Chapter 1013: Sorting ceremony


Led by Professor McGonagall, the freshmen passed the entrance hall, walked over a section of the floor filled with colorful flags, and arrived at the Great Hall.

The Great Hall of Hogwarts is so huge that it can fit several four or five-storey villas in it. Above, thousands of candles that never drop wax float in mid-air, illuminating the entire Great Hall, but once you look up, you will see a night sky as beautiful as a velvety star-studded night, magic. The magical mystery is evident.

The seniors arrive at school one step ahead of the freshmen, sitting at four rows of long tables covered with gleaming gold saucers and goblets. It should have been quite noisy, but now they are all While whispering in a low voice, he didn't even care that the freshman passed by; the professors were already sitting on another long table on the stage directly in front of the Great Hall, and Liz was naturally among them, and he was talking with the potions next to him. Professor Snape negotiated a few more bottles of magic potion for backup, but from the look on Snape's face, he definitely refused.

Professor McGonagall led the freshmen to the high platform, and asked them to stand in line with the seniors and their backs to the professors. A four-legged stool with a pointed wizard hat placed in front of the freshmen.

"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu00w, let's put it on..." Zhang Jing had a bad premonition when she looked at the shabby, old and dirty wizard hat.

The truth was worse than her hunch, and the hat twitched suddenly, and a slit like a human mouth opened at its edge, and then the hat began to sing:

[You may think that I am not beautiful, but don't judge people by their appearance. If you can find a smarter hat than me, I can eat myself.

You can make your bowlers black and shiny, and your silk top hats smooth and crisp, but I'm a Hogwarts test hat, so I'm taller than yours.

Any thoughts hidden in your mind can't escape the golden eyes of the magic hat, put it on and try it, and I will tell you which college you should be assigned to.

You may belong to Gryffindor, where there are hidden bravery, whose daring, boldness, and boldness make Gryffindor outstanding;

You may belong to Hufflepuff, where the people are upright and loyal, and the students of Hufflepuff are stoic and honest, not afraid of hard work;

If you are shrewd, you may enter wise old Ravenclaw, and those wise and learned will always meet their fellows there;

Maybe you will enter Slytherin, maybe you will make sincere friends here, but those cunning and insidious people will do anything to achieve their goals.

Come and put me on! Don't be afraid! Don't panic!

In my hands (though I don't even have one) you are absolutely safe because I am a thinking hat!]

When the hat finished its wonderful singing, the whole hall gave a round of applause, it bowed to each of the four tables full of students, and then became motionless again.

"Okay... I don't want to wear this hat anymore." Zhang Jing rolled her eyes and said.

What's harder to accept than a dirty, tattered, old hat? A dirty, worn and old hat that talks!

"... Yaozu?" Yaoyue squeezed out a sentence.

I'm not familiar with Yaoyue, and this question is quite offensive, but Liu Mengli still gave the answer: "No, I didn't notice the demonic energy... It should just be the so-called 'magic life'."

Lian Xing, who was next to him, said to himself, "Magic life... Is it magic to create souls, or to fix human souls on hats?"

No one can answer that, for now.

But when they graduate, they may not be able to make similar magic hats, but they should know the answer.

Ignoring the freshmen whispering below, Professor McGonagall stepped forward, holding a long roll of parchment in his hand, and shouted at them, "When I say your name, please put on this hat and sit on the stool. Waiting to be assigned a college—"

Zhang Jing: Gryffindor.

Murong Jiu: Slytherin.

Liu Mengli: Ravenclaw.

Invitation to the Moon: Slytherin.

Lianxing: Hufflepuff.

The principle of the Sorting Hat will not be introduced. It is difficult to give people a good impression when it comes to spiritual magic, but its function is very significant. According to the different personalities of the freshmen, they are assigned to the appropriate academies... Well, although the self-proclaimed smart Murong Jiu The lady said that she should go to Ravenclaw instead of Slytherin, the legendary dark wizard.

"Welcome! Welcome to Hogwarts! Welcome to the new school year!" Albus Dumbledore, who looked exactly like the card in the Chocolate Frog Candy, stood up after the sorting ceremony and smiled with open arms. .

"Before everyone gets dizzy, I have a few more people to introduce to you. First of all, Professor Gilderoy Lockhart has agreed to be the teacher of Defense Against the Dark Arts. Good luck, Professor." Deng Blido gestured.

With a round of applause and cheers far better than ever before, Lockhart stood up gracefully, with a self-proclaimed charming smile: "Hello everyone, have you bought all of my books?"

"Then there is Professor Yuan Ji Wang from the East. She will teach a unique 'Muggle alchemy' class, and even she is the first time to come into contact with her. Please look forward to it." Because the word "Muggle" is involved, the students No cheering, just whispering underneath.

Wang Yuanji stood up indifferently in the awkward atmosphere, and introduced: "This course requires a lot of Muggle knowledge as a foundation. When performing, you need to draw precise patterns, but magic power is not required. Please be careful when choosing courses."

"Finally, it's Professor Liz Yiluxun, who has learned Oriental Taoism. He will teach the 'Sorcerer's Simulation Battle' lesson." This time the atmosphere was even colder. Seeing Remilia in Liz's arms, the students all fell silent. Voice.

Handing Remilia to Sakuya, Liz got up and said, "I don't know magic, so I can't teach you any new spells. If you want to learn spells, please go to the library to check the information, or ask your respective dean in charge. "

"..." The student was silent, this introduction was really bad.

"However, I am very good at fighting, and students who have decided to pursue a career in life in the future do not have to choose my class, but if they intend to join the Ministry of Magic as law enforcement students after graduation, or they have a sense of crisis about the future. Give it a try, students—maybe this course will save your life in the future." Liz grinned.

The students looked at each other in dismay. The new students didn't know it yet, and the old students knew that they had just experienced the troll invasion and Harry Potter knocking down Professor Quirrell just last year. Many people felt a sense of crisis.

"Those who are hesitant can also try it. This course has few class hours, no homework, and no final exam. If you beat the opponent in the test, you can give extra points to the academy. You can even not come if you regret choosing a course. I will not pursue it. You skip class." Liz nodded, and when he was about to sit down, he seemed to remember something, and asked with a smile, "Speaking of which, I haven't asked you whether you like a teacher who can play with a vampire or a teacher who sees a vampire. The teacher who will scare the shit out of it~"

… five seconds of silence.

Then the applause sounded first from the long table in Gryffindor, and gradually the students of other colleges also applauded. Although it was far less enthusiastic than Lockhart's time, it also swept away the previous haze.

"Then," shouted Dumbledore, "Idiot! Cry! Leftovers! Thank you!"

The empty plates and plates on the long table were full of food, roast beef, roast chicken, pork, lamb, sausage, bacon, steak, boiled tomatoes, roasted sweet potatoes, French fries, Yorkshire patch, Sydney, carrot thick meat farm , ketchup, and mint-flavored hard candies.

The students laughed and ate at once, and at this moment, vampires or anything no longer mattered.

"That's quite a persuasive speech, Professor Eluson." Dumbledore raised his glass.

"Just call me Leeds," Leeds returned a toast, "and I'm just telling the truth."

In "The World of One Piece", he can't pretend to be forceful, and he can teach him to be a man before he wakes up if he comes out casually, but in this world where life magic is far more than fighting magic, Leeds is invincible!