Chapter 1160: Iron Man 1 ends


"...These terrorists are just tied up like this?" Tony, who was wearing heavy armor and had a "bang dong" sound effect every step of the way, wanted to kill them all immediately. He was severely tortured in the early days of his kidnapping. .

"We have already contacted Country R's "Association of Heroes", but we don't know which organization dealt with them in the end. Country R's international status is not that high," Leeds, who walked out from the depths of the cave, could guess Tony. The inner thoughts, as if nothing had happened, added, "... Anyway, professional heroes can't kill humans when they can choose, even if the opponent is a terrorist, they can only do this."

Tony, who has resentment in his heart, can go back and play tricks to make these terrorists "get what they deserve", but after seeing the undocumented knight who was dressing the wounds of the wounded terrorists, he suddenly felt something in his heart, "Are you a professional hero? …”

"Speaking of which, you are much stronger than the arms dealer I imagined," Liz reached out and knocked on Tony's armor, still finding it hard to believe that two people could make such a thing without asking for anything. "The original I thought you were the kind of rotten person who kept saying 'why are you here now, I must complain about you' after being rescued, but I didn't expect that you could save yourself in a desperate situation... not bad."

"Well, if you spend a little more time together, you will find more advantages in me." Tony used humorous words to cover up the embarrassment in his heart.

If it was three months ago, he felt that he was the rotten person in Leeds' mouth, but suffering makes people grow, and now he almost wanted to cry with others, at least he has learned to be grateful.

Liz shrugged, "Don't tell me, we've been thinking about eating big for a while. There are a bunch of poor people here who can't even afford to travel abroad."

"It seems that the treatment of professional heroes in R country is not good, why don't you come to our Stark Industries to work?" This is not a joke, Tony really wants to dig a wave of professional heroes, and he is afraid of the rope after being bitten by snakes for ten years. , Even though he has already moved his mind to become "Iron Man", Saitama's posture of opening the door impressed him deeply.

Liz shook his head and laughed: "Hehe, you should manage your own company first and then talk about this topic?"

Tony stopped and asked in confusion, "...What does this mean?"

"You already know that 'professional heroes can't kill people', but the terrorists didn't know it just now," Liz kept walking, waving his hand, and leaving a light sentence, "Just now, the terrorist leader thought we were going to play massacre and tried to pass intelligence Save your life, he said it was your company's 'Obadian Stan' who hired them to assassinate you~"

"What?! It's impossible!"

Regardless of this misunderstanding, at the moment when the terrorists are captured, Obadiian will definitely be revealed, it's just a matter of time. After all, the two parties are just hiring and being hired, so why keep their mouths shut for him

Even if Tony regards Obadian as "half father + half friend", his three months of suffering is enough to shatter this relationship, and he can't accept the person who wants to take his life to stay in the company even if he wears a hat of forgiveness. In... As for how Tony solves Obadian in a way that is not a superhero at all, whether Obadian is stubborn or reluctant to accept his fate, whether Obadian is punished by law or fleeing, has become insignificant. Little things.

Now looking back to the base of the Ten Commandments Gang, things are not over yet—

"God - what is this?!" Tony, who had not calmed down yet, was startled again by Bahamut and the True Dragon Tiger King.

"I'm so sorry, there is no luxury private plane to pick up, only summoned beasts and robots that wash their faces in the cold wind, please choose one of the two."

"Robot." Tony didn't hesitate.

"Looking at your outfit, I also think you would choose this one, but don't think I'll lend it to you for analysis and research," Liz just wanted to control the real dragon and tiger king to squat down and put his palm flat on the ground to meet him. But at the moment when my mind was connected, I saw something in the distance, "...good news, arms dealer, it looks like you can take a comfortable plane home."


The real dragon and tiger king's perception is too far, and it took several minutes before Tony's doubts were answered by the sound of the engine of the low-flying fighter.

It was a fighter plane, not a helicopter, and it couldn't stop in such a bumpy mountain, but the man it dropped had the ability to get Tony on board.

"I found you! Class B!" The tornado that fell from the sky flew in front of the True Dragon and Tiger King with super power, and raised his eyes angrily.

[… ] The True Dragon and Tiger King did not respond, like an empty shell.

"B-level trash fish is too rude to me, right? You came to rescue the arms dealer of M country alone. Are you responsible for the diplomatic problems caused by the failure of the rescue?!" Tornado continued to reprimand.

[… ] The True Dragon and Tiger King did not respond, like an empty shell.

"Hey, talk, I'm asking you something! Are you looking down on me?" There was a shimmer on the dragon roll, and her black skirt floated unnaturally... 10,000 percent disappeared, but the little girl's body Safe in every sense.

After watching the monkey show, Liz held back a smile and said, "… Uh, theoretically I'm here, that's my body, Miss Tornado."

"What... Of course I know, this kind of thing! I was talking to you just now, I just didn't want to see your face!" Tornado flew to Liz in an instant and shouted with his hips on his back.

"I personally think I have a good face." If I hadn't thought about being a professional hero for a long time, I would have challenged the top five in the popularity list with this face.

The embarrassed Tornado pointed at Liz's nose and scolded: "It's absolutely impossible. It's disgusting, especially with gray hair. Are you aging before you get old! Monster! Dead old man! Ageing stone!"

"Haha, is this bare-ass little girl also a professional hero, her character is so cute—"

(Bang!) Tony Stark, along with his armor, sank deep into the mountain wall, with his left hand and right leg showing abnormal bends.

"Who's a little girl! Who's naked! And who are you, are you courting death!" Just as Genos had warned before, Tornado was very concerned about his appearance.

Liz coughed dryly and replied, "He's Tony Stark."

"Who? I've never heard the name of the trash fish below the S rank." Tornado turned his head.

"... He is the kidnapped arms dealer of country M." Liz added the answer with a blank expression.

"Why does the arms dealer dress like a professional hero! What a brain! I can't believe it!" Tornado had to dig Tony out of the mountain wall and throw it to the ground.

"Well, whatever, it's an arms dealer of the M country anyway." Treating the diplomatic issue mentioned earlier as a tornado of bullshit, he pointed to Leeds, and expressed his desire to fight with a powerful guy, "I'm not happy. , I'm going to beat you up."

"???" Liz looked confused, he didn't offend this overage loli.

"What are you waiting for, it's not yet on the robot, why do you think I'm chasing after me!"

"...Isn't it for the purpose of saving the hostages?" Liz complained, thinking about it, and summoned Bahamut and the True Dragon and Tiger King back, "Sorry, I surrender, and I can't fight humans with my body."

"You! Then come and fight me yourself." The green light on Tornado's body skyrocketed, but he couldn't move the moment he shot.

The second rank of S-rank, the strongest ace hero of the association, looked coldly at the man in the cape who grabbed his right hand, "... What are you doing?"

"Noisy, noisy, and when you come, you will cause trouble for others. Don't you see that people don't want to fight you?" Saitama said.