and walked forward with a smile: "I never thought Duke Ming would personally greet him. "

"Where is it!" Guo Jiao said quickly, "It's these soldiers who don't know your frame and keep you waiting outside the city for a long time..."

Liang Feng smiled slightly: "In wartime, that's how it should be. It's thanks to Duke Ming who sent a letter to me that I learned about the rebellion."

Hearing what Liang Feng said, Guo Jiao hurriedly asked, "I heard people say that that group of rebels was suppressed by Liang's government?!"

"That's right." Liang Feng smiled, "I came to Fucheng this time to tell Duke Ming about this."

"This, this is four or five hundred Xiongnu cavalry! Why, how could it be..." Guo Jiao couldn't say anything right. How did this battle come about? But the person in front of him is really not the kind of person who can't believe his words!

"Why don't we talk to the county government?" Liang Feng said.

"Ah!" Only then did Guo Jiao wake up. It was too awkward to chat at the gate of the city, so he quickly said: "Zixi is right, get in the car quickly, please come inside."

After sending Liang Feng to the car, Guo Jiao hesitated again and asked someone to call Wu Ling. The stakes are very important, and of course he can't have the final say.

After a while, the distinguished guests sat in the room. When the buttermilk was served and the refreshments were set, Guo Jiao couldn't help but ask, "Zixi, those riotous soldiers..."

"The day before yesterday, Ming Gong sent a letter. I thought about it for a long time. Gaodu and Liang's mansion are each other's lips and teeth. Naturally, I can't stand by and watch. I sent Fuzhong Buqu to go to suppress the bandits. Fortunately, the rebels were reckless and fell into an ambush, so I let the Buqu Got it all…”

"What? How many people are there in your family, and you can actually wipe out the rebels?!" A rough voice came from outside the corridor, Wu Ling's face was blue, and he strode into the living room. However, when he saw Liang Feng's respectful appearance clearly, he was full of foul language again. Is this the legendary Buddhist son of Liang Fu? Really fucking undeserving of fame...

Seeing this soldier standing at the door, with thick bandages wrapped around his arms, Liang Feng smiled slightly: "This is Captain Wu, isn't he? Thanks to you guarding Gao Du. If Gao Du loses, you can say anything else. late."

Guo Jiao also hurriedly said: "That's right, Xiaowei Wu, come and sit here. Listen to what Zixi has to say first..."

After seeing the beauty, he was put on a high hat again, and no matter how angry he was, most of the anger disappeared. Wu Ling coughed dryly and took a seat on the side seat. Seeing the slightly embarrassed expression on Wu Ling's face, Liang Feng smiled in his heart, and continued: "Actually, this battle was also a trick. It was just that when the rebels were attacking the city, the opponent's food supply was cut off, forcing him to return to help, and then It's just a half-way ambush. If it wasn't for Gao Du's containment and Wu Xiaowei to exhaust the physical strength of this group of thieves, I'm afraid it would not have been so easy to suppress the chaotic army."

These words immediately cleared the anger left in Wu Ling's heart, and he couldn't help but ask again: "Really wiped out the chaotic army?"

"Of course it's true." Liang Feng smiled, "The corpse is still being thrown on the battlefield. If the captain doesn't believe it, he can send someone to take the head and examine it."

When Guo Jiao heard this, he immediately exclaimed: "There are still corpses! This..."

This is a great achievement! Even if you lose hundreds of troops, it's worth it! How could Wu Ling not understand the meaning of the words, his eyes could not help but light up: "Liang... Is what Liang Hou said really?"

"Really." Liang Feng smiled, "But these are the last moments. After this battle, I was really worried, so I came to Gaodu to talk to the two of you."

what! Guo Jiao and Wu Ling were not stupid, and immediately heard the overtones. Not to mention where the battlefield is, and to say "worry" first, I am afraid that is the original intention of this Lianghou who came to Gaodu.

Guo Jiao hesitated for a moment, then asked, "I don't know Zixi, what are you worried about?"