Chapter 1061: This is the image from Ron's original work, thank you


In late December, Hogwarts was once again attacked by the cold winter, and even the most industrious house-elves had to nest by the warm fireplace; the blue Beauxbatons carriage was frozen into an ice pumpkin and parked in Hagrid's. Next to the hut; Durmstrang's submersible mast, with its portholes covered in ice... But in contrast to the extremely low temperatures, the hearts of the students are getting hotter.

The Christmas Ball was still days away, and rumours of it had been flying around: Dumbledore, for instance, had bought eight hundred barrels of spiced honey from Lady Rosemerta in Hogsmeade. Sprinkle; for example, Dumbledore invited a very famous singing group in the wizarding world to perform; for example, the Quidditch star Victor Krum officially sent a message to the Muggle-born Hermione Granger The invitation made Karkaroff, who was walking on the road of pure-blood supremacy, very unhappy; another example was the "elopement" between the Delacour sisters and the Weasley brothers.

In a pink mood, Hogwarts staff who want to impress Beauxbatons and Durmstrang guests have put the castle on display this Christmas at its best, with icicles fixed On the balustrade of the stairs, twelve Christmas trees in the spacious hall, glowing hollow berries, singing golden owls... All kinds of beautiful magical decorations make the thousand-year-old castle a little less solemn, A little more youthful.

However, during such a festive period, some people kept releasing negative energy—

"I can't believe it's Malfoy who they're secretly meeting these days! I thought they'd been looking for a dance partner!" Ron nibbled on Christmas candy in the Gryffindor lounge, angrily said.

The reason why he is so angry is only a small part of "Malfoy", most of it is because "rejected his girl and eloped with Fred". It's no exaggeration at all, if Fleur Delacour is his dance partner in a few days... no, if any of those super cute oriental exchange students agreed to his invitation, Ron is now I wouldn't stay in the break room talking shit like that, or if I didn't practice the crappy dance skills like Neville, or I'd go around showing off that I had hooked up with beautiful women.

Harry, who was unaware of this, just replied following his friend's words: "...Fred and George might have serious business with Malfoy. You know, they have always been very opinionated."

Oh, forgot to mention, after the first trial, I was surprised that the Triwizard Tournament was not fun. Ron took the initiative to bow his head and apologize to Harry and Hermione, and the two also forgave him. The two chatted together.

"Yeah, someone sees you as friends with Death Eaters! They'll be a disgrace to the Weasley family!" Ron's expression was a little distorted. If his father Arthur saw it, he didn't know who he would turn to A disgrace to the family.

"Ron, don't say that, Malfoy has changed..."

When it comes to the name "Draco Malfoy", Harry still finds it hard to dispel the grievances in his heart. For three semesters, the person he hated the most was Malfoy. But Harry also knew very well that Malfoy had never messed with him since Leeds came to Hogwarts.

Besides, Harry had heard from his godfather, Sirius Black, that Malfoy followed Leeds around hunting Death Eaters for the first two months of the semester. Regardless of whether such hunting is for personal gain or not, if Harry wanted to see Voldemort as an "enemy", then Malfoy would be his most solid and credible "companion"... Of course, did Malfoy put Harry in the Eyes say otherwise.

"The person is still the same person, isn't it better!" Ron's jealous object finally shifted from his brother to Malfoy, "It's not that we didn't know Malfoy, and he wasn't much better than us at first, if not Fate to be nurtured by Professor Leeds, he's just an ordinary nasty Slytherin now!"

"...that's right." Harry echoed weakly.

The whole of Hogwarts knows this, but at the same time everyone knows that Malfoy has worked extremely hard to gain power, look at the monsters that Leeds brought from Arnan! Listen to Malfoy's hoarse cry for help when he was dragged away by Leeds the following summer!

It's a pity that in Ron's eyes, "I can do it, too." "So, in the final analysis, Professor Leeds is partial! You shouldn't train people like Malfoy from the beginning!"

"..." In order to maintain the friendship he had just recovered, Harry felt that this statement was inappropriate, but he didn't say anything. Anyway, he was very glad that Liz didn't take him to Yanan because of his "Savior" name. Malfoy was indeed trained to be a "Dragon Slayer", but this did not mean that Harry would not die during the training process.


"— jealous of this, jealous of that, behind your back?" Harry didn't speak, and it didn't mean that Hermione, who happened to pass by, didn't speak either.

