Chapter 1284: Sakura Futaba


[Meeting for the first time, I am Alibaba. Make sure you're the leader of the Phantom Thieves, right?]

(Ah, my name is Liz, who are you? Friends or enemies, let’s make it clear first.)

[I am a network hacker, and I overheard your conversation by chance... Barely a client, right? I have no intention of intimidating you by revealing your identities, but my abilities should help you.]

(Generally, we don't accept commissions, and we also have members who are good at hacking... but since you found us, you can chat first.)

[Can you really steal your heart? I want you to steal someone's heart.]

(We can indeed steal our hearts, but whether we can help you or not is another matter, please don’t take us lightly as a tool for you to harm others.)

[Please rest assured, there is no problem in this regard... Because I think what you stole is "my heart"!]

(… What is your gender?)

[Huh... female.]

(First, it’s not good to be a hacker; second, don’t be a groupie, no matter how handsome the Phantom Thieves sound; third, don’t engage in online dating, girls will suffer.)

[? ? ? … no, no! Not that, I want you to "repent" of me!]

(Huh? Are you sure you know how serious "repentance" is? If it's ordinary repentance, please find a free church priest or a paid psychiatrist.)

[I know very well, to be honest, I am a little scared too... But I, I am not good anymore...]

(… well, I promise.)

[Really? !]

(Please send your real name, general experience, what you did, and a photo taken with your phone now. We have a member eating and we will start work in half an hour.)

[what? ! Do you need these things? ?]

(How can we steal your heart if we don't even know who you are? These are all necessary.)

[I think about it... I think about it! … that’s all it takes, right?]

(Thinking about it really quickly... Let me see, Sakura Futaba, who caused his mother to commit suicide when he was a child, and was adopted by Sakura Sojiro since then, and has been squatting at home. He is a genius hacker who founded a multinational hacker organization... )

[… This, is this all right?]

(No, there's a question - why are you taking a serious photo of me with the big head of the Russian Fuwa on your head!)

[But, but people will be shy!]

(You can choose not to retake, but I'll rush into your house right away and take a photo directly at you.)

[Ugh... I'm starting to regret it, please...]

"—So that's what happened." After a full meal, Amemiya Lian left the Lubran Cafe again on the grounds of being a part-time job, and joined the nearby Liz and others. After taking back her mobile phone, she looked at the chat records, no need for anyone else. Explain anything, everything is clear.

"However, do we need to communicate with Mr. Sakura?" Since Sakura Futaba is not a villain, Amamiya Lian thinks it is necessary to explain this matter to her guardian, of course, not directly to the Lubran Cafe to introduce herself" I'm the Phantom Thief," and there are other ways of not revealing one's identity.

"If you really need to steal her 'secret treasure', it won't be too late to say it at that time - let's say, just like the shaggy-haired lady and the student council president before, just bring him in directly." Although this will reveal a lot Confidential information, but Liz thinks Sakura Sojiro has high credibility.

"...Well, that's quite appropriate." Amiyagi nodded in agreement.

"But I really didn't expect that someone would entrust the Phantom Thieves to steal his heart. That person is still the boss's adopted daughter... What happened to Sister Futaba?" Morgana said in confusion.

"Yeah, does it usually happen that the mother committed suicide as a child?" Liz shook his head, even if there was such an abnormal child, the child would not feel guilty now, "However, I was originally because of I agreed to this commission out of curiosity, don’t you have any opinions, maybe it’s not the same as before.”

"Hey~ I don't have anything else to do now~ Let's just exercise after dinner." Joseph loosened his shoulders, called out "Tequila Girl", and said to his mobile phone (Sakura Futaba's photo has been forwarded). so far) launch ability.

Psychic ability activated!

Under the purple fluctuation, the material world is gradually replaced by the cognitive world.

No, maybe their bodies moved from the physical world to the cognitive world.


"...This palace is!?" Everyone was surprised by the sight in front of them.

They have seen the peach-colored castle, which represents Kaushida's high status.

They have seen art galleries filled with paintings of disciples, which represent the enslavement of the disciples by Madaramu First-class Zhai.

They have seen the cold space station, which represents the cold-blooded ruthlessness of Okumura Kunwa.

They have seen the bank floating in the air, which represents Junya Kaneshiro's desire for money.

They know very well that people's inner world is full of strange things, and it is normal for any strange scenes that cannot exist in the world - but they never thought that they would encounter a pyramid standing on the yellow sand.

There are many hypotheses about the pyramids, some say that the ancient Egyptians were trying to guide the pharaoh's soul to heaven, some said that it was a resurrection device believed by the ancient Egyptians, some said that it was an instruction from an alien civilization... But the most common is the "king's" Mausoleum", no matter how large and solemn, it is still a tomb.

The scenery of the palace reflects my own thoughts, which means that Sakura Futaba is dying because of the guilt in his heart.

"Is Twisted Desire 'short-sighted'? No wonder he has to ask us for help at the risk of 'repentance'..." Liz looked up at the pyramid. Unfortunately, it was still basically a traditional pyramid, with nothing special in appearance. of.

"Sister Futaba must be very tangled right now. She wants to die because of guilt, but she is afraid of death. No one can save her. In the end, she can only ask me for help." Morgana sighed softly.

Joseph shaved his face and pondered: "I still think that no mother would commit suicide because of her daughter's entanglement. There must be other reasons behind it... According to this assumption, it is better than stealing Sister Futaba's 'secret treasure' and making her give up Suicide, should we make her realize the truth?"

"...!" No one noticed the expression on Jousuke's feet.

"If the 'truth' really exists, human beings will indeed do many unreasonable things when their emotions are out of control. For example, an adult man suddenly burst into tears and rolls on the ground. For example, a pregnant woman commits suicide by jumping off a building in a hospital because of severe pain, such as an elementary school The teacher blocked the door to prevent the high-speed train from starting on time in order to wait for the late husband." Liz himself would choose to fight the enemy because of his "vigor" too high, and some things cannot be explained by reason.

"Well...you're right..." Joseph couldn't rule out the possibility.

"So it's still based on the results of the investigation... Although I'm a little doubtful that I can find the truth of the year in this palace." Liz took the lead on the long stone ladder leading to the interior of the pyramid.