Royal Road

Chapter 94: Good feast


Qu Shui Liujing seems to be leisurely, but it also takes a lot of time. It is noon today, and the banquet is already ready on the side of Hua Yin. Sima Teng loves mellow wine and food, and it is the festive season of Shanghai, so this meal will not be easy. With a single order, the maids served the delicacies like flowing water. Each person had dozens of dishes before the case. Now it's only the season of spring, so there are eight kinds of vegetables, and there are countless other mountain and game dishes!

However, all the people here are high-ranking people, and no one will show their faces for these meals. After the five flavors were eaten, Sima Teng stopped the chopsticks and clapped his hands: "I am fortunate to have the Yellow River Carp Fenkou crucian carp this time, and I would like to share it with you all."

Following the applause, a few servants came up carrying the two sides. Two women in blue dresses came to the center of the table and saluted everyone. These two are both beautiful and beautiful, and they rarely look the same, but they are twins. After the ceremony was over, the two young women stood behind the table and took out a fish from the copper basin next to them.

The woman on the left took out a large fresh carp, about a foot long. After getting out of the water, he jumped up and was grabbed by the woman and pressed on the seat. Du Du slashed off the head and tail with two knives, and with a single stroke on the abdomen, the fish was removed. Rinse off the blood with the ice water next to it, without removing the scales, spread out the fish belly. The silver light passed by, and the snow-white fish fluttered like butterfly wings and landed in the ice basin on the side.

What the woman on the right took out was a large crucian carp more than a foot. The color is ruddy like rouge, and the fine scales are shimmering with oil. It is necessary to fill the fish belly with peppercorns and coriander before January, rub it with oil and salt and marinate for three days, then smear the fish body with wine, seal it and put it in a urn to get such a bright and deep red color. Like the sister next to her, the woman also sliced the fish, then chopped it finely with a sharp knife.

The silver knives on the wrists sounded like music, and the two of them were light and danced. In a short time, the fish meat was as thin as a hair, and it was caught in the jade fingers, and it seemed that if it was lifted, it would float away with the wind.

After the fish is cut, it is placed in a small plate of 1 inch and sent to each person's case. The fish sauce is divided into red and white, accompanied by radish, coriander, yellow orange, mixed ginger juice and minced green onion, and poured with vinegar. Placed in a black lacquer plate, it is like a picture of a spring blooming begonia, so exquisite and luxurious, it makes people reluctant to move.

Fish slices are not uncommon, but it is still spring, and it is rare to find such a large live fish and fat crucian carp. What's more, there were also two cooks who performed on the spot, and their postures were especially beautiful. Even those high sects in Jinyang couldn't help but praise them in unison.

Looking at the only mouthful of fish meat in the plate, Liang Feng hesitated for a while before picking up the chopsticks. The crispy shredded radish accompanied by the fish has a really good taste, and even the fishy smell that is common in ordinary rivers has been suppressed. However, with a lot of ginger juice and wine, the freshness and sweetness of the fish itself is not outstanding enough. For Liang Feng, it can only be regarded as a "beautiful-looking" dish. This is also really curious about the ancient fish soup, and the amount is not much, so I am willing to taste it. Otherwise, he wouldn't risk the risk of contracting parasites and eat raw river fish.

However, just after eating the fish paste, a sharp voice sounded: "Why, does Liang Lang think this fish paste is not good?"

This sound was so sudden that even the sound of the accompaniment was almost interrupted. Liang Feng put down the ivory chopsticks in his hand, wiped the corner of his lips with a silk handkerchief, and raised his head, "Why did Changli Sun say this?"

Sun Zhi did not know when to return to the room. The humiliation on Qushui just now did not allow him to learn a lesson, but made him even more resentful. This Liang Zixi has no real talent at all, how can he win applause with a few sophistry? A desolate Tinghou who is so poor that he can only wear white clothes, how can he be seated with Jinyang Gaomen? ! If he can point this out at the banquet, he will definitely be able to restore his reputation!

