Royal Road

Chapter 93: Arguing


Qushui Liujing is the most fashionable official banquet entertainment at the moment. Whoever stops in front of someone will write a poem and talk about it, which is a very elegant entertainment. The former emperor Wudi loved Qushui Liujing very much, and there was also a Qushui Pond in Luoyang Palace, which attracted great popularity.

With the sound of music, the lotus leaf slowly fluttered and came to Sima Teng. As the host of the banquet and the head of the officials in Bingzhou, he should make the proposition. Picking up the wine glass, Sima Teng drank the wine in the glass, and after thinking about it, he said, "Since it's a simple talk, let's take "Fisherman" as the title."

Mentioning "Fisherman" on this occasion naturally refers to "Zhuangzi" rather than "Chu Ci". The article "Fisherman" is about Confucius, who encountered a fisherman while traveling around the world, criticized his approach, refuted Confucianism, and advocated the Taoist philosophy of sticking to the truth and returning to nature. This article may not have been taken seriously in other dynasties, but in the Wei and Jin Dynasties Lao Zhuang prevailed, and the differentiation and analysis of Lao Zhuang and Confucianism also emerged one after another. "Fisherman" is in line with the most exciting elements of the world, that is, the right and wrong of Confucianism and Taoism, which has always been a hot topic of discussion.

Self-consciously, the question was very good, Sima Teng ordered the wine to be placed on the lotus leaf again, and the Qushui began to flow again. On the side, Sun Zhi also nodded with satisfaction. Sima Teng was not very good at poetry and books. He usually loved singing and dancing more than talking. Therefore, the topics that were intensely discussed in front of him a few days ago would naturally be memorized in his heart.

This is the result he wants.

Sun Zhi came from a prominent family in Taiyuan, but his father died young and his brother died in the war. Now he has no strong backers behind him. Although he consciously excelled in his knowledge, he could only settle in a poor and weak place like Xinxing County and become a chief official. This is very different from what he expected. Thanks to Liu Xuan, the commander in charge of the northern part of the Xiongnu, who had a good relationship with him, it was not difficult to stay in Xinxing County.

However, the news he heard from Liu Xuan a few days ago made him extremely dissatisfied. Sima Teng actually wanted to recruit a younger generation with a fake appearance as his vassal. He came from a mediocre background, the two generations had no officials, and his knowledge was not very good. The only difference was his looks. For such a person, it’s just not enough to ask for permission, and the governor should ask the imperial physician to diagnose him? He was born into a wealthy family, but he had to guard a poor county that was full of Huns. How could someone get what he dreamed of with just one face? !

Therefore, after hearing that Liang Feng was also going to Jinyang to participate in the Shangsi Spring Festival, Sun Zhi took great pains to come up with such a plan. The question "Fisherman" is a good question for most scholars who are familiar with the history of Laozhuang and can speak freely, but it is not for Liang Zixi. How deep can a person who is fond of Buddhism and Buddhism understand Zhuangzi

Coincidentally, there are a lot of high school children coming today. Both Guo and Wen are talented, and they are not afraid that they will not be able to compete. As long as the cup is passed on in Liang Zixi's hands, but a satisfactory answer cannot be given, the touted reputation will naturally be self-defeating. This is not something that can be avoided by words such as "Sino's voice, unintentional poetry"!

Seeing that the cups were drifting with the flow, and people kept getting up to answer, Sun Zhi couldn't help but look at the gate not far away. After a while, there will be a good show.

Liang Feng is also watching the play. This was the first time he had seen Qu Shui Liu Jing with his own eyes. Although the original owner has left a lot of memories, it seems that he has never participated in such a public banquet, and has no impression of Qu Shui. This game looks like a different kind of drumming and passing flowers, but the people who are passed on to the wine glass have to get up and perform some shows. However, everyone is a gentleman, so naturally they can't sing a ditty. They must compose poems or talk.

Thankfully I didn't choose to write poetry. This kind of banquet is not an ordinary family banquet. If he really refuses to write poetry, Sima Teng will probably be the first to turn his face. It's much simpler to talk about it, and there are not many people who can get into it. It's more like a logic game to see who can detour who. Boring is boring, but it's not too difficult for him. Anyway, the red carpet has already passed, and now it's good to keep it strong.

