Chapter 1309: Gundam Assorted World begins


The construction of the four major halls has been completed, and the nightlife of the trainee villagers has been enriched.

However, Leeds did not choose to remain in the "Main World". Although this will miss the most interesting stage of the trainee villagers' first exploration of the palace, but he did not peep the interest of the trainee villagers through the monitor. The extremely immoral thing of "enemy", on the other hand, cannot accept the slightly immoral thing of "peeping".

Well, the things that can't be explained are either the pot of the character template [Felton], or the pot of the main body [Leeds].

Anyway, a new game is about to begin—

"It seems that I haven't gone out for a walk with everyone for a long time. Do you have this willingness?" Liz consulted all teammates through the bracelet communicator.

(There is, there is! We have already discussed it, and it's just that you never came back~ What big construction will be done after that~) Daji's reaction was faster than anyone else's, and the voice rushed out first.

"Hmph... That's it," Liz automatically filtered out Daji's complaints, he could even ignore his own wife's complaints, let alone such irrelevant roles, "Alright, originally I wanted you to come over to the castle. Let’s discuss it, since you have come to a conclusion in private and saved my time, Daji, you come to be the representative of the masses, come and listen?”

(Machine warfare, machine warfare, machine warfare! We are going to the world of machine warfare!!!) Daji's voice at a high volume came out.

"Huh? You are actually interested in this...?" This was an option that surprised Liz.

He originally thought it would be "the world of Chinese martial arts" or "the world of high martial arts", but recently Zhang Jing and Murong Jiu kept asking around him "if there is a world of martial arts masters who can fight against gods and demons", he is not completely Not interested.

"...Because this is the fastest way to increase your strength, Lord Liz," Wang Yuanji reminded next to him.

Liz suddenly realized that it is more practical to grab a bigger and stronger robot directly than to practice half-dead, "I see, but... only a few worlds can take out giant robots, is this okay?"

In a world without firearms, there is no firearm.

In a world without supernatural powers, magic and magic cannot be used.

A world without giant robots cannot summon giant robots.

This is the rule.

(As long as you can find it in "Main World", hee hee~~ That's right!) Daji suddenly remembered something, and quickly added, (This time we have to go to the real world of machine warfare first, grab one first A batch of powerful Gundam transitions, the next world goes to the super-system war world, and grabs the real super-system body~)

"Hey, not only this game, but the next game is also planned?" Liz looked up and thought, although this was a plan made by his friends without authorization, but he didn't seem to have any dissatisfaction.

He can still use the real dragon and tiger king to pretend to be forced once!


"Okay... Anyway, it's [Grab Gundam] now, right?"

—Because it’s a big mix, please don’t take the details seriously —

Since the birth of creatures named "human beings" on the earth, they have been constantly evolving and making progress in order to make their living conditions better. However, the explosive growth of the population and the over-exploitation of resources inevitably lead to The environment of the earth is deteriorating day by day, and then slowly declines.

Human beings have mainly taken two targeted measures. The first is the "Outer Space Immigration Program", which builds a colony satellite shaped like a floating continent in the universe, and feeds back the earth with the resources of the colonized satellite; the second is the "Adjuster Program". Humans born through genetic modification will have better Comprehensive ability to adapt to life in the cosmic environment.

Indeed, humanity's immediate needs were resolved, and they entered the great "cosmic age." However, the history of mankind is the history of war, and in the new era, they have also brought new troubles to themselves.

1. Disputes between colonial satellites and the earth: Some countries have transferred all major economic, cultural and military departments to satellites, and powerful dignitaries will live in space as a matter of course, although those in power claim that this is to make the country It owns two territories, outer space and earth at the same time, but the huge gap between the living conditions of the inhabitants on earth and space cannot be concealed; some countries are just the other way around, veritably treating satellites as colonies, under the influence of unfair policies , the efforts of the residents on the satellite were unilaterally plundered by the earth, and the development of the colonial satellite originally built with high technology stopped.

The unequal distribution of benefits leads to confrontations and contradictions, which eventually turn into the most direct conflict of arms... Although not all countries have not dealt with the issue of distribution of benefits, the rhythm is such that it will eventually lead to the [Earth Federal Government] representing the interests of the earth's residents. ] and the birth of two camps, the [Principality of Zeon], which represents the interests of the military and civilians of the colonial satellites.

2. Disputes between natural persons and adjusters: Compared with ordinary natural persons, adjusters are better in the average performance of intelligence and physical ability, and have immunity to many diseases. The only flaw is that both men and women have almost the same face, especially in the adolescent stage, and they are mainly distinguished from each other by their hairstyle, so the hairdresser is very important to the adjuster... In fact, the natural person born in the universe, also There will be a certain probability of awakening a special ability, officially named "New Humanity", but some natural people can accept the existence of New Humanity, but cannot hide their jealousy towards the adjuster.

This is actually just an infighting between humans, but the hatred on both sides has overshadowed this, eventually leading to the [Blue Cosmos] composed of extreme racists and the [Free Covenant Zodiac Alliance (referred to as: Zha]) composed of adjusters. more)] was born. Although both retain some independence, Blue Cosmos can be seen as wearing a pair of pants with the Earth Federation, Zado and Zeon Workers.

3. Conflict within the earth: In order to better move towards the universe, most countries on earth form a unified government, which should be a good thing, but you can only imagine a wise king emerging from the backward feudal system, not in the Even if a clean politician emerges from the advanced democratic system, the [Sanggu Kingdom] who chanted the concept of "complete peace and justice" has been destroyed by force by the Federal Army, and he does not know that he advocates "natural people and regulators". How long can the [Orb] of the concept of coexistence last.

The members of the Earth Federation are also competing for power with each other. Considering the threats from Zeon and Zardo, each country believes that the leader of the Earth's leadership should be the country with the strongest technology and the most cutting-edge scientific research achievements. Because it is impossible to compete with their own strength in the form of war, each country formulates an agreement and decides every four years. The member states send a MS (that is, a tactical universal space mobile machine), which is continuously eliminated through the form of [Mobile Fighting Conference]. The final ranking determines the status of each country in the federal government.

4. Problems within the colony satellites: Compared with the Earth, the relationship between the colony satellites is relatively harmonious, but there are still neutrals who do not want to participate in the dispute between the federal government and the Principality of Zeon, and peaceful factions who do not want to continue the war . Among them, the independent autonomous city of Mars [Chrissy] is the most noisy, and neither of the two camps is willing to give up Mars, the largest resource point.

5. Scattered armed forces: Terrorists, cosmic pirates, and mercenaries are naturally indispensable. There is no scumbag organization that claims to "eradicate war". It should be a joke. But whether it is the earth or the colonial satellites, there are organizations all over the world who think the world is not chaotic enough to secretly fund talented scientists and secretly produce the strongest MS only.

The recently implemented "Meteor Operational Plan" is the work of these scattered armed forces. If it wasn't for the Earth Federation sacrificing many new mobile suits to launch the "Moonlight Microwave Cannon", it would not only be the [Five Xiaoqiang] who hit the earth, there is another one satellite.

6. ? ? ? : Whether it is the Federation or Zeon, the natural person or the adjustment person, they have not realized that the existence that truly endangers the safety of all mankind is wandering around... Self-proliferation... Self-regeneration... Self-evolution...

… Oh, right!

Although various traditional warfare weapons are retained, the world has entered the era of MS, and the strongest MS is called "GUNDAM". Of course, the GUNDAM assigned to the second lieutenant (for example: Shiro Amada) by the Federal Army cannot be compared with the GUNDAM that participated in the mobile martial arts competition, and the combat effectiveness is N grades worse.