Chapter 1305: Three wives and four concubines and monogamy


"Difficult, could it be said! Are all the maids in the castle that kind of relationship to you?!" Morgana, who was visiting the castle in human form, finally discovered this amazing fact through the too intimate interaction between the passing maid and Liz.

"It's not that exaggerated, only the maid with the peach heart shape on the hair ornament has had a relationship with me. The one without peach heart is a normal servant to me. I can't even pull a small hand." Liz waved his hand to explain, Some of the maids are already famous, and their reputation cannot be ruined.

In fact, the innocent maids with Liz also include Fire Maiden and Maria, but the sense of existence of the two is too low, and the assigned actions are relatively fixed, and Liz sometimes forgets them.

"Isn't most of this related to you!?" The exact number is not yet available, but Morgana has also met many maids on patrol missions in the past few days when he was familiar with the way of life in "Main World". A little search of memory shows the percentage of them.

"All I deny is 'all'," Liz replied nonchalantly.

"Repent! I must make you repent! This is no longer a question of cheating, you female public enemy!" Morgana said indignantly, but this anger was only superficial, as its Persona did not appear at all.

"First of all, there is a reason for it to develop like this. For the specific reason, please go to the library and check it out, just ask Yuan Ji; then, except for A2, I didn't take the initiative to attack them. They posted it upside down without authorization. Don't recite; in the end, not all worlds follow the concept of monogamy and free love, I won't stop you from imposing your own moral values on others, but at least you have to have corresponding qualifications?" Liz clenched his fists, very Clearly communicate what the so-called "qualification" refers to.

"Ugh..." Morgana wanted to argue one or two, but just now he could see clearly the reaction of the maids in the castle, if he wanted to stand up for them, maybe they would be the first to teach him a lesson, and in the end they could only He drooped his head and did not speak.

"Besides," Liz wrapped his arms around the shoulders of his loyal comrades in the previous world, "although I don't allow winners who are happier than me to dangle in front of my eyes, I will not ask others to follow monogamy. make~"

"?" Morgana raised his head, his eyes shining.

Liz released the temptation of the devil: "MONA, do you want to have two or three lovers too?"

"Say, what are you talking about! I'm not that kind of people! What I'm after is true love!" Morgana, who was told the voice of a male creature, hurriedly explained... Well, it could also be "covering up".

"I understand, I understand," Liz nodded with the expression of someone who had come over, completely ignoring the other's answer, "Then, MONA, you have been wandering in the "Main World" for a few days, innocent butterfly demon, naughty fox Demon, the relatively ordinary Nightmare Tapir, which one do you like? Or other minority demon clan?"

"Why are they all monsters!" Morgana protested.

Liz said of course: "Because you are a cat demon, even if there is a transformation potion that makes you look human, the human villager girls can't accept developing that kind of relationship with you for the time being."

It's only for a while, and after a while, the multiculturalism of "Main World" will blend with each other, and love beyond race may still appear.

Morgana lowered his head in frustration, "Why is this..."

"With all due respect, is this your innate advantage? Although she is smarter and may have more common language with you, the average level of human villager girls is not as high as that of monster girls in terms of appearance and temperament. MONA, you It has already taken the racial advantage." Of course, this is only a general theory, and it is very normal for some outstanding human girls to appear. Zhang Jing and Wang Yuanji are typical cases.

"This, this..." Morgana couldn't help but think of those abominable fox demons... Well, the word "abominable" is used too much, it can only be said that the character is a bit subtle, but their appearance is really good.

"So, come on! Remember only three, too many will make me uncomfortable~" Liz encouraged with a thumbs up.

"My generation said that there is only one!" Morgana was still quibbling.

In the end, Mr. Cat Monster was not thick-skinned enough, and the tour of the castle, which was not allowed at all times, ended in a hurry and did not stay for dinner.

While it's nice to fill up in a new home that's being expanded and remodeled every day, and watch fantastic otherworldly TV shows, Morgana is more inclined to go to a restaurant in a big supermarket with start-up capital from the castle. Buying food - not only the temptation of random food from another world, there are usually many people in the restaurant, and Morgana can take this as an opportunity to meet more friends.

"JOKER, did you come early tonight?" Morgana, who bought a plate of assorted sushi from the vending machine, sat across from Amemiya Lotus.

"Well, I have something to ask Mr. Sima for advice today..." Amamiya Lian replied with a wry smile.

"What is it that makes people so annoyed?" Morgana blinked. It had noticed that Sima Yi, who was beside him, was pouring himself a drink with a melancholy face, but he couldn't find a suitable way to talk to him. After all, he had only played administrative matters before. dealings.

"Uh... It shouldn't have anything to do with what I asked for, right?" Amamiya Lian said strangely.


"Women are unreasonable!" Sima Yi, who had obviously drank a few more glasses, changed his calm and calm style and shouted lightly, beating the table, "That's what happened in many lifetimes, and it's fast in years. It's been five hundred years, why do you still have to settle accounts now!"

Yu Gonglian lowered her voice and explained quietly: "Mr. Sima's wife went to the [Forgetting Reverberation] in the Dream Palace yesterday. It seems that she saw the memory of her previous life... It is said that Mr. Sima used to dote on his concubine very much..."

"Yuan, that's it... In that case, it's really him, isn't it?" Morgana succeeded in making up his brain. He made up for Leeds's game log (compiled by Wang Yuanji) in the library. Although it is still unacceptable in some places, he already knows all the permanent villagers. background and main experience.

He was a little drunk, but Sima Yi, who was still a long way from losing consciousness completely, did not miss Morgana's words, and his tone became even more excited, "But after Daji controls our destiny, I have never made a mistake again! Now I don't even remember what 'Mrs. Bai' looked like!"

"...But you did it yourself, right?" Morgana said to everyone in the restaurant.

"Hmm!" Sima Yi's expression froze, he couldn't answer this question, because the answer was not good for him.

"Speaking of which, what did your wife do to you after seeing those bad memories?" Morgana, who had just been aroused in the castle, was very interested in this answer.

"...No." Sima Yi said, covering his face.

"Then why are you melancholy!" Morgana said dissatisfiedly, isn't this deceiving everyone's feelings!

Sima Yi continued, "She just quietly went behind me, didn't say a word, stared at me with a smile... Again and again..." He even looked back to make sure Zhang Chunhua was not behind. Breathed a sigh of relief.

"Uh..." Morgana shivered.

Sure enough, it's still monogamous.