Chapter 1077: The World of Harry Potter ends


Autumn seemed to come suddenly, and the first morning of September was as fresh as an apple.

In the cool air, the Harrys made their way across the bustling streets to the smoky station. The two parents pushed two carts full of heavy luggage. There were two large cages at the top of the carts. The owls in the cages were screaming angrily, and a red-haired girl was dragging behind her two brothers. walking.

Muggles stared curiously at owls, after all, few people keep owls as pets, but when Harry's family came to the ninth and tenth platforms, the Muggles seemed to be suddenly blind and ignored them. them. Even their disappearance from the pillars did not cause a single Muggle to exclaim.

"You'll write to me, won't you?" the younger brother asked Harry and Ginny worriedly.

"Write every day, if you want," Ginny laughed.

"Not every day," my brother shuddered, "once a week is enough."

"Yeah~ I'll take you what you want by the way, right?" Ginny, who was working in an amusement park with her two brothers, said with a bit of doting in her financially good condition.

Harry added: "No snacks allowed, there's enough candy in the lounge at Hogwarts."

"...I know." The younger brother immediately became dejected. Children, they just like to eat snacks.

"Hey, you're finally here, come over here!" Hermione, a friend of Harry and Ginny, and her daughter's friend to their child, was waving to them in the company of her father Krum.

"???" When they saw their good friends, the three brothers and sisters directly abandoned their luggage. Anyway, their parents took care of them, and they plunged into the crowd.

"—Look!" Hermione's daughter pointed to the sky.


"...Dragon, dragon!?"

Four giant dragons hovered in the sky, as if waiting for the train to depart.

"Krum, what's the matter?" Harry, who served as an Auror at the British Ministry of Magic, hurriedly drew out his wand.

Krum shook his head, indicating that there was nothing major, "Don't worry... The Malfoy children are just going to school, and one of them is a fire girl."

"Malfoy... acting more and more like Professor Leeds." Harry sighed.

"Professor Leeds is still a good man..."

They all work in the British Ministry of Magic and want to sanction Malfoy, but... their life was saved by the other party, what should I do

However, compared to the preoccupied adults, children are much simpler...


Yes, the current Malfoys are "cool".

Draco Malfoy got everything he wanted.

A happy family - surrounded by a beautiful wife, holding a lovely daughter, with like-minded parents, and instilling "Malfoy's supremacy" in good sons, this is called family happiness.

Reliable companions - Fire Girl has become the godmother of all his children, and her strength will always be with the Malfoy family; the natural Jack Baldo and the helpful Solal will always be Malfoy's best comrades-in-arms.

Long lifespan—Malfoy is still young, so he doesn’t have to worry about this for the time being, but by concentrating his vitality through the fire-resistant girl’s power, his lifespan has far exceeded that of an ordinary wizard… But it’s five hundred years away from “Nicole May” The many-year-old gods are still far away.

Countless wealth - Fred and George's "Malfoy & Weasley Amusement Park" has opened all over the world after nineteen years, and even the Weasley brothers have entered the wizarding rich list, not to mention Speaking of Malfoy, who holds more equity. Now the Malfoys no longer need to worry about Kim Galleon, but need to think about how to spend Kim Galleon meaningfully.

Excellent reputation—Malfoy & Weasley Amusement Park, Malfoy Anti-Black Magic Fund, Malfoy Peace Prize, Charitable Donations, The Demon of the Mist Incident Rita Skeeter's unethical reporter shut up and made the perfect personal image all around.

Transcendent status - all organizations want to win over Malfoy, the European Magic Headquarters is even willing to let Malfoy serve as the highest leader of the Aurors in European countries, an absolute position of real power, but Malfoy is also rejected.

No one knows the truth of the year. People only know that the power of the demon of fog continues to leak out. Once something happens, their first reaction is to seek the help of Draco Malfoy. He is the great hero of the wizarding world... Of course , those who really know him know that time has not changed him, Malfoy is exactly the same as nineteen years ago, still a rotten guy.

"What does the life and death of wizards in America have to do with me? Don't disturb my leisurely holiday because of this!" Yes, that's it.

The great hero in the eyes of the people will never take the initiative to save people. He must let others come to the door repeatedly for help, make all kinds of unreasonable conditions, and finally take the blame for his long delay. Malfoy is the only way. There may be a shot.

"Your Majesty Malfoy," Hermione, who was promoted to the British Minister of Magic, tickles her teeth with hatred, but it is not the first time she has dealt with this rotten person, so she can only endure her anger and explain, "this time I was caught by a colorless man Most of the towns shrouded in dense fog are non-magic people... If you don't rescue immediately, it is likely to cause heavy casualties!"

"Hey~ It turned out to be a Squib. If he is a Squib and doesn't make a living in the Muggle world, he will die in vain~" Malfoy sneered.

"You!" Hermione, who had to fight for the treatment of house elves, naturally wouldn't discriminate against Squib.

"Speaking of which, didn't the United Kingdom, France, and Bulgaria jointly cultivate a group of Aurors who specialize in dealing with monsters? I remember Minister Granger, your most trusted friend, Harry Potter, is also in it. Let them pass." Malfoy deliberately forgot another piece of information he had received—the group of Aurors had an accident half a year ago during field drills in Ya'nan, and were killed by a group of fleas and lost their armor and armor.

"!!!" Hermione was so angry that she wanted to slap Malfoy on the spot. She was sure that Malfoy knew about it, and she was even more convinced that Malfoy knew that this training program was initiated by her.

"I'm telling you, wizard." Malfoy's eyes changed, which made Hermione wake up suddenly, "Boys of this age are very troublesome, and if they are not careful, they will grow crooked. In order for them to grow up on the right path, Parents need to work very hard during the holidays... It's rare for them to go to school, I want to take my lovely little daughter to the amusement parks under my name all over the world, and no one should get in my way."

"...I see." Her intuition told Hermione that if she fought against Malfoy again, something terrible would happen.

"Remember what I said, wizard." Malfoy glanced coldly at the British Ministry of Magic who followed Hermione, left them alone, and turned to his daughter who was sitting on a park bench not far away, eating a popsicle.

"Huh?" Malfoy stopped suddenly.

On the side is a bald man with a cheap smile squatting on the flower bed eating fried noodles.

"… Did you recognize the wrong person? I don't think Patchy looks like this." Malfoy shook his head, smiled, and walked towards his daughter again.

As for the bald-headed features that look a bit like Ron Weasley back then, how could Malfoy remember it nineteen years later.