Royal Road

Chapter 97: Mao Sui


After the Shangsi Tour Banquet was over, Liang Feng did not rush back to the Liang Mansion immediately, but stopped at the Wang Mansion for a few more days.

One is that the outing is too tiring, and you need to rest for a few days before you can continue to drive on the road; This is something Liang Feng has only recently discovered. In this dynasty full of nobles, technology is a kind of entertainment.

Because of the extravagant lifestyle, Wei and Jin Gaomen were not only having fun, but also curious about new things. For example, Emperor Wu was fond of women's lust, and the beauties in the harem exceeded 10,000. Every day, he walked freely in the palace in a sheep cart, and chose women to serve as bedchambers. Therefore, some people offered movable sheep carts that could sit and lie down for Emperor Wu to enjoy. There are also "guide car" and "jili drum car" which can only be seen in the frame of the previous generation, but now there are real objects. Many aristocrats keep craftsmen, show off their wealth and compete, and think it is a pleasure.

It is precisely because of this ethos that many underprivileged disciples have also tried their best to create fresh utensils to gain entry. When Luoyang was prosperous back then, countless cold men gathered in front of the Gaomen mansion, and as long as a servant went out, they would come forward to sell their inventions, which is a scene.

However, Jinyang is not Luoyang, and now it is not during the Taikang period. However, the whimsical inventors of the early years have not completely disappeared. Liang Feng ordered Jiang Ni to investigate, and if there were any available, he would find a way to recruit them to the mansion.

The addiction to invention and creation is quite difficult to quit. Jiang Ni didn't spend much effort, and found a few disciples of the poor who had been guarding outside the high gate. After Liang Feng checked their inventions one by one, he finally selected two of them whose research direction was mobile machinery and included them in Fuzhong.

Although it is still early to invent machine tools, it should still be possible to create some simple assembly lines. In this way, the staffing in the workshop is complete. There are inventors with broad ideas, craftsmen who are responsible for implementation, and scientific researchers supported by data. If the team is brought up well, it should be able to make a difference.

After dealing with all this, Liang Feng said goodbye to Wang Wen and left Jinyang.

"Lang Jun, why don't you stop at Wang Zhongzheng's mansion for a few more days?" Green Bamboo took the drink and looked at Lang Jun's sunken cheeks with heartache. It took a long time to raise it, but after a trip to Jinyang, I lost weight again. There is still medicine to drink on the way, and Lang Jun is even more reluctant to eat properly.

After taking the medicine drink, Liang Feng drank it clean. This is the motion sickness medicine prepared by Jiang Da. Even if the carriage is changed, the return journey will take several days, so it is better to prepare early.

After drinking the medicine, he handed the bowl back to Lu Zhu: "Rong'er is still waiting at home, it's better to go back earlier."

Moreover, Grain Rain is also approaching, and the farm is about to enter the busiest season of spring ploughing. There are often locust plagues after severe droughts, so it is necessary to prepare as soon as possible.

I don't know how many things I have to wait for when I return to the mansion. Liang Feng was closing his eyes and thinking about the affairs of the mansion. A loud voice suddenly came from outside the car: "But Shenmenting Hou's frame? Boy Yangqu Duanqin, come to visit Lianghou!"

How can anyone stop a car on the road and ask for a meeting? Moreover, Liang Feng has recited some genealogical ultimatum, so where does Yangqu come from Duan? The suspicion was only for a moment, and immediately, he thought of another possibility.

"Yiyan, stop."

The Jie Ren who was driving glared at him fiercely, his gray-blue eyes were full of murderous intent, and the guards at the front and rear of the frame also changed their formations. It seemed that if they disagreed, they would rush forward and tear him to pieces. However, in the face of this chilling scene, Duan Qin's expression did not change, he still stood in front of the car with his hands clasped.

