Chapter 1294: The battle of the original protagonist



"Weak gun attribute attack? Leave this to me, JOKER." Morgana volunteered.

"Huh? But..." Amamiya Lian carefully probed out to confirm that the enraged enemy was not nearby before she looked at her last companion.

"Hey~ don't forget that my long-range weapon is a slingshot. You can't damage it if you run out of bullets, but I can recover ammo by picking up used steel balls. This is an enemy that only me can deal with!" Morgana shot Said with his chest.

"...I'll leave it to you, MONA." Amamiya Lian nodded heavily. Even Touhou Jousuke, who was only 4 years old, chose to face the enemy alone. If he insisted on staying now, it might be disrespectful to Morgana.

"Leave it to me!" Sure enough, Amamiya Lian's trust made Morgana, who has always regarded herself as a human, very useful, and the teammates who did not have rough nerves in the team were comfortable, "... However, this is the rhythm of you challenging the master of the hall by yourself. Ah, don't you think the risk is a little too high? I suggest you wait for the others to finish the battle before going in together."

"Thank you, MONA, I know this is the most reasonable plan," said Amemiya Lian, but shook her head firmly, "But since everyone has chosen their own battle, I can't be left behind... Moreover, I have a personal grievance with Shitong Justice to settle."

"I knew it would be like this. It's not the person who broke through the southern wall and didn't look back. Maybe he wouldn't join the Phantom Thieves from the beginning, right?" Morgana smiled wryly. After being silent for a while, it suddenly apologized, "...Sorry, JOKER."

"Why are you suddenly apologizing to me?" Amamiya Lian asked in confusion.

"...Whether it's the establishment of the Yellow Turban gang of thieves, or following the slackers, or even killing the wicked, I have never regretted it," Morgana said in despair, "However, when you think about you having to drop out of school now, you will not be able to do so in the future. Staying in this world and living a normal life, the peaceful life will never return, I feel that this is my responsibility... Then I couldn't help but think, if I had first determined the fighting strength of the slackers, they might not have pulled it. You join the team, because my generation will also take the slackers and the others to attack Kaoshida's castle, and you have no risk of dropping out... Wouldn't it be better for you?"

"Thank you, MONA." Amamiya Lian solemnly thanked.

"Huh?" Morgana was stunned.

"Yes, you involved me in the Phantom Thieves, so I want to thank you," Amamiya Lian replied with a smile, "Before I met you, I had awakened 'Ya Sen', this is my hidden personality, by It can be seen that only the Phantom Thieves are my destination. For me, reading books calmly, allowing myself to pass the year of observation safely, and then making a living in society with the framed files, is a kind of way for me. torture."

"...So, you didn't blame me?" Morgana confirmed again and again.

Amemiya Lian nodded again.

"That's great! Now the last knot of my generation has been solved~!" Morgana cheered.

Morgana suddenly emits a genial white light, and its "Zorro", which is based on the image of the graceful masked man in the fictional novel, has evolved into "Mercury", the patron saint of travelers and thieves in Roman mythology. Wearing a hat with wings on his head, flying shoes on his feet, and a wand in his hand, he walks like the wind.

"This is...?!" Amamiya Lian didn't know that Persona could still evolve!

"I don't know what's going on," Morgana turned to look at his new Persona, "but, we know that we have new powers emerging, does this mean that we have made progress?"


In Shidou Justice's heart, he will definitely become the next Prime Minister of Japan, so the seat of the "secret treasure" representing distorted desire is the "Plenary Hall", the representative place of national power. There is nothing unusual about the scenery except for the "tumbler" that Japanese politicians often use as a background painting and a giant rudder hanging from the ceiling.

Then, the owner of the hall, Shitong Zhengyi, was standing on the high platform in the center.

"... Lion boy justice." Amamiya Lian stopped in the audience.

"Where did you get your strength...?" Shidou Justice on the high platform looked down at Amamiya Lian, who came alone to challenge him, and asked the question that Shidou Justice in the material world had been exploring for a long time.

"Who knows, an APP that can't be deleted suddenly appeared on the mobile phone. Through this APP, you can reach the cognitive world. The reason is still unknown." Ordinary people like the protagonist will be selected, but on the other hand, if there is some strange super development to explain this puzzle after the incident of Shitong Justice, it will be a bit superfluous and stubborn.

Shi Tong Zhengyi did not accept this answer, but he did not continue to ask, "... Forget it, if you have any dissatisfaction with me, just say it, even if it is a lowly thief, I will listen to your voice, right?"

"In order to take away other people's research results, assassinate innocent scholars, and then put the blame on a child; for their own interests, they act recklessly, taking away so many lives and so many people's happiness; To seize the pinnacle of power in this country without ever thinking of truly bringing happiness to the people who trust you - your sins are hard to describe."

Shitong put his hands in his pockets and said grimly: "Reform always comes with sacrifice. It's enough for stupid people to submit to good people. I will guide them."

"The person with extraordinary ability is Akechi Goro, not you." Without wise help, Shidou Justice would never have been able to get to this point, and would likely be devastated by the political scandals of the year.

According to this argument, the source of this series of evil deeds should be Goro Akechi, who deliberately facilitated it, rather than Justice Shidou who seemed to be scheming.

"The appearance of wisdom represents God's expectations for me, and it is because of me that I can use the power of wisdom in this way," Shitong looked up and down Amamiya Lian and laughed, "Look at you, you obviously have the same power as wisdom. , If you don't oppose me and go to other countries to plan something, it's only a matter of time before I stand at the top of the country like me? Now I'm just a criminal."

"Ah, maybe, but I wouldn't do such a thing if I die."

"Rebels who don't obey me must be eliminated, but it's a pity to kill the capable ones... In the end, let's let you choose, whether to die or live?" Shitong Zhengyi changed into a Xia riding a huge yellow lion Asia (incorrect).

"—Of course you want to 'live', but you want to 'die'! Yasen!"