Royal Road

Chapter 84: Have fun


"I have come to the mansion several times, and I can see different atmospheres. Liang Hou's deep cooperation in management really impressed the lower officials!" Sitting in the guest seat, Guo Jiao smiled attentive.

Now just after the seventh day of the first lunar year, Guo Jiao came to celebrate the New Year, which was somewhat beyond Liang Feng's expectations. You must know that there are also group worship in this era. Before the fifteenth, it was basically when officials visited each other. A low-level bureaucrat like Guo Jiao had to go to the county seat to visit Shangguan, and it would take several days for him to come and go. To be able to rush here at this time, it is obvious that the Liang Mansion is placed in a very important position.

The bridal sedan chair carried people. For this kind of praise, Liang Feng naturally wanted to reciprocate, and replied with a smile: "It's all thanks to Dongye in charge of Gaodu. If it was another person, the Fuzhong would not be able to recuperate like this."

Now Liang Feng is no longer called Ming Gong, but changed his name to Guo Jiao's word "Dongye", which brings the relationship between the two closer. Hearing the other party's compliments, Guo Jiao couldn't help but show some lust on his face: "Lianghou speaks seriously. If it weren't for Lianghou's guidance, this winter would not have added these hundreds of people. Who would have expected so many refugees in Luoyang? Haha, it seems that during the spring ploughing, a few more acres of wasteland can be cultivated."

Guo Jiao has tasted the sweetness of cash-for-work. In just one winter, the city walls of Gaodu were raised by several feet, and the previously damaged areas were also repaired. If there are more chaotic troops coming, as long as the food supply in the city is continuous, it can hold on for several months. This is a real life-saving credit, but the money spent is half of what it used to be in previous years, and there is no need to rack my brains for conscription, causing complaints.

Even the houses of the refugees were built by them. After all, there are land reclaimed in front of them, so how could this group of people not take good care of their residence. In this way, two or three major things have been accomplished with the money and food provided to the victims. Not only is it affordable, but also has a good reputation, and it does not need to spend too much money in the treasury. With the military rations from Wuling's side, it is like getting all kinds of benefits in vain!

If it wasn't for the ingenious skills of the person in front of him, where would these achievements come from

This alone is enough for Guo Jiao to come to the door early and give New Year's greetings.

"When you have fields, you have to cultivate them carefully. It happened that there was a heavy snowfall last year, which should be an omen of a good year." Liang Feng said with a smile.

"That's right!" Guo Jiao immediately became interested, "I came back early this time, just to encourage the cultivation of spring. If Lianghou is free, why not go to the county government and participate in the ceremony of expelling the Nuo at the beginning of spring?"

The so-called "whip spring" is an important ceremony at the beginning of spring. In the farming society, nothing is more important than farming, so there were corresponding official ceremonies as early as the Zhou Dynasty. "Zhou Li Yue Ling" has a cloud: "The cow was unearthed to send cold air." On the day of the beginning of spring, all the officials in the capital must wear blue clothes, and the county officials of the prefectures and counties and the small officials of fighting food wear green silk and set up blue flags. Skilled craftsmen were ordered to carve earth cows outside the city gate, and officials whipped the earth cows with colored sticks to remind the people to start spring ploughing. At the same time, exorcise ghosts and drive away the cold.

This is the most serious cultivating ceremony. However, Bingzhou was in great famine, the people were displaced, and the government had not held such a ceremony for a long time. How can those pure and elegant scholars stand in the fields to beat the cows, and let a group of mud-legged people watch? Only underprivileged children like Guo Jiao would think about holding the ceremony, and would take the liberty of inviting Liang Feng, a standard nobleman, to watch the ceremony.

However, Liang Feng smiled: "Dongye can personally persuade the farmers, and I will observe the ceremony myself."

Unexpectedly, the other party's answer was so straightforward, Guo Jiao couldn't help but be overjoyed: "With the presence of Lianghou, this spring ploughing will be smooth!"

With such a Buddhist disciple participating in the exorcism, the people feel at ease, and the refugees can also obediently cultivate the wasteland, and maybe they can make up for a crop of spring wheat and harvest more food.

When he thought of the sight of the full treasury and granary this year, Guo Jiao felt extremely relieved and sighed leisurely, "It's a pity that Captain Wu went to Jinyang. If he was there, we could participate in the Nuo ceremony together."

After Zhengdan, Xiaowei Wu went to Jinyang, probably to take advantage of Duke Dongying's return to Bingzhou to inquire about his promotion.

Liang Feng replied with a smile: "I'm afraid I'll call him General Wu when I come back this time. Until then, we'll have to hold a banquet to celebrate."

"Hahaha, that's exactly it." Guo Jiao also laughed happily.

After lunch, Guo Jiao left in a hurry, presumably returning to Fucheng to study the Spring Festival. Liang Feng came to the inner courtyard to play with Liang Rong.

