Chapter 1279: Okumura Spring


Moderator: Okay, the next unit is "the person I want to see the most now"... Because it was well received last time, this time we followed him to the "Private Shujin Academy" where the Yellow Turban gang's first crime was committed. Welcome to the active high school student detective "Akechi Goro" classmate!

Akechi Goro: Hello everyone.

Moderator: Sorry, wise, it may interfere with your investigation work, but your popularity is really high.

Akechi Goro: I'm also surprised, and a little embarrassed, I didn't expect to be surrounded by peers.

Moderator: Hehe, it is said that you are investigating the Madarame painter incident, why did you come back to Xiujin Academy

Akechi Goro: That's because this is the starting point of the phantom thief, and I think more valuable evidence can be obtained here... But please don't ask about it.

Moderator: Because it will affect the investigation itself~~ Then I can only change the question, wise, what do you think of the righteous phantom thief

Akechi Goro: If he is really a hero of justice, I also hope to exist, which is more dream.

Moderator: Oh, you don't completely deny it

Goro Akechi: Don't look at me like this, I also fantasize about the existence of Santa Claus by accident... Although in reality he should be arrested for "illegal trespassing of other people's houses".

(Laughter from surrounding students)

Goro Akechi: However, assuming that such phantom thieves really exist, I think they should be punished by the law.

Moderator: To put it bluntly, is what they did a crime? The Internet and other places, but some people are saying that if there is no Phantom Thieves, those people are still doing bad things.

Akechi Goro: What Madarame Dai-painter did is an unforgivable crime, but to punish him without authorization by standards other than the law is nothing more than a lynching... and justice is a completely different act. The most important thing is that forcibly distorting people's minds is the last thing people should do.

Moderator: That's true, it's true. You're still as good as you are, maybe it's because of your charm.

Goro Akechi: But if the phantom thief doesn't actually exist, then I'm ashamed.

Moderator: So, ask a high school student of the same age as Akechi about the phantom thief

Akechi Goro: (The target characters are all nearby, so let's start with the most suspicious ones...) The curly-haired classmate with glasses, what do you think of the Phantom Thieves

Amamiya Lian: (I remember that Mr. Leeds searched out "The Lion Boys' Minions of Justice", there is his name... This is not accidental...) They are not heroes of justice, but friends of the weak.

Akechi Goro: Huh~ Is there any difference between the two

Amamiya Lian: It is true that the real "justice" should be to take legal measures to punish the criminals. No matter it is a phantom thief or a detective, the only thing needed is the police.

Akechi Goro: Haha, this is really troublesome. According to this statement, denying the phantom thief also means denying yourself as a detective~~

Amemiya Ren: However, in fact, the police did not fulfill their duties, and there were indeed people who were saved by the Phantom Thieves. From the perspective of a volleyball club member, the Phantom Thieves were criminals that exceeded the existing limits of justice.

Goro Akechi: Well, that's an interesting opinion.

Goro Akechi: (If there is no accident, this person is a member of the Phantom Thieves... Do you want to do it? Or should you confirm the identities of the other members first?)

Amamiya Lian: (You are the one who really does evil things under the guise of justice. Since Shidou's righteous claws are stretched out, don't think you can retract back safely...!)

"Because I really cared about this man named 'Akechi Goro', I took advantage of him to investigate at the school and hid on the top floor of the school after school to try to guess his 'Palace Scenery', but I couldn't guess it, and finally decided to recognize the world from Secretly left the campus, did not expect to accidentally get involved with those two female students?" Liz exchanged glances with the other companions and said speechlessly.

"I'm really sorry." Amamiya Lian apologized again.

"No, it's not your responsibility... It's purely the responsibility of the otherworld app. It's really inexplicable. If everyone within a certain range can be involved, then someone should have been involved long ago, right? Why is it at this time? Why did you make such a mess?" If you talk about blood and aptitude, there is nothing to say, this kind of thing is too metaphysical.

"..." Amamiya Lian was silent, no one else would blame him for this, but it was an indisputable fact that something went wrong on his side.

"Forget it, the high school detective's side will wait for a while, let's go greet those two girls first~" Liz waved, and everyone walked into the reception hall of "Fortune" together.

The two female high school students were already sitting there nervously. Whether it was the cognitive world with a visual effect comparable to that of the demon world, or the "God of Fortune" tasted by sedum, they all felt a strange sense of strangeness.

As soon as Liz sat down, he said straight to the point: "My name is Liz, I'm the head of the Yellow Turban thieves, and I'm currently doing good deeds that violate the law. I don't want to seek fame or gain. Even if the two of you plan to be our enemy, we will not What will he do, he will send the two of you out of the cognitive world very kindly, and that's it - it's your turn."

The first to speak was a girl with short hair with a sassy and heroic appearance, "... My name is Shinjima, the student council president of Shujin Academy, and was forced by the principal to investigate the phantom thief incident. Personally, I am more concerned about the rain that happened just after I transferred schools. Gong Lian has been secretly following him... After school today, I thought he was hiding on the top floor of the school to contact the phantom thieves, so he was hiding behind the door..."

"... Sure enough, I can't get rid of the suspicion." Amamiya Lian shook her head. The timing was really bad. If it was a new semester, there would be a lot of freshmen to accompany him as suspects, but he was a transfer student who came in midway.

"After all, it's all about you~" Liz joked and continued to ask, "So, what did you plan to do when you came back with JOKER on purpose? Student council president."

"First of all, I want to thank you, Kaoshida-sensei's evil deeds, I, the student council president, don't know at all... You are the ones who rescued the students." Shinjima stood up and bowed sincerely to everyone, "And Now, I would like to ask you for help. The students of our school are being persecuted by a gangster named 'Jincheng Junya', and I can't help them with my ability. It's fine to call me despicable, but I will not disclose your identity. Chip, please lend me strength!"

"Hmph~ This sounds like our business, and we'll elaborate on that later," Liz turned to another visitor, "and what about you?"

"I, I'm Haru Okumura! The family runs the Okumura Food Company!" The shaggy-haired girl said in surprise, like a panicked hamster, "My father runs a sweatshop... and recently forced me and the congressman's son. Political marriage, can I ask everyone from the Phantom Thieves...?"

"No." He replied.
