Chapter 1120: Aftermath of the war


"Ah... I've been completely killed..." Afutu, who was supported by Yun Ye, who was the least injured, looked at the moon in the night sky blankly. He didn't know if it was affected by his mood. He always felt that the moon today was bleak. Matte.

"Haha~ It's been a long time since I was so miserable~" Shenwei, who was enjoying the same treatment, was obviously bleeding from the head, and suffered a heavy blow from all directions. He had broken bones, but he was still giggling.

Afutu withdrew his gaze towards the sky and said angrily: "Hey, the idiot over there will figure it out first. Normally, we are already dead. Someone still died a minute after the war started, and now we are still alive. It depends on the opponent having a hermit who renounces evil and embraces good."

"It seems like this~" Kamui didn't seem to realize that the person who said it was himself.

The body of the Night Rabbit is much stronger than that of the Earthlings. Even if the samurai's physical abilities are far superior to the ordinary Earthlings, the warrior's fists are still painless to the Night Rabbit... Cough, of course, the protagonist's halo makes up for the ability in the setting The poor situation is another matter. After all, the protagonist's halo can make people have unlimited strength, can make a wooden knife that can be cut by a demon knife and a laser sword to cut each other, and can make the enemy's fist that cracks rocks and can't even hit an earthman. The soft-handed earthlings sent the enemy ten meters away.

Under the huge gap in physical ability, "slashing weapons" have value. No matter how sturdy Ye Rabbit's body is, it's not copper skin and iron bones. When a slashing weapon is cut off, the limbs that should be severed and the blood that should bleed are exactly the same as those of the earth.

If the previous combat Kenshin used the reverse blade in reverse, Shenwei should be able to withstand the "Nine-headed Dragon Flash", but when it comes to "Dragon Nest Flash Bite", it should be able to go to Huangquan, and the desperate counterattack after that does not exist at all.

"Hey..." Seeing Shenwei's current reaction, Afutu sighed heavily and asked a question he didn't want to say. "I said, what are you going to do in the future, head?"

"All in all, heal your wounds first, then try to imitate the training of samurai and ninjas to improve your running speed; then improve your eyesight, at least you can see the samurai's sword-drawing technique." Now you should be pointing your fingers at your future goals, "I also need to exercise my palms. I saw it when I fell to the ground. That person made Afutu smash your fists back on you. It's like a magic trick. technology."

"Captain, you have aroused the shadow in my heart." The battle between Liz and Afutu was not one-sided. Afutu could make Liz slide back ten meters with a full punch. Liz's movement was "single-shot" "Teleport", can't achieve "continuous rapid movement" like Kenshin, Afutu can still fight back... But it is the move of "transferring flowers to connect jade", which makes Afutu doubt life.

Shenwei narrowed his eyes, "So I need to practice~~"

"Captain, what about the tasks above?" Yun Ye asked blankly.

"Never mind~ I joined Chun Yu, originally just thinking that the more I go above, the more powerful guys I'll meet, and I have a wider battlefield for me, but now... Hehe, compared to the old grandfather who is addicted to alcohol and the lust for power. The rubbish, there are people on earth who are more worthy of my nostalgia! How could I be bound by those things!" Even the position of the admiral of Chunyu is now something that hinders the progress of Kamui... Of course, in Kamuy, he thinks he has got what he deserves. After that, it is not ruled out that he will once again set out on the road of "Cosmic One Piece".

"Hey, is it really this development? It's equivalent to betraying Chunyu and declaring war on Chunyu." When Afutu first asked the question, he actually guessed the answer, but it was just a fluke.

"That doesn't matter. After I become stronger, the spring rain doesn't matter at all," Shenwei seemed to remember something, "By the way, Afutu and Yunye, you two can return to the Seventh Division. Oh, there's no need to be a traitor with me~"

"Captain! You should think about it again!" Yun Ye urged anxiously.

"..." Afutu was speechless, raised his head again, looked at the moon, which suddenly became bright again, and finally replied, "... Commander, do you know which planet in the universe sells the strongest weapons? I will still be shaded in the future. Umbrellas and weapons are brought separately."

