Chapter 1307: Palace building


"... It seems that there are more people to manufacture building materials." Wang Yuanji has already adopted the method of rail mine car to efficiently transport building materials, but the mining is naturally deeper and farther. Convenience, the railway tracks can not automatically keep up with real-time, causing some villagers to do nothing due to material problems.

"If "The Main World" can also use alchemy, everything will be much more convenient..." Zhang Jing, whose face was flushed with heat, said regretfully.

"After all, even the soil here is not ordinary soil, and it does not meet the requirements of alchemy for knowledge." Wang Yuanji shook her head, not intending to waste her lips on such a meaningless topic, and waved to the maid not far away, "21O , you go to arrange, let the construction team on the four sides of the pyramid dispatch 2 people to join the excavation team."

"Yes, I'll go right away, Mrs. Yuanji." 21O bowed slightly, then ran quickly in the long yellow sand to convey her instructions.

"Then I'll go to the excavation team to see~" Zhang Jing exerted her light work and rushed along the railway tracks to the excavation site in the distance.

"Sister Jing is true, her temperament is no different from Xiang Gong." Wang Yuanji chuckled lightly, raised her head, looked at the pyramid that was just half completed on the outer frame, and sighed helplessly, "... Of course, tossing people. It's still a long way off.”

Wang Yuanji knew very well that this was the bad taste of her husband.

But fortunately, the trainee villagers have a very enthusiastic attitude towards this project, which can be seen from the lack of regrets on their faces when they wear short sleeves and build pyramids in the hot desert.

Without it, simply because there are enough attractive prizes.

Gems of various colors that act as currency are the most superficial prizes, but apart from Leeds, who receives tax revenue every day, who doesn’t like this thing in “Main World”; medicines, accumulating points by swiping monsters at night, also consume various props, No matter how many consumables come in, it is useful; high-grade equipment, low-grade equipment can be made by yourself, medium-grade equipment will cost a little gems, and high-grade equipment can be easily obtained due to material problems; rare items, what will be hard to say in the future, but Now with the voucher for the single-player clearance of the Four Great Halls, you can go to the castle to exchange for a steel battle suit, which is the only way to get this thing.

Besides, even if this is a product of Leeds' bad taste, Leeds made it very clear that the traps in the hall must be "non-lethal", and the people who actually set up the organs are those pure android maids, it is impossible to deliberately In the direction of "disgusting things such as shit and farts", what else would they mind

Perhaps in the eyes of most trainee villagers, this is a complete welfare facility, and it is the "other villagers" who really get in the way. After all, even if the treasures in the palace are replenished frequently, the situation of more monks and less porridge will not change. Everyone feels that they can find treasures in it, and the benefits are far higher than aimlessly hunting for monsters in the wild.

... Anyway, what she's doing isn't a bad thing, is it

Pyramid project leader: Wang Yuanji...

The person in charge of the Ice and Snow Temple project: Chanyou.

The person in charge of the forest labyrinth project: Zhou Yu.

Project leader of the underwater temple: Jacket.

Listed here are only "project leaders". In fact, there are many people involved in these construction projects, such as Remilia, who doesn't understand anything and is still in command, such as Zhang Jing, who is doing errands in various fields, such as Enthusiasm The nightshade who helped with the logistics... In the end, even Jiraiya who was temporarily summoned by Toadyoshi by reverse psychic, provided some highly feasible suggestions from the perspective of a ninja.

However, behind all these engineering projects, the most important thing is the development team managed by Liu Mengli. According to Leeds' requirements, these halls not only need a large number of traps, but also need to be flexible and changeable to ensure that they will continue to maintain the challenge and freshness in the future, which is very demanding for the designers. There are also magical redstone technology, a maid team with superb scientific skills, Patrick, the director of the amusement park in the lake with inexplicable brains, Morgana who has personally experienced many palaces, Daji and demons who never lag behind others in doing things. The "Main World" of the superb Nightmare Tapir clan can meet the requirements.

"...This temperature is a challenge in itself, right?" As a trader of all engineering projects, Sima Yi was invited to the Ice and Snow Temple on the Snow Mountain to inspect the first batch of characteristic organs, but his face was not very good because he did not have clothes to keep out the cold. Sample.

Incidentally, rolling stone traps, combination locks, errands and props, traps, these common things are found in almost every palace, but they are not worth confirming by Sima Yi himself.

"Although there should be no need for this, the treasure chest of this palace will contain cold clothing and food." Morgana believes that villagers who are determined to explore the palace will prepare relevant equipment in advance, and this measure is only the last guarantee.

Taking over the warm clothes from the maid and putting them on, Sima Yi looked at the palace where the theoretical completion rate is only about 40%, but the outermost shell and frame have been completely completed, "Where are those characteristic institutions?"

"It's too urgent, too urgent, come step by step~" Daji jumped out cheerfully.

"...Please introduce in detail." Although I don't think it makes any sense, I still respect the fruits of other people's labor. This is a communication skill.

"Come here," Liu Mengli walked at the forefront, leading the crowd into the palace made of white snow and ice, and explained while walking, "Because the opening time of the palace designated by the husband is the same as the time when monsters appear in the wild, that is, It is said that it is only open at night, given the uniqueness of "Main World", there is one thing that is relatively stable, and that is the trajectory of the moon's movement in the sky."

"It turns out that there are no factors such as planetary revolution, rotation axis deviation, etc., when should the moon be in what position..." The governor of Cao Wei, who has made up a lot of knowledge, has already surpassed the old man's level in astronomy and geography. opponent.

"Yes, we therefore plan to use the position of the moon in the sky to set up a series of mechanisms and solve puzzles in this hall - light, which is the theme of this hall." Liu Mengli stroked Konghou lightly, and activated the magic of the Nightmare Tapir clan to let herself and others The silence disappeared, leaving only Sima Yi.

"Light...? It's interesting." Sima Yi didn't care about Liu Mengli's actions, and now he was also aroused, confident in his own intelligence, he broke into the first characteristic institution.

(Boom) Then headed into a wall of crystal-clear, smooth ice.

"Hey! The sign I hung there reminding me earlier!" Patrick shouted.

"People don't know~~" Daji whistled away.

"..." Sima Yi said that he still hates foxes.