Chapter 1167: Marvel...that's a bunch of superheroes appearing


Iron Man: While removing Obadian with legal and business means, he made the iron suit himself.

Captain America: Frightened by the strength of the fans, increased the training intensity, and beat the sandbags.

Spider-Man: At only 15 years old, he was shocked by the appearance of an undocumented knight who sacrificed himself to fight, and seriously reflected on himself.

Professor X: Wash and sleep, he has nothing to do with him.

There have been no incidents that may destroy New York, blow up country M, exterminate human beings, or detonate the earth. The superheroes live a peaceful life and go on at their own pace... This does not mean that "country M is peaceful", such as Agent Black Widow is on duty every day, Hulk jumps out and beats and smashes when he gets angry, Daredevil polices and punishes evil in the dark, there are four righteous mutant turtles in the sewers smashing bad guys, Green Hornet is fighting against bad guys When the chase was launched, the AE86 used the drainage canal cornering method to catch up with the sports car, etc. It was simply too lazy to mention it.

The point of view first returned to Leeds and the others. Except for the undocumented knight who stayed in the villa while recovering and learning alchemy, they had nothing to do and took Tony's private jet to fly to New Mexico to join in the fun.

However, the scene has been controlled by "SHIELD".

The huge crater is covered with a white film, which not only blocks the sight of unrelated people, but also shields the precision instruments from the wind and rain. The site is surrounded by temporary guardrails, and special forces are deployed to patrol 24 hours a day... "SHIELD" is quite I value this big hammer that falls from the sky and looks at most tens of kilograms on the surface, but in fact it can't even lift a heavy crane.

"Don't you know the legend of King Arthur, that is the hammer in the stone, the Culibur Hammer Version! Choose the hammer of King M, whoever pulls it out can become the president of the country M, you should give everyone a chance to pull it out!" Leeds, who was blocked from the iron fence, made a lot of nonsense as a troublemaker.

"Please leave immediately. The hammer contains radioactive elements and should be handled by professionals." The special forces soldiers gave the official statement cautiously, and the hands holding the gun even trembled a little.

There is no way, they can regard Liz, Sakuya, Remilia, Solanum, Hong Meiling, Saitama as cosplay lovers, but the two mechanical arms exposed by Genos show everything, the standard weapons in their hands cannot provide How much security.

"Let them in, soldiers." Phil Coulson, the "SHIELD" agent, came out and ordered.

"...Yes!" The special forces soldiers breathed a sigh of relief and returned to their original positions.

"Haha~~ I knew this piece was up to you~~" Liz winked mischievously.

"Next time, please send someone to pass the message directly and report my name." Phil smiled helplessly and turned to lead the way. He knew which of the professional heroes from Country R was the hardest to deal with.

"In terms of efficiency, my approach is even higher." Of course, the main reason is that it is more interesting, the expressions of the special forces soldiers are quite funny when they are full of nonsense, "In other words, 'The Hammer of the King' is naturally a joke, but We're really bored to come and pull the hammer, can we try it?"

"The premise is that it cannot be taken away." Phil turned his head and glanced vaguely at Saitama, who was looking around.

Up to Nick Fury, down to Phil Coulson, they all doubt that this guy can pick up the hammer.

Different from the same ancestry of the "Six Realms of Swords", the "gods" of the earth are actually more like "aliens".

It's just that more than a thousand years ago, the "Frost Giants" who came to Earth from a cold and dark planet tried to freeze the world, and the "Asgardians" that followed were to deal with the Frost Giants... In the eyes of human beings , the Asgardians fought to protect them, so they worshiped the Asgardians as gods.

From the fact that the Asgardians did not invade the earth and directly returned to their own planet after defeating the refrigerator giant, it can be seen that the Asgardian civilization has unique values, which are not familiar to the people of the earth. infinite expansion".

It was not until recently that things in Asgard affected the earth again. In order to compete for the right to inherit the throne, the younger brother "Evil God" Loki set a trap, so that his elder brother "Thor" Thor was killed by his father "King of the Gods" Otto for his mistake. Ding expelled from Asgard, stripped of his powers, and demoted the Earth.

Yes, this sledgehammer that no one can mention is the legendary "Hammer of Thor". It was also thrown off the earth by Odin with the power of Thor. I also know that Odin is hoping that Thor will Tian Pain changed his mind and regained his own strength.


"..." Thor hadn't realized his mistake yet, and was not qualified to pick up the hammer for the time being. He was being questioned by the agent with a frustrated face, and he didn't want to say a word.

"Who is this guy? Why would someone be tortured in a place like this?" Liz, who was passing by, asked Phil.

"A guy with extraordinary skills who came in all the way last night and wanted to pick up a hammer..." Phil shook his head. "Since he was arrested, he has not said a word since his arrest, and his true identity needs to be verified."

"Hmph~" Liz can see Thor and is very human, but... There are too many special people in this world, such as a bearded male agent next to him, whose body is a blue-skinned woman, there is no need to say it.

Everyone followed Phil all the way to the place of the hammer. There was only a small but crushed dirt pillar left under Thor's Hammer. The surrounding dirt had been dug up by S.H.I.E.L.D. Do you want to knock down the hammer this way, or do you want to analyze the dirt in that area.

"You can try to pick them up, but please go down one by one, so that our equipment can monitor." Phil said so, and gestured to the staff next to him.

Rather than selling a professional hero from country R, it is better to say that they want Saitama to make a cameo appearance as a tester of the hammer. Their current analysis is deadlocked and confused.

"The bald man is the last, let the dishes come first~ Remilia, you come first~" In fact, the eldest lady is still more powerful than the head maid and the door...

"You're the best! I'm going to be the last... second to last!" Remilia originally wanted to say that she was last, but thinking about Saitama's cruelty, would she still have a chance to hit a hammer after him? Accept the position of "Second Strong".

"Che, it's not like we haven't fought before, what's there to argue about~" Liz laughed, jumped down from the pit, and reached out to hold the handle of the hammer, "The power of the wild in my body, grant me an incomparable divine power... Huh? So light."

Liz picked it up!

Thor's hammer was picked up by him!

(Zizzizi!) The hammer shot out electric light, the sky was densely covered with thunderclouds, and there was a sound of thunder like the roar of a wild beast.

"Don't get excited, man, I didn't think about changing weapons! Calm down!" Liz quickly put the hammer back to its original place, and the thunder in the sky gradually ceased.

"Cough, something went wrong," Liz turned around and spread her hands in an innocent gesture, "Who's next?"