"First thing, we didn't eavesdrop, you shouted too loudly, this is the common room shared by Gryffindor." Hermione, who came down the stairs with the three girls in the dormitory, looked disgusted in her eyes. Just like the girl next to him, he didn't lose half of his points just because he knew Ron.

"...Humph!" If it was just Hermione, Ron would have ridiculed him immediately, but there were other girls, so Ron could only swallow his anger.

After all, are they still friends now...

After the first trial, Ron apologized and Hermione forgave him, and she wanted to maintain the friendship. Then Hermione and Krum faced each other day and night, and Ron said nothing. But as Hermione began to pay attention to her image, adjusted the size of her front teeth through the magical magic potion, and then used magic to smooth the messy hair, completing the gorgeous turn from "ugly" to "beautiful", Ron began to insinuate, and what he said made Hermione even more angry than Malfoy's "dirty mudblood"!

The sad Hermione ran to talk to Liz, who was about to become the psychological mentor of all the girls in the school. Liz's conclusion... made her quell her anger instantly, but also left her speechless.

Now, Harry and Ron are still brothers, but Hermione and Ron are separated, which is Hermione's choice - just like now, she is acting with the girls in the same dormitory, instead of sticking to Harry and Rowan forever beside.

"Come on, Hermione, let's chat with Professor Leeds~ Leave him alone~"

"..." Hermione shook her head. She originally just wanted to keep a distance from Ron, not to break up friendship, but she couldn't see Ron's recent words and deeds, so she made a mockery... However, the future that Liz said was too scary Now, let's just leave it like this, "Ah... tangle with the professor, he might give us Christmas presents~"


Chapter 240 So, in the original book, how did Hermione like this? Is it big...

The oak doors opened, and the contestants and their dance partners stepped into the ballroom hand in hand, and the Hogwarts students applauded the protagonists.

The first is Durmstrang's players led by Karkaroff, and Krum and Hermione are at the forefront. Krum, a burly man in a striking red dress, was not used to this kind of public setting (except the Quidditch pitch), but now he smiled very brightly; Hermione was wearing a flowing conch blue fabric She was wearing a dress made of silk, her smooth and shiny hair was tied with a noble bow, and her front teeth had become normal size, and she was nervously maintaining a sweet smile.

After Beauxbatons and Hogwarts players also entered the hall, under the action of magic props, the hall became full of lifelike fairies sitting in the rose bushes, and the roofs that have always looked like the night sky are now more and more Some Santas and reindeer running around—it's a Christmas ball after all, and there's got to be something more fitting than a Christmas tree.

"Gentlemen, please come here!" Under the arrangement of Professor McGonagall, the boys and girls were separated, separated by a long red carpet, left and right, and sat in their respective positions.

Although Durmstrang is also a co-ed school, Karkaroff, who prefers boys over girls, only brought boys to the competition this time, so the dance partners at the same table as Hermione are all girls from Beauxbatons and Hogwarts , and they were casting deeply disgusted glances at Hermione.

"..." Fortunately, she has been with Krum for so long, and Hermione has long been able to ignore this look. On the other hand, Krum was the one who was most concerned about these glances, and he turned his head again and again to cast concerned glances, worried that Hermione was being bullied by his supporters.

Since the top person in charge of the Triwizard Tournament slipped into the Muggle world with his own harem to play, now in his place is Percy Weasley, who was exceptionally promoted because of Barty Crouch's fall. Although the position is enough, but the age and the people are there, Percy decisively let Dumbledore preside over the ball.

Dumbledore never liked to make a long speech, showing his guests what a "wizard's buffet" to the glistening empty plates without any food, and this was the start of Christmas dinner - but Hermione didn't eat it. How many things, the girls at the same table are similar, they know what they are here for tonight, definitely not to fill their stomachs, and then make a fool of themselves in the swing!

"Gentlemen and ladies, please take a few steps back." After the sumptuous Christmas dinner, Dumbledore took the lead and stood up, making sure that everyone was in the right place, and with a wave of his hand, all the tables were returned to the wall, and the floor was become clean. Then he used magic to raise a stage from the ground with a drum set, guitars, a lute, a cello, and some Scottish bagpipes.

The well-known band Dumbledore invited came to the stage with wild and enthusiastic applause. They all wore black dresses that were deliberately torn and looked furry. Hermione thought that their music was going in a wild style. But it's a slow, mournful route... Well, Hermione didn't think there should be "mournful music" at times like this, but there was no time to worry about it.

