Chapter 1042: The second semester of the second year of HP (two)


Similar to "football" in the Muggle world, there is also a sport called "Quidditch" in the wizarding world. The rules of Quidditch are a bit complicated, a bit like adding a little bit of "personal heroism" to "basketball" and "football".

There is an immobile "Quaffy Ball" on the field, two "bludgers" that will actively attack players, and a "Golden Snitch" that runs away; seven people on each side, all wearing team uniforms and riding magic. Broomsticks, no magic; three of them are called "chasers", they pass the Quaffle to each other and try to let it pass the ring on the other side, each time they pass a ring, they can get 10 points; There was also a player called the "goalie" who had to fly around his own ring to keep the opponent from scoring; and two "batters" who held small wooden bats that resembled the bats of a running post baseball. , while protecting one's own player from being hit by the Bludgers, while the Bludgers hit the opposing players; the last person is the "Seeker", who must be between the Chaser, Batter, Bludgers and Quaffle Shuttle back and forth to catch the Snitch before the opposing Seeker, and once you catch the Snitch you get 150 points and the game time is over.

Cups are held at Hogwarts each term, and points are awarded at the end of the term in an honorary "House Cup" based on final rankings. Whether it's the courageous Gryffindor, the honest and faithful Hufflepuff, the wise and learned Ravenclaw, the ambitious Slytherin, all students are crazy about this game.

The Quidditch pitch at Hogwarts is northwest of the castle. Although it is certainly not as good as a pitch dedicated to international competitions, it has everything it should have. Surrounding the stadium is a circle of wood frames shaded by the flags of the four major colleges, and high stands are placed in suitable positions for watching the game. Hundreds of chairs are placed in the stands; there are three metal poles at each end of the pitch. There are rings on the top, kind of like little plastic sticks that Muggle kids use to blow soap bubbles, except they're fifty feet high; below the pitch is lime-dusted grass, but at the ends there are A large area is sand to accommodate those metal poles in front.

Today, all the teachers and students of the school, including Leeds, came to the stands around the Quidditch pitch. Leeds also brought binoculars... Even if the weather is very cold, the mountains around the school are gray, covered with ice and snow, and the lake Cold and hard as hardened steel, but the Gryffindor-Slytherin match had to go ahead. In the early morning, Hagrid, wrapped in a long moleskin coat, rabbit-fur gloves, and huge beaver-fur boots, had finished defrosting the pitch.

"May I sit here?" Lucius Malfoy is one of the directors of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Naturally, he can come to watch this game with his son playing, but he is obviously not just watching the game. Yes, I found Leeds right away.

"Theoretically, this position is reserved for Sakuya, but... For the sake of your handsome looks, please bear with it." Liz tilted his head and looked at Lu, who was worthy of the name of "golden and jade". Hughes.

"Thank you." Lucius is a standard Slytherin. How humble he was in front of Voldemort in the past, how humble he is in front of Leeds now - after using the power of the powerful to look at Leeds and Draco's memory crystal ball, he In addition to being extremely worried about the safety of his son's life, it also greatly increased his fear of Leeds.

Sitting down gracefully, keeping a certain distance from Leeds, Lucius considered his words and said in a sincere tone as possible: "The previous meeting was so rude, I think we can talk about it again—"

"—Draco's question is not discussed, what I said is what it is, Brother Death Eater." Lucius was interrupted by Liz as soon as he spoke.

"This..." The name Death Eater made Lucius sure which camp Liz was on.

"I asked you to sit down to let you watch the game quietly and seriously." Leeds' eyes turned to the players on both sides who had already lined up.


"You seem to be a person when you are dealing with blood relatives. Don't be busy with other things first. Let's see how Draco grows after being with me for more than ten days~" Liz said confidently.

It wasn't Slytherin's first Quidditch match of the term, but it was Draco Malfoy's first as his dad spent money on the team's newest magic broom after the Christmas break , Malfoy himself is good at Quidditch, and he became the new Seeker for the Slytherin team.

