Royal Road

Chapter 72: inventory


Early in the morning, Zhu Er got up from the bed. In the previous battle, he injured his arm. Fortunately, his life was big, it was just an ordinary flesh wound, and when he returned to the barracks, someone debridement and bandages him. Now the arm is thickly wrapped with several layers, the pain is pain, but it is only pain.

Although injured, after Zhu Er got up, he carefully folded the thick linen on the bed and flattened the wool felt underneath. These are all sent from the camp. If they are damaged, they will be brought home to be repaired by the mother-in-law. After finally marrying a bride, he was reluctant to let his own woman suffer.

After finishing all this as before, Zhu Er raised his head and glanced at the empty bed opposite, sighed softly, and walked out of the barracks.

The battle had just ended, and there were no soldiers practicing outside for the past few days. Zhu Er walked across the school grounds and walked towards the west of the barracks. As early as when the new barracks was built, there were five large houses isolated here, all of which were good houses in the sun, and a lot of strangely styled high-beds were built, but no one was allowed to live in them. Only now have the guys figured out what these rooms are for.

This is the "ward" of the battalion, and all wounded soldiers must be placed here. Avoid immune diseases, and at the same time facilitate treatment. On returning home that day, the seriously injured were admitted to these rooms. The next day, the master also brought back two doctors from the county government and closed the door to treat people's injuries. It is said that many people heard the screams from here.

If you can't come to this place, Zhu Er really doesn't want to come. However, Wang Wu, who was in the same room with him, was also seriously injured. Although they were constantly beating and scolding and liked to raise the bar, they were indeed the first group of Zhuang Han to join the trilogy. They were trained together, went through the first battle to protect Liang Mansion together, and were promoted to corps commander together. But now, Wang Wu is lying in this terrible ward.

Opening his eyes wide and looking at the sign on the door, Zhu Er walked towards the westernmost room. For some reason, the door of the room was actually closed, and before entering the house, you could hear the pained groans coming from inside. The voices vary in size, some are vague, some are sober, but no matter what kind of sound, it makes people anxious. Zhu Er swallowed his saliva, pushed the door and walked in.

There are six high beds in the house, and on each bed, there is a person lying on it. However, when he looked closely, Zhu Er found that the bloody scenes of missing hands, broken legs, and disembodied stomachs had never appeared at all. On the contrary, the house was clean, the bed was covered with neat linen, and the windows were covered with white paper to keep out the wind, so that the sun could shine through the paper. And the house is not cold at all, there is a charcoal stove burning in the corner, the shape is a bit weird, the smoke seems to be able to spread out of the house along the long tube next to it, and it is not choking at all.

Although there is still a bit of bloody smell that can't be eliminated, it is more like the smell of medicinal soup. How can this seem to be for the wounded? It's almost like the house of the nobles!

"Zhu Er? Is that you?"

A hoarse voice came from the room, and Zhu Ercai remembered what he was here for, and hurriedly walked to the high bed. When he saw the man lying on the bed, his throat choked and he almost burst into tears: "Wang Wu, you, your legs..."

I saw that the hemp quilt was under the quilt, and half of the outline was obviously missing on the left side, which should have been a cut off leg. A good big living person, who would have expected him to be disabled in just one battle.

"Why are you crying!" Wang Wu's face was a little pale, but his expression was still sober, and he scolded in a hoarse voice, "I just injured a leg, not dead. Alas, you don't know how powerful that arrow rain was. , just by my side, three or four fell. This is the real fate... "

"But you're like this, how can you lead the troops in the future..." Zhu Er was halfway through, feeling that it was wrong, and just wanted to slap himself! Doesn't this make it worse

"If you can't lead troops, go back to farming. Anyway, the master said that the disabled are also second-class meritorious deeds, and they will be exempted from ten years of farmwork. Wait, I will show you something first..."

Saying that, he stretched out his hand and pulled the bell hanging on the head of the bed. A crisp bell rang, and miraculously, the moaning in the room was immediately reduced a lot, the thick curtain was pulled open, and a figure came out.

It was a woman! Zhu Er's eyes widened. Wait, how come there are women in the barracks? ! I saw that the woman was dressed neatly and wrapped her hair in a towel. She was about thirty years old, and her appearance was not bad!