Now is the Spring Festival, so it should be the time for children to go on winter vacation. However, Liang Rong is extremely self-disciplined, and even these few days, he has been obediently staying in the study to practice calligraphy and endorsement. Liang Feng couldn't see it, so he pulled the little guy to play the game. In this era, there are no game consoles, and board and card games such as Shuanglu and Liubo are quite boring. Liang Feng ordered people to make a simple military flag. According to the settings of the marshal, general, school lieutenant, army marquis, colony chief, team leader, corporal chief, corporal chief, and scout, change the military flag to the commander's flag, change the bomb to the crossbow, change the mine to the trap, and follow the rules. Played like that.

This thing is so novel that Liang Rong couldn't put it down as soon as he saw it, and he would pester Liang Feng to play a few games every day. Who didn't get addicted to games when they were kids? The military flag is much simpler than Go. Liang Rong doesn't cry when he loses, but just thinks about the layout silently. The distressed appearance is so cute, and Liang Feng is naturally happy to spend time with him.

"Ah!" Liang Rong watched Lvzhu take away the captain on his side, and couldn't help but exclaimed, "How could Father put the general here!"

"Why not? A light cavalry charge is the most difficult to prevent." With that said, Liang Feng pushed another chess piece forward, and Lu Zhu hurriedly looked left and right at the chess pieces standing up on both sides, covered his lips with a smile, and removed Liang Rong's That one.

Seeing that the trap was dug up by the scouts, the powerful bow and crossbow only consumed the opponent's corporal leader, and Liang Rong's nervous little fists were clenched. However, with a lot of strategies, they can't save the decline. With little effort, the handsome flag who stayed in the camp was carried by the opponent. Liang Rong still couldn't understand, there are two camps, why can my father guess which side of his handsome flag is every time

"Father, let's do another round!" Liang Rong couldn't help begging.

"You can only play three games a day, but Rong'er forgot the agreement?" Liang Feng raised his eyebrows.

Chess and card games are quite addictive, and Liang Feng is also consciously honing Liang Rong's self-control. Sure enough, upon hearing this, Liang Rong's face collapsed, and he said obediently, "Rong'er didn't forget."

"It's not good for your health to sit for too long, go throw the pot." Liang Feng smiled and rubbed the little guy's head.

Liang Rong regained his energy immediately, walked to the corner, took out the long arrow shaft, and threw it at the two-eared bronze pot five feet away.

Tossing the pot is also the most popular game among the nobility, and it is a derivative variant of "shooting ceremony". In ancient times, if an adult man could not shoot arrows, it was regarded as a shame. Therefore, when the princes entertained guests, they would invite the other party to shoot arrows as a gift, and they could not refuse. If there are people who can't shoot, they will use arrows to throw pots instead. Later, the shooting ceremony evolved into the throwing pot, which removed the arrow and only used the arrow shaft to throw into the pot.

Before the Eastern Han Dynasty, it was still a ceremonial ceremony, but after the Eastern Han Dynasty, it became an elegant entertainment. The famous people of the Wei and Jin Dynasties played the game of throwing the pot even more. Every time there was a banquet, they would definitely throw the pot with Song of Songs, and they should also pay attention to the posture and skills when throwing. The nature is probably similar to that of golf in later generations. It is a kind of entertainment that coexists with force and skill.

Liang Feng himself has no strength in his hands, and Liang Rong is weak and weak, so throwing pots has become a common fitness activity for both of them. Anyway, it is very practical, and there is nothing wrong with practicing more.

When Yiyan entered the room, what he saw was the scene of father and son throwing pots each with an arrow. Liang Feng has fluttering sleeves and elegant posture, Liang Rong has short hands and calves, and is childish and cute. But the biggest thing they have in common is that they are very different.

Seeing Yiyan coming, Liang Feng smiled and said, "Yiyan, give us some pointers."

This thing is not quite the same as a dart. The shaft of the arrow is too long and it is made of bamboo. Liang Feng's hands are still unstable now, and it's not bad to be able to hit it in ten strokes. Naturally, he needs to find someone to teach him.

Yi Yan's gaze swept across the scattered pieces on the case, and without saying a word, strode to Liang Feng's side, took the arrow shaft, and threw it out. I don't know how he used his strength, but the arrow fell into the pot with a snap, and it spun around, but it just didn't pop out.

"Can you make the bamboo arrow pop out, and then throw it in after you catch it?" Liang Feng was interested. This is a high-level skill in throwing a pot. Hundreds of consecutive re-shots, very ornamental.

Yiyan weighed the arrow shaft and threw it again, only to hear a thud, the arrow hit the bottom of the pot, bounced back the same way, and landed in his hands. Repeatedly, the arrow shaft flew back and forth, like a weaving frame, which made people dazzled.

"Okay!" Liang Feng couldn't help applauding, even Liang Rong's eyes widened, looking envious.

