Chapter 1211: overnight


If it's just Liz and Klaussa, it's just a no-brainer all the way. Most Digimon have no ability to catch them, and the perfect body and the ultimate body are very difficult to meet in remote areas; but now we have to bring the Rocket Corps, Even if Krausea had figured out the way beforehand, he still couldn't move faster.

Sometimes the more ink they act, the higher the probability of encountering an event. On the way, they encounter a mature Digimon with a more ferocious temperament, and the two sides clash - the combat effectiveness of the Rocket Corps is negligible, and the jacaranda is displayed in the back row in a human form. Xianju, Toad Ji was under pressure in the front row before driving the opponent away.

That is to say, in this battle, Toadji returned to the size of half a car, of course, in Liz's mouth, it became [Toadmon (growing stage) → Big Toadmon (mature stage)]... The change of Toadji did not cause a rocket. The suspicion of the Corps, after all, is just a simple increase in size, which is not a rare thing in the world of Pokemon, not even a carp king turning into a tyrannical carp dragon.

However, the previous [Five Poison Beasts (Growing Stage) → Jacaranda Beast (Mature Stage)] said otherwise. There are many Pokemon like people, and Shanaido is the best among them. Becoming a wife, but there is no such thing as a jacaranda. From the beginning to the end, she is a little human loli.

However, regardless of the Rocket Corps' thoughts for the time being, with the urgency of the Rocket Corps, maybe they will completely give up their careful thinking because "take her to the boss, the boss may not recognize the number and punish us in turn"... In a word, everyone Arrived smoothly at the freshwater lake in the forest.

"...Why is there a tram on the island?" Liz and Clausa's reactions were exactly the same, and they couldn't help but complain!

"I found campfires, human shoe prints, and food residues on the shore. The traces are still relatively new. It is estimated that humans have spent the night on the train in the past ten days." The rubbish that was there in the first place, "… I can't rule out the possibility that they brought the car here."

"Hmph~ There are other people here~" Liz was considering whether to use the "Mission System" for location positioning.

"Maybe it's the scientist who developed the time machine!" Rocket Corps shouted expectantly.

"The possibility is not high, it's all the shoe prints of children... elementary school students, right?" Clausa didn't say it to death. They didn't know anything about this world so far. Maybe they were dwarves. The child's body shape.

"What, it's so boring..." The Rocket Corps left carelessly. As a villain, they naturally wouldn't say that they would take the initiative to find unfamiliar elementary school students and protect them.

But there's more than cute and charming villains here, Kraussa asks: "… how?"

"Anyway, they have nothing to do. We secretly suggest which direction they go, isn't it easy?" Liz shrugged and said indifferently, "Besides, you didn't finish talking just now, right? This freshwater lake seems to have an owner, little one. The broken rocks on the edge of the island are traces of battle, which means that the children killed the original owner of the lake... We should just order whatever we want."

Yes, the selected children don't need their protection at all, and just evolve to be stronger than they are today (excluding Leeds and Clausa).

The early morning of the new day starts with the intermittent sound of hammering... No, it is possible that the time for the hammering will come earlier, but when Leeds sleeps, it is equivalent to "hanging up offline", and no matter how noisy it is, it will not wake up.

"Huh... What are you guys doing? Instead of making breakfast early in the morning, you came to be a car mechanic?" Leeds stepped off the tram, but found the Rocket Corps was beating around the tram with various mechanical tools. Know what to do.

"Hmph~ You don't understand this," Kojiro replied proudly with a rather flat smile, "All the equipment and props used by our Rocket Corps to do bad things before, go up to the hot air balloon, go down to the submarine, and come to the front. The giant robot and the arresting device are all made by ourselves! As long as the materials are in place, we can even make even more amazing things!"

"..." Liz was speechless. As long as 20% of what Kojiro said was true, the three of them could go to any factory and have a good time. An employee with perfect design ability and hands-on ability is worthy of any boss. With super high treatment to retain, what are you still mixing in the underworld forces

Kojiro continued: "We just looked at it, there are a few abandoned electric towers next to it, there are enough wires on the electric towers, and there are some odds and ends on the shore, probably when the time machine is running, accidentally from the Has it been transferred from modern times?"

Why are there street signs in the forest

Why is there a tram on the island

Why are there so many modern things at the bottom of the lake

The answer the Rocket Corps figured out on their own is that when the time machine invented by someone or an organization was operating, it accidentally transferred many things, including them, from modern times to ancient times. It can't be said that there is a problem with this "ancient theory", After all, from their point of view, this is much more reliable than the "different world theory". Digimon and Pokemon can evolve, and there are similarities.

"With this well-functioning tram, we can completely build an amphibious multi-purpose rickshaw! Not only does it provide us with protection, there is a relatively safe place to spend the night at night, but it also saves time and effort when moving!" The Musashi and Meow Monster in the back cooperated very well to bring out their achievements.

Due to timing, the frame and housing are completely missing, but the base and drivetrain are laid out...their design is that four people pedal the bike together to power the car, that is, they temporarily gave up after the events of yesterday the idea of acting alone.

"Really... how long has it been?" Liz was stunned. He felt that his android maid team should apprentice to the Rocket Corps. If their production efficiency was so high, it would not take four years to produce satisfactory limbs. Components.

"Humph~ This is the true strength of our Rocket Corps!" Musashi, Kojiro, and Meow Monster lined up and raised their heads.

"Indeed, I can't be convinced, but..." Liz changed the conversation, "similar to you being the main business villain and sideline mechanical engineer, I am the main business Pokemon trainer and the sideline miner, and Clausa is the main business Pokemon trainer. , sideline alchemist."

"Alchemist?" The two of them tilted their heads.

Liz didn't mean to explain to Doubi seriously, grinning, "I just want to know, if we can provide enough wood, coal, metal parts of various compositions and shapes, but lack of rubber and oil, the most you can build What's coming out?"

"!" Rocket Corps's eyes lit up.