Royal Road

Chapter 82: Return to suit


On the long mountain road, a group of people walked slowly. This is the important military road from Sizhou to Bingzhou, dozens of miles of mountain roads, directly crossing the majestic Taihang.

Unlike several other Xingdao, Taihang Xing was built around a mountain. The sheep intestine road is coiled between the mountains, with wet talc slabs less than three steps wide at the foot, and towering ancient trees with dry branches and vines beside them. Walking on such a mountain road, you can't shake your head, as long as you are afraid of slipping, you have to Falling off a cliff of Baizhang.

As a man of Tong Zong, Jiang Da naturally knows the sheep intestines road. In the Qin-Zhao war, the Qin army sneaked into Changping from this ancient road, defeated Zhao Kuo's main force, won the battle, and killed 400,000 Zhao army. More than a hundred years ago, Emperor Wu of Wei also widened this path, attacked high officials, and captured Bingzhou. However, walking on this road in winter, all the nostalgia for the past has disappeared, leaving only tension and exhaustion.

But even so, the refugees who followed behind were still quiet, without the slightest noise. Just because the guards never made it difficult for them when they passed the previous passes.

Not to mention such a military important point, it is an ordinary city gate, and it is extremely difficult to pass. Those who are driven away with swords and guns, and those who need to be handed over, will be caught and sold as slaves. For refugees, the pass is the gate of hell. If you want to survive, it is best to detour. If you are unlucky, it is common to encounter beasts and bandits. But the soldiers of the Liang Mansion just said hello to the soldiers guarding the pass, and everyone passed through the pass and set foot on the Xingdao. No matter how difficult and dangerous the mountain road is, it can be completed in one day, and the legendary high capital city can be reached in less than three days. How can people not be full of hope

Therefore, no one complained, no one complained, they were just like the soldiers in front of them, silently walking on the mountain road, hoping to pass this dangerous road as soon as possible.

"Be careful!"

Maybe because he was thinking a little, Jiang Da slipped and was immediately caught by someone behind him. Startled in a cold sweat, he quickly stood up and took a breath.

"Is Dr. Jiang tired?" Zhang He supported his body and asked carefully.

Jiang Da quickly shook his head: "I'm not tired, I can still hold on."

"That's good. Another ten miles is Taihang Pass, and you can rest in the city for a while."

"Don't these soldiers stop the refugees?" Jiang Da couldn't help but asked in a low voice.

"Don't worry, this is the order of the Taihang gatekeeper. The master has already said hello." Zhang He replied with a smile.

Hearing this, Jiang Da couldn't help but grit his teeth and moved on.

The mountain road was too difficult and dangerous, and two hours later, the low city came into view. Because there are three bottomless courtyard springs in front of the pass, it is named Tianjing Pass, also known as Taihang Pass. Locked in the north of the well, it is a natural danger, the tower is not high, but it is better than the odd danger.

Zhang He took the lead, came to the city, and said something to the soldiers defending the city. After a while, the city gates creaked open.

The city is very small, and there are not many soldiers guarding the city. The refugees will not be allowed to stop in the city at all. Instead, the doors will be opened and closed, allowing the refugees to pass the pass and rest outside the city. Only Liang's cavalry remained in the city.

"Zhang Duzheng, there are quite a few refugees brought back this time." A tall and thin man came over and greeted Zhang He with a smile.

"Where, thanks to General Wu's care, it was so smooth." After this battle, Wu Ling's promotion was a sure thing, so "General" also called out early.

Zhang He turned his head and introduced to Jiang Da: "Doctor Jiang, this is General Wu's right-hand deputy Liu Pi, and this trip is also thanks to his help."

The general waved his hand, and looked at Jiang Da curiously: "Are you the genius doctor Jiang in the Jinyang medical residence?"

Unexpectedly, this person knew about Jinyang Medical Liao, Jiang Da said quickly: "It's my servant."

