Chapter 1070: Descendants were pitted


"Yo, Onion, Solar, what a coincidence?" Before reaching the small church on the outskirts of Yanan, Liz met an acquaintance on the platform of the transfer.

"This time, let's find out when Hogwarts is on vacation before leaving, otherwise we will be locked out by Miss Maria for several days~~ahhaha~~" Onion laughed, proud of his wit.

By the way, Jack Baldor and Solar got out of poverty through monster hunting bonuses, so they are also somewhat related to the Ministry of Magic, and Maria did not let them enter Arnan alone for safety reasons.

"…Well, where's Malfoy?"

"And Miss Sakuya, Miss Hong Meiling, and little girl Remilia, aren't you coming this time?"

Seeing that Leeds' team has been streamlined a lot, the two wondered.

"Sakuya and the others are busy with other things." In their eyes, converting the unremarkable castle in "Main World" into a magical castle is more important than hunting monsters, "As for the little devil, at this time, Let him pretend as much as he can~"

"???" Obviously, a natural nerd and a sun fanatical admirer would not take the time to read the newspaper, and was unaware of the news that Malfoy had won the Triwizard Tournament.

"Hey, Onion, Solar, I'm actually from another world~" Liz said coldly.

"Oh… "


The reactions of the two were super bland, and I didn't know if they didn't understand it, or if they just thought it was not important.

"Intuition tells me that this time is the 'final', and then I will go back to my own world," Liz stepped forward and took the two of them by the shoulders, "I think you two are very pleasing to the eye, do you want to go and play? Once you play? You can come back anytime, anywhere.”

Liz sent out an invitation to form a team of apprentice villagers. The interesting and pleasing guy is the qualified apprentice villager in his heart. Those children of the martial arts family who don't know at all are just here to fill the population~

"Ahaha~~ what's wrong with this~~"

"The sun of another world... I want to see it too!"

"That `s a deal!"

At this moment, Leeds indirectly cheated a group of people two years later.

Two years later...

"In an era that the history of wizards could not reach, there was a huge monster called the [Demon of Mist]. It emitted a [colorless thick fog] that enveloped the gathering place of human souls, completely cutting off the place and the outside world. Contact; its descendants [Dementors] will absorb souls from human beings, and those who have been absorbed begin to thirst for souls, gradually lose their senses, and attack others; Dementors will accumulate the stolen souls in their own bodies and derive With absurd powers, some transform into the souls it devoured, and some transform into incredible monsters... This ability is too dangerous. With the assistance of ancient kings, human beings have tried their best to destroy the demon of fog. The seal. I, the original fire-proof girl, slept with it in the deepest part of the seal, and shouldered the responsibility of resealing it in the future."

"In recent years, due to the awakening of ancient kings from their graveyards, disturbing the slumber of the fog demon, its power is quietly seeping out of the seal, and I also wake up from the seal... But with my own power , there is no way to reseal it."

"Previously, the British Ministry of Magic has led the people to withdraw from the sealed London, reducing the casualties of the people; however, with the leakage of the power of the fog demon, the British Ministry of Magic temporary stronghold, Hogwarts, Beauxbatons, Demus The gathering places of wizards such as Trang and the European Magic Headquarters were shrouded in colorless fog one after another, and the humans inside were trapped in a unique space; wizards from all over the world were urgently summoned to form crusade teams to enter the thick fog, but there was no evidence. Once it's returned... If things go on like this, the thick fog will cover the whole world sooner or later, and eventually both the wizarding world and the Muggle world will become a dining table for fog demons and dementors."

"Therefore, on behalf of all human beings, I hereby implore your Excellency, who participated in the crusade against the ancient kings, to follow me into the colorless thick fog, crusade against the dementors who have achieved extraordinary power, and suppress the power of the demons of the fog. , help me re-seal the demon of fog."

—The black-haired woman who suddenly appeared in front of Malfoy, holding a staff and sealing her eyes with wax, said that she called herself "the original fire girl".

"Well, how serious the situation has become, I see - but why don't you go to Professor Leeds, Jack Baldor and Solar? They are the main force!" Draco Malfoy, who was finally caught in a hotel room in Hawaii after traveling around the world (duo), had a desperate look on his face... Anyway, the opposite was a blind man, and no one looked at him with a cold expression.

The fire girl shook her head and said, "From Albus Dumbledore's mouth, I learned of their existence... However, even if we tried hard, we couldn't find their traces."

"What?! Impossible, don't worry about Professor Leeds, the Ministry of Magic also knows the address of Onion and Solar's new home!?" Malfoy was really startled.

Malfoy still knew the reason why the nest was overwhelmed, and he didn't want the wizarding world to fall. The reason why Malfoy was so cowardly in front of him and ran away heartlessly was largely because he wanted Onion and Solar to deal with this matter... Or, if they were in the front, Malfoy would also accept it. "Join the war" option.

"...According to their house elves, both families went to their friend's hometown for a tour, and haven't come back for more than half a year." The fire-proof girl also has some regrets. To put it bluntly, if she hadn't spent a lot of time looking for them, she would have never returned. Wouldn't wait until now to find Malfoy.

"!!!" Malfoy instantly felt that he already knew who this "friend" was referring to. Would someone want to cheat him even if they left Europe? !

"..." The fire girl didn't speak either. She would not stand on the moral high ground and think that Malfoy's going to the battlefield was a matter of course. She was only responsible for stating the objective truth, and how to decide how to see Malfoy in the end.

After thinking for a long time, Malfoy suddenly asked: "...You can freely enter and exit the dense fog?"

"This is the power left by the ancient kings..." The fireproof girl touched her eyes sealed with wax, implying that this was the price.

Malfoy asked again: "If I encounter an enemy beyond my capabilities, is there any way to get out of the thick fog."

The fire girl was silent for a long time, as if she had made a decision, she slowly knelt down on the ground, raised her metal staff in both hands, lowered her head and said, "... I can take you away alone."

"?!" As soon as the fire-proof girl said it, Malfoy was wrapped in a golden magic circle, and disappeared after a few seconds, "... Could it be that you recognize me as the master?"

"There's only this way." The fire-proof girl who completed the contract stood up again, her tone did not change at all, and she did not respect Malfoy at all.

"Speaking of which, the same is true of Yanan's fire girl. For her own responsibility, she considers the professor as the master... Is it my turn this time?" Although Liz's fire girl is very beautiful, his own fire girl is not very good-looking, let Malfoy A little disappointed.

"..." Hearing the news of the descendants of his own family, the fire-proof girl's face changed a bit.

"Finally," Malfoy slammed his cane, indicating that the question was important, "do you also have the power to 'strengthen me with the spirits of my enemies'?"

The fire girl nodded slightly, "Yes."

"… Well, I can go to war." Finally, a little bit of conscience in Malfoy's heart came into play, "but, give me three days to warm up."

"—I haven't moved properly for two years."