The people in front were eloquent, all of them talking eloquently, citing scriptures, and occasionally attracting applause from the crowd. The music didn't stop, it was loud and quiet, just like the accompaniment background sound. Liang Feng leaned on the table and sat by the pool. The posture is not correct enough, but the green mountains and clear waters, and the singing of Yale, are more leisurely. The eyes that stayed on him were always there, but Liang Feng didn't care about it at all. He only occasionally turned to Wang Wen and chatted a little, as if he didn't care about the wine glass floating in the pool.

It seems that Liang Zixi really has no intention of becoming an official! Many people secretly thought. After all, this was an opportunity to show his face in front of the provincial governor. No matter whether he had rejected Sima Teng's expedition before, he should show some talent at this moment and make the other party look up to him. If it wasn't for the fact that he had no plans to enter the general's mansion, how could he be so careless

Sun Zhi was secretly happy when he saw it. It seems that Liang Feng did not expect the floating cup to stop in front of him at all, so unprepared, when the cup stops, it will only be more embarrassing. Great, that's it!

With the code he used, the water suddenly accelerated and drifted downward. After jumping straight past the three of them, he swirled slightly and stopped in front of Liang Feng.

Unexpectedly, the wine glass would float over so quickly, Liang Feng raised his eyebrows slightly and looked towards the poolside. Today, this Qushui Pond is a ditch specially dug for banquets. It draws living water from the Jin River into the pond, winding for hundreds of meters, forming an irregular oval shape. In an artificial ditch, if you want to let the glass follow the waves, and occasionally stop the glass, you can only use the gate to control the water flow. This means that as long as the person who guards the gate has a heart, the wine glass can be stopped where he wants to.

Someone wants him to talk!

His eyes fell on the main seat, and Liang Feng said lightly: "I am too weak to drink, and I hope that Duke Dongying will forgive me."

Is this to refuse to talk? There was a commotion at the poolside, this is a Qushui Banquet, how can you refuse to drink it? Sima Teng was also stunned for a moment, and before he could speak, Sun Zhi hurriedly said, "If you can't drink it, why don't the governor give tea instead?"

Sima Teng suddenly came to his senses, it was Sun Zhi reminding him to pay attention to talents. At the beginning, Sun Hao, the king of Wu Guoguo, was fond of drinking, but he also respected Wei Yao, a servant of the narrow book, and often gave tea instead of wine, which became an elegant talk. With this suggestion, Sima Teng nodded happily: "Zixi can replace the wine with tea."

The expressions of the two of them were in full view, and Liang Feng lowered his eyes: "Thank you Gong Dongying for your understanding."

With that said, he took the tea cup handed by the maid behind him and drank it up.

Sun Zhi's eyes widened in excitement. Thanks to his timely reminder, Liang Zixi never avoided talking. Now that the tea that replaces the wine has been drunk, it's time to talk about it? Before the wine glass had been in front of the Guo family, the Gao family, and some of the most talkative people in the general's mansion, Shujue, the debates of these people were all essential, and they promoted the beauty of Taoism in a high-profile manner. If Liang Feng said that he is incomparable to Confucianism, he must have a strong background in classics and history. If Zhuangzi is praised, then where should he place his position on Buddhism? This is simply a dead end that cannot be avoided. It is really difficult to think of ugly!

Unexpectedly, after drinking the tea, Liang Feng did not ponder like Sun Zhixiang, feeling embarrassed, but sat upright and simply said, "The fisherman is the same as Zhong Ni."

What? ! People have discussed so much, so this is your answer? This scripture directly condemns Confucius, Confucianism and Taoism. It is a confrontation between Lao Zhuang and Confucius and Mencius. The surprise is so great, where is the same? !

Everyone was horrified, and Sun Zhi sneered: "I never thought that anyone would dare to say that the fisherman is the same as Zhong Ni? Didn't Liang Lang read the article "Fisherman"?"

These words were extremely sharp, but Liang Feng smiled slightly: "Dare to ask the fisherman as the ruler of the land? The assistant of the prince? If not, how is it different from the saint?"

This is also the opening line of the article "Fisherman". The fisherman asked Confucius' disciples what Confucius did. Zigong highly praised Confucius for his virtues, for making rituals and music, for establishing human relations, for being loyal to the monarch, and for educating the people. Then the fisherman asked him whether he was Confucius, whether he was a monarch with land, or whether he was a minister who helped a prince, and Zigong answered no. So the fisherman laughed and said that Confucius was neither a monarch nor an assistant minister. Worrying about these things was not a matter of hard work and loss of authenticity? He was too far off the road.