"My mother-in-law is from Jinyang. Thanks to Dr. Jiang's actions, the epidemic was resolved. My general also asked Liang Hou for two "New Treatise on Typhoid Febrile Diseases"." Liu Pijiang was obviously very fond of Jiang Da, smiling praised.

Hearing the title of the book, Jiang Da immediately became excited: "But the medical book published by the Liang House? Can you lend me a read?"

Unexpectedly, Jiang Da would be so excited, Zhang He quickly explained to Liu Pijiang: "Dr. Jiang has been trapped in Luoyang these days, and he has just escaped from danger. He has never seen the medical book written by Jiang Taiyi..."

Hearing this, Liu Pi will immediately understand: "How difficult is this, wait for me to fetch it."

Because New Treatise on Febrile Diseases does not require money, there are many means of preventing and treating epidemic diseases in the book. Epidemic prevention has always been an important task in the military. Wu Ling had the cheek to ask Liang Feng for a few copies. When he was free, he would ask someone to explain it. He even kept a spare copy in the pass. Sure enough, Liu Pijian walked down with the book in a short time: "This book is a bit old, don't take it offend Dr. Jiang."

Jiang Da had no regard for etiquette, and snatched the book from the other party's hand, only to see the cover, and his eyes were red. In the book, in addition to the four characters "Treatise on Febrile Diseases", as well as the name of the grandfather, each stroke and stroke were all written by Liang Zixi. He copied his grandfather's manuscript by hand, and printed it as a book!

After opening the book, Jiang Da's hands trembled even more. This book is very well made, not only the sentence breaks are marked, but also the chapters and chapters, and the large and small fonts will never make people misread and make mistakes. Every detail is a testament. Looking at the concise description and the familiar cases, Jiang Da couldn't help choking: "This, this book, can you even see it here?"

"It's more than here." Liu Pijiang said with emotion, "Liangfu sells the "Diamond Sutra", and this book is a gift. Last year, the county magistrate sold more than a dozen volumes? I'm afraid Sizhou can also see it. arrive."

Hearing this, Jiang Da couldn't help but burst into tears.

This is the life of my grandfather! Liang Zixi actually spent money to publish and make a name for his grandfather! How could this kind of great grace be repaid with a single word of thanks? !

Raising his hand to wipe away the tears from his cheeks, Jiang Da said anxiously, "Quick, let's go back to Liang Mansion!"

Zhang He hurriedly stopped him: "Doctor Jiang, it's getting dark, and after another day of walking on the mountain road, it's better to rest for a night before leaving."

Liu Pijiang also advised: "It will take half a day to get to Gaodu from here, not to mention going to Liangfu. It has just snowed, and I'm afraid it will freeze at night, so let's wait until tomorrow."

The two talked at all costs, and then persuaded the emotional Jiang Da to stay, and arranged a barracks for him to live in. Overworked and crying again, Jiang Da just slept with the book in his arms all night.

On the second day, everyone set off again. After going down the mountain, half of the people were sent to escort the refugees to Gaodu. Only then did Zhang He rush the horse and gallop away towards Liang Mansion with Jiang Da.

Hurry up and hurry, and at sunset, the group finally hurried back to the Liang Mansion. Jiang Da looked at the tall gate and the dense shacks in front of him, and his eyes widened.

"I've only been away for a few months, how could it be like this, so..." Jiang Da couldn't find any words to describe it.

Zhang He said with a smile: "Naturally, it is the work of the master. There are hundreds of newly recruited refugees, and the series has grown a lot. By the way, we fought a battle before. If Dr. Jiang is here, I am afraid there will be more. Save a few people..."

The cavalry team passed through the gate of the village and through the outer wall. When they came to the Liangfu mansion, a figure appeared in front of everyone. As soon as Jiang Da saw the man, he struggled to jump off the horse's back, stepped forward quickly, knelt on his knees, and gave a big salute.

