Chapter 1016: alchemy


When the loli sisters (except Yaoyue) smoothly integrate into Hogwarts, adapt to their young appearance, adapt to the life of a wizard apprentice, and strengthen their strength, Wang Yuanji is also learning, but she still To start your own alchemy lessons.


In Wang Yuanji's eyes, it was "quite surprising". She originally thought that with the arrogance of a wizard, she could not despise this so-called "Muggle alchemy". Only students whose parents were Muggles would take this course... I didn't expect the reality It was her course that was very popular, and students from all grades of the four colleges were eager to sign up, even a staunch pure-blood wizard like Draco Malfoy came to the class.

In Liz's eyes, it was "as expected". Think about why he agreed to join the black-bellied foursome led by Sima Yi back then, and think about why he accepted girls who had no emotional accumulation to join the team. Wasn't it just because Wang Yuanji was beautiful? What's wrong with men being lecherous! Such a beautiful professor, "unprecedented" is inevitable, and I am afraid it will be "unprecedented", no matter what she teaches! Even if you fail the class at the end of the term, you will recognize it!

"Very good, classmate Granger, worthy of being a student whose parents are Muggles. He has done a good job in basic education. Two points for Gryffindor." Wang Yuanji said frankly.

"Many, thanks." This was the first time Hermione had heard the phrase "both parents are Muggles" since she came to the wizarding world. She was neither angry nor uncomfortable, but proud.

Wang Yuanji nodded and looked at the other students, "Since some people have fully grasped the Muggle knowledge of 'water' and 'ice', let's practice it now... Can the students in the middle of the classroom let me in for a while? Together."

The students obediently stepped aside, and the senior student next to him waved his wand, and the tables automatically came together.

Wang Yuanji brought Hermione to the table, spread out a piece of parchment with a drawing of the formation as a template, and handed over a charcoal pen, "Student Granger, do you have the courage to try?"

"Of course, I'm Gryffindor!" Hermione answered confidently, winning three-quarters of the audience's applause, and the remaining quarter was naturally Slytherin.

But after a few seconds, Slytherin burst into laughter, because Hermione had already drawn crookedly when she "drawn the circle" in the first step.

"Don't worry, don't worry about drawing mistakes, you don't need a single stroke to make an array, and you don't need to be precise." Wang Yuanji gently wiped off the crooked part of the drawing for Hermione, and smiled and encouraged - that's what she did at this moment. , let the vast majority of boys, including Malfoy, have the idea of "I want to study Muggle culture hard", just for the sake of the professor to correct their own mistakes, no, it is best to be able to draw together!

"…Okay." Hermione took a deep breath and painted again.

After a long time, after many scrutiny and correction, Hermione finally drew a qualified tempering formation on the table.

"This is a technology that can change the composition and shape of a substance and create another substance. Its basic principle is equivalent exchange, and the quality of the raw material and the refined substance must be the same, but it can also be understood as, If you want to get something, you have to pay the same price." Wang Yuanji took out a glass of water from the backpack space.

"Forming an array, this is the construction formula that activates the power of alchemy. The circle represents the cycle of force. Draw the construction formula in the circle and send it into the caster's mind to activate the power of the formation and make it. "Place the water glass in the middle of the formation.

"..." Under Wang Yuanji's signal, Hermione pressed her hands on the formation formation.

Of course, there was no response, she was just a novice.

Wang Yuanji continued to guide: "Idea, that is, to analyze the world in a Muggle way, including knowledge of physical properties, chemical properties, change and transformation relationships, molecular structures and other aspects of matter."

"Ah—" Hermione suddenly found the feeling, suddenly enlightened, and began to think deeply.

"The refining process is divided into three steps: understand, decompose, reconstitute...understand water...split water...reconstitute ice..."

(Kala, Kala, Kala) The water in the glass gradually turns into ice.

"Successful, successful!" Hermione jumped up happily.

"Actually, we can go further," Wang Yuanji stretched out his hand and pressed it on the formation. An ice rose quickly grew from the ice cube in the cup. Wang Yuanji reached out and folded it gently and handed it to Hermione, "Student Granger, do it. very well."

"Thank you, Professor!" Hermione took the ice rose cautiously, a little worried that the toner on her palm would smudge this pretty thing.

Wang Yuanji wiped off the toner in her hand, returned to the church, and continued the class: "It is true that magic can do the same thing." As long as Hogwarts graduates, they will be able to make fire and ice magic. I can't use common magic, and I've been driven away long ago.

"However, alchemy doesn't require a magic wand." Before the students said, "It's not more troublesome to make a formation", Wang Yuanji took out a glove from her backpack, put it on, turned it around, and showed the formation on the glove.

"Secondly, what type of Muggle knowledge you have determines what type of ability you have, including flame...even explosion." Wang Yuanji snapped her fingers, and the flame burned a spiral fire path from her hand to the spacious space of the classroom .

"In the end, this doesn't need to consume magic power. As long as your concentration of thinking is still there, you can continue to use it." Wang Yuanji snapped his fingers continuously, and the flames appeared continuously, burning different shapes over the classroom.

"..." When Hermione successfully created the ice, the students who didn't feel very powerful finally opened their mouths under the continuous flames.

Still that sentence, magic can do the same, and it can be more powerful than this! Alchemy cannot create a living flame to chase the enemy and burn!

But for some students, they will never be able to release the "flaming flames" that can be put into actual combat in their entire lives, let alone use them continuously. They learn magic in the end only to be more convenient in family life and gain social status at the same time - pure Blood, Half-Blood, Mudblood, Squib, Muggle, Squib has no place in the wizarding world.

Considering the practicality of alchemy, even if they don't have the lewd motivation to learn, they still have a reason to study this course... Of course, with the cultural background there, it is definitely the priority to learn magic, but if Hermione ·There is another way out for a scholar like Granger.

"I personally think that magic and alchemy do not need to be divided. We came from the east to communicate on the principle of mutual learning. Magic is very helpful to us. I also hope that alchemy can help you." Wang Yuanji Towards Dumbledore who appeared in the classroom without knowing when.