Chapter 1009: The Leaky Cauldron Bar


"Ninth sister, fly high~~"

"Stop, stop! Don't hug me! Don't touch my head!"

"Jing'er, fly high~~"

"I'll beat you up! I'll definitely beat you up!"

"Mengli, fly high~~"

“… Boss…”

"Remilia, fly tall... ah, sorry, you're so short."

"Your character is disgusting now!!!"

Following the boss's arrangement, everyone parted ways.

Teammates who went to Beauxbatons Academy of Witchcraft and Wizardry and Durmstrang Academy of Witchcraft and Wizardry, because they are exchange students with unique identities, are not eligible and have no reason to go to Hogwarts even in the future "Triwizard Tournament", which can be counted as the whole process Shenyin; Liz, Wang Yuanji, Nightshade, Sakuya, Remilia, and Hong Meiling went to Hogwarts to be teaching staff in their original positions; Zhang Jing, Murong Jiu, Liu Mengli, Yaoyue, and Lianxing were in the magic potion. Under the influence, he went to Hogwarts as a student as a child.

After ravaging the loli lovers and letting them feel what "children's powerlessness" means, Liz left the hotel and walked into a tenement hall full of ordinary people. Ordinary street... Of course, Leeds chose the hotel according to the principle of proximity. They walked two streets to reach their destination - the Leaky Cauldron.

"It's difficult to say everything at once. In fact, after you came to this world, your perception was set a little higher... Just like here, you shouldn't be able to see this bar." Liz took the lead. Enter the Leaky Cauldron.

"Hmph, it's still not as good as you anyway." Zhang Jing still arrogantly said that she was happy in her heart, and walked in a little nervously.

"..." Wang Yuanji and Liu Mengli noticed that the people who were in a hurry didn't even look at the small shop. Liz, on the other hand, glanced at them who were standing in front of the bar, but as if just to avoid bumping into them, his eyes were flat and unusually detoured - the two of them were a little wary before stepping into the wizard's world. .

The Leaky Cauldron Bar, the Muggle entrance and exit of the most prosperous commercial street in the wizarding world in the UK, is a small, dark and dirty bar, but even so, there are still many customers, and the bar is buzzing with chatter.

When Liz and his party walked in, the buzz of chatting stopped immediately, and several guests waved to Liz and said hello, "Oh~ Oriental Taoist priest, have you brought the exchange student?"

"Ah, it went well~" To inquire about the news, Liz invited a lot of people to drink at the Leaky Cauldron Bar, saying that they were friends, but they were still a little familiar.

"We also said that you might not be in time for the start of Hogwarts... God, the exchange students in the East are too cute, right?" The old bartender with a bald head that looked like a swollen walnut exclaimed.

"There was a delay on the way, and I wasted a little effort to catch a vampire as a pet." Liz turned his head and gestured to Remilia.

"Who was caught!" Knowing that Liz was allowing her to act in the wizarding world as a vampire, Remilia still retorted unconvincingly.

Of course, the illusion magic on the body is immediately released.

If it wasn't for Liz's face, she wouldn't be willing to disguise as a human!

"Sucking, vampires?!" Wizards naturally know vampires, but "knowing" does not mean "friends". When they saw all the wizards in the bat wing bar, they were startled, and some people even sat down on the ground.

"Don't worry, such a cute vampire is harmless~" Liz threw a few gold coins at the bartender, "I apologize for disturbing everyone, please enjoy a few drinks."

"... Hehe, it's no wonder that Mr. Leeds can become the professor of the new Hogwarts course," the bartender accepted the gold coin without a trace, and his face was a little more pleasing, which was the smile of a powerful wizard, "It's just, Wouldn't it cause some trouble taking vampires to Hogwarts? For example, with the parents of students..."

"The boat will go straight to the bridge, let's talk about it when someone's blood is drained." Liz didn't need the bartender's reminder, he knew that carrying a vampire with him would bring all kinds of trouble, but now to stay in this world for a long time, always let Lei Milia's illusion is not very reliable, and she has to take care of her mood.

"...That's right." It was Hogwarts anyway, and the bartender didn't say anything more about his own bar... However, watching the flapping wings and flying behind Leeds, he could give him a sip at any time. Remilia, he still felt quite creepy.

"Speaking of which," Liz asked the bald bartender, reaching for Remilia's head to quiet her, "what about our great writer?"

The bartender lowered his head slightly, no longer looking at the vampire that would make his hands tremble, "Mr. Lockhart, it's time to sign a new book at Lichen Bookstore."

"Heh~" The new book "I Can Magic", I don't know which hapless story it was coaxed from, "Thanks, then I'll go first, I'll have a butter beer next time I have a chance."

Will the Leaky Cauldron spark a series of discussions about "vampires" in the near future? Some of the words are probably not so polite... but if you don't hear it, you don't know, Liz leads the way out of the bar and into a small walled yard, where there is nothing but a pile of rubbish and weeds.

"...Open the passage in the way of a wizard?" Murong Jiu still remembered what Liz said in the hotel room.

"That's it," Liz reached out and pinched Murong Jiu's face, making the loli-shaped Wife No. 2 blushed... At least she knew enough was enough, if she switched to the MC system to restore the original state, it would be a waste of a bottle Hard-won magic potion, "You look at which bricks I ordered."

I saw Liz tapped the wall three times with his fingers, and the bricks were rotated and reorganized like building blocks. The originally thin wall became thicker a little bit, and a hole was opened in the middle of the wall. An arch that allows two people to pass side by side.

"Immortal arts and magic, I personally feel are very similar things, but the immortals either stay in heaven, or stay in the mountains, or disguise themselves as mortals, rarely get together to live, and have all kinds of desires. "Looking at Zuo Ci, Yu Ji, and Nan Hua in "The Main World", you will know that if you don't go to Sakura Island to enjoy the cherry blossoms, you will forget their existence...

"However, wizards are different. They are mortals with special powers, so—"

The arches lead to a cobblestone street that zigzags forward, full of wizards and shops selling wizard wares.

"—Welcome to Diagon Alley, the high street of the wizarding town."