Royal Road

Chapter 89: Into the bag


Crowded among the refugees, Liu Jian was surprised to find that Taixingxing was a little different from what he thought. After the servants of the Liang residence had a few words with the defending soldiers, the gate opened. Not only these people around, but even the refugees behind them went to Xingdao, and no one was charging any money to pass the border, so let them enter Bingzhou like this

This is the main road from Sizhou to Bingzhou, and it saves more than ten days of travel by going through Taihangxing and detouring elsewhere. Logically speaking, let alone the refugees, it is not easy for the people of Liang's residence to pass the border. How can they solve the problem in one sentence

Li Xin was naturally elated to be able to enter the border so easily, but Liu Jian was not as big-hearted as he was, so he endured and endured, and finally couldn't help but ask, "An, why is it so easy to pass the border now?"

Liang An smiled: "It's not easy to pass the border, but we are from the Liang residence, how can anyone stop us?"

Liang Mansion's face has already worked so well? Liu Jian looked at the group of refugees behind him again: "What about these people? Could it be because of Liang Mansion?"

"I can't tell. It is said that Gaoducheng is recruiting refugees? Alas, I have only been out for two or three months. I really don't know what the house has become now." Liang An's tone was full of regret.

What can it look like in two or three months? Liu Jian was confused and didn't ask many questions, so he had to follow behind the crowd and walk along the rugged path. After walking for a day and staying in Taihang Pass for another night, I came to Bingzhou.

The one that arrived first was naturally Gaoducheng. Because of the large number of displaced people, many shacks were built outside the city, but there was no sense of clutter. A few yamen guards stood outside the city, and when they saw the refugees, they immediately took them to the shack. In the distance, more than a dozen cows and countless men and women are cultivating the fields, and it is not known whether it is to open up wasteland or catch the spring. It is a busy scene.

Seeing the busy crowd in front of him, Liu Jian immediately calmed down a bit. Such a scene of spring ploughing, even Qingzhou may not have seen it for many years. It seems that Gaodu has a very diligent county magistrate, and the Liang Mansion is near Gaodu, which should also benefit a lot. It seems that A'an's words are true.

However, when the gate of Liangfu Village really appeared in front of him, it still surprised Liu Jian: "In this village, are all the Liangfu jurisdictions?"

This is quite a large piece of land, and it was surrounded by Liang Mansion

Liang An's eyes lit up, and he said excitedly: "This gate was not built when I left. But in the winter, when there is such a strong fortress, why should Liu Langjun worry about it!"

Is this the Zhaimen built in two months? Looking at the huge gate tower about 30 feet high in front of him, Liu Jian couldn't believe it. But telling such a lie is meaningless. Could it be that Liang Mansion really has such strength? Believing in doubt, he drove his horse into the village. The scene inside is the same as that outside Gaodu City, and it is even busier. There are farmers working on both sides of the road, the fields are still overturned, and the rushing river water pours into the fields along the ditches.

If he hadn't known that there was a severe drought in the state in the past two years, he would have thought that the weather here was good and it was a paradise on earth!

It seems that the Liang Mansion is indeed a good place, just look at what Liang Langjun asked them to do. In such a prosperous manor, even accompanying the owner to study the horoscope is a good job!

Of course, Li Xin didn't think so.

"You are the master of Liang's residence? Can you help me print the manuscripts left by Master?" Unlike the others, Li Xin didn't show any surprise when she saw Liang Feng, and got straight to the point.

Liu Jian was taken aback: "Zile, this is Lianghou, don't be rude!"

Looking at the two young people in front of him, Liang Feng said with a smile: "Of course it can, as long as Mr. Liu has annotated the "Nine Chapters Suanjing", the Liang House can print it. More than 200 volumes have been published, and in a few days, the world will know it."

"The New Treatise on Febrile Febrile Diseases" Li Xin had seen before, and it was this excellent book that made him decide to leave Qingzhou and come here. Unexpectedly, this book has now printed more than 200 copies! Wouldn't that have all the literate homes in Bingzhou? If the "Nine Chapter Suanjing" annotated by his master could be published, wouldn't it also be famous all over the world? !

Thinking of this, Li Xin immediately turned to Liu Jian and said, "Senior brother, this is a good place! Let's go after we finish printing the book!"

Liu Jian: "..."

Thousands of warnings and ten thousand orders, in the end, they are still so reckless! Liu Jian was almost embarrassed to see the smile on the face of the person in the main seat, and said embarrassedly: "I don't know what Lianghou invited us to come for?"

"I heard that Mr. Liu has written a volume on 'Heavy Differences', which can measure the height of mountains and rivers. It just so happens that my house is preparing to draw a map, and I want to borrow two talented people..."

Before Liang Feng could finish speaking, Li Xin had already shaken his head: "Measuring mountains is time-consuming and labor-intensive, and it doesn't make much sense.

Liang Feng choked: "Then ask two professors and apprentices, let them survey and paint?"

"There are too many idiots, who would have the patience to teach them?" Li Xin snorted disdainfully, "I have to sort out the manuscripts left by Master and continue to study and count, how can I have such a spare time!"

This is too lack of common sense to communicate. It's strange if you change someone, if you don't kick him out. No wonder he was able to betray his original teacher, went to Qingzhou to apprentice, and then wrote dozens of volumes of manuscripts from the teacher's house, and came here to ask for printing. For this kind of research-oriented talents who are obsessed with mathematics, I am afraid it is not easy to lure them with interests.

After thinking for a moment, Liang Feng suddenly said: "Actually, I always have one thing in my mind. Is the land under our feet flat?"

