Chapter 1301


The splendid light curtain continued to change, gradually turning into a dim black with a hint of red and yellow.

Liz is very familiar with this scene, or everyone is familiar with it. Human eyelids are not so thick and cannot completely block the light. "Close your eyes" in a slightly bright place and see this color. … If nothing else, [Liz] is sleeping, and Liz, who shares his five senses in the first person, is now seeing the inside of his eyelids.

Liz doesn't think this memory fragment will end in the form of a full sleep, but before the incident, he can only use the five senses to make a simple evaluation for the time being.

The first point is that [Leeds] is the body shape of a ten-year-old child, which is judged by the tactile range of the clothes on the skin. Adults can't wear children's clothes, and vice versa. But it can't be confirmed that this is his childhood memory. With reference to Remilia and Flandre, is it only allowed to have a 500-year shelf life Loli, and not a 500-year shelf life Zhengda

The second point, [Leeds] is cold and stiff. It may be cold winter outside, or it may be an area that is frozen all year round. There are no heating measures nearby. Ordinary people will definitely not be able to sleep in this environment.

Third, [Leeds] was leaning back on a hard chair, head tilted to the side, resting on his hands. The first thing Liz remembered was the oil painting hanging in the main hall of the "Main World". The movements on it were exactly the same as they are now... Well, it seems that he once dozed off in this posture in the hall, which is deeply in the soul. habit

Of course, there is much, much more that Leeds wants to know.

[Leeds] Is it a vampire from the beginning of the mother's womb, and spent one mouthful of milk and one mouthful of blood as a baby? Or is it only halfway through that accident happened and bitten by other vampires before becoming a new vampire

Vampires only grow slowly, can Remilia become a royal sister in a few thousand years? Or does the body never grow, and when you become a vampire, it will always be that appearance

It is said that Gensokyo people have various "XXXX-level abilities". Is this ability innate or acquired? So what kind of "XXXX level ability" does [Leeds] possess

There may be a lot of problems. After all, "vampires" are so common that they have different definitions and abilities in different worlds. The vampires in "JOJO World" will still be restrained by ripple qigong. Who knows the vampires in "Gensokyo World" What are the characteristics.

—I don’t know when these curiosity will be fully satisfied. Liz can only share his five senses, but he can’t read [Liz’s] memories and thoughts.

"Hey, why don't we turn around, there are rumors that there are vampires here...!"

"How many years ago were those rumors? This is just an ordinary house that was abandoned by the nobles for unknown reasons. Look at this door, it is clearly a masterpiece of the same trader, and all the valuable things in it have been removed. Sora, it's enough to prove the truth of the rumor."

"...Really? But the surrounding atmosphere is very strange."

"It's just an illusion... Hey, there's still an intact vase left here. It should be worth a lot of money if you take it back, right?"

[Liz] Slowly opened his eyes.

In front of him is a bedroom with luxurious furniture and everything that should be there, but it is only covered with dust.

If you look closely, you will find that the door of the room has been pried open... As the thieves said before, they are by no means the first visitor to this abandoned mansion. The bedroom is no exception.

It's just that the thief was a lone ranger. He was very quiet at work. Even if he pried open the door of the room, he didn't wake up [Ledz]. After discovering the rumored vampire, he carefully escaped with the harvest, and successfully sent a pen Xiaocai, nothing happened after the "Vampire's Curse" incident.

As for the thieves who don't respect their profession? They have disappeared from this world.

"...Noisy." [Liz] whispered softly, and activated his ability to let the little thieves who were still carrying things in the corridor follow the same path.

There is no cry, no fear, no blood, and no corpse. They don't even realize that "they will die", and they no longer exist in the world.

"Snow..." No sadness and no joy. After removing the sound source that woke him up, [Liz] cast his eyes to the dirty window next to him. The gray sunlight that seemed to be covered by dust in winter did not prevent him from observing the falling from the sky. of snow.

After a long silence, [Liz] finally did not choose to close his eyes again, stood up, and left the wooden chair full of cobwebs, implying that he had slept for a long time, "... Recently, there have been more thieves here, so it's better to change place."

He needed a place where he would not be disturbed to sleep, and there was no need for this villa to exist anymore.

So the villa disappeared.

Without the process of destruction and destruction, it disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

No, not only that, even the place that was originally pressed by the western-style building has been transformed into a thin snow-covered wasteland that can be seamlessly connected with the garden, as if the western-style building did not exist from the beginning, just some kind of illusion.

However, this is definitely not the case... Until the last second, the villa was an objective thing, and those things that were stolen by the little thieves and resold were the best evidence, because they did not disappear with them.

"... Snow." [Liz], who was floating in mid-air, raised his head back, and recited this natural landscape again.

This is not the first snow in the area, the local residents have long been tired of this thing, only children still have the power to make snowmen and fight snowballs - but this is the one who sleeps most of the year [Leeds] Funniest thing I've ever seen.

Snowflakes fell on the tip of his nose, and even though [Leeds]'s current body temperature was very low, the snowflakes could still give him a cold feeling.

[Leeds] He kept doing this for about ten minutes, until a snowflake with no long eyes fell on his right eye, and he returned his head tilted back to its normal position.

In the next instant, [Liz] appeared at the place that was originally the gate of the western-style building. There was no delay, and there was no sign. It didn't take much effort, and the spatial position changed. This was an instinctive teleportation.

"It's so troublesome... and so boring." [Liz] wandered aimlessly along the path covered with thin snow.

The only thing that is certain is that he is no longer human at this point in time.