Before Zhu Er could react, the woman raised her eyebrows: "How did you come in?"

Zhu Er couldn't help but open his mouth: "I, the door, the door is not closed..."

"There are all seriously wounded here. They need to rest and recuperate. They can't visit at will." The woman walked quickly to Wang Wu's bed and said coldly, "What's wrong with you?"

Wang Wu looked bitter: "Oh... Li Huniang, I'm really thirsty, please give me a glass of water."

The woman glared at him, but said nothing, turned and went inside to get hot water. While others were getting water, Wang Wu lowered his voice and said, "Did you see it! This is the one who arrived in the ward yesterday, and there is one in every room! They take care of our daily life! Change bandages, wipe sweat, go to the toilet, everything. This girl did it!"

"Let a woman take care of you rough guys?" Zhu Er was even more surprised, "How could she do it?!"

"You don't know, which cottage was this girl rescued from. It is said that she came to the camp because she didn't want to get married. The team has said that she is paid the same military salary as us, so she should not be taken lightly. But I think she's interested in me, don't you think?"

Zhu Er didn't see whether the girl had any thoughts of admiration, but the disgust was clearly on his face. Looking at Wang Wu's appearance, Zhu Er couldn't help laughing and crying: "The one rescued from the mountain bandit's den is also a hard-working woman, and she still has to take care of you. Don't be scornful!"

"Of course I know! I want to marry her!" Wang Wu gave him a blank look, but he couldn't see the haggard, but returned to the old look that made people want to fight.

At this time, the woman came out with a bowl of water. Seeing Zhu Er, she frowned and said, "Why don't you leave? That's right, you can feed him water."

When Wang Wu heard this, he was dumbfounded and glared at him. Zhu Er hurriedly said, "I, I have a wound on my arm..."

"Yes, hurry up!" Wang Wu waved at him like chasing mosquitoes.

Seeing the appearance of his old friend, Zhu Er had no face to stay, coughed dryly, and turned to leave. Standing at the door, he looked back at several large houses side by side, and the worry in his heart seemed to have retreated. Langzhu will never let them down, even if he is injured or lost his life, he will not leave them behind. This is the Lord who is worthy of their lives!

"Lang lord, after two days, seven of those seriously injured died. The rest have been healed as much as possible, and we have to wait and see for a few days." A medical worker knelt before the case and told the truth.

In this era of underdeveloped surgical operations, serious injuries are really no different from casualties, and it is good to be able to save a few. Liang Feng sighed softly: "The rest of the wounded must be treated well, if you can save them, you don't need to begrudge the medicinal materials."

The two medical workers looked at each other. They had never seen such a family owner before. In the past, wounded soldiers were not always thrown into the corner and left to fend for themselves. How can it be treated so solemnly? Alas, it is also a blessing for them to meet such a merciful head of the family.

Another medical worker said: "And those nurses in the ward, are they unsightly..."

Liang Feng raised his eyebrows: "Won't the nurse take care of the injured?"

"No... But after all, she's a woman, stay in the camp, this..." The medical worker was a little embarrassed, not knowing how to explain to this handsome man.

"They are not prostitutes, they are only responsible for taking care of the wounded. If there are no more wounded, they will naturally return to work in the mansion. All you need to do is get a good diagnosis and don't cause any disease." Liang Feng said coldly.

Hearing these words, the two medical workers did not dare to say more, and then backed out after salute. Liang Feng rubbed his brows in distress. The nursing system was really not easy to explain to the ancients. However, in the past few months, Yiyan and the others have captured many cottages, and the mansion has also taken in many hard-working women who were kidnapped by thieves. Some women are able to shake off the shadows of the past, remarry, and start a new life. Some have the idea of being alone for life. So Liang Feng went with the flow and let them learn craftsmanship or nursing knowledge, which is also a way out.

And to be honest, the role of female nurses in inspiring the will of the wounded to survive cannot be underestimated. It would be a wonderful idea to use these brave women to inspire the disabled to live. However, these women can only stay in the camp. If they go to battle, they will have to train some lifeguards. These two medical workers, he is not going to return them to Guo Jiao, and when Jiang Da comes back, let him organize a group of available people.

