Chapter 1055: Malfoy's pretend time has begun!


When Dumbledore, Karkaroff, Maxim, McGonagall, Snape, Hagrid and others arrived at Hogsmeade Village, Hogsmeade Village was covered with snow, and everywhere was covered with snow. mess. They easily found Liz in the center of the village, who was instructing the contestants to build something: "Professor Liz, what's going on!?"

"Huh? Why did you come here?" Liz asked. The residents of Hogsmeade Village had already greeted them, and they definitely wouldn't be the ones to tip off. If there are super good babies among the contestants, then the professors should also I've been here long ago... Maybe someone remotely spied on the situation here through magic

"Professor Leeds! We need answers!" McGonagall shouted again.

"Okay, okay," Liz replied slowly, "just finished the snowball fight, and now prepare for the bonfire party at night, that's all."

"Snowball fight... Did you let the contestants throw snowballs at each other?! It's still a big melee of 60 people!" Hagrid exclaimed.

"Yeah~ Now the wizarding world in Europe is in harmony, and there is no sign of war between countries at all. In this situation, I think the concept of 'friendship first, competition second' must be correctly conveyed. So I use fairy magic to create Snowfall, let the students from the three colleges form a mixed team to play snowball fights and enhance their relationship... Hey, I'll take the lead first~" Liz reached out and stopped Professor McGonagall who was about to say something, "If you want to question my approach, please remember me first. Authorized by the Ministry of Magic to decide the affairs of the Triwizard Tournament, and then look back at the situation of the students."

Since Liz said so, the professors can only focus on the surrounding students.

"I said I should have gone to occupy the 'Zhoko's Magic Joke Shop' and threw the prank materials in it. As a result, George and Fred took the lead and suffered so much."

"As expected of the strongest Seeker in the world, Coolum is invincible by throwing snowballs in the air... But why is he carrying Hogwarts players behind his magical broom?"

"It's too much, the twins don't even spare the first-year girls... Sister is in the game, she must avenge you, Gabrielle!"

"Harry Potter, don't pay attention to the companion who is dating the star, come and help set the stage~"

Although the students' clothes were messy, and some had red marks on their faces that were smashed by snowballs, all of them were full of joy. If that's not enough, let's see who they're chatting with? The boys at Hogwarts are complaining about tactical mistakes with the boys at Durmstrang, the boys at Durmstrang are hooking up with the girls at Beauxbatons, the girls at Beauxbatons are directing the boys at Hogwarts to fight, The previously embarrassing sense of distance has disappeared.

Hagrid scratched his head and said strangely: "Al? After the snowball fight, shouldn't we be hostile to each other, just like Gryffindor and Slytherin - oh, I didn't say anything!" Yes, but it's a scandal after all, and shouldn't be spoken out by the faculty.

"If you don't mix it up, maybe it will be like that~" Actually, not necessarily, it still depends on personal character, but it will definitely work better if you mix it up. "

Without the need for the professors to speak, Liz continued: "As for the impact on Hogsmeade during the snowball fight, I have already said hello before—"

"—Professor Leeds is welcome to lead the team to Hogsmeade at any time. Our store will introduce a batch of more interesting new products, so stay tuned." A store manager gave an informed answer as soon as he received a wink.

"..." The group of professors was silent.

They understood in an instant that this was the power of Jin Galleon, the damn rich man!

"So you don't need to worry about anything, I know very well," Liz stretched out her finger and pointed in the direction of Hogwarts, "For now, I'd better ask the adults who spoiled the atmosphere to return to Hogwarts for the time being, and don't harass the young people. Have a great day, and the evening's activities will be great."

The bonfire party is still an old routine, and there is nothing to mention in detail. It is the same as the snowball fight in the daytime. It just lets the 60 players from the three academies get to know each other and the relationship becomes better.

Of course, it's hard to make them friends like this in just one day, but to be able to call each other by name, say hello when they meet in the castle, and click on the field, has reached Leeds. The standard in my heart... As for throwing letters in private, like Victor Coolum and Hermione Granger; or like Fred and Fleur, because Fred gave Fleur a success in the snowball fight. Tons of output, every time they meet, they will tear up; or, like George and Gabrielle, the little props that happily play pranks next to their brothers and sisters when they are tearing up, these are a few examples and cannot represent the majority of contestants. Happening.

Time flies and the first game is coming.

In view of the fact that the Cup is a grand event that the Ministry of Magic has spent a lot of energy on, even though it has now been occupied by Leeds, the Ministry of Magic has arranged for the largest newspaper in the country, the Daily Prophet, to come to interview—

"What a huge lineup of contestants! But with such a huge bonus as support, the number of contestants is actually not that large, right? Haha~" The interviewer was a man with hair carefully combed into stiff curls, an oddly big chin, wearing A middle-aged woman with a pair of jeweled glasses, two-inch long nails painted dark red, and a crocodile leather bag, at first glance, she is a tough woman to deal with.

