Chapter 1285: A colourful leaf


The outside is hot yellow sand, but the inside of the pyramid is very cool. Although it is common sense that the indoor temperature is lower than the outdoor temperature in summer, the main reason for this situation is that the air conditioner is turned on in Sakura Futaba's room.

Pyramids are naturally inseparable from huge khaki stones. The so-called sense of historical precipitation is conveyed by these mottled building units, but there are always luminous symbols that look like codes from time to time. - Genius Hacker Girl - Sakura Futaba Hall, it's normal to have programming-related stuff.

Funeral objects and pharaoh's golden coffins closely related to the pyramids are scattered as decorations - after all, it is only a cognitive world, please give up some of the rationality in moderation.

The secret treasure is suspected to be hidden on the top of the pyramid, but there is a straight staircase going straight through, and there are no traps or shadows on the road. Sakura Futaba actively sought the phantom thieves to steal his heart, and his vigilance was deliberately abandoned.

"Oh, I found it~ Princess, it would be great if everyone's palaces were like yours, they could be regarded as free tourism." The only thing they did after entering the pyramid was the people who "climbed the stairs" , met Sakura Futaba in the middle of the stairs.

Of course, Sakura Futaba, who is only aware of the world, can be seen from her highly revealing dress that she does not know whether it is "Egyptian Female Pharaoh" or "Cleopatra".

[The person who disturbed my cemetery, why did you come?] Sakura Futaba asked lifelessly.

Joseph asked strangely: "What are you talking about? Didn't you expect us to steal?"

"Please, it's already this time, don't you know? 'Sakura Futaba of the material world' and 'Sakura Futaba of the cognitive world', their memories are not connected," Liz stepped forward, carefully Looking at the brown-haired girl in glasses, "Considering the special situation of Sakura Futaba, she should be just the other way around, craving death?"

"Wait a minute, according to my usual experience..." Joseph raised his head and thought for a while, then suddenly turned pale, "Could it be that this little sister will become the final boss sooner or later to stop us from stealing the treasure, but this time we can't hurt to her?!"

"Just don't kill me... Probably." Liz answered with no confidence. After the boss battle, Jotaro added another round of "Ooh La O La Attack" to Kaoshida Taku and Kaneshiro Junya, of course, but even Madarame Yuisai After "repentance", he also lay in the hospital, and the boss battle seems to also cause some harm to the parties involved.

"It's true..." Everyone looked helpless.

After waiting impatiently, Sakura Futaba spoke again, [I will ask again, why did the person who disturbed my cemetery come here?]

Liz could only focus on Sakura Futaba, and replied casually, "For the time being, it's to steal your 'secret treasure'."

Sakura Futaba didn't show any expressions of surprise, panic, or anger, but continued to answer deadly: [If you can steal it, try it.]

"That's what you said, just try it, don't cry after we stole something important~" Liz said indifferently.

[You can't steal it, because my palace has become like this.]Sakura Futaba crouched down and put his head in his hands, as if afraid of something.

"...What's the sound..." Everyone held their breaths, listening carefully to the increasingly loud noises around them.

- Originally a single mother, with a lot of financial pressure, her daughter is still naughty and willful at home, no wonder she suddenly rushed out on the road to commit suicide.

- So, it's all the daughter's responsibility? What a pity, my mother said when she was still very young.

- You killed her, it's all your fault!

- You murderer! Isshiki Scholar's death was all because of the trouble you caused her!

- Go to hell! Sakura Futaba!

"Isshiki... Scholar?" The people who are investigating the Shitong justice incident will naturally not miss this key information.

Even though there are not a few people with the surname "Ishiki" in Japan, when "Ishiki" and "Scholar" were combined, Liz and others compared her to the one who was assassinated by Shidou Justice because of her successful research on "cognitive learning". It is normal for scholars to want to be together.

"Wait! Sakura Futaba, could it be that your mother's name is 'Isoshi Ruoba'?!" Liz asked loudly.

[Yes, Issei Ruoye, that is the name of the mother who was killed by me... Sure enough, it is my fault, I am not qualified to live.]The noise from the surroundings gradually disappeared, Sakura Futaba stood up again, but her body began to become translucent. Although none of the previous hall masters had shown this ability, it was clear that she planned to leave.

"No! It's not like that. The people who killed your mother were Shidou Masayoshi and Akechi Goro—tsk! Stupid brat, go after listening to what others have to say!" Liz has omitted all nonsense and directly threw out the name of the real murderer , tried to use the long-lost "Charm 10" + "Eloquence 100" ability to persuade the other party, but the other party disappeared without listening.

"...I didn't expect to meet the victim of Shido justice in such a place, and probably the first victim." Jotaro shook his head and sighed the coincidence of fate.

"However, through the matter here, I finally decided," Joseph looked at Amemiya and Morgana, and said with a sullen look in his eyes, "I have roughly figured it out, in order to hide the truth of Yishiruoye's death, Shitong Justice and their subordinates put all the blame on a little girl who didn't know anything at the time, such a scum—"

"—Never let it go!" Surprisingly, it was Touhou Jousuke who took Joseph's words.

He was only four years old, showing angry eyes.

That's real anger, not the same as being bullied and robbed of toys.

"Josuke, you..."

[… Mother is here, and I am here, until the day of death… Grave robber, please leave.] Sakura Futaba's voice came leisurely, interrupting everyone's chat.

(Bang!) At the top of the stairs, a stone ball with a diameter of more than ten meters fell.

Driven by gravity, the stone ball rolled down the stairs. The huge mass plus the additional kinetic energy when it rolled down from a height, the actual power matched the huge sound.

"Mom! Run!" Morgana hurriedly turned and fled down. As long as he ran fast enough, it would not be a problem to rush out of the pyramid from the original entrance.

However, it seems that the voice next to me is not quite right... It seems that there are only two of them running up the stairs, Amamiya Lian and myself.

Morgana turned around, but was surprised to find that Liz, Sakuya, and Jotaro had long since disappeared (PS: Easy to get past after a time stop), while Joseph was lying on the foot of the wall on the side of the stairs holding Josuke.

"Why don't you tell me if there is such a good method!" Morgana hurriedly braked.

"No... I guess you guys have enough time to run out..."

"What kind of reason is this! JOKER, hurry up and lie down on both sides, the round rolling stones will never reach us in a square space!"