Yiyan held the arrow shaft in his hand again, but instead of throwing it this time, he made a gesture with his left hand: "When the lord throws the arrow, don't move your wrist, use the force of your arm to swing it out, press the arrow down, and you can into the pot."

It seems that the way of playing darts is not suitable, Liang Feng took the arrow shaft, thought about Yiyan's previous actions, and waved again. This time, it was much stronger than before. The arrow shaft hit the mouth of the pot, turned half a circle, and landed in the pot.

"It seems useful!" Liang Feng touched Liang Rong's head with a smile, "Does Rong'er want to learn too?"

Liang Rong looked at the tall man, then at the mouth of the pot in the distance, and asked, "If the archery is accurate, can the throwing of the pot be accurate?"

"That's natural." Liang Feng said.

"I want to learn archery first!" Liang Rong grabbed the hem of Liang Feng's clothes.

"Then you should take a teacher. This Yiying is a sharp shooter and has excellent archery skills." Liang Feng smiled and nodded at the people around him.

Liang Rong hesitated this time, and after a while, he asked Yiyan, "When did you start practicing arrows?"

Looking at the little thing pulling the sleeve of the lord, Yi Yan wrinkled and replied coldly, "After ten years old."

"Then I'm practicing archery now, can I surpass you?" Liang Rong asked again.

"No." Yi Yan replied more simply.

Choking hard, Liang Rong turned his head and complained, "Father, I don't want to learn arrows from him!"

"Hahaha!" Liang Feng couldn't help laughing, "When you practice arrows, others practice too. No matter how you learn, you'll have less than ten years of hard work, so naturally it's hard to catch up. Rong Er, go back and learn from the soft bow first. ."

Being interrupted like this, Liang Rong was not so angry anymore, and nodded depressedly. Seeing that it was getting late, Liang Feng asked the maid to take the little guy to wash and rest, and he sat back at the table: "In the coming days, I promised the magistrate of Guo to go to Gaodu to participate in the exorcism ceremony. Let's go with some people."

Yi Yan nodded, hesitated for a while, and pointed at the broken chess set on the table: "Why didn't your lord teach me this?"

Liang Feng raised his eyebrows in surprise: "Do you want to play Lu Xingqi?"

"Think!" Yi Yan immediately sat down on the other side of the table.

The military flag is originally a game of marching and forming an army. It is reasonable to say that it is not wrong to let Yi Yan learn, but Liang Feng did not agree immediately, but smiled: "This is a game. Rong'er is free to play, do you want to play too?"

Does this compare him to a child? Yi Yan was unwilling to give in at all, and said loudly, "I want to play!"

This is a new game that the lord came up with, how can you miss it! And this chess is obviously used for marching, shouldn't it be taught to him

Looking at Yi Yan's stubborn expression, Liang Feng snorted: "Then I won't play Go today, just play this one."

Seeing Yiyan nodding, Liang Feng turned over the pieces and explained it in detail. Military flags are simple, and they are all terms for marching and fighting. Yi Yan mastered the rules in a short time.

"Then let's make a vertical chess formation." Liang Feng said, choosing black chess at random.

This is the game of dark chess, and someone needs to act as the referee, so Lvzhu did it by the side of the two of them. Yiyan didn't even look at her, she quickly set up the pieces and started the game first, but once they fought, they were immediately captured. Seeing that Green Bamboo took away his pieces every time he checked the chess face, it was even more unwilling than when he was playing Go.

However, Yi Yan was quite able to keep his composure, and in just a moment, he guessed the layout of Liang Feng's formation and fought back. After going back and forth, the chess pieces on both sides were greatly reduced. However, during the fierce battle, Liang Feng suddenly made a piece and walked to the camp on the opposite side: "Pull chess."

"How did the lord guess that this is where the handsome flag is?" Yi Yan couldn't help frowning.

"You're too dense on this side, it's not hard to guess." Liang Feng knocked down the chess pieces in the circle, and it really was a red flag, "When setting up the formation, there must be a fixed situation, and there must be a strategy. Since Lu Xingqi has It is a game of battlefield evolution, and it should contain all kinds of tactics."

If Yi Yan understood something, "One more game!"

Liang Feng couldn't help but smile and jokingly said, "Is it more fun to play chess, or is it fun to play Go?"

"Each has their own strengths!" Yi Yan did not take the bait and replied seriously.

This is also what Liang Feng likes the most about him. In order to be able to take the lead, lightly caving in. To be handsome, but not to be impatient and reckless.

"Then let's play another game." Liang Feng picked up the pieces and started to set up the formation, his expression was much more serious than just now.

Looking at the man's joking expression, Yi Yan felt his heart tremble, as if something had scratched his heart. The Lord's treatment of him is naturally different from that of Xiao Langjun! The previously unspeakable irritability was immediately thrown out of the sky, and Yi Yan also picked up the pieces and set up an array seriously.