Liang Feng received the news and came out to greet him, but he did not expect to receive a big ceremony to visit directly. Frightened, he hurried forward: "Why does Ji En do this? Get up quickly!"

"My lord is above, please accept your servants' bow!" Jiang Da said with tears without raising his head.

After facing the refugees, he did call Liang Feng "the lord". This is not to deceive the refugees, but that he sincerely wants to serve. Whether it is the guidance of the epidemic prevention law, the life-saving grace of Luoyang, or the medical book of my grandfather. He owes Liang Zixi too much, and only by being a slave and a servant can he repay. One voice, the lord, contains so many emotions!

As soon as the word "Lord" came out, Liang Feng knew what Jiang Da was thinking. Such a request cannot be denied under any circumstances. So, he tidied up his sleeves, bowed and bowed, and said solemnly, "Ji En is affected. In the future, the medical treatment inside and outside the Liang Mansion will be handed over to Ji En."

It was a promise, a response, and a deep trust in him. Jiang Da nodded again and choked: "Thanks to the lord not giving up, the villain must do his best!"

"Okay, get up." After the etiquette was done, Liang Feng bent down and supported Jiang Da.

After taking a closer look at the person in front of him, Liang Feng couldn't help but sigh, "Ji En has really suffered these days."

The former splendor turned into haggard and thin, and the indifferent expression disappeared. Jiang Da's face became a little sad, maybe because of overthinking, and even his temples were stained with hoarfrost. It seems that this trip to Luoyang is indeed a lot of hardships.

Hearing these words of concern, Jiang Da had tears in his eyes again: "If it weren't for the lord, I would have starved to death in Luoyang City. But I still have something to ask for. My grandfather died suddenly, and my unworthy descendants traveled far away and could not return home. Can you please ask me? The lord has ten days of grace, and after I go home to worship, I will come back to Fuzhong…”

Liang Feng patted Jiang Da's arm: "This is normal human nature, why is there any reason? It will be Zhengdan in a few days. Ji En might as well go home and rest well. After finishing the affairs at home, you can go back to Liang's house. I I have ordered people to get off the ox cart, the journey is hard, it is better to go home by car."

Unexpectedly, even the car was ready, Jiang Da choked out, and bowed deeply again. With a lord like this, what can the husband ask for

Without staying to rest, Jiang Da boarded the ox cart again. Afraid that his body could not carry it, Liang Feng sent a maid and several cavalry to escort him home. Looking at the distant frame, he could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. This time it finally came to an end. It is not a bad thing that the relationship with Jiang Da has changed from an equal friend to a master-slave. The more famous doctors in this era, the more chance of survival. It is even more reassuring to have such a life-saving card that will not leave by your side.

Now that both the inside and outside of the palace have stepped up to formality, the matter in Luoyang has come to an end.

For Liang Feng, the second year of Tai'an is coming to an end. But for others, it's still too early.

After a few days of plundering, Zhang Fang returned to Chang'an with 10,000 official and private servants captured from the city to help the King of Hejian meet the army of Liu Shen, the prefect of Yongzhou. Sima Ying also set off from Yecheng and went to Luoyang to attend the Zhengdan ceremony. With the entry of the King of Chengdu into Luo, the dead Luoyang City finally regained a trace of vitality.

However, before the hall was stabilized, Sima Ying took the lead in wielding the butcher's knife, beheading a large number of generals of the Changsha king's line. Anyone who complained about Sima Yi's death died under the sword. Then he remotely controlled the emperor, sealed twenty counties for himself, worshipped the prime minister, and led the government.

For Sima Yue, who made great achievements in Kaesong, the new prime minister did not hesitate to reward him, and he was promoted to Shangshuling. At the same time, Sima Yong was named Dazai, Dadudu, and the governor of Yongzhou. Even Zhang Fang, who plundered the palace, was rewarded.

After such an act, the court and the opposition were dead silent, and only the sound of praising the virtues remained.