Having such an escort just proves that the Liang family members are well-trained, yet restrained and self-disciplined, which is completely different from other domineering and arrogant private soldiers. It seems that I did not choose wrong!

Duan Qin has been familiar with poetry and books since he was a child. However, he was born into a prostitute, and his ancestors only served as a county governor a few generations ago, and he was not in the eyes of Bingzhou Gaomen at all, and he could not hold an official position. If you want to get ahead, you can only try your best to make a name for yourself.

Or follow the example of Shantao's generation, and use filial piety for several years to obtain a virtuous name; or like Tao Kan and his like, spend all his family wealth just to entertain Shangguan, thus leaving a small name. What's more, Zhang Hua and Zuo Si, like Zhang Hua and Zuo Si, devote themselves to reading, and enter the body with wonderful poetry.

However, Duan Qin did not choose any of these, because he knew that the imperial court was in chaos.

Ji Kang, Pei Ji, and Lu brothers and other clan disciples could not save their lives in the court, let alone the concubine. And it was not his wish to take refuge in the county king like other poor families. Looking at the kings of Sima, they only know that when they raise troops and cause chaos, they have never benefited the people.

If you accidentally encounter such a dark master, even if you do your best, it will only hurt more people. But retreating to the mountains was not what he wanted. Therefore, Duan Qin could only secretly observe the dignitaries around him, hoping that there would be someone who could show his talents.

Until he heard about Liang Feng's name.

At the beginning of the Jinyang epidemic, the Duan family had in-laws in Jinyang City. Hearing that there was a Buddha's son who saved a city of people, Duan Qin immediately noticed that this was unusual, and went to Jinyang to investigate the medical house in person to find out the inside story. The method of epidemic prevention is not the "gift of gods and Buddhas" in rumors, but the joint rescue of doctors and monks in the hospital. Liang Feng himself sold paper for food, and asked Huai'en Temple to give charity on his behalf. These practices are not like what Gaomen did.

Although the story of Buddha's dream is well known in the city, what really interested Duan Qin was the phrase "Can you live?".

A Tinghou who does not worry about food and clothing, and has a fief and food town, can even say such words. Is this an invitation for yourself, or is it from your heart

However, the subsequent actions have proved Liang Feng's uniqueness step by step. Publishing Buddhist scriptures, donating medical books; selling books and buying paper, sheltering refugees; and even the battle at Gaodu shocked Duan Qin. A small county can also block the iron hoofs of the Hun rebels. This is something that Shangdang County has not done!

Who is to blame

So Duan Qin went south to Gaodu to investigate the situation. Duan Qin was greatly surprised by the scene in Gaodu County. Just suffered a military disaster, the Fucheng not only did not go into depression, but instead thickened the city wall and accommodated the refugees. Just outside the city, hundreds of acres of wasteland have been cultivated, and there are overturned ditches, which are thriving.

Are such actions of benefiting the people all done by the magistrate of Gaodu? Duan Qin felt that this was not the case. Just the money and grain needed to reclaim the land cannot be supported by a county treasury. Moreover, those newly attached refugees are not only talking about the county magistrate, but also the name of the Buddhist son of Liangfu.

When I saw the tall Dazhai Gate standing outside the Liang Mansion, and the waterwheels that had just been erected in the two nearby villages. Duan Qin thought about it. It's just that Duke Dongying's expedition made him a little worried, and he wondered if Liang Zixi would become a vassal of the general's residence because of the lure of his official position. However, he did not save him once, and asked a doctor once. It was not until the good name spread at the Shang Si banquet that Duan Qin was completely convinced that Liang Feng had no intention of serving Sima Teng.

Such a clear-headed and broad-minded nobleman is a good master he can serve. Even if there is no official or semi-official position yet, it is only temporary. As long as the time comes, this child will be able to ride the wind!

Therefore, Duan Qin did not wait until Liang Feng returned to the mansion to visit, but blocked the road to see him. This move is a bit rude, but it is an opportunity to show your sincerity, and it can also be seen whether the other party really has the desire to seek talents.