"Kian Xin, you will be in trouble in the future~ It doesn't matter if the two servants are let go, but that fighting maniac will definitely trouble you in the future... He may not be suppressed by your speed next time, he looks like he is motivated Stuff." Leeds, who brought Kenshin Hicun back to "God of Fortune", actually disagreed with Kenshin's decision to let the villain go. He said before that he didn't hate Kamui, but he knew very well that Kamui was a big villain, and even if he didn't kill him on the spot, he should be caught in jail.

"...Maybe that's the case, but as long as he takes on the challenge, the young man should not affect others." Jian Xin is not a woman's kindness, and the man who obtained the nickname of "The Executioner Draws the Sword" can't be a soft-hearted person. He is now acting with some kind of remorse and obsession that is worth his life.

"On your part, maybe so." Liz, who didn't know Jianxin's past, naturally couldn't understand it. A wicked person is a wicked person. No longer doing bad things in order to "force the drawing of the sword to show up" does not mean that they will not do bad things in other places. It is not right to let them go unpunished.

Jian Xin was silent for a while after hearing the words, but he never regretted what he had decided. "However, it seems that the decision I made will also affect the future life of Your Excellency Leeds. I am deeply sorry for this."

"Me? I'm not wrong at all~ I am a 'Taoist', and I can kill him with a kite by throwing immortals. Besides, sooner or later, I will leave the earth and go to a place where the fighting madman can't find it in his life~" It is not too common in time and space shuttle, Fan Ma Yongjiro is a good example, Liz has lost interest in this world's "the strongest fighting race in the universe".

"Hehe, that's right~" Liz said, and Kenshin felt relieved.

"By the way, don't mind if I ask a few questions?" After seeing Kenshin's shot, Liz had a lot of doubts in his heart, "If you don't use a reverse-edged sword, but use a normal Japanese sword, there are not many people who are single. Can I beat you? I really think you are super strong."

"Thank you for your compliment, but there are still many masters hidden in this world, and they are far from inferior... At least the master's strength is far superior to the inferior." Jian Xin smiled humbly.

"Looks like I need to make my maid troupe be careful when going out. This planet is more dangerous than I thought." Without using immortality, Liz could barely beat Afutu, but he would be beaten by Kenshin. Suppression is like, "So, why do you still lose to Heaven and Humans? You know, I haven't been on this planet for a long time, and I'm not very familiar with history."

"...Let's not mention that there are also a large number of strong men among heaven and man," Jian Xin raised his head, and several spaceships could be seen in the distance above the "God of Fortune" that had left the sea, "No matter how powerful a warrior is, facing the universe When the spaceship is bombing at high altitude, there is nothing that can be done, looking for an opportunity to seize the ship and launch a side-to-side battle, which cannot change the overall battle situation at all.”

"Is there such a big gap in technology at that time?" Liz nodded. If he was riding a spaceship with an energy cannon while waving a metal block on the ground, it would be really impossible to fight.

"But the most important thing is," Jian Xin pulled out the reverse-edged sword and held it up high, with eyes that were a little less gentle than usual because of the previous battle, and stared at the reversed blade, "The enemy who participated in the next fight The war, from the beginning to the end, is just a civil war, no matter whether it is a shogun who fights against the barbarians or the shogunate of the capitulation faction, the only people who lose will always be the people of the earth.”

The blade of the reverse-blade knife is directed towards you, and every time you swing it, you are repenting for your sins in the past. It can be said that this is Jianxin's atonement blade.

"..." Although he was also very interested in the swordsmanship used by Kenshin, Liz kept his mouth shut with interest. He is a man who can see the atmosphere.

Putting the knife into the sheath, the former Swordsman has turned back into the clerk of the Kamiya Dojo, "Go back to the cabin, Your Excellency Liz, Miss Kaoru is still waiting for us."

"Ah~ when you come to the kingdom of samurai, you still have to take a hot spring~" Liz stretched.

End the boring stuff.