"Hello, I'm Rita Skeeter, I contribute to the Daily Prophet, but you all know this, right?" Rita has always positioned herself as a British celebrity in her heart.

"..." Malfoy really knew Rita and knew that she was a reporter who specialized in spreading rumors, so he couldn't help shaking his head at his girlfriend Astoria.

"However, it's not me, but you who I want everyone to know now." Rita walked to Beauxbatons' team and reached out to touch the pretty face of Furong, who was standing at the front, "These pink and tender little faces , how many people have been fascinated?"

Furong's smile suddenly stiffened.

Rita walked to Durmstrang's team again and drew a circle on Kurum's chest with her long bright red nails, "How many secrets does this muscle hide."

Kurum glared at her angrily.

Rita finally came to the Hogwarts team, rubbing the head of the most popular Cedric with her left hand and touching the lightning scar on Harry Potter's forehead with her right hand, "How much courage does this little head under the curly hair have? , What kind of power is hidden under this scar."

Cedric was silent, as Hufflepuff intended, but Harry Potter was a little angry, but was pulled hard by Hermione next to him.

"All in all, how do you become a warrior," Rita, who made all the contestants unhappy with a few moves, finally returned to her original position. "My column wants to know, and the crazy readers want to know even more."

"So, who wants to talk first?" Rita took out a notebook and a quill from the crocodile leather bag and put it aside, the notebook automatically opened, and the quill was ready to write, "Do you mind if I use a shorthand pen? There are a few people. I need to talk to you normally and freely to speed up the interview efficiency."

"..." Everyone was silent.

It's not so much that no one wants to be the first to be interviewed, it's better that no one wants to be interviewed by this nasty reporter.

"I'll go first." It was Malfoy who broke the silence, coming from the back of the line at Hogwarts.

"Oh! The handsome guy in strange dress has been at the back of the line. I didn't see you!" Rita directed the photographer of the newspaper office to take a picture of Malfoy dressed as a hunter. "Name?"

"I'm Draco Malfoy, my father's name is Lucius Malfoy, don't tell me you haven't heard that name," Malfoy said arrogantly.

"Is it the young master of the Malfoy family?" Rita immediately showed a bright smile, "May I ask you this—"

"—I'm a fourth-year student at Hogwarts," Malfoy said, ignoring Rita completely, "but I'm already a holder of the First Class Merlin Medal."

"What?!" Rita, who was still unhappy because her words were interrupted, was taken aback.

"I was taken by Professor Leeds to Yanan to hunt monsters since 2 years ago, and the merit is accumulated there." Malfoy opened the left breast pocket of the hunter's coat to reveal the medal, "But it is precisely because of Yanan's Due to its particularity, the awarding of this medal cannot be made public, so please keep it a secret."

"I understand what to do." Decisively open it up, this is big news, and we should work hard to investigate this aspect!

"Besides that, since there are very few people who can deal with the monsters in the Yanan area, I have also been officially recognized by the United Kingdom and even some countries in Europe, and I have various privileges," Malfoy pressed down the hunter's three-cornered hat. Staring at Rita with sharp eyes, "For example, I can let the British Ministry of Magic put pressure on a newspaper to make someone unemployed and freeze their assets by the way..."

"!" Everyone knew it was Rita.

"Let's put pressure on the European Magic Headquarters so that someone can't find another job in Europe, not even a place to live."

"… "

"Finally, I still have the highest authority to deal with the dark wizard," Malfoy pressed the cane's transform button, and then used his magic power to control the steel whip to coil forward like a poisonous snake, and float on top of Rita's body, "If someone 'Find a black magic item' at home and I can kill it on the spot without trial."

"Ah..." Seeing that the sharp steel whip had circled around her neck, Rita couldn't help trembling.

I saw Malfoy suddenly smile, withdrew the steel whip and turned it into a cane again, "Of course, under normal circumstances, I would not use this privilege."

Rita responded with a stiff smile: "When, of course, such an outstanding talent as Master Malfoy, how can he use his power for personal gain."

"Yes, it's great that you can understand." Malfoy glanced coldly at the stencils and small notebooks that had been busy beside him, "I've always been afraid that others would misunderstand me, so I kept these things hidden... Only the Ministry of Magic's Only the higher-ups know."

"!" Rita shot with lightning speed, tore off the latest pages that had been transcribed, tore them into pieces, and threw them on the ground, with a big smile on her face.

"By the way, my girlfriend's name is Astoria Greengrass. If it's her turn earlier, we'll still have time to stroll outside the castle." Malfoy didn't ask if the interview was over, he turned around Go back.

"—As for the others, it doesn't matter how you want to interview me."