Therefore, Sun Zhi kept staring at Liang Feng, and when he saw his hesitant expression when he was eating the fish, he immediately shouted loudly. Now seeing the other person's unconcerned appearance, he was even more angry, and said sternly: "Fish is a delicacy, let alone enjoying it in spring! Everyone praised it and knew it was delicious, but you were indifferent, as if it was hard to swallow. You have never eaten fish soup, so you can't taste such a delicacy? Or is it the sincerity of hospitality that underestimates the governor?"

The first sentence satirizes his family's poverty, while the second sentence implies that he doesn't take Sima Teng seriously, no matter what kind of accusation, it will bring ruin. Liang Feng did not move his brows, but said, "There is a king salmon in the sea. It is more than three feet long, with a blue back and silver belly. It was born in rivers and grew up in the East China Sea. Every autumn and winter, groups return from the sea to the land and travel hundreds of miles a day. , splitting the waves and piercing the waterfall. This fish meat is like fat paste, the color is like Danxia, and the sauce is green mustard, like snow dyed blue frost, no fishy or stinky, it melts in the mouth, and the aftertaste is fresh and sweet.”

He described it in too much detail, not to mention everyone present, even Sun Zhi swallowed his saliva, and immediately reacted, saying loudly, "How can there be a king salmon? Why have I never seen it in a book? Didn't you make it up?"

However, Liang Feng did not stop and continued: "Jingchu has fish, with a big head and a small body, with a blue back and yellow spots, and bulging like a ball in shock, hence the name lungfish. Its visceral blood is highly poisonous, and it will die if eaten by mistake. Its poisonous quality, the flesh is white as frost, the flesh is delicious and tender, and it is known as the milk of Xishi.

"Huh?" Wen Qiao suddenly said on the side, "Is this fish a mackerel? It was mentioned in "Wu Du Fu"!"

"Wu Du Fu" is one of the "Three Capital Fu" created by Zuo Si, which is a masterpiece of the present. Sikong Zhanghua once praised: "Ban Zhang and his like. Make the reader more than enough, and update it over time." Once rich and noble families competed to write, making Luoyang paper expensive. Among them, there is a mention of the king tuna mackerel, with the note saying "the mackerel is fish-shaped, like a tadpole, the larger one is more than a foot tall, the belly is white, the back is green and black, with yellow stripes, and it is poisonous." But Zuo Si did not mention that this fish can be eaten. Still so delicious!

Wen Qiao is knowledgeable and strong in memorization, and no one thinks that he will remember it wrong. Those who are familiar with "Wu Du Fu" immediately remember the description in it, and can't help but be surprised! Since the lungfish is indeed real, I am afraid that the king salmon is not a false statement. This Liang Zixi is really knowledgeable!

Liang Feng smiled at Wen Qiao and said again: "Tianzhu has a tree, more than 30 feet high, that bears big fruit, which is called a mango. The fruit is bigger than a catty, and it is as smooth as an inverted egg. The skin is green or yellow, and the flesh is clear and golden. The skin is thin. And the juice is rich, the taste is sweet to mellow, and the shape is beautiful. When you get one, the whole room is fragrant, and the aftertaste is endless.”

He was already known as the Son of Buddha, and when he mentioned the special fruits of Tianzhu, he was naturally convincing. Three kinds of delicious food, two fish and one fruit, are all new things that everyone has never heard of. But Liang Zixi's description is so vivid, it seems that he has really tasted these delicious dishes. Compared to these things, the fish soup that I just ate immediately paled.

Seeing that everyone was looking forward to it, Liang Feng said: "There are countless delicacies in the world. If you see them, you will lose your color, why don't you change your color all day long

In just a few words, a judgment is made! Jin people have multiple demeanours, the most important of which is "don't be surprised when things change". Just like Ji Kang, he has never seen a sullen look in his life. Just like Xiahou Xuan, leaning on the pillar to read the papers, lightning broke through the tile and split the wooden pillar behind him. This is the true character of celebrity!