Hearing this, Li Xin sneered: "Of course not. The earth is semi-circular, as Zhang Taishi Ling said, 'The sky is like a chicken, the celestial body is as round as a pellet, the earth is like a yellow in a chicken, and one lives alone inside.'"

This is the record in Zhang Heng's Annotation of the Armillary Sphere. Not quite the same as the previous Gaitian statement, Zhang Heng believed that the sky is a sphere, and the earth is a half ellipsoid, with water below it connecting with the sky. Only in this way can the astrology and mathematical principles be explained. As a great mathematician, Liu Hui wrote the chapter on "Heavy Differences". He lives in Shandong all the year round, and has naturally seen the scenery of mountains and islands in the sea. It is not difficult to draw a conclusion similar to Zhang Heng. However, Liu Hui's interest is in pure mathematics, and he does not have deep research on astronomy. Li Xin only knows about it and doesn't pay much attention to it.

Unexpectedly, Li Xin knew about the curvature of the earth's surface. The semicircle theory is estimated to be the limit of human imagination of the earth before the discovery of gravity. Liang Feng said happily: "That's true! I think the east-west direction is roughly the same, but the north-south direction is very different. Only the surface of the earth is spherical to explain the difference in the weather between the north and the south. Since it is a spherical surface, it should be able to calculate the size of the ball. Yes. I wonder if Mr. Liu has studied all his life, maybe he can calculate the area of the semicircle under his feet?"

"Huh?" Li Xin blinked. There is also a description of the length of the earth in the "Zhou Lu Suan Jing", but if the surface of the earth is not flat, how can the numbers be correct? The number of circumscribed circles and the difference of weights are Master's proud learnings. Using these two, it seems that the surface area of the earth can be re-measured.

Seeing Li Xin's move, Liang Feng chased after the victory: "If you want to measure the geodesy, it's not a day's work. It's better to stay in the mansion, edit Mr. Liu Lao's manuscripts, and teach some assistants. When the situation is peaceful, take the assistants to cross. Famous mountains and rivers, measuring the surface of the earth, and drawing a map that conforms to the study of serious differences, wouldn’t it be the best of both worlds?”

Seeing the man in front of him say a few words, Li Xin felt itchy, and Liu Jian hurriedly stopped in front of him: "What Lianghou said is refreshing, but there are still many doubts that have not been resolved. If you spend your life energy on On the map of the world, I am afraid that I have misunderstood what I have learned."

If you really let Zi Le run to draw a map, he will probably be involved in this life. This person in front of him is not like those noble people who like to count, and he can't use a clear talk to pass them off. How do you pass on what your grandfather left behind

Liang Feng was not annoyed when he was stopped, and asked with a smile, "I wonder what method Liu Lang is good at?"

Liu Jian is not as versatile as Li Xin. He simply said, "I prefer the technique of cutting a circle."

"Yeah. The weight difference can be measured on mountains and islands. What can you do by cutting a circle?" Liang Feng asked curiously.

Liu Jian was at a loss for words. Circumcision is the work of my grandfather's whole life, but how should I explain it to others? In the "Nine Chapters of Arithmetic", each chapter is a practical solution to the problem, even the difference is no exception.

Seeing that Liu Jian couldn't answer for a while, Liang Feng said: "Since it is round, there should be a lot of bypasses. Just like the waterwheel recently developed by Liang's house, it is a perfect round, but it is too large to build. It's too difficult. If Liu Lang could make it a bit more concise and improve the effect, it would be great! Also, the projectile path of the bow and crossbow is also an arc. more accurate?"

Hearing what Liang Feng said, Liu Jian couldn't help but light up: "Maybe you can give it a try!"

Applying what you have learned is the weakness of any researcher, and Liu Jian is no exception. In fact, he was not very interested in the advanced arithmetic that his grandfather studied, but was very addicted to the art of cutting a circle. If we can use cutting circles in our daily life, can we make this method spread more widely

Looking at his shining eyes, Liang Feng couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. The impact of mathematics, especially geometry, on science and engineering manufacturing can be extremely significant. Nowadays, there are many skilled craftsmen in various workshops, but what they know is only "skill", which is a vague concept based on experience. If there is "magic" as a guide, it is possible to pierce that window paper and solve some problems that cannot be solved only by experience.

This is the true meaning of "Math is the mother of science". After finally abducting two real disciples under the name of Liu Hui, how could they be wasted on drawing and charting

Putting on a warm smile, Liang Feng said, "That's very good. In the future, you can continue to study in the mansion, and the Liang mansion will be responsible for the basics If there are any problems that cannot be solved, I will also present them to you.”

Seeing that the senior brother seemed to have acquiesced, Li Xin immediately said: "I also cut two bamboo slips, and it takes a lot of slips to count!"

"Liang's house produces paper, and daily check calculations can be recorded on paper. I will also order someone to make a blackboard for you, instead of a sand table." Liang Feng replied in a big way.

"Senior brother, you can use paper here!" Li Xin was immediately excited. She covered food and shelter, used paper as she pleased, and even printed books. Is there a better place than this

Liu Jian hesitated for a moment: "Do you have a monthly salary?"

Of course, food and lodging is good, but how can you guarantee it if you don’t have money left? Even if you are cheeky, you have to ask clearly about it.

"According to the standard in the government, three rice grains per month. If you teach a disciple, add two more silks; if you help the workshop to develop a usable tool, you can also get a reward. I don't know how good it is?" Liang Feng asked rhetorically. .

Looking at the smiling face of the man in front of him, Liu Jian swallowed his saliva: "So good..."