Seeing that the carriage stopped and the bamboo curtain hanging on the carriage was gently lifted by a maid, Duan Qin was shocked and raised his head. However, he saw a handsome and jade-like gentleman leaning on the table and looking at him with a smile.

This person's appearance is far better than the rumors! Even though he was already prepared, Duan Qin was still a little stunned. Maybe it was because of the car, the man didn't wear a crown, he only used a shawl to cover his black hair, and his clothes were even lighter. But even so, it does not damage his demeanor, gentle and elegant, which makes people feel good.

But it was only for a moment, Duan Qin cleared his mind and said loudly: "Lianghou's graceful posture is truly extraordinary."

Looking at the man in the blue shirt in front of him, Liang Feng also quietly nodded. The other party obviously hadn't seen him before, so at first glance he was completely amazed. But soon, he restrained his emotions, and he was not affected by this face. He was still straight, his eyes were bright, and there was no flattery.

With a slight smile, Liang Feng said, "Dare to ask Duan Lang why he stopped the car?"

Duan Qin said calmly: "I would like to do what Maosui did."

Really want to recommend! Liang Feng, however, didn't show the attitude of a corporal, and asked, "Dare to ask Duan Lang's talents?"

"Poetry, Books, Classics and History, all of them are familiar with." I didn't expect Liang Feng to ask so directly, but Duan Qin was more confident. He didn't ask about his origin, he was a talented person!

"Oh? Is that Duan Lang already famous?" Seeing that the other party was so confident, Liang Feng continued.

"The commoners in the countryside have not been named virtuous." Duan Qin replied neither humble nor arrogant, and he did not intend to hide.

Liang Feng raised his eyebrows: "You are full of experience, why did you leave your talents in the countryside?"

"I am humble, but I am also a trustworthy person."

This answer is interesting. Liang Feng asked back: "I don't have an official position in the lower body, and I don't have a feudal country. Why did Duan Lang entrust me?"

This is the most crucial question, Duan Qin said without hesitation: "Just because Lianghou wants to live the people!"

This sentence is more than a thousand words. Looking at the plain but extremely firm face, Liang Feng smiled: "There is still a shortage of teachers in my house, I wonder if Duan Lang is willing to give in?"

What? Came to work, but was arranged to teach? Duan Qin was stunned for a moment, but quickly reacted: "Dare to ask who is teaching?"

"Some Zhuang family children and soldiers who are learning math, and orphans who have lost their relatives." Liang Feng said lightly.

It turned out to be teaching these commoners? No, the Liang Mansion is cultivating those despicable people who know math and writing! If this strategy can be realized, the Liang Mansion will naturally be able to obtain available talents loyal to its own family without relying on the wealthy and prostitutes. What if this strategy was extended to the state and county? I am afraid that even the foundation of the giants will be shaken! What kind of courage and ingenuity is this? !

Born from a prosperous family, he knows that knowledge is hard to come by, and when he thinks about the publication of medical books by the Liang family, Duan Qin gets excited and cups his hands: "I would like to give it a try!"

He should come down. I didn't feel that my talents were underestimated, but I saw the real power of basic education at a glance. Just this insight is invaluable.

Liang Feng smiled and nodded: "That's very good. Yi Yan, arrange for Duan Lang to rest in the car behind."

Yiyan glanced at the guy who suddenly appeared, without refuting, and led him to the rear frame. Liang Feng asked Lvzhu to lower the curtains again. He accepted the man, but he had to carefully observe how much ability this son had. Liang Feng does not have much sense of identity with the prevailing view of seeking talents in this society. Too many famous hypocrites and Taoists can make a perfect gesture for an official position. Clear talk, obedience to etiquette, filial piety, eloquence... These are never necessary conditions for a good official.

I just hope that Duan Qin can be a truly useful talent.