Chapter 1062: The game in a flash


When Liz walked around with the girls, he met the Onion Knight and the Sun Knight. The former took his family on a tour of the Muggle world, trying to buy some new games for the laptop he had snatched from Malfoy, but tragically the whole family got lost in the big city, and even lost his wife and daughter; the latter stood in a high-rise building "Praise the Sun" on the top of the top, and was almost taken to a mental hospital by the Muggle police... If it weren't for the worry that these two guys would be trapped in the Muggle world and miss this summer hunt, Liz would really like to pretend that he didn't see them.

Malfoy finally succeeded in turning Astoria into a crippled wizard. After playing a video game, the young couple almost wanted to take advantage of the privilege to return to Hogwarts with a small generator, only to be despised in the end. Lucius, who is Muggle, strictly forbids it... Malfoy is considering the possibility of using the strongest combat power "Mom" to defeat the Great Demon King "Dad" during the summer vacation.

For Muggles, the wizarding world is a magical place; for wizards, the Muggle world is a magical place. Needless to say, the brothers Fred and George had a broad mind and vision, and did not wear colored glasses to judge Muggles. Under their leadership, the two sisters, Furong and Gabriel, also greatly improved their views on Muggles, and spent a great Christmas vacation... Cough, but the four of them were given a severe reprimand when they returned to school, which is unacceptable. things to avoid.

A few days after Hermione and Krum established their relationship, Ron, who knew that he was completely useless, finally stopped the naive and ugly behavior of pouring sewage on Krum, bowed his head and apologized to Hermione. Back to friends. Hermione, who knew the root cause of Ron's splashing of sewage and insulting herself from Liz's mouth, readily accepted his apology... It's just that the "iron triangle" became the "wooden triangle", the "good friend" became a "friend", Hermione The person that Min faced each other day and night changed.

Long-term Hogwarts resident Rita Skeeter flexes her professional skills on others, Hermione is hacked as a snob Muggle girl, Fred and George are hacked into future criminals, Ron is hacked into He became a savior's bad friend, Fleur was hacked into a female contestant, Harry was hacked into an ordinary wizard with a famous name, etc... But the only person who suffered material losses was Hagrid, because Rita reported that parents kept sending letters of complaint to Hogwarts, and he temporarily lost his job as a Fantastic Beasts professor.

The wizarding apprentices at Hogwarts, Beauxbatons, Durmstrang, and especially the contestants, got better and better with Leeds' intentional drive. Needless to say, same-sex friends, even the number of male and female couples is on the rise... In the end, only Malfoy, who is arrogant outside, addicted to Muggle games inside, and has a personality several times worse than Ron, was isolated. Fortunately, Malfoy was a classmate. I have a lovely girlfriend who adore me infinitely to accompany me, and I don't feel lonely.

—To sum up, during the Christmas holiday and the next semester after the holiday, there was no so-called "big event" outside the Triwizard Tournament.

[On February 24th, the second trial will be held in the form of "underwater score-grabbing melee"]

Within two months, Malfoy had trained the magic "Magic Greatsword" developed by Snape to the point where he didn't need to chant a spell. He used this magic underwater to slash competitors within the range allowed by the rules. At the same time of obtaining a full score, all the contestants will be deterred with blood, so that they can travel unimpeded in future competitions;

Fred and George used their infinite creativity and hands-on ability to create strange magic props to assist themselves in the competition, but the contestants of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang launched a fierce attack when they saw them, and they were almost hit by someone fall down! Only got more than fifty points in the end;

Among the contestants, Harry and Hermione, who were the weakest in hard power, even taught Sirius Black how to dive. Even so, he was almost knocked down by a Slytherin competitor. Fortunately, Krum came to rescue him, and finally scored more than 80 points by picking up the attacker's points.

[On March 24th, the bored Leeds ignored tradition and added more competitions. The third trial was in the form of "Forbidden Forest Orienteering Battle"]

Even if the Magic Broom and Apparition are banned, Malfoy's hard power is there to see who is unhappy and slashes. The other contestants didn't try to join forces to challenge him, but saw him turn and run, and Malfoy again easily scored a full score.

Fred and George had realized that the other contestants regarded themselves as the strongest contenders for runner-up, so they prepared a lot of goodies and set traps to fight back. Although they were outnumbered in the end, they also won eight by knocking down a large number of opponents. more than ten points;

Harry and Hermione failed to escape this time. They encountered Cedric, who had also received Leeds' mock combat course, too early.

[On May 24th, the boring Leeds added the competition items again, and the fourth trial competition was in the form of "Water Quidditch Battle"]

This time the highest score is Krum, the "best Quidditch Seeker in the world", the second highest score is "Hufflepuff's Quidditch master" Cedric, Malfoy because no one dares to To provoke him, his Quidditch skills are not bad, but he is still a third place.

Fred and George are Gryffindor players. Even if magic and magic items are not allowed this time, the competition is what they are good at, and the results are very good.

Hermione was not good at flying lessons since the first grade, and she gave up the moment she heard the competition, and did not force herself to sit behind Harry's butt as a fuel bottle... But the result was the same, because Harry was just watching the beginning. His unpleasant Malfoy stared dry and became the first contestant to fall into the lake, with zero points.

- The above game went very smoothly. No player died during the game, and the player who was cut down by Malfoy in the second trial looked a little bit bitter, and there was no player, no referee, and no audience to question the score. , after all, Leeds clearly listed the calculation method of points before the game.

At present, Malfoy and Astoria are naturally the top scorers. When he slaughtered the dragon, everyone expected this result; the second place was Krum and Egg Pain, after all, through Quidditch The third place is Cedric and Zhang Qiu, who also completed the overtake through Quidditch; the fourth place is Hibiscus and Dan Teng, some people rely on Quidditch to overtake, others are overtaken because of Quidditch… The first is Fred and George, who were suppressed by their opponents in such a dog-like manner. They were also very depressed, and they only hoped that they could make a big reversal and take the fifth place.

As for Harry and Hermione, uh, each took a total of 3600 gold Galleons, okay? It's a little too difficult to rely on the protagonist's halo to win a good ranking in the hands of a group of big brothers and sisters.

at last…

[On June 24, the originally planned third trial and the current fifth trial, the competition format is "reach the end in the maze made of hedges"]