Chapter 1278: Metamorphosis (2)


"MONA-chan~ You have nowhere to escape~" The maids formed a siege, and 6O leaned over with a black lace skirt.

Morgana jumped on the edge of the "God of Fortune", Persona "Zorro" appeared behind him, "Hum, there is nowhere to run? It's not just the old hooligans and the fish sellers who have grown up, but my generation too!"

"Catch it!" The maids rushed up immediately.

"Galla!" Morgana controlled "Zorro" to make a whirlwind, jumped out and turned into a minivan with a cat's tail (PS: This is the original setting), using the whirlwind as a buffer, although it is still There was a loud bang, but it finally landed safely.

"MONA... turns into a car?"

"Because this is the reason for the cognitive world?"

"Cat car... so cute... "

"... The young master didn't say we couldn't chase, did he?"

"Then what are we waiting for?"

A group of maids reached a consensus and jumped off the deck one after another.

"Mom, these maids are really not afraid of falling! Zorro, drive!" Morgana didn't have time to manage the limbs (wheels) that were hurting from the fall, and quickly called out "Zorro" again, and let his Persona sit in the seat. In the driver's seat, control yourself to run.

Facts have proved that even if the physical attributes of the members of the Yokoba unit are far superior to those of humans, their running speed is astonishing, but they are still no match for a van running at full speed. After running for a few kilometers, the maids could only call for gold to withdraw their troops and return to the "God of Fortune" to continue on duty.

However, the disaster in Morgana begins now.

Maybe it was because of being chased down a few streets by the maid team, and maybe it was because he was impatient, maybe because he was excited about being able to temporarily become a human being, or maybe it was just a momentary negligence. But no matter how you go about it, all the responsibility lies with Morgana himself - when it was drinking the potion, it did not do the most basic preparations!

"Ah - perverted!!!" an old lady who passed by shouted.

"Perverted? Where are the perverts?" Morgana, who didn't even know what he looked like, just felt satisfied when he saw his human hands, before he turned his head, he turned around to take a look... There's no one else in the alley

Well? Saying so...

"Mr. Patrolman, there's a showman here!!!" The aunt who covered her face and ran away added.

"What?! Perverts refer to my generation?!" Morgana looked down, and sure enough, except for the yellow scarf tied around his neck, he didn't have anything to cover his body, and even the belt on which the props were placed was supported when deformed. exploded.

"Where's Lu, the body maniac?!" The patrolman rushed over from the street holding his police cap, looked left and right, and found Morgana, who was still posing in shock, and immediately took out his baton and rushed over, "Boy, stop for me! "

"!!!" Morgana used the cat's spirituality to climb up the surrounding wall for the first time, and ran from the wall with both hands and feet!

"How, how is it possible?" The patrolman chasing below was dumbfounded.

"Well, this is my life's mistake! But if I get caught here, my life will be completely over!" Morgana jumped high, intending to leap to the opposite side of the alley.

"what… "


"… what?!"

Morgana, who was trying out the human form for the first time, Gao Mianxin, who just finished her modeling work here, and Kitamura Yusuke, who was entangled with Gao Jianxin as a model, happened to meet here.

[Reporter: This classmate, I heard that you drew a sketch of a showman who made trouble in the Sigenchaya area? It's really amazing, even the patrol police couldn't get his photo.

Kitamura Yusuke: The "beauty" in the world is often fleeting, and we painters need a keen ability to capture in order to spread these "beauty" on the paper, so there is no need to be surprised.

Reporter: So that's the case, is it a top student in the art department... Could you let me and the audience in front of the TV watch it

Kitamura Yusuke: Well, although I would prefer to turn it into a real painting before making it public, but only as evidence... Please, Miss reporter.

Reporter: Is this the showman? Well... to be honest, it's not quite what I imagined.

Kitamura Yusuke: Ah... Did you see that too? This is full of expectations for freedom, this surging vitality, this hiddenness, it is like a wild cat. While I'm not advocating criminality like this, I'm going to target him for my entry, and now my inspiration is like a volcanic eruption!

Reporter: Yes, is it? ...Ahem, all in all, viewers in front of the TV, if you see this person in the Sigenjaya area, please report to the police immediately.]

"Wow~ I really can't stand the artist, not only the showman who plays performance art, but even the words when he draws sound very perverted~" Joseph, who was having dinner in the cafe, shuddered. , I just felt goosebumps all over my body.

"Master, anyway, you are so rich, go back and buy more famous works and keep them at home to improve your artistic appreciation." Chengtaro was speechless to his grandfather.

"Cut, I don't buy the works of old men who have been dead for some unknown number of years. I hate antiques the most in my life. The older I get, the more I hate them!" The enemies of youth are antiques that have lived for at least 10,000 years. The current enemy is the antiques that have lived for more than 120 years. Joseph feels that his life is disturbed by all kinds of antiques.

(bang bang) The doorbell of the cafe rang.

Joseph looked back and waved: "Oh~ Morgana, I came back very late today~"

"...Don't worry about me, I really want to die now." Morgana walked over in a dejected manner, and slowly climbed the stairs to the attic of the cafe, which was temporarily regarded as "Amemiya's bedroom".

Joseph touched the back of his head, "What's the matter?"

"It should have won a consolation prize today, doesn't it work? Well, I'll talk to it later." With such a game mode in place, Liz felt obliged to guarantee the reward. quality.

(bang bang) The doorbell of the cafe rang again.

This time, Amamiya Lian, who was also in a bad mood, walked in, but behind her was a short-haired girl and a shaggy-haired girl, all dressed in the uniforms of Xiujin Academy.

"Oh~ Lian, did you say you were caught cheating at school?" Joseph snickered.

Chengtaro said coldly, "Can you shut up a little bit, the old guy who even made illegitimate children?"

"Eh..." The old hooligan turned around, his waist was straight and straight, and he continued to eat his dinner seriously.

Amamiya Lian walked to Leeds's table, stretched out her hand, and asked the short-haired girl and the shaggy-haired girl to sit across from Leeds, apologetically: "Sorry, everyone, I messed up when I used the app."

"?" The atmosphere of all the members of the Phantom Thieves suddenly changed.

"Woo!" The fluffy-haired girl immediately shrank her neck in fear.

The short-haired girl didn't change her face, and asked in a low voice, "... This gentleman, are you the head of the Phantom Thieves?"

"If the two of you don't mind, please talk to another place." Liz looked in the direction of the store manager Sojiro Sakura. Even if the business here is deserted, there is still an unrelated person.