In theory, everyone is an equal contestant, but everyone knows that there are only three focuses on the scene, the savior Harry Potter, the most popular Cedric Diggory, and the world star Victor Krum, And now Krum is coming with the eyes of the audience.

"...Miss Granger, do you want to enjoy your face?" The Bulgarian star made a gentleman's action that was not commensurate with his macho physique.

"Of course!" Hermione happily put her delicate hand on Krum's.

Prompted by someone who was an "unscrupulous professor" to Malfoy and an "invincible professor" to her, she saw a lot of things, and then she came up with what she thought was the right answer - honestly Said she felt that unless a witch named "JK Rowling" gave her an Imperius Curse, she would never have chosen another answer!

So, Hermione only greeted Harry a few times that night, completely ignoring Ron, who had been throwing her Karkaroff's stare at her.

Finally, after the Christmas ball, Hermione officially became Krum's girlfriend.

—Unknown Conversation —

Liz: I want to reiterate, I am a professor of wizarding simulation warfare, not wizarding relationships, can you girls stop talking to me all the time? Although I am really busy, I would like to be asked questions like "How can I beat a werewolf to death with my fist"

Hermione: Professor…

Liz: Ugh... alright alright, you've come to the door... Come on, what's going on this time? Because of being with Krum, he was attacked by other girls? This can't be saved, it can only be just frontal, I personally recommend the "Oolong Out of the Hole Curse", a snake can scare away a group of girls, it's invincible!

Hermione: Professor! Not so! … No, I can’t say it has nothing to do with Krum at all, but Ron…

Liz: And that kid who isn't very good, but isn't too helpless like Malfoy? Let me guess... (looks Hermione up and down)... Is he slandering Krum

Hermione: W-how did you guess that, Professor? !

Liz: The answer is reserved for now~ Can you tell me how he slandered that big stupid muscle

Hermione: He said I'm the smartest student in the school, ah, that's just what Ron said... Well, then Krum approached me just to get some good ideas out of my mouth, good ideas for the Triwizard Tournament.

Liz: Whoa~ This sewage is too dirty. I really don't want to admit that he is Fred and George's brother...

Hermione: (drops her head) Ron also said that I was vain and only approached Krum for the sake of fame... By building a friendship with Krum, I was helping the enemy and helping them deal with Harry and all of Hogwarts contestants! …but Professor I really never told Krum such a thing! Krum had never inquired about such a thing!

Liz: No, that's wrong in itself, so what if you advise Krum? That's your personal business... Remember, you were first Hermione Granger, then Hogwarts apprentice, then Gryffindor, and finally Harry Potter's friend .

Hermione: ? ?

Liz: I can't understand it now, go back to the dormitory and lie on the bed and think about it again. If I still don't understand, then I will be bound by the identity imposed by others for the rest of my life... Now, I will announce the answer, listen carefully~

Hermione: !

Liz: Your friend, Ron Weasley, has a crush on you.

Hermione: Huh

Liz: I said, he likes you.

Hermione: How, how is this possible? ! He was still thinking about inviting Fleur Delacour!

Liz: Yes, if he invites Fleur as a dance partner, he won't like you either. The logic is very tight.

Hermione: …Slow, hold on, Professor, what do you mean!

Liz: As a side note, if you didn't start paying attention to your looks because you were going to the Christmas ball, and you made your front teeth smaller, you straightened your messy hair, and suddenly you're so pretty, Ron wouldn't tell you. As a girl~ Think for yourself since when did his attitude suddenly change

Hermione: What does he think of me? ! (to tears in anger)

Liz: Well, in fact, most men are like this. I also like beautiful women. Ron, this is a very normal reaction... It's just that in order to walk with you, he uses this very uncomfortable way Smearing a rival, breaking up you and Krum, that's his personality problem.

Hermione: Ah... he shouldn't be in Gryffindor! He should be in Slytherin!

Liz: You're just in a hurry right now. Maybe you turn your head and think Ron is better... So, this is another small theater involving a love triangle, so I can't interrupt~~ Hermione, which one do you think is the right choice? Which, maybe the last two are not your true sons of life, but the prominence of Neville Peak! In your circle of friends, Neville's character is the best, and he can bully him all his life~~

Hermione: …Professor…

Liz: Haha, let me send you a last word, all decisions of each person will affect their own life, therefore, everyone should be responsible for their own life~~ If you regret in the future, you can only resent yourself.