Chapter 1059: after the game


"Lucius, Narcissa, congratulations on having an excellent son."

Igor Karkaroff, a former Death Eater, who confessed the names of other Death Eaters in exchange for his freedom after being arrested, and Lucius Malfoy, who also gave up his companions, are good friends and have a mutual relationship. Interested partnership. Therefore, he is still accepting of Draco Malfoy's impressive performance and strength, at least not as livid as when Fred and George scored full marks.

"..." Narcissa didn't know what to say, she couldn't say that she didn't even know her son could fight like that! ? Now she just wants to hug her precious son for a meal, and she also knows that the harvest is proportional to the effort, how much hardship does the son have to endure in a ghost place like Yanan to eat this power

Lucius was a little better, and replied calmly: "Thank you for your compliment... But, Igor, you know, no one can afford this money, and there is no need to care too much about the ranking of this game. "

"I understand, of course I understand..." Only the ferocious monsters in the Yanan area can make unlimited money from the European Magic Headquarters, and only Liz, who is more powerful than the monsters, can keep the money, the adults in the power circle We all know this very well, "It's just that no one will hand over what is nominally theirs for nothing, and no one will not leave a part for themselves, right?"

"Haha~" Lucius smiled, this is inevitable, everyone will do the same thing, and after today's game, the Malfoy family should be able to double the "part of themselves" and exchange it for several times. 's reputation.

"However..." Karkaroff looked at Liz, who had already jumped off the field and treated the dragons with fairy magic, and pondered, "In more than two years, a child has undergone earth-shaking changes. How did he do it? "

"… Igor, trust me, you wouldn't want to know." Lucius said gloomily.

That night, that sword, that stab.

Never forget it for a lifetime.

"Handsome! The real dragon slayer!"

"One-time, within three minutes, without injury, knock down three adult giant dragons!"

"If I could have this glorious moment in my wizarding career, it would be worth dying!"

"I hate the Malfoys so much...but to this day I am George Weasley a big fan!!!"

"And me, too, Fred Weasley! Ooooooo!!!"

How to get points scattered all over the field under the guard of three giant dragons

Malfoy's answer was [knock down the dragon and walk around the field leisurely for a week], and the result was naturally 120 points - this is still the scoring system that Leeds has established long ago, if it is like the Hogwarts College Cup score. , the referee can add if he wants to add, and he can deduct if he wants to. The score will probably go straight to the sky, making other contestants desperate.

Then again, under the circumstance that the score difference has not been widened too much, there are actually not many people who hope to be the champion. Because the rest of the game is a melee, who would dare to confront Malfoy head-on... Besides, just like all British wizards (non-Death Eaters) are proud of getting to know Harry Potter, a dragon-slaying warrior like Malfoy, in their hearts Still have a lot of respect.

However, if you can't get the first place, it's acceptable to get the second to fifth place. The prizes that Leeds threw, including mortgages, land deeds, gold Galleons, and real estate, are very thick. Looking back and thinking about it, the first prize of the Triwizard Tournament was a pitiful 1,000 gold Galleons. Now all the contestants who passed the first trial have won a total of 1,100 gold Galleons!

"Hey, Fred, George, come here." Parcy, dressed as a staff member of the Ministry of Magic, walked into the crowd and patted the shoulders of the two younger brothers who were still screaming.

"Why?! You greedy capitalist, we have handed over the Jin Galleon in our hands to my mother! What more do you want?! Do you want us to borrow usury?"

"Bastard Parcy, you should hand in your salary too! It's not fair now!"

Fred and George performed "Beat the Air" to their third brother. If it weren't for Parcy, the brothers would definitely try to hide the news of their participation from their family members and keep the total of 2,200 gold Galleon bags safe.

"Shut up!" Percy, who felt ashamed of herself, quickly dragged the brothers away and growled sullenly, "Professor Leeds asked me to call you over, and I'll call Malfoy after that! Said there was something to discuss. Down."


"… and Malfoy?"

Weasley and Malfoy, what's there to discuss

"Congratulations, Master Malfoy! Can you speak to me?"

Rita Skeeter has ten thousand unwillingness to interview Malfoy, but she is the only reporter sent to Hogwarts by the Daily Prophet, can she still use an owl to tell the editor-in-chief, "Here's a newly released reporter. Dragon Slayer~", let someone from the editor-in-chief interview Malfoy again? !

She can only bite the bullet and show her most sincere smile. She no longer uses any shorthand pen, and uses an ordinary quill pen in her hand to weigh every word for the interview.

"Okay...but this time, please use your words as modestly as possible." Malfoy put aside the yellowed spell book in his hand.

"Oh! What a humble and polite boy, this must also be the secret of your strength!" Rita rarely took Malfoy's speech to heart and revised the writing style of future reports about him, but she still tried her best to flatter her. Reach out and don't hit the smiling face~

"Excuse me, how did you feel when you faced the giant dragon? You must be different from other players!" Rita, who asked this question, couldn't help but glance at the cane beside the sofa. The giant dragon screamed, and she couldn't help trembling.

"How do I know what other players are feeling?" Malfoy, who had experienced this kind of mood N times when he was in Ya Nan, forced himself to pretend, with a face as calm as a master monk and insisted that he didn't know. , "I can only say that I don't care at all, such a weak opponent is also a miscellaneous soldier in Yanan."

"Is that so?!" If someone else said that, Rita would definitely think it was bragging, but the words came from Malfoy who defeated three giant dragons in a few minutes, so he couldn't doubt it without thinking, "Yanan turned out to be Such a terrifying place."

"If it's not scary, there's no need for the Ministry of Magic to block it for decades, right?" Malfoy showed a wicked smile, "If Miss Rita wants big news, she can go in and make a documentary on Yanan, it will definitely be a fire. Yes... No matter if people can't get out, Miss Maria has a way to recover the memory crystal ball."

"..." Rita said that she really couldn't communicate properly with this guy. She used a steel whip around her neck for the first time she met, and proposed to go to Yanan to make a documentary for the second time. Do you want to be so vicious!

"... Hehe, I'll consider it." Rita, who was 100% unwilling to do so, still responded with a smile, rarely talking about her private life at all, and went straight to the topic, so as to end the interview as soon as possible, "So, Master Malfoy, are you right? What do you think about the next trial project? Are you really confident?"

After the first round of trials, Leeds immediately announced the relevant content of the second round of trials. It will be held at 9:30 in the morning on February 25th, in the lakeside next to Hogwarts; it is also the mode of grabbing the small flag and there are murlocs in the water. The difference is that this time it is 60 players jumped into the lake together to grab points for a limited time; out of 100 points, 60 points qualified can get 2,500 gold Galleons, players can attack each other to grab the flags in each other's hands, but must not hurt their lives, the opponent is obliged to put it away after losing consciousness. It is sent out of the water.

"No, no confidence at all," Malfoy shook his head. "It's also my first underwater battle. There must be no magic that allows me to wield cold weapons underwater?"

"Indeed..." Rita was heartbroken, of course she didn't like people who threatened her to win the game.

However, someone had already practiced Liz's speech and gasped, and after a long time, he continued, "Now I think of an attack magic that can complete an attack underwater, and use it to cut those creatures that dare to offend me... The attack method seems to be a little short, so I'm looking up the relevant information." Malfoy gestured to the old magic book that had been put aside before.

"… Uh, since Master Malfoy is still busy, I won't disturb you, and I wish you a smooth game." Rita stood up and flashed quickly after saying the polite words.


After this report goes out, do the other 29 contestants dare to jump into the water! ? She really didn't lie this time!