However, even though Mrs. Hooch, who served as the referee, had already started a lecture in the middle of the court, and the game of great significance to him was about to start, Draco did not have the slightest excitement or joy in his heart at this time, only a deep sense of sadness.

[Although I don't consider you a bad boy as an apprentice at all, others will definitely think so. If you lose, I will be embarrassed... So you understand. ]—Because the unscrupulous professor's personal maid conveyed these words to him before the game.

Malfoy said he didn't want to understand!

What the hell is the unscrupulous professor trying to do to himself? Are you stabbing him with the magic sword again? Or throw him into the depths of the forbidden forest! Or some kind of punishment that his normal mind could never have imagined!

No matter what the answer is, it must not be punished!

"..." Motivated by fear, and fighting spirit from grief and anger, Malfoy himself did not know the look in his eyes at this time, and he was already different from the former soft master.

"Everyone, please get on the broom." Malfoy got on the magic broom under Mrs. Hooch's instructions.

(Beep!!!) A whistle sounded.

Together with Mrs. Hooch herself, fifteen magic brooms rose from the ground and rose high into the sky.

The game begins.

"..." Malfoy stopped high in the air, standing there silently above the arena, squinting for the Snitch's shadow.

Malfoy had to admit that in the field of Quidditch, Harry Potter's talent was even better than his own. He was obviously a little four-eyed, and he even saw the little golden snitch one step ahead of himself.

Harry Potter saw it and immediately chased the golden streamer.

Malfoy saw it too, but he didn't move, just descending little by little, making sure not to get hit by the Bludgers, into the most intense airspace.

"...this is not a situation where you need to be improvised, figure out how to act, Malfoy." As if casting a spell on himself, Malfoy unconsciously entered the state of mind when he was in Yanan... Well, just like that day He was kicked out of the room by Liz and asked him to seduce the werewolf to pursue him.

The cheers from Gryffindor didn't know if it was for the Chaser scoring or Harry Potter chasing the Snitch, but the booing Malfoy from Slytherin was 100% sure. For your own inaction - whatever, it doesn't matter anymore.

Malfoy's heart is not fluctuating, the victory or defeat of the game, the reputation of the individual, the honor of the academy, how can his own life be important!

"!" Noticing that Harry Potter had chased the Golden Snitch to a low altitude close to the ground, he had reached the end of the Gryffindor field and entered the script that Malfoy had thought up. Malfoy immediately dived at full speed.

"Master, I fought today!" Malfoy raised his right foot, stepped on the magic broom, leaned forward, and assumed a posture that he could jump out at any time.

The Golden Snitch, who was chased by Harry Potter to the end of the pitch, only had the option of walking the arc. Even if it could be corrected upwards and downwards, the general direction would not change! As soon as it turned, it seemed to meet with Malfoy swooping down.

The Golden Snitch chose to shift to the upper left suddenly to dodge.

"Ha!" It's too late to change the direction with a magical broom. There is no such broom in this world, so Malfoy jumped hard to make up for the offset.

"What—?!" Harry Potter, who had been chasing the Golden Snitch, obviously didn't notice Malfoy's movements, and was hit by Malfoy's broom and fell.

Harry just fell from a low altitude and broke an arm, but Malfoy fell from top to bottom like a meteor. If he hadn't fallen into the sand as he had calculated, he would have fallen to his death... Rao is With that said, Malfoy still vomited blood with a bang, and slipped out of the sand for ten meters. He didn't know how many bones were broken and how many internal organs were injured.

"—Bamen Dingxing." In the suddenly quiet stadium, there was only one voice.

"...Finally passed..." Malfoy, who only started to feel pain everywhere when his body healed quickly, raised his right hand to the referee, showing the golden snitch in his palm, looking very melancholy.

Why are you so miserable...