Chapter 1290: The aftermath of the declaration of war


"Hey, don't you take these things with you?" Morgana jumped onto the cardboard box and asked Amemiya Lian who had already packed her luggage.

"I can't take it away... Before I became a trainee villager, I could sell it to the "God of Fortune" in the form of a 'trade', but now I can't do it anymore. It's almost enough to bring daily necessities and a change of clothes." Amamiya Lian replied regretfully. , which may be one of the few things he regrets, there are quite a few souvenirs here that record the bonds he made with friends in Tokyo, and if he can, he really wants to take them all.

"So it is, I remember it." Morgana, who also took the fruit of the World Tree and became a trainee villager, because he is a helpless cat monster and has no luggage at all, he only knows this setting now.

After confirming again and again that nothing fell, Amamiya Lian and Morgana dragged their suitcases downstairs to say goodbye to Sakura Sojiro, who had taken care of him for several months, and Sakura Futaba, who had just met him for a long time... At such a special time, they chose to drop out of school and leave. , Even if Sakura Futaba does not leak the secret, Sakura Sojiro can guess what.

However, Amamiya Lian's departure was not peaceful. He hadn't walked far out of Lublane when the whistling siren sounded far away, which made him have to speed up his steps——

"Raise your hands! Boy, I didn't expect you to be a phantom thief!" Niijima's real sister "Niijima Sae" is the team leader in charge of investigating the phantom thief group. Today, I just got some strangely accurate information from my superiors and brought someone here. Capture Amemiya Lotus.

"Ms. Niijima, your boss is also one of the core members of Shidou Justice Group." Even though she was pointed at by several guns, because she had already reached the intended destination, Amamiya Lian did not panic at all.

"... Now I'm the investigation team leader of the special search department!" Niijima Sae hesitated for a moment, but she was a social person, and she was no longer a passionate young man like Amamiya Lian, so she knew what she should do to be worthy of her salary. Reaction.

"Really, then there is no way... Sure enough, there is no way to use the power of government agencies to punish the wicked who stand at the top of government agencies..." Amamiya Lian and Morgana entered the cognitive world.


In the eyes of ordinary people, they suddenly disappeared out of thin air, and the existence of "special abilities" was confirmed.

In the face of the nationwide live broadcast by the Yellow Turbans and Phantom Thieves using 9S's hacking technology, Shitong Zhengyi and others could barely fool the politicians with their extraordinary eloquence and sanctimonious demeanor. It may sound unbelievable, but please also refer to how the candidates of the two parties in the previous M country presidential elections kept throwing sewage and dumping pots on each other. In the end, won't one of them be the boss

However, in the face of a series of evidence that followed, all those involved panicked. You must know that as early as a week before the announcement of the declaration of war, Leeds had sent a maid team under her command to secretly infiltrate the residence and office of the target person, installed miniature surveillance cameras and bugs everywhere, and stole related archives. Documents... In other words, these What people said and did in a week was recorded, and some of the highlights were quite appalling. For example, a handsome high school detective who has always advertised himself as a messenger of justice, was discussing with people to frame it. The sinister expression on the face of the Phantom Thieves' conspiracy has simply ruined the three views of his fan group.

Well, doesn't the Phantom Thieves have the super hacking technology to capture the national network? It is possible for them to forge these videos and recordings, and I have to admit that. But in any case, this is a lot more difficult to deal with than the groundless accusation at first, and it is not a problem of the same level at all - now, even Shidou Zhengyi himself cannot make public appearances to continue to fool the public, and it is necessary to enter and exit. Take a special car to avoid the edge.

"I didn't expect to come this far. It's been two and a half years since I met you..." The most important subordinate, Goro Akechi, was in the same car with him, and his scalp became brighter with melancholy (he was originally bald )'s Shitong Justice, in order to appease the hearts of the generals in the battle before the war, deliberately recounted the past.

Goro Akechi also cooperated and responded with a smile: "Ah, you were known as a 'young rookie who can fight against the bureaucracy' at that time, which led to the scandal of those who wanted to suppress outstanding talents."

"I didn't expect that I would be caught in the trap of those corrupt old pests." Note that the so-called "trap" is an organ that guides the prey to step into it before it takes effect. He was recruited because of his own desires, and he himself was not a gentleman from the beginning.

"That was the time... You offered yourself a 'special power', and if you hadn't learned about 'cognitive research' by chance, you would have thought you had something wrong with your brain and drove you away. If that's the case, I'll miss it The power that can make others feel out of control and even dehumanize at will." Shi Tong Zhengyi smiled, "At that time, you said 'I will continue to provide support in the future', and I was still thinking about your purpose."

Akechi Goro put on a fake smile, and continued to tout: "I resonate with your lofty ambitions, and feel that it is for the future of this country, and you must also realize your ideals."

"Well, it was because I believed in you that I forcibly ordered the termination of the research, except for the woman who got in the way. Only you can use that kind of power alone. If it is analyzed clearly, it will be very troublesome." This sentence is the key point. , to reiterate how much he values and trusts Aichi Goro.


"Really? But the Phantom Thieves' information shows that you have been secretly funding scholars to conduct research, but don't tell me this is a lie fabricated by the Phantom Thieves." All other evidences are true, only this one thing is Perjury, how could one believe such an explanation.

"That's just to help you one day, even if you are struggling alone, right? Any unstable factors must be eliminated in advance, that's all." Shi Tong justice quibble with the same expression, "In fact, Isn't there a phantom thief group with similar abilities to yours?"

"Ah, that's true." Goro Akechi put on a smile again, as if he really accepted this rhetoric.

What to say

Anyone with a discerning eye can hear what's wrong, right

Yes, in fact, Goro Akechi has been planning to bring Masayoshi Shidou to ruin, and Masayoshi Shidou intends to eliminate the unstable factor of Akechi Goro as soon as he becomes Prime Minister.

It is not surprising that such a situation occurs when the bad guy and the bad guy join forces.

(Buzzing) Lion Boy Justice's phone vibrates in his pocket.

"!" Shi Tong Zhengyi couldn't help frowning. There was no good news from the calls he answered these days, but... it was time to answer.

"What did you say?! My conversation with sensible was broadcast live?!"

"Impossible, we checked it carefully before!"

High school detective brother, after you have checked, are you not allowed to sneak into the installation again