"My lord. The selection of horses has been completed. Fifty-seven horses have been selected that are of slightly poor quality and are injured." Yi Yan strode into the room and reported.

"Very good, let someone send these horses to the county government, hand them over to Wu Ling, and come back with some fodder." Liang Feng said, "How many horses are left?"

"One hundred and thirty-six horses left."

"With the existing horses in Fuzhong, we can make up almost 150 horses. It seems that the pasture will be opened next year. You remember to go around and find a suitable place." Use some bad horses for grass , it's a pretty good deal. If not, the more than 100 horses that Guangpingbai spared would be able to eat the poorer's grain.

"Can the cavalry be expanded to 150 next year?" Yi Yan immediately became energetic.

"Well, not only the cavalry, but also the infantry will need to be expanded again. All the auxiliary soldiers that survive this time must be converted into main soldiers, and then matched with the corresponding number of auxiliary soldiers. In this way, two infantry battalions are matched with one cavalry battalion, and the If you go to the enemy army, you will have the strength to fight." This was Liang Feng's initial plan, and when a large number of refugees poured in, he would go to rob people. In any case, we need to get two hundred main soldiers and four or five hundred auxiliary soldiers, and we need to enrich each type of arms. It's just that the officer candidates are a little worried. Thousands of troops are easy to get, but one general is hard to find.

"You should also pay attention to the candidate for the backup battalion officer. If you encounter a good seedling, report it and I will see it for myself."

"This subordinate understands." Now that Yi Yan has commanded many battles, he naturally understands the role a good officer can play. The few in the team are very long, but you can pick and choose.

"Has the seized property been counted?"

"There are six carts of silk and two carts of gold and silver jewelry, and the money is one million. The grain is not much, only about thirty or forty stones. The account room is still in storage, and it is estimated that it will be cleaned up tomorrow." Yi Yan replied.

This group of rioters can really rob, and I don't know how many villages they have looted. It was also the best time for him. This group of people had just started looting, and they still attached great importance to all kinds of property. If they really turned into robbers who were hiding in the east and the west, it was estimated that they would not ask for money, and would only care about treasure and food. .

"Well, with all this, it's not a waste of time." Liang Feng nodded and said, "Those dead horses are also quickly dealt with, and the horse meat is distributed to the soldiers, each of 20 pounds. The rest can be marinated. It's pickled, and the refugees come back, and it's still useful. The horse hides are well tanned, and the horsehair is left first, and then you can find a place to sell it when spring begins."

Horses are full of good things, and even the Huns would not kill so many horses in one go. These materials must be stored well, and they can be sold at a high price later. Fortunately, it is winter now, and the things can still be kept. If there are so many dead horses in the summer, I am afraid they can only eat them all in one go.

Yiyan nodded yes. He was used to seeing herdsmen handling dead animals, and he didn't have the absurd idea of "poisonous horse meat" among the Han people, and he didn't find it strange to eat these dead horses. In these years, it is a blessing to be able to eat delicious meat. Who cares whether it is horse meat or mutton

"Prepare some good horse meat, food, and drinks." Liang Feng thought for a while, and then ordered, "Wait for a celebration feast tomorrow to reward the trilogy. By the way, let's announce the military reward this time."

This is a war, and everyone must remember the merits. This is the first time that the episode has suffered casualties, so it is necessary to appease people's hearts. Coupled with the fact that the New Year is approaching, we have a feast to celebrate and give out a red envelope, so that everyone can have a good New Year. Human hearts are flesh, only you take them to heart and treat them like people. These people will risk their lives to live their own lives. What he needs is a strong army not only brave and not afraid of death, but also dare to fight, be good at fighting, and even yearn for war and victory. Only in this way can we protect ourselves and keep the Liang Mansion from standing in the troubled times.

And these are far more important than the imperial court's awards. Liang Feng smiled and sat at the desk again, writing down the prepared military regulations.

Victory is certainly exciting, but when the good news is handed to the desk, not everyone can smile.

Staring coldly at the letter on the case, Liu Xuan asked: "The guards of Gaodu wiped out the rebel army? Four hundred and seventy-two people were killed, but only three hundred soldiers were lost? When did the Jin army become so powerful?! "