Chapter 1308: personal value


"A small pistol with infinite bullets... something that makes people inexplicably nostalgic..." Leon sighed lightly, and took out a weapon that he didn't know how to evaluate the technological content from the item box at the entrance of the palace.

However, what Leon felt was not the "Metal Slug World" that fooled around with "no time to explain". In fact, he even forgot the names of the two soldiers who fought together. What he really remembered was that this thing, along with the power armor, the Gauss rifle, and the golden apple, were the culprits that made him wanted by the bigwigs in his hometown.

[Hey, are you ready? Lyon.]9S's voice came from the bracelet-type communicator on Leon's left wrist.

"I haven't adjusted my mental state yet. Please give me three days to think about the reason why I am serving as the 'Four Hall Tester'." Leon repeated the action of "raising the gun and aiming" several times while sighing. , so as to familiarize yourself with the feel of this gun.

[Ah...haha...] 9S laughed awkwardly. He was in charge of recording and analyzing Leon's palace raiding process. He knew very well how embarrassed Leon was in the previous test.

Of course, Lyon is just talking about it a little bit. He had a lot of fun with the desert pyramids and the Snow Mountain Ice Temple in front of him, and he found the feeling of exploring Umbrella related industries back then, "Speaking of which, 9S, this temple is said to be It's just 'shooting and shooting' + 'parkour', there are no weird mechanisms and puzzles, right?"

[Although it is not a maze designed with the principle of making it difficult to find the exit, if you want to clear the level, you must collect seven keys in the forest with many obstacles. The choice of route will affect the time to clear the level, but some of the routes will be triggered. The form is hidden... Ah, please don't leak this kind of information, it's better for the explorers to discover it by themselves.] 9S, who had leaked his mouth, quickly reminded.

"Is there a speedway route? It seems that I have to come here someday to explore it carefully... By the way, do you have a ranking list?" Lyon, known as "Li Sanguang" in a certain world, also has a speed through the hearts of players.

[Some, some, here we have the Exploration List, Shooting Points List, Clearance Time List and Comprehensive Score List. ] After all, the operation of this hall is not the same as the other three. In theory, even a pig can reach the end. It is necessary to stimulate people's spirit of comparison to maintain the popularity of this hall.

"Huh~ Do you want to try to dominate the list once?" Leon said that it is rare for "Main World" to have something related to shooting technology. How can I not show my strength as a "modern firearms coach"

[By the way, Leon, you can only use basic weapons throughout the whole process today. You are not allowed to change dual guns, shotguns, assault rifles, sniper rifles, or add scopes and laser sights. You can only use the initial pistol. The clearance score of 1000 will become the qualifying line for other passers in the future, please work harder.]

"No, you said that... I don't even know if I should work hard or let go of water." Leon said helplessly, but he still walked forward and stepped into the teleportation device.

In the next instant, the surroundings of Lyon have become a hot and humid tropical rainforest. Of course, the traces of human processing are very obvious, and Leeds does not need a palace to restore the natural landscape.

"Wait, these vines are..." Leon frowned, carefully looking at the vines on both sides.

It's also because Leon doesn't like to study. If he has studied in "HP World", he will immediately recognize that this is some kind of magic plant that is not easy to mess with. It has the same effect as other specially transplanted magic plants. In order to limit the area of the hall and the available routes... Let's put it this way, if someone thinks that they have done a good job and forcibly adopts an abnormal movement route, they will not be sentenced to violation, but they have to find a way to deal with the attacks launched by these magical plants.

"Yeah, ah, it seems that this palace is not as friendly as I imagined..." Leon suddenly raised his gun and aimed it.

Red target - pong! — Hit.

Blue target - pong! — Hit.

Red target - pong! — Hit.

The three targets that suddenly appeared were hit with red hearts, all ten rings.

"However, it seems to be very interesting~ I will try my best to let others spend more time and energy in this palace~" The man on the left and the woman on the right, the ladyboy stood in the middle, Leon quickly rushed into the left fork, looking for the first a key.

The blond youth rushed out of the water like a dolphin and landed steadily on the shore.

"No matter how many times I watch it, it doesn't look like a human's ability to swim..." Although he defeated the ultimate creature Waum underwater, Liz couldn't use all kinds of fast movement skills when he got into the water. Change, I am a little envious of the ability of a certain water fighting ball star.

"Even if you say that, it's normal for everyone who plays waterball, right?" Tida took out a dry towel from the backpack space, dried her face first, and then treated her hair.

"Hmph, it's just a kid, I'm still far behind me!" Jacket sneered with his hips on his side.

"What did you say!?" Tida immediately stared at him, expressing all kinds of dissatisfaction.

"Yes, father and son quarreled and quarreled when they got home," Liz interjected between the two of them. The ripping between Daji and Sun Shangxiang looked a little beautiful, and the quarrel between Jacket and Tida was over, "Speaking of business, Tida you Did you put the various prizes in the corresponding boxes? Are there no misplacements or omissions?"

"Of course not, isn't it just putting things in front of the structure diagram and list, and it's not difficult at all." Tida answered as a matter of course.

"Difficulty is not difficult, but it's very troublesome... For people other than your father and son." Liz turned his head and looked at the calm sea. The smallest of the four major temples, but also a considerable size of the Ocean Temple is hidden below. .

At the beginning of the project, they created a water-free environment by various means, making the construction process easier and more convenient. But now, the entire hall has to be submerged in water, so that those specially made organs can function normally - to put it bluntly, "underwater activities" is the biggest feature of this hall.

But in this way, the daily update of the treasures in the palace becomes very troublesome... Even if the Leeds family's android maid team will not malfunction due to soaking in water, nor will they suffocate due to lack of oxygen, but they seem to never There is no "underwater combat system", and coupled with the weight of a normal human being, their water ability is actually very general.

Because of this, Liz has made up his mind, "Well, Tida, you're not getting a job right now, are you?"

"Um... if the 'waterball promoter' counts..."

In fact, this is also a job, because once you think that "waterball has no meaning", you can logically deduce that "sports competitions have no meaning", and it sounds very wrong. However, at present, the villagers in "Main World" are not very enthusiastic about sports. This is also a fact. It can only be said that the trainee villagers are still too enterprising, and one or two want to be extraordinary here.

"So, are you interested in being a daily material replenisher for these four halls? You don't need to replenish as often every day, about once a week? It won't take up too much of your time, and the salary will also be given to you." After all, it is a kind of civil servant .

"Well, no problem, if my water performance works." Tida nodded in agreement without hesitation.

After all, it has some personal value, which is not bad.