Chapter 1017: Azkaban is over


Because of the beautiful professors, Muggle alchemy has become a popular elective course, and the number of elective courses far exceeds that of divination, ancient rune, and Muggle studies. However, the gap between wizard culture and Muggle culture is too great. Even if Wang Yuanji increases the charm of the course by showing the alchemy of flames, most students still cannot take time to complete the Muggle knowledge in the heavy required courses. The requirements are kept to a minimum, the difficulty of the course is reduced to a minimum, and in the end, all the homework, quizzes and exams are cancelled like Leeds.

Of course, there are still a small number of "exceptions" who are studying at higher levels of alchemy. Take Ravenclaw students, for example, they have the spare capacity to learn one more skill, but you are not convinced; for example, Muggle-born students represented by Hermione Granger want to learn alchemy. , and pass it on to his family; for example, the administrator Filch, even if he is old, slow-minded, and has no Muggle knowledge base, he has been a squib for decades, and now there is finally a course that does not require magic. Do your best to learn! It's not Mrs Norris (the cat) that he's holding the most recently, but Muggle textbooks!

However, it is irresponsible to say that "how well the students learn alchemy" is not important at all, the important thing is "whether Wang Yuanji has seriously taught alchemy", this is the day Leeds signed with Dumbledore one of the agreements.

And another agreement, it is time to put on the agenda-

"Professor McGonagall, can you help me reserve time for a class next week?" After the transfiguration class, Liz found McGonagall, who was in charge of this work.

"...Is it finally going to start?" Mag was someone who had seen Liz show a hand. She knew very well that the man in front of her was by no means a parallel importer like Lockhart, but she was worried that Liz would lead the students of Hogwarts.

Maybe it's misleading to always talk about "Harry Potter" and "Voldemort", "Order of the Phoenix" and "Death Eaters". But it must be clear that a wizard is not a soldier on the battlefield, and a wizard apprentice is not a new recruit who is about to go to the battlefield, nor is he a witcher who plays Gwent every day; magic is first a life skill, then a work skill, and finally fighting skills.

If it wasn't for Voldemort conspiring to resurrect the last year, neither she nor Dumbledore would have agreed with Leeds to hold such a course... Although, this does not mean that they would refuse the arrival of exchange students, whether it is always blackened by the fan author. Dumbledore is still the ruthless Mag, and he is very good at talking in his bones.

"Yeah, the students' courses in the new semester are slowly getting on track," especially when their concubines have adjusted to life at Hogwarts, "I think it's the right time to take some exciting courses now. "

"...Professor Leeds, they are still children." After Leeds said that, McGonagall became more worried.

"It's easy to feel at ease, you may cry out in pain, you may break a few bones, or you may bleed a little bit, but I can guarantee that they will be alive and kicking after class." Liz said with a meaningful smile, "Besides, I never planned to let them They turn into bad guys who can cast 'Avada's Life' on their classmates."

"..." What else can McGonagall say, she can only choose to trust, anyway, now that Leeds is a Hogwarts professor on an equal footing with her, she can't easily veto the other party's teaching policy, so she has to return to the topic, "Professor Leeds, Do you have any requirements for course time, classroom arrangements, and required props?"

"I don't need it in the classroom, just use the playground; I need a magic broom, and I will prepare the rest of the props myself; the class time is set for the last class of the day. After my class, it will be difficult for the students to pay attention to the class when they come back... I'm tired~ ' Liz smiled.

"Well, I see." Mag nodded, this requirement was similar to nothing, and the magic broom made her a little concerned, but it was not considered dangerous. Except for the first-year freshman, who wouldn't use a magic broom

After the two finished their conversation, there was no reason for them to stay in the classroom anymore and walked out of the classroom together.

"I warn you, Hermione! Don't let that beast near Scabbers! Or I'll turn it into a teapot lid!"

"She's a cat, Ron. What can you do with it? Cats chase mice, that's their nature."

"Is that a cat? It looks like a hairy pig."

"My own rat is like a stinky shoe brush, and I'm too embarrassed to tell others... Don't be afraid, Crookshanks, ignore this little rascal."

Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger, the second-year Gryffindor trio, once solved the "Philosopher's Stone Incident" last year. With the help of Bridor, Gryffindor successfully won the Academy Cup, but the celebrities in the entire Academy, even Leeds, who had no relationship with them before, could recognize it.

However, there are times when even tough friends quarrel. This is youth... Just like this time, Ron and Hermione quarreled a little about pets, and Harry, who was caught in the middle, was in a dilemma. mouth.

"Weasley, Granger, don't quarrel in the hallway, it will affect others." Gryffindor's dean, Professor McGonagall, saw this situation and naturally had to come over to teach the students.

"Yes... Professor McGonagall." The students all had to bow their heads when they met the teacher.

"Although Hogwarts allows students to bring pets to school, please take care of your pets and do not let them bring indelible stains on your studies." McGonagall said firmly.

"...Yes." This time it was obviously Hermione, the cat chases the mouse, the cat is the perpetrator.

"Haha~ I think what Professor McGonagall said is wrong, what's wrong with such a cute cat~~ Right, Crookshanks." Liz, who also came over, reached out and touched Hermione's arms head of a big fluffy cat.

"Meow!" Meow people don't dump strangers and hide their heads on their masters.

Dissatisfied with Leeds' intervention in his own teaching, and even more displeased with this unfair remark, McGonagall wanted to refute, "Professor Leeds—"

"—Also, Crookshanks is very capable, and he knows how to chase after a wizard who has turned into an old rat!" Liz looked coldly at Ron's pet "Banban", whom he had met for the first time since the beginning of school. ".


At the moment when everyone was shocked, the mouse in Ron's hands suddenly increased in size, knocked off the iron triangle, and in the blink of an eye, he turned into a short bald man with a height similar to that of a child, and was running away with all his strength.

"Difficult, could it be! Peter Pettigrew?!" Mag exclaimed.

"Acquaintance?" Liz tilted her head.

"Oops, we caught the wrong person!" Mag, who figured everything out in an instant, immediately pulled out his wand and tried to chase, but he caught a glimpse of Liz standing beside him... Suddenly remembering who was the best at Hogwarts, he said quickly , "Professor Leeds, please help me catch that wizard! He is involved in a serious case!"

"Ma'am, at your service."