This paragraph is the title of the full text and the basis for setting the tone. With this paragraph, many thoughts can be derived. But now Liang Feng said, has the fisherman ever been in charge of the country himself? Have you assisted the prince? If not, how can his theory be verified, and how can he refute Confucius's practice

This is a standard logical question and extremely difficult to refute. Sun Zhi opened his mouth and reluctantly said: "All saints have Su Hui, it is a gift from heaven, they can know it by themselves!"

What the sage said is naturally correct. If you want to refute this, you are going against the basic principles of Taoism and Confucianism. And since it is a gift from heaven, it is natural that you have never run a country before, and you can know the truth of running a country.

Unexpectedly, Liang Feng did not answer this topic, but instead asked: "Where does the ceremony come from? Where does the truth come from?"

"This... etiquette is a human system, and it really follows the self." Sun Zhi didn't expect to be questioned like this, so he continued to answer.

"Where do people come from? Where do I come from?" Liang Feng asked again.

who I am? where am i from? This is simply the ultimate question explored by countless philosophers, and how could someone like Sun Zhi possibly answer it? Seeing the other side's mouth stunned, Liang Feng shook his head lightly and pointed to the lotus leaf at his hand: "Those who see lotus leaves are called green; those who see lotus are called red; those who see lotus roots are called white. Green lotus leaves, come to the same destination in different ways. The difference between those who see it is not the difference between the truth, but the appearance. Therefore, the fisherman and Zhongni are the same."

The meaning of this could not be more clear. The fisherman said that we should obey the laws of heaven and return to the truth, so that the world can function normally. Confucius wanted to use etiquette and law to restrain people, so that people could understand the Three Principles and Five Constants, so that the world could function normally. Although the two people's "dao", that is, the method of solving the problem is different, the purpose is the same.

This is what Liang Feng is familiar with. In later generations of Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism, you have me, and I have you. If you want to survive in this land, you must make corresponding changes. The unity of opposites is the essence of dialectics.

To Liang Feng, this statement is justifiable, but to everyone present, it is extremely novel. Who would have expected that "Fisherman" could do such a solution? But after careful argument, I feel that it fits perfectly and cannot be refuted.

During the Wei and Jin Dynasties, it was the time when the learning of Lao and Zhuang rose. Many great Confucians are re-deconstructing Lao Zhuang and Confucius and Mencius, or use Confucianism to explain Taoism, or use Taoism to explain Confucianism. Although the two factions are at war, they are in the final analysis seeking common ground while reserving differences. And Liang Feng's argument is precisely a new way of thinking. Red lotus, white lotus and green lotus leaves, isn't it the other essence of Confucianism and Taoism

But there are three kinds of parables. Could it be that in addition to Confucianism and Taoism, there is also Buddhism

Someone couldn't help but ask: "Shike is the same?"

Liang Feng has already leaned back on the table and smiled slightly: "The Mahayana wishes to save all sentient beings."

He had mentioned this at Wang Wen's elegant banquet, but it was more eloquent and sublime when he mentioned it again. Without citing a scripture, but simply making a random comparison, you can answer your questions so incisively, which is simply amazing! Isn't this the image of enlightenment in Buddhism

The previous contempt was swept away, and even those who disdain Liang Feng's appearance the most, have to admit that this son is extremely bright and intelligent! Compared with his eloquent talk, Sun Zhi's stammering incomprehensible appearance is simply contemptible. Sima Teng couldn't help touching his palms: "What Zixi said is wonderful! Hurry up and have fun, and listen to how others tell it!"

This time, the water stopped in front of a young man with a cup. The man was only about fifteen or so. After picking up the wine glass, he pondered for a moment, and then sighed softly, "I'm not as good as Liang Lang."

After speaking, the young man drank the wine in his glass and sat back in his seat calmly.

This son is Wen Qiao, the youngest son of the Wen family. He is a talented and quick-witted man. I didn't expect him to think that he is inferior! Sima Teng couldn't help laughing: "Zi Xi is fluent and Wen Lang is straightforward. They are all jewels among people! Such a clear talk should be celebrated with a banquet!"

Speaking, Sima Teng left the table first, regardless of others. The crowd naturally followed him towards the place where the banquet was held. Only Sun Zhi looked ashen and sat still.

The author has something to say: Liang Shao: Are you pretending to be more forceful than me? Ha ha