Chapter 1302


[Liz] Liz, who is experiencing his five senses, is not sure whether he is a vampire right now. On the one hand, the fact that "vampires are afraid of the sun" has not been shown. It can't be said that the sky is gray when it snows, and the day is regarded as night. On the other hand, Liz did not feel the so-called "vampire's desire for blood". Looking back on it now, the two thieves in front were harmonized like that, and the blood in their bodies was ignored like that, which seemed to be a problem.

However, no matter how much you think about it, it won't be an ordinary human, so let's think of him as a vampire first... By the way, it's the vampire from Scarlett's branch, said by Remilia, who is always on the road of big mouth spoilers .

[Leeds] What type of ability is it? Leeds has no clue about it. To make a villa covering an area of hundreds of square meters and at least three stories high disappear silently, the most likely thing is the ability of space, and the teleportation behind it also proves this, but after watching the villa disappear, it will automatically and the surrounding The integrated ground doesn't feel right.

Of course, there is also the possibility of first activating the spatial ability to erase the villa, and then activating other abilities to repair the ground. No one has ever said that he has only a single ability... However, intuition tells Liz that this is just a more bad thing than "spatial ability" the power of.

[Leeds] How strong is Leeds is incalculable. Anyway, this kind of existence that can make a villa disappear without a sound will definitely make Liz disappear without a sound. Even if he is in an awakened state, with the speed of Suzaku, he will probably not be able to dodge an instant high-damage area attack.

The two strongest people Liz has ever seen, one is Saitama, who punches every day, and the other is Shigeo Kageyama, who is 100% psychic. His current strength is indeed far inferior to these two... However, Liz I don't know his true abilities. He hasn't even entered a combat state, so it's not easy to compare.

From morning to evening, [Leeds] walked from the place that used to be his home to the nearby town step by step.

He didn't use the teleportation ability he had used before to hurry, perhaps because the ability could not be used continuously, perhaps because the casting distance of this ability was short, perhaps because he did not intend to come to this town, but most likely it was due to his insensitivity to time... Please don't ask for a longevity that devotes most of the year to sleep, using abilities to save time.

As night fell, the streets gradually became deserted, and it was difficult to see the carriages speeding by, and there were not many pedestrians who were similar to [Leeds] walking in the snow. After a day's work, everyone hurried home, looking for a place to shelter from the wind and snow, and have a feast to warm up the cold-stricken body.

"... " Leeds, who was passing by the restaurant, stopped and looked at the hot food on the table through the window... It was food with a normal painting style. British chefs are good at dark dishes, looking up at star pie, eel jelly, haggis, etc. Not even a native British vampire could take it.

Although [Leeds] looked hungry and cold, he actually not only had no thirst for blood, he couldn't even feel hunger, he just wanted to see if there were any dishes that could arouse his interest. Don't look at him sleeping most of the year, this is not the first time he has stepped into the circle of human life, even if his knowledge is not as sound as a real human being, he won't make a fuss when he sees it.

It's a pity that this time he didn't find any tempting dishes, so he turned his head and walked away... And there was no incident of "an enthusiastic restaurant owner rushing out to eat". If life were so simple, the little girl who sold matches would not will freeze to death.

"...?" It was the clothing store that stopped [Leeds] again.

[Leeds] Staring at the new children's clothing in the window for a while, the transparent window suddenly seemed to be coated with a layer of silver film, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a shining mirror, reflecting his current appearance - the shape of a child, with red eyes and white eyes Hair, listless dead fish eyes, pale complexion, hair and shoulders covered with a layer of silver frost, inappropriate clothing.

But in the next second, the out-of-time clothes became the children's clothes in the store. [Liz] turned around in front of the mirror to confirm that there were no mistakes, then turned and left... The moment he turned around, the window had returned to its original state, and the children's clothes inside had not disappeared. .

After that, [Leeds] walked for a while, until most of the street was dominated by icy darkness, and only the faint light from scattered kerosene lamps remained. Place to doze off.

Cemetery, this is the best location, but I don't know where.

The park, a good choice, is likely to become a snowman when you wake up.

At the bottom of the bridge, I always felt that I was not alone in hiding from the snow.

Church... Forget it, vampires don't fit in with Jesus.

"Help, save me..." A hoarse cry for help came from the deep alley.

It was accompanied by the smell of blood. No matter how different it was, [Liz] was indeed a vampire, and it was impossible to mistake this smell.

"?" [Liz] turned around and walked into the alley...

Go slowly, step by step.

Don't expect a sense of justice in the guy who just killed two thieves in the morning, and don't expect a vampire to see humans as the same kind, he's just curious.

The darkness could hardly hinder the vampire's observation. In the backyard fence of a cheap rental house, a white-haired girl in a tattered black cloth cut a middle-aged woman's throat with a knife in a neat way, and then gave the The other party brutally opened the intestines and broke the abdomen.

"...Is this very interesting?" [Liz] couldn't understand the intention of opening the bowels and couldn't help but ask.

(snap) The viscera falls to the ground.

The astonished assailant threw away the things that he had planned to take away, which he didn't know whether it was a trophy or a souvenir, and clenched his knife to be alert around him, but it took a while to find out the exact location of [Leeds].

"... Get out of the way, this has nothing to do with you." Realizing that the person who came was younger than herself, the girl subconsciously put down the knife held on her chest, completely committing the taboo of judging people by their appearance.

However, this time, there were no bad results.

"Well... it seems to be the same." [Liz] tilted his head for a long time, but really turned around and went back the same way.

"..." The girl may have realized that she can't just let the other party go, even though her target has always been only those prostitutes who treat their children like garbage, and have never killed other people, let alone children. But once the [Liz] who sees her true face is allowed to leave, it will have a major impact on her and her actions.

How to be good

Let the other party leave

Or kill it on the spot

(click) Just when the serial killer girl hesitated, the door of the nearby low-rent apartment opened, and someone was about to come out.

"Tsk!" As soon as the girl gritted her teeth, she hurriedly ran, dragged [Leeds]'s right hand with her blood-stained left hand, and pulled him away from the crime scene.

"???" The sudden development caught [Leeds] off guard.

- The memory fragment ends here.