It's still like this when it comes to thunder, not to mention just eating a mouthful of fish? Could it be that you have to shed tears in order to express the joy in your heart? What Sun Zhi said was simply too vulgar! Using such vulgar words to scold Liang Feng was obviously deliberate. Many high-ranking scholars frowned slightly, and Sima Teng felt embarrassed.

Hearing what Sima Teng said, Sun Zhi's face turned pale as he looked at the gentleman in white, who was still leaning on the hidden table. He opened his mouth, but couldn't spit out anything, and left the banquet sadly.

Sima Teng said with a smile, "Although the fish is beautiful, it is not as rare as what Zixi said. Anyway, all you gentlemen just want to drink freely, and the wine can be intoxicating even if it is delicious!"

Hearing this, many people laughed and praised, and Liang Feng picked up the chopsticks again and put a piece of cannon in his mouth. Well, this roast suckling pig tastes good, I can try it in the kitchen next time. As for the fish paste, forget about the health risks, there is no sea fish delicious at all, try to get a boiled fish next time.

It was a meal that was unique, and it was drinking and watching the dance, and it was noisy for an hour. After drinking and eating, and then having to digest food and play, the most suitable one is of course shooting.

Sima Teng ordered people to set out the target, and everyone divided into groups to shoot each other. That is, the ancient team competition. Sima Teng is young and energetic, and his archery skills are not bad. Other aristocratic families also sought out acquaintances to fight against each other. This kind of game is supposed to be played by everyone, but like the young Wen Qiao, the sick Liang Feng, and the elderly, who may not be able to draw the bow, they have already thrown the pot instead.

Fortunately, he had practiced throwing pots for a period of time before. On this occasion, Liang Feng could also calmly pick up the arrow shaft and throw with his sleeves. His sleeves are very wide, and when he swings the arrow shaft, his sleeves are even more fluttering, like a crane spreading its wings, and his graceful appearance is unparalleled. More importantly, the accuracy rate is also quite extraordinary. One can't help but imagine how handsome this child would be if he was healthy and shot with a curved lunge.

Just as he was playing, suddenly a sound of hooves came from a distance. After a while, a servant came forward: "I report to Duke Dongying, and the captain of the northern region has come to pay a visit."

That old guy Liu Xuan also came to Jinshui for a green outing? Sima Teng frowned: "Please come in."

Not long after, the white-bearded old man in military uniform walked into the tent and smiled at Sima Teng: "I heard that Duke Dongying is also drinking here, the old man came to pay a visit."

Sima Teng returned the salute casually: "The commander is Yaxing, why did he come to Jinshui for a green walk?"

This can be understood as asking Liu Xuan why he left Jiuyuan, where the north is located, and made a special trip to Jinyang to go to spring; it can also be understood as ridiculing him as a Huns, why did he have to do the ritual.

As if he didn't understand, Liu Xuan smiled slightly: "On March 3rd, you can swim in the river. Huh? This is for fun? Ying Gong to perform?"

How can Pengshe say that he will perform? Sima Teng's face darkened a little, but the other party had already made an appointment, so he couldn't back down from the battle, so he said, "The art of archery should be the opponent. Come on, set a target, and change to a strong bow."

Immediately, he instructed him to follow in a low voice, asking his general Nie Xuan to quickly find some soldiers who were good at shooting. The Huns have always been good at riding and shooting. If they lose face during the competition, it will be bad.

Liu Xuan didn't care, he stood with his hands behind his back, but Yu Guang landed on the white figure not far away.

The author has something to say: Liang Shao: Haha, is it risky to eat freshwater fish raw, do you make it? In ancient times, there were indeed cases of parasitic diseases in freshwater fish. It is said that one of them was cured by Hua Tuo. Hung up [bye bye] so don't eat raw fish indiscriminately, safety and hygiene first!